Immediately afterwards, the unbearable pain struck, and a huge scale broke away from its body, and the part where the scale was located was blurred. Luo Yuan not only forcibly tore off the Dragon God's Reverse Scale, but also punched the wound violently. The strong negative emotions of dark magic and his violent fist poured into the wound, and large pieces of blood splattered.

  Dragons have inverse scales, and they will be angry if they touch them!

  And Luo Yuan was locked by the Dragon God again when he finished causing serious damage to the weak point of the Dragon God's Niscale, and the Dragon God's will was all suppressed towards him.

  Because these incarnations are derived from Luo Yuan's blood, they are equivalent to the extension of his body, which is equivalent to himself, so when the incarnation appears, it naturally distracts the Dragon God's attention.

  So Luo Yuan's body took the opportunity to slip away, while the incarnation faced the bite of the dragon's head and dragon's claws, and exploded at the same time.


  The dragon god was completely plunged into rage and madness. The dragon's eyes became red, and it was about to breathe fire. At the same time, it was shrouded in its dragon's might for dozens of miles. It's all lightning strikes.

  There was a sea of ​​thunder and lightning in a radius of dozens of miles, in which the Dragon God roamed frantically to search for Luo Yuan's figure, and was about to destroy him completely.

  At this time, on the High Heaven Plains, not even the divinity of the two supreme gods, the sun and the moon, could perceive what was going on.

  However, judging from the energy intensity contained in the thunder and the frantic and urgent roar of the Dragon God, Luo Yuan should have nothing to do. Shen Qi and Yue Yejian looked at each other, and they could feel the other side breathe a sigh of relief.

  Luo Yuan stood on the edge of the sea of ​​thunder and looked coldly at the lost dragon god.

  It is to make you lose your mind, no matter what kind of existence, as long as you lose your mind, although the level of danger has skyrocketed, the level of fear has plummeted.

  The Dragon God was so powerful that Luo Yuan couldn't withstand several of its attacks at all.

  He caused so much damage to it, but it only made the Dragon God go berserk, and its strength was hardly affected.

  But he must deal with the Dragon God, and he must maximize the damage to it, so that even if he is finally suppressed or left here, he can buy enough time for Shenqi and Xiaoyue to grow up to leave this world.

  The Dragon God didn't run wild for too long, and the dancing thunder also gradually subsided, but the sky was still shrouded in dark clouds.

  There are all kinds of violent energy remnants everywhere in the void, and the space becomes confused and distorted, as if the sky above Santuchuan.

  After all, the Dragon God is still worthy of the manifestation of the will of the world. The pain only made him lost for a while and then completely regained consciousness.

  At the same time, it also re-locked Luo Yuan in the distance. The huge dragon's eyes carried a deep hatred, and there was a little more fear in the depths of the eyes.

  The next moment it directly ignored Luo Yuan and quickly walked towards Gao Tianyuan.

  With the information of this time period, it knows that it can't help Luo Yuan in a short time, because Luo Yuan is too slippery to fight it head-on.

  Obviously its strength can be suppressed after defeating Luo Yuan, but it has caused multiple injuries to itself, while the enemy is still alive and kicking.

  If you move my inverse scales, I will also move your "reverse scales"!

  No matter how many means you have, once you can only fight me head-on, it will be your death.

  So through its reading of the information about Luo Yuan's era, the Dragon God knew where Luo Yuan's inverse scales were.

  Moreover, there are two powerful lifeforms in Gaotianyuan that are full of strong hostility to it. At the same time, these two lifeforms are integrated with Luo Yuan's breath, and there are young life forms in his body with the same bloodline as him.

  From the information it has obtained, these two life forms are more important than himself, so if you destroy them, you will inevitably fall into madness.

  Then it's your time of death!

  Luo Yuan guessed the Dragon God's plan as soon as he saw it's movements, and at the same time he was furious and had to admit that the Dragon God was not just a beast who could only fight with him.

  After all, it is the manifestation of the will of the world. Knowing that he cannot solve it in a short time, he will take advantage of his weakness and force him to confront him head-on.

  Unless he is really cold-blooded and ruthless, and allows them to be destroyed by the Dragon God, then the Dragon God can only wait until he slowly consumes Luo Yuan's energy before suppressing and killing him.

  When the Dragon God came out, he actually tried to limit Luo Yuan's energy extraction from this world, but although it had the highest authority, it could not completely eliminate it, because Luo Yuan's energy absorption range was too wide, if the Dragon God suppressed it in all directions. , the will of the Dragon God is too scattered, Luo Yuan can easily break its partial blockade by concentrating his strength.

  After all, it has manifested its entity from the concept of the will of the world, and it has been downgraded from "god" to a pseudo "god", and it cannot limit Luo Yuan's energy from the whole world.

  Now the Dragon God's move is a real conspiracy, it depends on whether Luo Yuan accepts the move or not.

  What other choice does Luo Yuan have?He did so much, didn't he just want them to be good?This is not only because he has real feelings for them, but also because of his martial arts.

  The Dragon God had just left when he found that Luo Yuan had teleported in front of it, his aura was constantly improving, and his fighting spirit was high.


  The Dragon God also roared, this time it is bound to completely defeat this abominable world invader. Although it does not know what will happen in the future, it feels that if it does not destroy this person now, then in the future, it will. There is great trouble and even shame.

  Looking at the dragon god roaring and roaring like he rushed, Luo Yuan knew that his final outcome would depend on the final winner.

  He quickly squeezed his fist to face the Dragon God, with his wrist facing upwards. As soon as he thought about it, his wrist slammed into a gap, and blood spurted frantically as if he didn't want money.

  "Extreme derivation!"


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Chapter [-] Send you a great fortune

  As Luo Yuan's blood spurted out, one by one "Luo Yuan" incarnations emerged, and in an instant, Luo Yuan's will was dispersed to the limit.

  Hundreds of nearly a thousand "Luo Yuan" were successfully derived, and immediately burned their own energy to forcibly raise their strength to the level of the main body for a short time, and at the same time triggered the increase of dark magic.


  Then Luo Yuan's body and hundreds of avatars in the state of "exploding seeds" teleported directly to the dragon god, and the gigantic dragon body more than a thousand meters long was densely covered with avatars.

  The scene looked like a snake with hundreds of tiny ants crawling on it.

  During the teleportation of Luo Yuan and the avatar, due to the blockade of the dragon god's will, several avatars were intercepted. It collided with it in an instant through the breath of the dragon, the bombardment of the thunder, the grasp of the giant claws, the sweep of the dragon's tail, etc. .

  However, the collision directly caused the energy explosion of these incarnations, and the damage was very targeted at the Dragon God.

  Luo Yuan's scattered will gave the avatar only one instruction, that is, to cause the greatest damage to the Dragon God regardless of the cost.

  He has completely disregarded his own safety now, completely abandoned the back road, and broke his boat just for this battle.

  The Dragon God is now in a very embarrassing situation, covered with Luo Yuan's avatar that explodes at the touch of a touch, but he can't just ignore it.

  Because these incarnations are attached to its dragon body and completely ignore their own safety and crazy attacks, once they find that they are restrained by the dragon god, they don't even think about breaking free, and they blow themselves up immediately.

  Luo Yuan's body came to the head of the Dragon God again. Although the wound he caused to the Dragon God had healed, the cracks were still faintly visible. Now that he has completely sacrificed himself, he put all his spiritual will in front of him.

  "Labor and capital blow your dog's head!"

  Luo Yuan was furiously tearing the wounds of the Dragon God, carrying the will of the Dragon God to his death. Now he has only one idea for the Dragon God, and that is to never die.


  Accompanied by the shrill dragon roar of the dragon god, the avatar on the dragon god attacked frantically, blood and flesh splashed, and the roar of the explosion resounded through the heavens and the earth.

  The dragon god was stimulated by the severe pain and became crazy again. The dragon body kept rolling and twisting, and he breathed out the dragon's breath at his dragon body irrationally. Then he scratched and bit, and the thunder continued to bombard himself.

  The Dragon God, who was already full of wounds, became even more miserable, and his flesh and blood were scattered. Luo Yuan also broke open the Dragon God's head and madly destroyed, and a large number of brains were blasted out by him.

  The whole body of the Dragon God is a collection of the source energy of the world, and its flesh, brain, and even scales are all magical.

  At the same time that these things with powerful energy flew away from the Dragon God, their energy was constantly escaping under the influence of the laws of the world.

  However, some of them had sufficient energy and did not dissipate completely during the falling process, and most of them fell on Ashihara China.

  The flesh and blood that fell on Weiyuan China, and part of it fell in front of the creatures of Weiyuan China.

  This kind of flesh and blood that contains the origin of the world is not only the disaster of these creatures, but also their chance. If the attributes of the creatures themselves resonate with some kind of information contained in the flesh and blood of the dragon god, then the energy contained in these flesh and blood will become Great fortune that changed their lives.

  When the initial inverse scales fell, some of them did not completely escape and returned to the world, and the rest fell in front of a puppy.

  The puppy leaned up and licked it subconsciously, and immediately felt that the taste was not bad, not as difficult to swallow as ordinary scales, on the contrary, it was very delicious.

  So it began to eat a lot, and the original energy of the world contained in the scales was integrated into the puppy's body to make its body begin to mutate.


  The puppy who had just swallowed the scales lay on the ground and screamed incessantly, and his body felt swollen and torn.

  The severe pain soon made him lose his mind. When he came back to his senses completely, he suddenly found that his body had grown a lot, and he had a pair of strange wings on his body, and his body was full of powerful strength. Such a change Let it be puzzled.

  "Wang Wang?"

  An orphaned little girl shivered in a dilapidated building. She was so hungry that she would starve to death if she had nothing to eat.

  Suddenly, something in the sky emitting golden light that seemed to be the brain's brain landed in front of her.

  "Is this... a gift from the gods?"

  The little girl, who was about to faint from hunger, couldn't take care of it anymore. She grabbed this piece of food and ate it up. The wonderful taste of the food made her more sure that it was a gift from the gods, otherwise how could it be so delicious.

  It's just that she felt hot and bloated just after eating, and at the same time, there were countless information that she couldn't understand now, so it was forced into her small head.

  "Ah, ah, it hurts!"

  The little girl suddenly rolled on the ground in pain, especially her head felt like it was about to split, so she couldn't help but bump her head around, dripping with blood.

  During this process, two horn-like things gradually appeared on her head, and the growth of the horns made her even more miserable. She could only be relieved by putting a head hammer on the surrounding area.

  So she will repeat this process for a long time in the future, so that in the future, she will develop the habit of hammering other people's bad habits at every turn...

  Changes like this are everywhere in Weiyuan China, and some gods have vaguely guessed that this kind of energy-filled flesh and blood may be good for them, so Feisheng grabbed a piece of undissolved flesh and blood and couldn't wait to stuff it into his mouth.

  "Ah ah ah..."

  Unfortunately, this piece of energy containing the origin of the world did not bring him good fortune, but instead became his catastrophe. The violent energy radiated in his body.

  But how can the energy of the Dragon God be so easily suppressed?


  After a loud bang, the god turned into ashes.

  Shocked by the death of this god, it made some existences put away their greed, but there are still many creatures who follow the idea of ​​seeking wealth and danger to fight for it.

  As a result, each has its own good fortune and disaster. So far, many powerful beings have been born in Aihara China, making the future of this world even more unpredictable.

  These dragon god flesh and blood are disasters and uncertainties to the creatures in this world, and they will naturally only reject Luo Yuan, so Luo Yuan has no idea of ​​collecting at all.

  And now the divine will is scattered in large quantities, only the id will of the body is retained. At the same time, in order to maintain the existing combat power, he also burns part of the source to support the current battle.

  His strongest attack method is himself, and the energy temporarily absorbed in the world does not help much.

Chapter [-] The end is also the beginning

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