As time passed, both the Dragon God and Luo Yuan paid a heavy price.

  Most of the flesh and blood of the Dragon God has disappeared, and many places have exposed pale and cracked bones. The most miserable part is the head. The skull was opened, and most of the brain inside was lost. One of the dragon's eyes was also destroyed. Luo Yuan was blinded.

  Luo Yuan was naturally not much better, and all the hundreds of incarnations blew up and disappeared, otherwise it would not have caused such heavy damage to the Dragon God.

  And his body also entered a weak state after causing a lot of damage, and then most of his body was eliminated by Dragon God, Longxi Tianlei, etc., leaving only part of his body and most of his head.

  The will of the Dragon God has also suppressed his will. Luo Yuan has lost most of his origin at this time, and even the divine will can only allow him to maintain himself. In an unprecedented weakness, he has nothing to suppress the Dragon God. No resistance.

  Seeing that this great enemy was finally subdued, the dragon head, which was so dilapidated and terrifying, couldn't help but reveal a bit of hideous pleasure.

  It did not continue to destroy Luo Yuan's body, because even if the body was destroyed, he still had the will of the soul to continue to exist, and he planned to suppress him first and then slowly clean up.

  The huge dragon claws grabbed the remaining part of Luo Yuan's body, the dragon god opened his huge mouth, and when the dragon claws were lost, Luo Yuan was thrown into the dragon god's mouth.

  Obviously, what awaits him next will be endless years of repression, until his will is completely wiped out, then he will die completely.

  "Is it over? It seems to be the end of being suppressed, huh..."

  Luo Yuan reluctantly maintained his will, and laughed at himself.

  How familiar is this scene!

  Wasn't that what happened when you just broke through the barriers of the world and came to this world?

  Now I can only count on my own woman to save me, I can't even eat this soft meal!Fortunately, I have arranged all the arrangements.

  I have caused the Dragon God to inflict heavy damage. I don't know if I can leave Shenqi and Xiaoyue enough time to leave. According to the strength of the two of them plus the Divine Artifact, the Dragon God should not continue to do it at this time.

  Then Xiaoyue will lead some gods to go to the moon to establish the capital of the moon to avoid the dragon gods, on the one hand, to improve the strength.

  And because Shenqi's divinity is contrary to Moonlight's vision, going to the moon will be restrained by the moon's energy characteristics. In the long run, her strength will not decline, so she can only create the so-called "demon world" by herself.

  He also studied this before, but now it is completely clear that it is too difficult to create from nothing, and it is very easy to develop from something to something natural.

  Why did Gao Tianyuan, a continent so large, disappear out of thin air after the age of mythology ended?

  Obviously, Gao Tianyuan is the foundation of Shenqi's creation of the demon world. She arranged a huge formation around Gao Tianyuan, and then removed it from this world.

  Leaving the restrictions of this world, even if the Dragon God wants to continue to do something to Shenqi and Xiaoyue, it is not easy, and as time goes by, without the restriction of the world's restraint, when the Dragon God recovers and plans to start, Shenqi and Xiaoyue Satsuki may have grown enough to compete with the Dragon God.

  The last thought in his mind was that Luo Yuan was ready to fight against the will of the Dragon God in the endless time to come. He did not use the forbidden technique. That thing consumed his own will too much and would only increase the speed of his own demise. , now he has to keep himself and wait for rescue.

  hum! ! !

  At this moment, Luo Yuan felt one of the two divine lights in his body, the black divine light, suddenly lit up. At the same time, the black light rushed out of his body and released the Dragon God's will to suppress him, and quickly turned into a pair of big hands.

  The big hand kept getting bigger in front of Luo Yuan's eyes, and soon it filled the huge space that he could see, that is, the giant mouth of the Dragon God.

  And just when the black light changed, the dragon god also noticed something was wrong, and at the same time, the giant mouth was biting hard.

  But Longkou only pressed down a little distance before being blocked by a pair of giant hands.

  "Stab!" "Wow..."

  While the giant hand blocked the bite of the Dragon God, it slammed to the left and right. At the same time, a golden dial phantom appeared between the two hands. The pointer on it was madly rotating clockwise, and the powerful unknown force directly pierced the Dragon God's giant mouth. Together with the current void, a hole was roughly torn open.

  The torn opening directly tore the Dragon God's head in half from the front and left, and a terrifying wailing came out of the Dragon God's throat.


  Luo Yuan couldn't help but show an unstoppable smile in the face of this desperate feeling.

  Sure enough, it is a powerful existence. After fighting the Dragon God, he knew that the Dragon God was powerful, and he was amazed at the existence who easily tore the Dragon God in two.

  Now that he can finally be completely at ease, the dragon god will not be able to appear again for a long time after the giant hand is torn apart.

  Moreover, he was keenly aware that the giant hand was tearing apart the barrier between the world and the world, and the space in front of him was clearly the breath of another world.

  He is still under the huge inertia of the dragon god's giant claws thrown into the dragon's mouth, and with this inertia, he is now throwing straight into the different world torn apart by the giant hand transformed by the black light.

  Luo Yuan did not struggle, but plunged into the rift with the joy of being reborn, welcoming the new beginning of this new world...

  "Dragon God! You wait for me!!!"

  With Luo Yuan's departure, the big hand transformed by the black light gradually faded and disappeared.

  And the Dragon God was also crying in great pain. Starting from the dragon head that was torn in two, it gradually turned into countless light spots and slowly returned to the void.

  The Dragon God did not die, and it returned to the world after being severely injured. After a period of slumbering its will, it will manifest again and continue to dominate the world...

  The dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and the torn gap in the void and the distortion of the space caused by the previous battle between the two of them also returned to normal under the self-repair of the world.

  The sky is clear.


  On the top of Tianzhixiang Mountain, the highest mountain in Gaotianyuan, Amaterasu Shenqi and Yue Yejian stared at Qiongkong closely, and they could hear the shrill roar of the Dragon God before, why did they all disappear after a while.

  Where did the dragon god go?

  And... how about him?He died or was suppressed, or left this world...

  Shen Qi and Yue Yejian bit their red lips, and Divine Perception did not perceive any clues related to Luo Yuan, so any result could happen.

  The divine artifact they held in their hands was spinning, and the outlines of the sun and the moon at the height of the sky were faintly visible.

  Since it can't be confirmed, there is still hope. They thought about it and put away the artifact at the same time.

  We can't live up to the current situation he has worked so hard to create. Only when we become stronger can we help him...


  In Hakurei Shrine, with Luo Yuan's departure, several girls finally regained their freedom.

  "Lord God..."

  Looking at the clear sky, the Hakurei priestess looked in a trance, murmuring the same name in her mouth.

  "This is the last time you shed tears, Feng Jian Youxiang!"

  Feng Jian Youxiang wiped away her tears fiercely, and her expression became strong and indifferent.

  "I will try my best to build a home where no one can control us..."

  Yakumo Zi stared blankly at the sky, as if there was someone there, as if recalling something sweet, she laughed and burst into tears.

  "I will remember what you said, and you must remember what you said!"

  Yuzao was talking to the void in front of her, and at the same time, she turned her demonic power, and her nine tails, as white as jade, appeared behind her. At the same time, a white fox mask appeared on her face, covering her beautiful face.

  "From today onwards, my true face will only appear for you alone, and I will be the white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox from now on!"


  Xie Ya Kingdom, Shouya Shrine.

  Yasaka Kanako withdrew her gaze looking up at the sky, and turned to look at Suwako Uyaya, who was sitting quietly beside her.

  "Is he dead?"

  "He will definitely come back!"

  With a gentle and serene smile on Suwako's face, she gently stroked her flat belly with her small hand, as if she was stating a fact.

  "Because, I will give him a baby!"

  "You... how..."

  Kanako looked stunned.

  It seemed that Kanako was surprised that she and Luo Yuan had only been married for one night, so why did they have children?

  Suwako continued to explain to himself: "Don't forget that I am the god of Fenggu. With the life seed of Yuan, I can give birth to our baby at a little price!"

  "..." Kanako didn't know what to say anymore.

  "But Yuan doesn't know when he will be back!"

  Suwako showed a distressed look again, and said in a rare chatter: "In order for Yuan to see our baby, I plan to let her be born later."

  "But in this case, you need to spend a lot of divine power to keep her alive in your body!"

  Kanako analyzed the feasibility of her operation, and then looked at Suwako pitifully at her, and couldn't help but soften her heart.

  "Okay, okay! I'll help you!"

  "Hehe!" Suwako smiled mischievously, and then seemed to be thinking about life after having a baby.

  "I plan to let her study in the future, because Yuan always asks you to read more, which means that reading must be a very good thing! I remember he said that there will be many places for humans to read in the future."

  "Yes!" Kanako reluctantly agreed.

  "But we can't take her to study!" Suwako's face wrinkled again.

  "Ah, yes! I'll foster her into a human family and let them take the baby to study!"

  "That's right!" Kanako said absentmindedly.

  "Oh yes!" Suwako seemed to remember something again.

  "I forgot to give the baby a name! What's the name?"

  Suwako looked at the outside of the shrine. It was another year's spring ploughing season. The fields that had been sown early had already grown small tender seedlings, which were full of vigor and vitality. hope.

  "Well... just call her... Sanae, how about that?"

  "Yes, it sounds great!"

  "Hehe, then Yuan's baby and I will be called Sanae!"




  ps: Phew... I finally finished the first chapter of Gensokyo. Writing semi-original novels is really a challenge for new writers. It is too difficult for me to combine the neon mythology and the characters of Gensokyo to build a plot.

  I obviously just want to write fanfiction and practice writing and add a little money, but when I write and write, it is so much semi-original, and two of the three volumes are semi-original...

  Fortunately, I finally finished writing, and Gensokyo's "Middle Chapter" and "End Chapter" will be troublesome for a while, and now I will start the due rhythm of the humanities.

  Although the results are broken, I will continue to write.

  Finally, ask for all kinds of support, thank you! ! !

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