
  At the same time, Will Amina just flew over Luo Yuan, and she exclaimed the Crimson Demon King just now.

  With the use of her free method, a radius of tens of meters with Luo Yuan as the center was enveloped by cherry pink flames.

  Everything in the shrouded space fell into a state of stillness.

  But Luo Yuan returned to normal after just a flash of his mind.

  The power of existence is something he is very familiar with, and it can be said that this is one of the greatest help for him to get to where he is today.

  When he was just reborn into the world of Guilty Crown, he was given some power of existence by that mysterious person, so that he could have time to grow up and avoid the fate of being arranged by Dart as a pawn.

  And that part of the power of existence seems to have been specially changed by that person, so that he can use it easily.

  So now he has a lot of power of existence, even if he doesn't know any free law, he can still not be affected by the ban.

  So when he was enveloped by the ban, he just got used to it and returned to a free state.

  And Willemina was not surprised when she saw Luo Yuan who was able to move. It was only natural that the Crimson Demon King would not be affected by the ban.

  She also used Feng Jue to prevent the Tiandao Palace from being destroyed by the aftermath of the battle. After all, according to the strong fluctuations in the power she sensed before the opponent, it must be the Demon King of the Red World.

  But she is just a fire and fog warrior contracted with the Crimson World Demon King. Although she also has the combat power that can rival some ordinary Crimson World Demon King, she does not think that this time the attack will be the ordinary Crimson World Demon King.

  This time is really the catastrophe of Tiandao Palace!

  Why would such a powerful existence come.

  I thought he was just a special human being.


  Although these thoughts flashed in her heart, she did not hesitate to move her hands.

  "Give me the artifact, Persuna!"


  Seeing that even the mighty Crimson Demon King Melisium was no match for that person, she decisively took off the white crown on her head and entered a full fighting stance.

  The straight shoulder-length cherry pink hair turned into countless long white ribbons, and a fox-face mask appeared on his face covering the upper half of his face.

  At the same time, she waved her hands continuously, and under the action of her Freedom Technique, several ribbons with the hardness of steel bars flew out and wrapped around Luo Yuan.

  "Wait, I'm not malicious!"

  Luo Yuan just suppressed Melisim, and Will Emina completed her transformation in the air. As soon as he said the words, the ribbon attack came to him.

  "Why do you need to do it every time to solve a problem?"

  Luo Yuan couldn't separate his will to deal with Will Amina, but his strength was himself, and while suppressing the skeleton's will to resist, he waved his hands continuously.

  Grab the white ribbon that is comparable to the hardness of steel bars, as if it is really just an ordinary ribbon.

  "how is this possible?"


  Willemina, who thought that this move would definitely be successful, saw that the enemy easily caught her own attack, and her expressionless face made people feel her surprise.

  "Let you know what power is!"

  Luo Yuan listened to the two voices coming from the opposite side and knew that the other was from Willemina's contract demon "Dream Crown Belt" Tiamat. This man was notoriously taciturn. While laughing inwardly, he exerted force.


  Unprepared, under Luo Yuan's violent pulling force, Will Emina was pulled directly in front of Luo Yuan from the air.

  At the same time, Luo Yuan directly pulled Will Emina into his arms and imprisoned her so much that she couldn't move.

  "do not move!"


  Willemina felt a strong force coming from the hand that held her, and she couldn't break free no matter how hard she struggled.

  But she didn't let her body move. She could also shake her head. As she tilted her head, the long white ribbon on her head quickly pierced towards Luo Yuan.

  Luo Yuan was very helpless and funny to catch most of the ribbons with his other hand.

  And a small number of ribbons with tricky attack angles hit Luo Yuan but made a "pop" sound.

  That was the sound of the reinforced ribbon being broken when it encountered a strong obstacle in the high-speed impact.

  She felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart.

  How is this played?


  Luo Yuan didn't care about the scratching-like injury, and said in a very calm voice to the transformed beauty who was struggling in his arms.

  "I said I didn't mean anything?"

  Why do I just want to be a caring and warm man, but I often want to make me a domineering president!

  "let me go!"

  Willemina seemed to feel that Luo Yuan really had no malice, and did not make any more behaviors of hitting stones with eggs.

  It's just that she has grown so big and since she became a Fire Mist Warrior, she has never been so close to a man in hundreds of years.

  Although she has a cold temperament, there is still some sullenness and panic that some girls have at this time.

  "Sorry, forced by the situation, I'm sorry!"

  Luo Yuan let go of her gracefully, although just now he could have other ways to subdue this beautiful princess dressed as a maid.

  But he still adopted this method. On the one hand, he could show his power more directly, and on the other hand, he also wanted to prove that he had really come to this world by coming into contact with beauties from another world.

  Seeing that his goal was achieved, he immediately regained his masterful demeanor.

  "Well, please inform this skeleton friend and ask him not to attack me again, otherwise some bad things will happen."



  "Bad Warlock's DreamWorks"

Chapter 5 Offends the heroine at the beginning

  Will Emina looked at Luo Yuan with a complicated look, nodded, and walked to Melisim, who was still resisting Luo Yuan's will.

  "Please remember your oath, your power should not be wasted here now!"

  Melisim, who was in a skeleton state, was shocked when she heard her words, and finally gave up struggling.

  And Luo Yuan felt that it was no longer hostile and revoked its will to suppress it.

  "call out!"

  Seeing that there was no need for the two sides to clash any more, Will Emina waved her hand towards the sky and immediately lifted the ban.

  Since Luo Yuan's shot was neat and tidy, and Will Amina only targeted Luo Yuan, their battle just now did not damage the ground at all.

  Oh, there is still one point, that is, a deep pit was trampled under Melisim's feet.

  Under the suppression of Luo Yuan's divine will, in order to resist this huge pressure, he resisted and transmitted it to the ground through his legs.

  Without the influence of Feng Jue, Luo Yuan's vision returned to the sky blue and green.

  It was just that the atmosphere between the three of them was rather awkward at this time.


  Luo Yuan planned to say something to relieve himself, but just as he spoke, a thick male voice sounded in the void.

  "Can this friend come and meet?"

  "Lord Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire!"

  Will Emina suddenly exclaimed.

  "Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire! Alastair?" Luo Yuan's heart moved violently.

  To say that the person he is most afraid of in this world is the God of Punishment, one of the Three Pillars of the Red World.

  The full name of the God of Punishment is Tianyang Jiehuo Alastor. As one of the three gods in the red world, he is in charge of the divine right of "judgment" and "judgment", and guards the order and balance of the world.

  At the same time, he is also the only existence that can destroy the same godhead, and is also called "the god of killing gods".

  And with him are the same Godhead:

  The snake that embodies the law of the red world and is in charge of "creation" and "determination" of divine power.

  To maintain the existence of the world, and to "guide" and "transmit" the divine right, the "guiding god" Jue Zhixiaoyin.

  Each of the three demon gods is in charge of a specific divine authority.

  If we compare it in terms of combat power, the God of Punishment comes first, followed by the God of Creation, and finally the God of Guidance.

  However, according to Luo Yuan's understanding of "gods", these three are gods and not gods.

  The reason it is God is that they all control the power of "God", and within their own theological authority, they are "God".

  The reason for not being "God" is that their theocracy is incomplete, and the three of them add up to be a complete "God".

  So they are only one third of "God".

  But even so, none of them can be dealt with by the current Luo Yuan, even if he is in his peak state, he is not necessarily their opponent.

  But even if he can't win, he can still run away. Because of the particularity of the rules of the red world and the present world, the three gods need to spend a huge amount of existence power if they want to come to the world.

  If you stay for a long time and fight, the power of existence will be incalculable, which will inevitably lead to the speed of the distortion of the world will be greatly accelerated.

  The speed of simply absorbing the power of existence from the void is too slow. Luo Yuan just absorbed the power of existence and felt the homogeneity of the power of his own origin, so that he was able to use the power of God, which was not much in stock. The force is transformed into the force of being.

  The world's rejection of him also disappeared, and instead it turned into tolerance and even kindness to his existence.

  As for the invitation to meet with "God of Punishment" Alastair, Luo Yuan considered the risks involved, and felt that there would be no problem, so he readily agreed.

  "no problem!"

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