Chapter [-] Children and the Immortal Medicine

  But if you want to give birth to offspring, it is not impossible, then you need to pay a little price, that is your own life source, this thing is not easy to accumulate, and it will damage you if you lose it, so if it is not necessary, it will not be such a waste. .

  Luo Yuan also felt the magic of fate. It was obvious that the origin of the two women was the same, but different crystals of life were produced in their bodies.

  Shen Qi only had one more rhythm of life, while Yue Yejian had two more.

  Somewhere, Luo Yuan felt as if something was destined to happen.

  In this regard, he was very pleased and also had a wonderful feeling, he never thought that they would be pregnant with a baby at this time.

  Feeling that life is complete, what else is there to be satisfied with?

  So Luo Yuan stroked their long silver hair with a smile, letting them vent their anger.

  "Don't let them restrict me!"

  Yue Ye saw the anger rising, although the child was not yet formed, but their intuition as gods had already sensed the child's gender.

  Luo Yuan's intention is very obvious, and he wants to use the thinking of mortals to make them feel at ease in the temple to protect their wombs.

  This way, you don't have to participate in the battle with the Dragon God.

  "We will definitely accompany you to advance and retreat!"

  Shen Qi also reiterated very seriously.

  Although she felt that she was very happy and content to be pregnant with Master's baby, it did not affect their feelings for him at all.

  They are gods, not like mortals who have the need to reproduce.

  Luo Yuan had to increase the stake again, telling them that he still had the secret of life-saving cards in his body, and the fact that he could only be suppressed at best.

  At their current level, they no longer feel the secret of crossing the world. As long as they continue to cultivate like this, sooner or later, they will come into contact with and even achieve this goal.

  Shen Qi and Yue Yejian looked at each other, the sisters had a special tacit understanding, and turned to look at him at the same time.

  "You better remember what you said!"

  It looks like he has accepted his proposal.

  That is to save themselves. If Luo Yuan is suppressed, they will need to be rescued in the future.

  "Of course, our lives have only just begun!"

  Luo Yuan finally left a doting kiss on their foreheads, and then got up and left very freely.

  "Master Ancestral God!"

  As soon as they arrived outside the hall, the serving witches who were standing beside them saluted one after another, and Luo Yuan nodded with a gentle smile.

  The sky was already bright, and the sun and the moon had their own laws. Without the interference of the two supreme gods, Shenqi and Xiaoyue, they all moved according to their previous trajectories.

  High in the sky, the phantom of the Dragon God is already lifelike, and it looks as if it is about to emerge, and there is not much time left before manifesting.

  In the temple of the eight meanings and gods, the eight meanings Yonglin was rushing to and fro among the various spiritual herbs, and several servant witches beside them were called around.

  "Why not?"

  Eirin looked at the pills she had worked so hard to develop, and the unidentified animals that had been dismembered lying on the side, her eyes filled with disappointment.

  She has been busy with this research all these years, so that she has no time to help Shenqi with government affairs, nor does she have the heart to take care of her personal image, and her hair has returned to a rustic twisted braid.

  And judging from her reaction to the test product in front of her, it was obviously far from what she expected.

  The poor experiment was born from ignorance and left from ignorance.

  "Because you still lack the main medicine..."

  A pair of familiar hands suddenly appeared in front of her and gently wrapped around her waist, and a familiar voice sounded in her ears at the same time.

  The air was silent for a moment.

  "Master Ancestral God!"

  When the busy servant witches saw the sudden appearance, they all breathed a sigh of relief, bowed and retreated silently.


  Bayi Yonglin turned around slowly, and lowered her head in disappointment. She had already studied hard, but she still couldn't.

  "You have done your best, Eirin."

  Luo Yuan raised his hand and caressed her face, even though she had been busy and hadn't paid attention to her image, her skin was still soft and fair, and her face was equally beautiful and attractive.

  "No, I'm still too stupid to even do this kind of thing well."

  Bayi Yonglin raised her head, her eyes were already a little red, and she was very self-blaming in denial.

  She has been researching immortality medicine all these years!

  She has started this research since the appearance of the dragon god phantom.

  Because Luo Yuan is powerful and almost immortal, but he is not immortal.

  The will is immortal and the vitality is endless. This is flawed.

  As long as he is suppressed, under the grinding of time, his will to recover without the opportunity and time will only become weaker and weaker until it is completely wiped out.

  So she was born with this idea, is it possible to develop a drug that can not be afraid of the threat of time and will not die no matter what?

  In this way, Luo Yuan doesn't have to worry about being suppressed to death, and she doesn't have to worry about losing him.

  It's just that she has tried countless times, and the serving witches around her have been tossed miserably, but the results are still unsatisfactory.

  Luo Yuan also saw her behavior over the years, and he did not interfere. He also wanted to know if the legendary Penglai Immortality Medicine could be developed at this time.

  So he neither stopped nor supported, because he wasn't sure if it would be a disservice.

  After all, Bayi Yonglin is indeed very powerful!

  Now it seems that it is still unsuccessful, and I can't add another layer of protection.

  I don't know if Yonglin's pharmacological knowledge in this area is not enough, or because he lacks some specific medicinal materials, so he can't develop Penglai Immortality Medicine in advance.

  But looking at the eight meanings and gods in his arms, who are clearly known for his wisdom, saying that he is too stupid, even in this atmosphere, Luo Yuan still couldn't help but want to laugh.

  Hold on, have a conscience!

  The beautiful goddess Yonglin didn't even care about the image of the goddess just to develop an immortal medicine, and all of this was for him.

  If you laughed at her sacrifice, it would be too sad for the self-esteem of the beauty in the arms.

  As soon as Luo Yuan thought of her silent dedication, his funny feeling turned into distress for her, and he felt more and more cute that she was like this.


  Luo Yuan took out a crystal container the size of an ordinary beverage bottle, which was filled with bright red liquid, which was his demigod's blood.

  "Use this for research and try it!"

  Perhaps, with Luo Yuan's blood, which contains powerful energy and vitality, as the main medicine, she may really make breakthroughs in her research.

  As long as the defect of Luo Yuan's own will can be solved, the effect of not being able to die can be achieved no matter what.

  "'s too late!"

  Yonglin's eyes were full of tears. Although she said she was an idiot, she knew that she was actually very smart, and only in front of the closest person would she be willing to be an idiot.

Chapter [-] The final farewell

  Now that Luo Yuan is here, this must be to say goodbye to her. I don't know when it will be goodbye this time.

  Or...will we never see you again?

  "Of course it's still too late."

  Luo Yuan leaned over slightly and kissed her tears gently, his smile still gentle.

  "At least it has been developed successfully, and maybe you will use it in the future, so you must research it!"


  Hachi Eirin nodded vigorously.

  After comforting Yonglin, Luo Yuan was going to see Muhuakai Yeji, this beautiful and gentle goddess of cherry blossoms, who was not strong enough to help him.

  It's just that he just walked out of the temple of thinking and god, and he saw the cherry blossom goddess with pink hair, pink cheeks, and pink dress like love.


  Muhuakai Yeji tried hard to smile at him, but tears followed.

  "I never knew you would cry like this!" Luo Yuan held her in his arms very distressed.

  Muhuakai Yeji has always been a very independent and strong goddess. At first, because of Izanami's death, she left Gaotianyuan alone and ran to Aihara China to relax, so that she brought Fengjian Youxiang back and became attached to him.

  In Luo Yuan's heart, she is the kind of girl who is soft on the outside and tough on the inside. Before that, the only time he saw her cry was the first time they were united, which made her complete her transformation from a girl to a woman.

  It's just that the tears at that time were pain and joy, and then there was endless joy.

  And now even if she was laughing, Luo Yuan felt that she was in the same sadness and pain both on the surface and on the inside.

  "The cherry blossom goddess symbolizes love and hope." Luo Yuan explained her goddess characteristics while helping her to wipe away her tears.

  "So, you have hope for our future, go to the moon with Yonglin and Xiaoyue and wait for me!"

  "Yeah!" Muhuakai Yeji also showed a smile, and her sweet expression didn't feel any reluctance at all.

  "Yuan also must remember that the place where the cherry blossoms bloom most beautifully is your wooden flower, Yeji..."

  "I will!"

  At the height of the sky, the lifelike dragon god phantom trembled suddenly, and then began to stretch the huge dragon body to swim in the space where it was located. Perhaps it was aware of the narrowness of the space, and it tried to break through the barriers of the world and manifested into the world.

  It is like an ordinary oviparous animal wrapped in the shell of the World Barrier, except that its shell is the World Barrier.

  Now that it wants to be born completely, it needs to break out of its shell.

  It began to move into the world little by little, and the world's own restraint on the creatures in the world had no effect on it.

  Because it is a part of the world itself, and it enters the world from the world, it is less difficult, and the world itself has a boosting effect, plus it is blessed by the laws of the world, it is more and more like a fish in water.

  Now it is only necessary to break this shell, and then you can completely descend into the world and declare to the whole world who is the real master.

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