The spiritual beings between heaven and earth all looked up at the source of the vision—Luo Yuan with unstoppable eyes.


  The girls of Hakurei Shrine, who were suppressed by Luo Yuan's divine will, couldn't even say a word, so they could only watch Luo Yuan who kept away from them, tears streaming down like a dyke.

  The Boli witch bit her lip, and her hands in her sleeves were pinched with blood from her fingernails, unaware of it.

  The dragon god at the height of the sky struggled to break free from the shackles of the world's barriers. The huge dragon's eyes looked at Luo Yuan with ridicule and contempt.

  The endless energy elements burst and blessed Luo Yuan according to the driving method of dark magic.

  Luo Yuan silently endured strong negative emotions and violent killing and destruction, which was the most powerful boosting method he could currently use.

  With his demigod realm and the maximum void energy element he can mobilize, under the blessing of the super version of dark magic, Luo Yuan has a devastating lethality with a random wave of his hand.

  "Labor and capital have endured you for a long time!"

  Looking at the dragon god in the sky, Luo Yuan's expression under the influence of the negative emotions of the dark magic appeared vicious and ferocious, and he had an unstoppable strong killing intent.

  While the Dragon God has not yet been freed from the shackles, when will he not hurry up and start at this time?

  Luo Yuan teleported directly to the sky above the Dragon God's dragon head, and directly facing its dragon head was a violent punch. His body was insignificant compared to the Dragon God's huge body of more than [-] meters, but his damage was not acceptable. ignore.

  "Boom!" "Ouch!"

  The earth-shattering sound echoed between heaven and earth, accompanied by the extremely angry dragon roar.

  The gods only dared to watch from a distance. Within tens of miles from the battlefield, their divine perception would be sputtered by the aftermath of the battle between Luo Yuan and the Dragon God, which directly blocked their exploration.

  So that most of the gods in the heaven and earth, as well as those monsters and ghosts, can only perceive the sky high, and they are staging an unprecedented terrifying battle.

  The only ones who could vaguely see the situation in the battle were the two goddesses of the sun and the moon in Gao Tianyuan.

  Shen Qi and Yue Yejian stood at the top of Tianzhixiang Mountain, each holding a divine weapon of the same nature in their hands, and their divinity radiated and sensed the battle above.

  Yue Yejian's whole body was full of divine energy, if it wasn't for Shen Qi holding her hand tightly, maybe she would have rushed forward regardless.

  And the mortals in the lower realm of Aihara China are all hiding in their homes, trembling and constantly praying to the gods for protection.

  "It's really hard!"

  After Luo Yuan punched, he had to leave quickly. Dragon God had not yet been familiar with his fighting style. After being hit, he had time to exude terrifying coercion, and at the same time controlled the void around him to suppress Luo Yuan.

  Shaking his hands, under the collision of this absolute power, even if he injured the Dragon God, some of the corresponding shock force was also fed back to him.

  "Fortunately, it can withstand it!"

  And the dragon god ate his full blow, and the skull cracked a wound several meters long, and blood that was close to pure gold spurted out, and soon the dragon god's sky blue dragon head was dyed gold.

  The severe pain and blood also stimulated the dragon god's ferocity. In a state of anger, it protruded the dragon's body a lot. At this time, the dragon god's upper body was already inside the world, while the lower body was inside the world barrier.

  While the dragon's mighty might was exuding, it spit out the dragon's breath violently everywhere. The scorching temperature of the dragon's breath made Luo Yuan feel unbearable even when he was far away, so he had to open the barrier of spiritual sense.

  "Boom! Whoa!"

  The dragon's breath did not hurt him, but it caused a serious catastrophe when it fell into the lower realm. It was not bad for the one that fell on Gao Tianyuan. The two goddesses of the sun and the moon joined hands to resolve it with divine power at the highest point.

  The Gaotianyuan is not directly above the reed China. The three realms here do not present a straight upper, middle and lower structure, but are staggered and connected in space.

  Therefore, some of the dragon breaths landed in Ashihara China, and a large area was suddenly caught in a sea of ​​fire, with countless casualties. The local belief gods urged their abilities to try to put out the fire, and they were directly killed by the backlash of the energy.

  The dragon breath of the Dragon God is not only flame, but also contains the law power of the world, and its destructive power is quite amazing.

  Another part of the dragon's breath fell into the sea, and a large amount of sea water was evaporated, and at the same time, huge waves of hundreds of feet were set off, causing tsunamis.

  A large number of sea creatures also quickly floated in the sea, and several tens of meters of scorpions died. This was only the damage caused by the aftermath of the battle.

  The dragon god was spitting out the dragon's breath in such a random manner that Luo Yuan easily evaded and seized the opportunity to teleport to it and start destroying it everywhere. Now he came between its dragon claws and its abdomen, and changed his fists into claws and inserted them directly into the dragon. At the same time, the negative thunder power of dark magic poured into the dragon's body under his violent fist attack, destroying everywhere.

  With the shrill roar of the Dragon God, it kept twisting its body to avoid it, but because half of its body was still in the World Barrier, the World Barrier used to be a barrier to protect its growth, but now it has become its free elbow. As for the greatly limited range of activities, Luo Yuan has the opportunity.


  There was another loud noise, and the dragon god was stimulated by the severe pain to sway the dragon's body and directly hit the world barrier. Immediately, countless cracks appeared at the contact between its body and the world barrier. It is conceivable that its body is strong, and it is only based on physical strength. Can shake the barriers of the world.

  And as the cracks in the world barrier spread, it finally took the opportunity to pull out the remaining half-dragon body.

  Immediately before Luo Yuan's eyes, there appeared such a sky-blue giant dragon with a length of more than a thousand meters. It had the body of a snake, the head of a pig, the horns of a deer, the ears of an ox, the whiskers of a sheep, the claws of an eagle, and the scales of a fish. Typical oriental dragon image.


  At the first moment of regaining freedom, it locked Luo Yuan precisely, and it also brought a trace of solemnity while being angry.

  The person in front of him is not an existence that it can easily crush. Although it is naturally far superior to Luo Yuan in terms of strength, it is useless if it cannot be beaten.

  This world is its world, but the world is too big, and it has no way to fully control it, which has already manifested entities, but only has the highest authority.

  To destroy Luo Yuan, the premise is that it has to catch or knock him down first, but Luo Yuan's movement ability is too abnormal, even if the Dragon God's pressure spreads the void, it will only shorten his teleportation distance.


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  Demon Hunter of Rhode Island

Chapter [-] Two Ranged Warriors

  Luo Yuan looked at the Dragon God very vigilantly. The wounds he had caused to it before only left some blood and then recovered quickly, reflecting its powerful self-healing power.

  The scabbed blood stains covered the dragon's body, making it look even more terrifying.

  The dragon body that the Dragon God now manifests is only more than a thousand meters, which is not much longer than the eight-headed snake he killed before, but the strength of the two is vastly different.

  Orochimaru can easily kill him without the blessing of super dark magic, although that was only done after it was weakened by his god incarnation, Suzhan Mingzun, but even if the Orochi was at its most prosperous In this state, if he is punched at will by himself at this time, he will be turned into flying ashes.

  The Dragon God maintains this shape not because it can only become like this, but maintaining this shape can maximize its strength at this time.

  Sure enough, while the Dragon God stared at Luo Yuan, the vitality between heaven and earth began to converge and change rapidly. Thunders of the thickness of buckets began to explode in his area, and Luo Yuan had to quickly teleport to avoid it.

  "Do you think you're the only one who can make thunder?"

  While Luo Yuan was evading, he also attracted the energy elements of the void to converge into thunder and slash towards the Dragon God.

  So the sky was so high that it was chaotically stirred by countless dark clouds and thunder, as if it had fallen into chaos without heaven and earth.

  People on the ground could not see the changes in the sky for a long time. They could only see the flash of thunder and hear the earth-shattering noise from the darkness. The gods could only roughly guess the tragic battle based on these visions. .

  The gods of Gao Tianyuan also looked up at the sky, admiring the mighty power of the world's will and the power of the high emperor's spiritual god.

  The historical gods among the gods witnessed this scene, and the summary of the records of the war later was one sentence.

  "This is the twilight of the gods, this is the end of the gods!"

  Even Shenqi and Yueye saw the two supreme gods, and felt the boundless thunder distorting the void to interfere with their divine perception.

  Therefore, in their vague perception, they can only vaguely see a huge bar-shaped figure and an existence that seems to be the source of thunder and lightning. The roaring dragon roar was heard from time to time.

  Dragon God and Luo Yuan, who should be considered close-range warriors, are now playing the operation of a mage.

  You come and I come and go to each other's thunder.

  It's just that the Dragon God is a type of comprehensive development, with almost no shortcomings, while Luo Yuan's strongest is close combat, whether it is his demigod body or the blessing of super dark magic, it needs to be directly affected. The enemy's body can reflect the greatest destructive power.

  His demigod will was still weak against the will of the Dragon God, and the attack he condensed with his fist intent was disintegrated before he even got close to the Dragon God.

  The thunder that he chopped out, even if it hit the Dragon God, seemed to just scratch it. Only when it hits the wound can it tear the scabbed wound and make it painful.

  The thunder chopped by the Dragon God is different. It contains not only the mighty power of the world, but also the will of the Dragon God. Not to mention the direct destructive power, the will of the Dragon God contained in it also directly affects his mind like a maggot attached to a bone. will.

  In a series of chases, although the Dragon God's huge body made it less sensitive than Luo Yuan, but under the continuous thunder attack, there was still a column of thunder that hit him.

  If the power of thunder blessed by the dark magic of Luo Yuan belongs to the negative destruction and destruction of the world, then the thunder chopped by the Dragon God symbolizes the positive removal and purification of the world.

  Not only did he break up part of his energy increase, but the destructive power of thunder also directly annihilated part of his body, and at the same time, the will of the dragon god contained in it also continued to interfere with his spiritual will, so that he had no energy to recover.

  If he hadn't endured the discomfort and avoided another thunderbolt, if he continued to be hit like this, and his mind was constantly affected by the will of more dragon gods, then he would soon be defeated and suppressed.


  Luo Yuan clicked his fingertips and flicked his fingers, and a few drops of blood flew out immediately. The blood was also a mixture of blood red and gold. Once he left Luo Yuan's body, he kept wriggling under his will, quickly showing humanoid facial features and limbs, and his appearance became more and more There is no difference between Clarity and Luo Yuan.

  The peristaltic change process of blood is very short, and in an instant, it has evolved from a drop of blood to another person exactly like Luo Yuan. The only difference is that the breath is not as strong as his body.

  Every drop of the incarnation of the body has a trace of Luo Yuan's will that dominates its actions.

  If such an incarnation has been maintained, the strength is probably the same as when he first stepped into the demigod realm. If he burns the energy in his blood, he can reach his current strength in a short time.

  Usually, whether it is the incarnation of Su Zhanming, the manifestation of the will, or the incarnation of his blood, he is used as a tool, running errands, fighting, and taking the blame. This is his positioning of the incarnation.

  The will in this is also provided by his body, and he will take it back after the event, otherwise it will hurt the source, and it is okay to lose a few traces occasionally. Once the loss is too much, it will make him weak, and it will take a long time to recover.

  But now he can't care too much, the Dragon God is too powerful, and he has to do everything he can.

  As soon as the derived incarnations were formed, they immediately burned the energy contained in the blood, making their strength soar in a short period of time, and at the same time activated the magic of darkness and teleported to the Dragon God.

  The Dragon God's attention was indeed distracted a little, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Tianlei chased Luo Yuan and also distracted some of his incarnations.

  However, the incarnation soon teleported to all parts of the Dragon God's body, and they all started to focus on the previous wounds at the same time. Although the wounds were recovering quickly under the Dragon God's powerful self-healing ability, they were still a huge weakness compared to other places. Under the attack of his avatar, the wound expanded again, and the dragon's blood flowed.

  The Dragon God is manifested by the will of the world. It can be said that it is a part of the world, and its body is also conceived from the most fundamental energy of the world.

  Therefore, its dragon blood leaves the Dragon God, and gradually turns into a spot of energy and returns to the void in the process of dripping.

  "Ow!" "Boom!"

  The wound was destroyed by Luo Yuan's incarnation, and the severe pain made the dragon god roar angrily again. He was temporarily indifferent to pay attention to Luo Yuan's body, and his attention was all on the several incarnations on his body.

  It quickly twisted its body, the dragon's might was released, and the will locked all of it, and the dragon breath thunder fell one after another.

  However, Luo Yuan's incarnation was only used to divert the attention of the Dragon God, and could not maintain the current state for a long time. After the success, when the Dragon God's attack came, in order not to waste energy, they blew themselves up at the same time, which further aggravated the expansion of the Dragon God's wound. And it also contains Luo Yuan's will.

Chapter [-] The Final Showdown

  Even if Luo Yuan's will is not as good as the Dragon God's will, but if it is not cleared immediately, the trouble is not small, so the Dragon God's energy has to temporarily return to himself.

  During this period, Luo Yuan also expelled the Dragon God's will from his body, and after a change in his mind, his body returned to its original state, and at the same time, the blessing of dark magic also returned to the maximum.

  At the moment when the state recovered, Luo Yuan teleported directly to the neck of the Dragon God, where there was a huge scale that grew upside down, which was its reverse scale.

  Still immersed in the pain of being injured by Luo Yuan's incarnation, and at the same time clearing the dragon god of chaos in his body, he hasn't had time to put his main energy on Luo Yuan's body.

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