Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 155 Should I thank you for thinking so highly of me?

Get off the carriage.

The sky was immediately filled with sandstorms.

Su Jing covered his face with his hands and looked out...

Before, he was dehydrated and couldn't control the horse well. He was too eager to chase all the way. Just controlling himself from falling off the horse had exhausted all his strength. He had no time to observe anything.

Now, he finally had time to observe everything around him.

This caravan was not small. There were a total of nine carriages. The carriage where Jiang Surou and others were was the most luxurious. They were getting off the carriages one by one, and there were also women getting off the other carriages... But the number of them was far more than seven, at least a dozen. There were more than ten women in one carriage. If added up, this caravan was afraid that at least a hundred women were trafficked here.

But the appearance of these women was far from comparable to that of Jiang Surou, Zhang Qingwan and other women.

Obviously, the seven of them are the best looking and the most valuable, so they are treated specially, like canaries being kept in the most noble cage, and they think they are also rare and valuable, so they also throw themselves among these seven women.


Should I thank them for thinking so highly of me?

Su Jing snorted softly, looking at the front and back of the caravan...

Then he found that there were quite a few women, but there were also quite a few people in the caravan. On average, there were two or three strong guards beside each carriage, about twenty people. It seems that they are quite confident. More than twenty people guard more than a hundred people, and... quite scattered.

Su Jing calculated silently in his heart, but his face remained calm.

At this time, someone slowly walked up from behind. Wasn't it the big and strong Dong Long from before?

He said with a playful smile on his face: "Girl, now you know who we are, right? Do you still want to give us money?"

Su Jing turned around, his face already showing anger, but unfortunately he was injured at this time, his face was pale, and there was no threat at all. He said coldly: "Do you want to sell me with these cheap prostitutes?"

Dong Long laughed, "Vile? You will soon be as cheap as them... and you will be even more cheap than them, because you are more expensive than them. When the time comes, Xiaowan will definitely squeeze all your value, and you will soon be cheaper than all of them."

He seemed to be deliberately ridiculing Su Jing. In his opinion, there would be no one more stupid than this guy in the world who would take the initiative to throw himself into the hands of human traffickers.

Su Jing said coldly: "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know who you are, but do you know who I am?"

Dong Long laughed triumphantly: "I am Dong Long, the cousin of Dong Xiaowan, the owner of the Red Mansion, and I am from Liuyu. In Liuyu, no matter who you are, it doesn't matter... I plan to sell you for a high price of 5,000 taels. Of course, if you can pay more than this, I will let you go. I just want money, but it doesn't matter whose money it is. If you can give it to me, I can return your horse to you and give you enough dry food. The premise is, do you have so much money?"

"I don't have so much money."

"That's it..."

"But even if I have so much money, I won't give it to you."

Su Jing glanced at Dong Long coldly and said: "Because I'm afraid you won't be able to take it alive! Liuyu... hum... Dong Xiaowan... hum..."

He hummed a few times with contempt, turned around and left, leaving Dong Long with a dazed face.

It was the first time that after offering up his remarkable cousin, he did not receive any expressions of fear or dread, and even someone would speak to him in such a contemptuous tone.

Could it be that this person really...

His expression inexplicably became uncertain.

It couldn't be that she was the forbidden lover of some boss in the river basin?

Was it Tie Xin Kuang who was in charge of all the ironware in the river basin? Or was it Dao Zhi who led the Dao Men? Or...

Could it be that this woman's identity was not simple?

"Don't make money and lose your life!"

Dong Long murmured: "It seems that we have to find a way to dig out the details of this guy. Fortunately, this guy doesn't seem to have any scheming and seems to be easy to deceive..."

And Su Jing, with his back to Dong Long, showed a smile of success, which flashed away, and then turned into anger. He went to the group of women and sat next to Jiang Su Rou.

Jiang Surou asked in a low voice: "I just saw Boss Dong talking, what's going on?"

"Nothing... I just set a trap for him, I don't know if he will fall for it. Now my injuries have not healed, and there are many of them, it's not the time to take action."

Su Jing took the bowl handed over by Jiang Surou, and then scooped a bowl of meat soup from the boiling pot in the middle.

Dong Long was afraid that these women would become thin due to starvation, so let's not talk about the taste of the food, after all, there were not many seasonings, but the ingredients were exquisite and the meat was still quite delicious.

After learning about the identities of Dong Long and his friends, Su Jing was almost certain that they could not poison the soup, so he filled a bowl, blew slowly, and drank it bit by bit.

Dong Long looked at Su Jing sitting there and eating slowly. He knew his current situation, but he didn't panic at all.

His face became even gloomier, and he walked to the dining table prepared for him alone, and asked: "Ma Zi, have you heard that which boss in the river basin has recently received a very beautiful concubine?"

Ma Zi was eating a piece of hot barbecue and panting, while answering vaguely: "Huh? Forbidden food? I've never heard of this. Boss, what's wrong?"

"This little girl... I'm afraid her identity is not simple!"

Dong Long murmured: "We can't catch geese all year round, but today we are blinded by this little sparrow. It seems that before selling her, we still have to find a way to find out her identity."

"Check? How to check?"

Ma Zi was confused and said: "We have already agreed with Sister Dong that she will wait for us outside the river basin at noon tomorrow to escort these girls personally We have only been to the Red Mansion for one day, so it is too late to send someone to investigate."

"Don't bother, this woman is so arrogant, if you provoke her a few times, she will definitely tell you everything."

Dong Long looked around and asked, "Where is the horse that this woman rode?"

Pockmarked said, "Zhang Liang took it away."

"Go check and see if there is anything that can prove her identity."

Dong Long said coldly, "Don't let me know the truth. If you are lying to me, will suffer when the time comes!"

He laughed coldly.

Su Jing seemed to be completely indifferent to what happened outside, just eating his food leisurely. He was really hungry...He was afraid that the food was poisonous before and didn't dare to try it easily, but after confirming that the food was fine, he naturally ate it with relish.

It was just a pot of food shared by a few people. No matter how thick-skinned Su Jing was, he was embarrassed to eat too much...

But there was a roasted camel leg in the carriage. Although it was cold now, it was camel meat after all, a rare thing. It should taste good, right?

Su Jing, who was still half full after drinking three bowls of broth, grumbled in his heart.

Thanks to shadowkey for the 2000 reward! Thanks to Qingshi Dapeng for the 1000 and 丶青山见我多美梅 for the 100 rewards! Lingsha Luoxue and Qiankun Zaohua for the 100 rewards! I was busy all day today, visiting relatives... all kinds of visits, visiting several households a day, and there was really not enough time. I will update twice for now, and continue to update tomorrow... slow and steady, well, slow and steady is the kingly way...

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