While agreeing, Luo Yuan smiled and nodded to Will Amina, then walked in the direction of perception of the source of Alastair's voice just now.

  As for the skeleton monster, sorry, he didn't feel the need to have a good relationship with it.

  On the way to the palace calmly, Luo Yuan couldn't help thinking.

  "According to the original plot, Alastair, God of Punishment, should now be at the end of the bottom floor of the palace, staying on top of the Noble Phantasm named 'Kana' in the form of flames.

  This Noble Phantasm was made by the original creator of Tiandao Palace in order to communicate with others. It allows the Crimson Demon King to stay in this world without consuming the power of existence.

  But the limitation is that you can't leave the Noble Phantasm, and you can't exert your power outward, you can only stay still. "

  Luo Yuan shook his head and smiled when he thought of this. It seemed that he could not fully understand the world by referring to the original plot.

  After all, there is so much information in a world, and only the worldview shown by the hero and heroine cannot reflect the whole picture of the world.


  Luo Yuan's mouth curled into a malicious smile.

  "If I had just killed the skeleton monsters Melisim and Willemina, and kidnapped the 'Blazing Eyes' that had not yet started to grow.

  Then in the entire Tiandao Palace, there is only one bare commander, Alastair, who continues to stay foolishly on the 'Kana' Noble Phantasm?

  So this 'God of Punishment' cannot be without his back! "

  Luo Yuan knew in his heart that if he really made a black hand, Alastair would definitely pay a certain price to come.

  Otherwise, he spent hundreds of years, and the goal of cultivating a new generation of "Brightening Eyes" in Tiandao Palace as an agent would be destroyed, and no one would be able to stand it!

  He should have noticed the difference in Luo Yuan now, so he paid the corresponding price and wanted to talk to Luo Yuan.

  As he approached the palace, Luo Yuan saw a small cute figure behind the huge pillar, looking out.

  "This is the arrogant and cute Shana, what she looked like when she was a child!"

  Luo Yuan unconsciously showed her a warm and friendly smile.

  As an infected person of the nail palace virus, he really likes these beautiful girls.

  "Wait!" Luo Yuan's smile froze when he saw the little girl's expression.

  "Why do you look at me with the same eyes as you look at perverts and bad guys!"

  Obviously, the behavior of his two closest people who bullied her just now was seen by her.

  What should I do if I offend the heroine at the beginning?urgent!

  In fact, Willemina told her to hide at Alastair when their battle began.

  But seeing that the people closest to her were in danger, even if she couldn't help anything, she still subconsciously hid behind the colonnade to watch the battle.

  Fortunately, she was stunned for a while to find out that it was over because she was blocked by the influence of causality in the world. Will Emina and the skeleton she called Xiaobai were all right, so she felt relieved.

  Seeing that the guy who bullied the closest person smiled at him, the little girl gave him a sensible look at perverts and bad people.

Chapter 6 Enemy or Friend?

  But seeing this perverted bad guy doesn't seem to have any intention of continuing to do bad things.

  While watching him vigilantly, the little girl cautiously walked away from Luo Yuan, and then rushed directly into Will Amina's arms with small steps.

  "Will Emina..."

  "I'm fine." Will Emina didn't preach to her anymore. Although she didn't recognize her behavior, she was still very relieved. After so many years of parenting, they have forged deep feelings for each other.

  Will Emina stroked the little girl's head to comfort her, and looked at Melisim in the shape of a skeleton.

  And the skeleton didn't say anything superfluous, just quietly walked back to the place where he stayed before.


  The little girl looked at the direction in which the skeleton left, always feeling that it seemed a little lost, and couldn't help but look up at Will Amina.

  Will Emina had no intention of explaining the little girl's suspicious gaze, because it was just a matter of a man's self-esteem.

  Shaking his head, he shook his head away from the disturbed thoughts that he suddenly encountered a series of changes, lowered his head and looked at the little girl in his arms seriously.

  "Starting from tomorrow, you will be given special training, and you must prepare for injury in advance!"

  "Oh, I will definitely try!"

  The little girl responded with a serious look on her face, with a light of hope in her eyes.

  "I hope you can persevere..." Will Emina said silently in her heart, staring faintly at the direction of the palace.


  Luo Yuan walked into the palace and walked slowly in the direction where he sensed Alastair.

  While feeling the complex architecture of various freedoms, while admiring the various murals on the corridor wall.

  The frescoes are colorful, and have no religious content corresponding to Arabic architecture, all of which are flames and shadows.

  The flame represents the "Fire and Mist Warrior", and the shadow represents the "Apostle of the Red World".

  The hostile sides continued to fight, as if there was no end.

  The picture is extremely tragic, but because of the painting skills, it does not give people a very heavy feeling.

  On the contrary, it faintly gave people a kind of impassioned, heroic and heroic meaning.

  Luo Yuan didn't have any superfluous thoughts when he watched this scene. Maybe this kind of brainwashing atmosphere was created as a last resort, right?

  He just knew the plot, even if the Red World Apostles and the Fire Mist Warriors in the end had enough power to exist, he still couldn't avoid fighting.

  War is an eternal theme!

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help frowning. Could Shana be allowed to continue participating in this never-ending boring game?

  Don't even think about it!

  Luo Yuan skipped thinking about the contents of the mural, and was not looking at the surrounding scenery. He quickly walked through the temple and the promenade, turned a few turns, then walked down the stairs, and then walked through the deep dark corridor. to a place similar to an altar.

  In a semi-circular stone-built space without a lighting window, there is an empty water tray in the center similar to an altar, and a flame is burning on it.

  Obviously, the true lord of the flame is the "God of Punishment" in the red world - Alastair.

  "Hello, this friend? I am the god of the red world, my real name is 'Heavenly Earth Tribulation Fire' Alastair!"

  The thick voice sounded again, and along with his self-introduction, the flames that represented him rose violently, symbolizing the divine pressure of the gods.

  Obviously, this is the first ceremony and then the soldiers. If everyone can talk to each other, they can get along well.

  "Hello, Alastair!" Luo Yuan nodded politely.

  "Well...my name is Luo Yuan!"

  Luo Yuancai remembered that he did not have a god name. As for the god name of "Su Zhanming Zun", it was the incarnation name of the previous world, and he did not intend to use it as his god name.

  However, he also felt that there was no need for a god's name. His own name represented himself. Sooner or later, he would make the name "Luo Yuan" resound throughout the heavens and the world.

  Strength has always been the most direct way for people to remember your name.

  "...I don't know which Demon King in the Red World is yours? Why have you never seen it before?"

  Hearing that Luo Yuan had no divine name, although Alastair felt that he did not lie to himself, he also felt that he was not sincere enough, and his words were a little polite.

  "I'm not the Demon King of the Red World, I'm from another world!"

  Regarding the slight change in Alastair's attitude, Luo Yuan calmly stated his origin with sincerity.

  Anyway, if he didn't say it himself, he would have guessed it. After all, as the Demon God of the Red World, he must be clear about the powerful Demon Kings in the Red World. Maybe the apostles of the Red World with a little bit of strength are all in their attention.

  "Another world... No wonder!"

  The rising flame fluctuated slightly, showing that the Red World Demon God who heard the news was also touched.

  As one of the top existences in the world, he must also know the secrets of the world's barriers.

  It's just that although He is the devil of the red world and controls part of the divine power, he is not a truly complete "god" after all, although he can come from the red world to the present world.

  It's just the other world barriers with other planes, which he cannot easily break under normal circumstances.

  Moreover, because he is the god of the red world, divine power can only be manifested in the red world. Because of the close relationship with the red world, the present world can naturally exert its due strength.

  But apart from these two worlds, He also does not possess the power of God, so He has no idea about other worlds, but he is still concerned about it.

  He was surprised to hear that Luo Yuan was a visitor from another world. After all, Luo Yuan's strength didn't look like he could easily break through the barriers of the world.

  Moreover, he was also keenly aware that Luo Yuan's physical condition was not very good.

  "You seem hurt?"

  "Yes!" Luo Yuan nodded with a smile, he didn't care that his state was discovered, but said to himself: "As you can see, I came to this world because of a serious injury by accident, and even if I recover I shouldn't be able to leave here anymore."

  Luo Yuan knew that Alastair's theocratic function was to maintain the world order, so he implicitly expressed that if nothing else happened, he would always live in this world in the future.

  "However, I found that there seems to be something wrong with the laws of this world? It feels very troublesome!"

  "Oh? What do you think?" Alastair asked casually.

  This is to confirm Luo Yuan's position.

  "It sucks!" Luo Yuan shook his head.

  "We're working on a solution, and I hope you can provide some help when necessary."

  "Happy to serve!"

  "Then, welcome, friend from another world!"

Chapter 7 Start Living Together

  "Thank you!"

  Luo Yuan knew that through a simple communication with the order manager of this world, he initially reached the intention of harmonious coexistence.

  "Well, may I take a break here for a while?"

  "Okay, please feel free!"

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