"Maybe it will take a long time."

  For the first time in this world, he was in control of everything, and he lost that confidence.

  "But I'll be back soon!"

  Luo Yuan said solemnly.

  "I see!" Suwako suddenly puffed up her face, and then with a violent force, Luo Yuan was pushed directly onto the bed by her.

  "Suwako, you..."

  Luo Yuan looked at Suwako who was sitting on her body, her face was flushed, but her expression was very determined.

  She, who had been willing to be bullied by Luo Yuan and Kanako in the past, suddenly became stronger, and people suddenly remembered that she was not an ordinary believer in God.

  She convinced the murderous Mizuguchi and Suwa Myojin, and made the entire Shiya Kingdom dare not change their faith, Suwa Daimyo!

  Even though she has started a new life, something deep in her bones is not so easy to change.

  "If two people do something like that, they won't forget each other so easily."

  She is also very familiar with Luo Yuan's clothes. Although she has not reached the last step before, she also eats milk-flavored lollipops.

  Soon the two became frank and confrontational. Luo Yuan felt that his mood was very subtle. How could he feel that he had become weak, but this feeling was so novel that his reaction was very obvious.

  Suwako didn't dare to look at him anymore, she gritted her teeth...

  "Wow~ you have to come back early..."


Chapter [-] Can Destroy the World Kill the Dragon God?


  Yasaka Kanako leaned against the pillar, smoking a pipe expressionlessly, turning a deaf ear to the abnormal noise in the room.


  Obviously the pipe is still the same pipe, and the cut tobacco and tobacco have not changed, but when I breathe it into my mouth, I always feel that the taste is much worse.


  The pipe was thrown into the yard, smashed directly on the pebble, and suddenly became smashed.

  "Stop smoking!"

  Night fell slowly.

  Luo Yuan gently closed the door of the room, and turned to see Yasaka Kanako leaning against the pillar and looking at him with a complicated expression.

  "Fell asleep?"

  Luo Yuan felt a little guilty subconsciously after hearing her question. After tidying up, he regained his composure and nodded to her.


  How can Suwako's body withstand Luo Yuan's conquest at this time? If Luo Yuan hadn't pity her, causing her movements to be very gentle, otherwise she would have easily won a big victory.

  "Master Ancestral God, is this going to fight it?"

  Kanako lowered her head slightly, and her tone began to become a little low.

  Luo Yuan smiled and didn't answer her question. In fact, he didn't need to answer.

  "Please take care of her!"

  Although Suwako didn't need anyone's care, Luo Yuan still begged so.

  "I will, please don't worry..." Yasaka Kanako replied affirmatively, but she seemed a little hesitant to say anything later.

  It wasn't until Luo Yuan nodded to her again that the figure disappeared, and finally he uttered the last few words inaudibly.

  "...You must return safely, Luo Yuan!"



  Luo Yuan came to Gao Tianyuan but found that Shenqi and Xiaoyue were not in their respective shrines, and could not help but diverge, and found that they had run to the top of Tianxiang Mountain.

  Tianzhixiang Mountain is the highest point in the Gaotianyuan, the snow-capped temperature is extremely low, and it is also the closest place to the Dragon God.

  At this time, Shen Qi and Yue Yejian were wearing snow-white robes and stood on the top of the peak, and they were not affected at all. They each held an eight-foot mirror and an eight-foot Qionggou jade.

  In the depths of the celestial poles, the shadows of the sun and the moon appeared faintly.

  Just as soon as the artifact was revealed, the snow on Tianxiang Mountain melted rapidly, forming long rivers rolling down.

  "What are you doing?"

  Luo Yuan teleported directly to the two of them.

  "Humph!" "Master!"

  Seeing him coming, the two goddesses were overjoyed, but Yue Ye Jian still just snorted as a greeting.

  "We are using artifacts to resonate with the sun and the moon so that we can control them freely." Shen Qi patiently explained to him, but her eyes were a little dodgy.

  "Manipulating the radiance of the sun and the moon? Aren't you very skilled?"

  Luo Yuan didn't know why, as the two gods of the sun and the moon, they were the best at interfering with the movement of the sun and the moon, let alone using the radiance of the sun and the moon.

  In the past few hundred years, Luo Yuan's cultivation progress has gradually slowed down, and the accumulation of their divine power and divinity has been uninterrupted at all, and there is no bottleneck at all.

  Now even with Luo Yuan's strength at this time, he can't easily crush the two of them.

  "You said, can you kill the Dragon God by activating the moon or sun attack alone?"

  Yue Yejian suddenly said, her expression was still cold, and her tone did not fluctuate, as if she was speaking some ordinary words.

  "If one is not enough, how about two attacking together?"

  "What the hell?" Luo Yuan felt his scalp go numb. He admitted that if he did his best, the destructive power would be terrifying. As long as he was given time, he could easily destroy the world, but he would not do it.

  I didn't expect that Moony Night would say such horrifying words in an understatement.

  If the sun and the moon are motivated to attack the dragon god, it will inevitably come into contact with the barriers of the world, and the chain reaction caused by the collision of the planets will inevitably lead to the destruction of the life of the entire world.

  Even the underworld that exists within the world is not immune.

  Under such an attack, the barrier between the world and the other world will definitely be temporarily broken. During this period, Luo Yuan may be able to use his life characteristics of indestructible will to survive the initial disaster, and then escape from this world, and they will inevitably will die.

  Whether you are the god of the sun or the god of the moon.

  And if the world is not completely destroyed, it will slowly return to normal with the passage of time and the world's self-repair, and then start to give birth to life again.

  But all the previous creatures have no chance to start again, and the Dragon God is different. If the world is not destroyed, then it can be resurrected again.

  "It's bullshit!"

  Luo Yuan was moved and a little angry.

  It's obvious that they're doing it for their own sake, and they don't even care about their own lives.

  This is also what made him angry. He thought about it so much that he wanted them to continue to live well, so that they might be together again in the future.

  "There is no other way to deal with the Dragon God other than this!"

  Shen Qi also helped.

  "Where does this step need to be made?"

  Luo Yuan was very funny, holding each of them in one hand, and said confidently.

  "None of us need to die, as long as we all live sooner or later there will be a day of goodbye, then no one will be able to separate us."

  "But..." Shen Qi wanted to say more, Luo Yuan raised his hand and gently covered her lips.

  "Hmph, then this time we'll go and fight it together!"

  Yue Yejian snorted coldly and made up her mind.

  Luo Yuan looked at Shen Qi with a determined expression, smiled and didn't say much, but leaned over to Xiao Yue's ear: "I want to feel the three of us together again..."

  Yue Yejian suddenly raised his head and kissed Luo Yuan, showing his attitude with practical actions.

  Shen Qi on the side also heard it, this time she just quietly fell into Luo Yuan's arms and handed everything over to him.

  Maybe this is the last time the three of them are together. All three of them know it well, and they all want to go crazy again.

  Luo Yuan, while tasting the sweetness of Yue Ye Jian, took the two of them back to the Temple of the Moon while thinking about it.


  Layers of enchantments formed a phantom like cherry blossoms that enveloped the temple, and the priestesses serving in the temple were teleported out of the temple at the same time.

  The sky is high, the sun and the moon shine together...


  "You bastard, what are you trying to do?"

  Yue Yejian gently stroked her lower abdomen, and there was still a blush on her face, but her eyes were full of anger at this time.

  Shen Qi on the side also had the same expression as hers, but Shen Qi was mixed with a sense of joy in addition to being more shocked.

  Because after they went crazy, they also discovered that there was a rhythm of life in their bodies that did not belong to them.

  It's a sign of pregnancy!

  They are extremely powerful beings as life forms, and under normal circumstances, they are almost never pregnant.

  They don't feel anything bad about it, because at their level, they have a long lifespan and eternal youth, and they don't need to think about future generations when they are with each other.


  py recommends a harem text of Tomorrow's Ark

  "My Tomorrow's Ark World"

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