Luo Yuan felt a little sad in his heart.

  "The first time I crossed the world, I was picked up by Xiao Yiwen naked. The second time I crossed the world, I was naked and watched by a large group of gods. The third time I was seen by two girls. "

  In order to escape the curse of becoming perverted through this fateful crossing, Luo Yuan decided to temporarily lose his memory.

  "...Sorry! I seem to have forgotten something."

  Then Luo Yuan pouted at his body again.

  "Um, can I trouble you to let me go? You make it hard for me to breathe!"

  Although Luo Yuan was bound, his words naturally carried a certain irresistible majesty. This was the ancestral spirit he naturally cultivated over hundreds of years as a high emperor in the previous world. .

  Only in front of the girls who are close to him, he has always been on the gentle side.

  Now that he was imprisoned, he did not intend to violently break free when he had a good impression of the other party.

  Will Amina was a little hesitant to look at Luo Yuan's casual gesture. Before she became a fire and fog warrior, she was also a princess of a certain kingdom in the Middle Ages, with a distinguished status.

  Naturally, she has also seen the kind of person who has been in a high position for a long time as the father of the king, and naturally developed the kingly bearing.

  But even her king father was less than what he saw.

  He clearly looks like a boy!

  Maybe he is also some kind of special existence, after all, she has maintained her ageless appearance for hundreds of years as a fire and fog warrior.

  So she was thinking about how to deal with the person in front of her.

  kill him?But he is a human being, and Will Emina actually has a strong sense of belonging to the human race.

  So let him go?Neither!

  There are too many strange things for this person to appear here, and he obviously fell from the air, but he doesn't seem to be injured, which is not like an ordinary person.

  Moreover, she and her contract demon king Tiamat, who has the real name of "Dream Crown Belt", both felt that he was not an apostle of the Red World either.

  "No matter what, the existence of Tiandao Palace cannot be leaked."

  The beautiful maid, Will Emina, thought about it for a while and made up her mind to observe it for a few days.

  "You can let go, but you can't run around."

  "I can't ask for it!"

  Luo Yuan also smiled gently at her, and at the same time glanced at Shana, who was still a little loli, but then he showed an embarrassed and polite smile.

  "Please wait!"

  Will Emina was quickly retracting the ribbon she swung out to wrap around Luo Yuan, and when she heard the words, she stopped temporarily, and some doubtful eyes could be vaguely seen on her indifferent face.

  "Well, can you keep a little bit of it?"

  Will Emina looked at the part of Luo Yuan's body that had been exposed when he retracted some of the ribbons, and nodded immediately.

  So in the end, Luo Yuan kept the image of a seriously wounded man with his body wrapped in bandages, but still able to move.

  "Thank you!"

Chapter 3 The Demon King of the Red World

  After Luo Yuan thanked him, he went to rest under a big tree not far away.

  His casual gesture made Will Amina, who was watching not far away, frown.

  Does this make Tiandao Palace your home?

  But when she saw that Luo Yuan was just leaning against the tree and closed her eyes, she didn't say much. She dragged the little girl beside her and walked into the palace with Arabic architecture in the distance.

  She was a little undecided about this "human being" of unknown origin, and she planned to meet the demon god who should be considered the actual controller of the place in the depths of the palace, the famous demon god in the red world - "The Fire of Heaven and Earth" Alastair , report back.

  At the same time, another person in the Heavenly Dao Palace might not be considered a person, because it was just a skeleton, and it was just a broken cloak on the skeleton.

  Skeleton was the "Rainbow Wing" Merichim of the Red Devil King before his death. After being defeated by the former "Bright Eyed Crusher" Matilda Sanmiru, he came to Tiandao Palace to complete his promise to train someone who could succeed her. "Burning Eyes".

  The skeleton seemed to have noticed the previous movement, and quickly walked towards this side. Will Emina communicated with it, and it came directly to Luo Yuan's side, which seemed to mean to monitor him.

  Luo Yuan leaned against the big tree and didn't care about it at all, and he probably guessed the reason why Will Amina didn't continue to do it, so now there's no need to worry that they will continue to do it.

  He is not afraid even if he does it, what he cares about now is his own state.

  He is being ostracized by the world!

  The laws of this world are different from other worlds, and the power of existence, which is invisible in other worlds, has become explicit in this world.

  For him, the transmigrator, in other worlds, he would not be rejected by the world itself, that is, he was targeted by the awakened world will in the previous world.

  And this world directly repelled his existence itself. If he hadn't been a demigod and possessed the same thing as the origin of the world, he would have been annihilated directly or moved out of the world by the world.

  So now, the world is rejecting him, who does not have the power to exist in the world's most fundamental energy.

  In this world, everything has the concept of "existence" as soon as it is born. According to its influence on the world, the strength of its own existence is the strength of its existence.

  In fact, the power of existence can also be said to be the ability of the sense of existence, but the sense of existence is relative to the relationship between people, and the power of existence is relative to the relationship between people and the world.

  And besides people, although other things have the power of existence, the purity of the power of existence is very low.

  In fact, the power of existence can also be compared to the spiritual energy of this world, while human beings are the crystallization of spiritual energy that can be directly absorbed.

  Although the mountains, rivers and trees also have aura, but they are too thin, so the disciples of the red world who came to this world choose to directly absorb the power of existence in humans to maintain their existence, and use aura for combat and other behaviors.

  Humans who have lost the "reiki" of the power of existence will disappear.

  Compared with "reiki", the power of existence is more terrifying.

  Losing the power of existence will even erase the traces of his existence in this world, and everyone and things related to it will make his non-existence rationalized under the revision of the laws of the world.


  The corner of Luo Yuan's mouth unconsciously evoked a smile.

  "I'm not an apostle of the Red World, I'm a demigod!"

  As soon as his thoughts moved, the power of existence floating in the void was slowly absorbed by Luo Yuan, and the world's sense of rejection towards him was gradually weakening.

  These free existence forces are actually one of the main reasons for the distortion of this world.

  The two worlds of the red world and the present world are a complete big world of this plane.

  Like the yin and yang of Tai Chi, the Red World is a world full of slaughter and devouring, and many apostles may come to this world because of boredom or fear.

  Coming to this world requires consuming the power of existence of this world to maintain its existence, and the life of this world is too weak compared to them.

  So they can do whatever they want and do whatever they want.

  It's just that this destroys the balance of the world. They are like a group of saboteurs, destroying everywhere, wantonly absorbing the power of human existence.

  Although these powers of existence absorbed by them were returned to the world through their series of battles and other actions, they spread to the void and became a free state.

  But this has caused the distortion of the laws in the world, because this world is a world dominated by the existence of human beings.

  And because the present world and the red world are two sides of Tai Chi, one side is distorted, and the other side will naturally be affected.

  If this distortion is allowed to expand, once the distortion reaches a certain level, it will lead to the destruction of the world. If one world is destroyed, then the other world cannot escape.

  Therefore, in order to avoid such a thing from happening, the visionary demon king in the red world will come to this world to destroy these destructive elements.

  But because they are more powerful, if they are directly manifested, it will take a greater amount of existence power, so they will find human beings, become the vessels that carry them as contractors, and sleep in their bodies, which can minimize their own existence. , consumes the least amount of energy.

  At the same time, through the contract, human beings can use their own power for combat. How much can be used depends on the contractor himself, the strength of the sense of existence that can be displayed in the world in time and space for a lifetime, that is, the so-called "named destiny" utensils".

  When the contract is successful, the Contractor, that is, the power of existence that the Fire Mist Warrior can use, is fixed by the Red World Demon King through a special method. Even if the Fire Mist Warrior consumes the Power of Existence, it is equivalent to consuming physical strength. Rest to recover.

  While absorbing the power of existence floating in the void, Luo Yuan suddenly discovered that the power of existence that is the most original in this world is actually in common with his power of god.

  That is to say, the power of existence can be transformed into the power of his god, and the power of his god can also be transformed into the power of existence.


  Luo Yuan's consciousness sensed this energy, and the power of God also tried to resonate with it.

  It is also the most original energy, even if the energy forms are different due to the different laws of the world.

  But their function is the same, they can generate all things.


  As if the river burst its banks, the river flooded!

  What Luo Yuan possessed at the moment was the power of God with a vague concept, and it finally manifested in his body in the form of a power of existence that he could feel a specific amount of.

  The huge energy fluctuations made everyone in the Tiandao Palace sensitively aware.

  "The Demon King of the Red World!"


  PS: At the beginning, you need to integrate the settings. It may be updated irregularly in the past two days.

Chapter 4 The First Intimacy

  At the same time that Luo Yuan's divine power was transformed into the homogeneous power of existence in this world.

  Feeling the surging power of existence on his body, Melisim, the "Rainbow Wing" in the form of a skeleton, immediately planned to do it.

  It held up its two skeleton claws, and the little remaining power of existence surged in its body, and destructive colored light began to converge in the void.

  This was the "Rainbow Heaven Sword", which was unique in its lifetime and had extremely powerful lethality.


  Aware of this powerful sense of crisis, Luo Yuan abruptly opened his eyes, golden light flashed in his eyes, and at the same time, his divine will directly suppressed the past.

  The demon king, who has already died, was able to maintain his current state only with a trace of obsession before his death, and still delusionally hold back his big moves in front of him?

  He felt that if he let this big move condense and hit him successfully, he would be seriously injured in his current state.

  However, even if his strength has dropped drastically, it is not something that a mere existence with only the residual energy of the Crimson Demon King can easily deal with.

  Under the suppression of his will, the singing of the skeleton in the condensed power was interrupted, and the body of the skeleton was suppressed to the point of hunched over and trembling against his divine pressure.

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