Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 150 In fact, we welcome you

The desert stretches as far as the eye can see.

The scorching sun was as if raging flames were burning on his body. Even though he was protected by Mingyu's true energy, the pain on his back that was damaged by Zhao Zhen's talisman was unbearable.

But at night, the temperature suddenly changed again, from the previous heat to freezing cold. The biting cold wind could almost blow out a person's soul. If Su Jing hadn't practiced Yin-Cold Skills, he would have been killed. Frozen to death.

But the injury on his back, the burn from lightning and the cold wind, was like thousands of needles pricking the wound at the same time, it was really unbearable.

I walked like this for a day and a night...

Ahead, there was still no one in sight.

Su Jing was already exhausted mentally and physically.

At this time, the sky was still scorching hot, spraying endless heat towards the earth...

He smiled bitterly and said to himself: "If I had known earlier, I would have robbed some dry food with Xiaozhu and the others... Damn it, I was fooled by them."

Although he complained, he had to mention that this matter was indeed Su Jing's negligence.

Xiaozhu said before that it would take at least more than two days to reach the river basin from the Daqin border fortress. Therefore, he followed the large army for a day and determined the subsequent itinerary before killing Xiao Jian.

It's a pity that the one-day itinerary Xiaozhu mentioned is probably based on the horse traveling quickly, right?

Can the speed of 30 per hour and the speed of 60 per hour be the same?

Even though he was able to dismount his horse, his injuries were really tiring. After a day and night of suffering, he felt that the injuries on his back seemed to be getting worse.

Moreover, Su Jing felt that since he escaped from the house, he had not eaten rice or water for a day or a night. He seemed to be hungry and full from time to time, and his life was not even as comfortable as in Afang Palace.


Even if it's comfortable, I won't go back.

Once again, he was thrown hard to the ground by the horse. Even though the horse was docile, but with his own damn sense of balance, he really couldn't handle this animal without anyone in front of him to act as an armrest.

Su Jing said he didn't dare to sit on the horse anymore, so he led the horse forward with his hand, eating something in his mouth.

Thanks to the fact that when I was walking in the desert, I came across a cactus growing in a shady place. I squeezed out some juice from it and then used Mingyu Qi to freeze it into a popsicle-like thing. When I was very thirsty, He took out one and licked it slowly. Although the taste was weird and the green color was quite disgusting, if it weren't for this thing, I'm afraid Su Jing wouldn't be able to get here.

"No... I have to find someone quickly to help me apply the medicine. Otherwise, I might really fall down in the desert."

Su Jing secretly calculated for a while, and at his current walking speed, it would probably take at least a day and a half to reach the basin, and that's assuming he didn't change direction...

I am determined not to be able to carry it for that long.

See if you can find anyone along the way.

Thinking about...

Su Jing continued to walk forward despite the wind and sand. As for the horse, even if he couldn't ride it, he still had to carry it with him. If that was not possible, horse blood and horse meat were his last hope.

But after all, it had been his mount for several days, and Su Jing couldn't bear to kill it unless necessary.

After walking along the road for another two or three hours, watching the popsicles in his pocket gradually being depleted, the anxious look on Su Jing's eyebrows became more and more obvious...

Are you going to die in this uninhabited desert after just escaping?

Isn't this too ridiculous?

Just thinking about it...

Su Jing's eyes lit up, looking at the windy and sandy place in front of him, he could vaguely see the motorcade looming in front of his eyes.


He suddenly cheered in surprise, and just when he was about to open his mouth to shout, a gust of wind and sand rose up, and the convoy disappeared without a trace.

Oops, the distance is too far, so it's easy to lose track.

Su Jing gritted his teeth, jumped on his horse, and shouted: "Hurry up, horse, and let me catch up. If I catch up, I won't have to eat your flesh. We can both survive."

The horse neighed, as if it understood Su Jing's words, and with its hooves moving, it ran quickly forward! Although the speed is very limited in the desert, it is much faster than a human running.

Su Jing, on the other hand, lay down and hugged the horse's neck tightly, not daring to raise his head. He had no choice but to raise his head and let go, and he might just fall off.

A moving convoy.

Although the march was slow, everyone seemed to have already become accustomed to the dry and hot environment. Everyone was talking and laughing, not taking the weather seriously, and pouring themselves a sip of wine from time to time. It was really uncomfortable.

while walking.


The leader suddenly raised his hand to signal the convoy to stop.

"Wait? Did you hear anything?"

He was a big man with a rough appearance. A scar on his face extended directly from the corner of his eyebrow to his chin, adding a bit of brutality to his whole person.

He looked back strangely and said, "I seemed to hear something just now..."

"Boss Dong, you are making too much fuss. This is a wasteland and desert. How could there be... Well, I think I really heard it. It seems that you asked us to wait?"

The guards protecting the convoy all had expressions of astonishment on their faces. Look at me, look at you...

Then he looked at the horse running wildly in the distance.

"Is this...the horse becoming a spirit?"

Known as Boss Dong, he murmured with a look of astonishment on his face.

Then, everyone saw the unridden horse running all the way to the front, then neighed and stopped.


A figure fell off the horse's back.

Boss Dong and others were speechless. It was not that there was no one, but that the man's riding posture was too weird. He was lying on the horse with the horse's head blocking his view, so they could not see anything. But the horse's posture was too... too...


Someone behind him came forward and whispered, "Could it be..."

Boss Dong waved his hand and said, "Just wait and see."

Not long after that.

The figure slowly climbed up from the sand, shook his head to shake off the sand in his hair, and sighed, "You guys are really hard to catch... I chased you for a long time before I caught up with you..."

As he said that, he raised his head.

Boss Dong was stunned and almost dropped the knife in his hand.

Everyone was stunned... Looking at that haggard face, because of the lack of water for a long time, the lips were a little dry, the face was pale, and the eyes were still bright. It seemed that he revealed a kind of stubborn strength!

In short... It was particularly pitiful.

"You... you are..."

Boss Dong was confused and speechless.

Su Jing stood up, smiled kindly, and said: "It's like this, I am a traveler, I accidentally lost my companions, and I walked alone in this desert for a long time. I have no water and no dry food. I am really hungry and thirsty, so... I saw your caravan and wanted to travel with you for a while, and by the way, buy some rations."

He said: "Of course, I know the rules, I can pay."

"We are... a caravan?"

Boss Dong blinked.

The man behind him also showed a strange look on his face, "You want to travel with us?"

"What? Can't I?"

"No... of course."

Boss Dong and his subordinates looked at each other and saw the strange look in each other's eyes.

"In fact... you are welcome."

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