After the flame representing Alastair responded, it fell silent.

  "Thanks again!"

  Luo Yuan nodded to the flame, knowing that his attitude represented the end of the conversation, so he didn't stop, and walked out of the room along the way.

  When he left, he realized that there was nothing else in the dark room where Alastair was except him.

  Didn't the original plot say that Shana has always lived in the dark room?And seems to have practiced the flames of Alastair since infancy?

  Although this world is a magical world, he still feels that it is too much to practice fire control since he was a baby...

  It doesn't seem to be the case now, and that's right. It seems that the other fire and fog warriors started to control the fire after they contracted with the Red World Demon King, so Shana shouldn't be too talented no matter how talented.

  Watching Luo Yuan leave the dark room where he was, Alastair also began to observe him silently.

  Although it can be made clear by God because of its divinity, its essence can be directly understood through appearance.

  The Luo Yuan he sensed was frank and sincere, full of goodwill towards this place, and he did not need to decompose humans to supplement the power of existence.

  But it is precisely because of the divine nature that God can easily confuse the perceptions of others. Even if everyone has divine nature, it is not certain that the other party can keep his words and deeds consistent.

  So he decided to observe Luo Yuan, and Luo Yuan's request for temporary residence was exactly what he wanted, so he agreed decisively.


  When Luo Yuan walked out of the palace, his image had changed drastically.

  The original bandage outfit has also been replaced by a decent dress, which fits his temperament very well.

  The type of wide robes worn in the previous world is no longer suitable for the era in which this world lives.

  Putting on a dress that fits this era, Luo Yuan is also a little surprised. This is no longer like a lifetime, but a real lifetime!

  Facing the grassy green scenery, Luo Yuan subconsciously looked at the direction where Shana and the others were.

  The skeleton was gone, and Will Amina was approaching the palace with Shana, who was still a little girl.

  It seemed that they wanted to go to Alastair when they saw Luo Yuan coming out, and what kind of attitude should they take towards Luo Yuan in the future.

  Seeing the big change in Luo Yuan's image, Will Emina maintained her indifferent expression as always.

  In her opinion, it is normal to have the ability to store items with this person's strength.

  And before he let her leave a part of the ribbon on him, it felt like he was playing tricks on her.

  Although because of her personality, she would not get angry, but her impression of Luo Yuan was a little worse again.

  On the contrary, the little girl next to her who has not yet been named Shana saw Luo Yuan's eyes, in addition to being a pervert and a bad person, she was a little more curious.

  Luo Yuan knew that he couldn't change his first impression in the hearts of others for the time being, anyway, there would be time in the future.

  Walking on the green grass of Tiandao Palace, Luo Yuan randomly sensed the appearance of Tiandao Palace.

  It seems that the Tiandao Palace is only a few hundred meters in size, and the ground is not perfectly round, and it has also taken a few roads.

  But the environment is very good, very suitable for living.

  “This place is great, I love it!”

  Luo Yuan unconsciously revealed an inexplicable smile.

  He casually walked to a high slope and lay down under the shade of a tree, looking up at the blue sky and white clouds, but the strange thing was that the sun was always in the middle, which seemed to be the effect of the law of freedom in the Tiandao Palace.

  Now that he has calmed down temporarily, he only needs to feel at ease to restore his strength here.

  The reason for being open and honest is that I feel that it is necessary to have a good relationship with Alastair, after all, there is no conflict of interest.

  Looking at himself, Luo Yuan sensed the only remaining orange divine light, not knowing what effect this would have.

  The other two were used up in the last world, so it can be said that they saved themselves twice.

  From the perspective of the energy attributes of the two divine lights, the white divine light mainly contains the power of time, while the black divine light contains the power of time plus the power of space, of which the power of space takes the initiative. Breaking the barriers of the world, let yourself come to this world.

  After going through so much, plus I have reached a certain level.

  He vaguely guessed the identity of the mysterious man, but he couldn't confirm it, and he needed more information.


  Luo Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and stopped thinking about it. The future will be discussed in the future. Now he just wants to rest.

  Although it spanned two worlds, in terms of time, it should have only been one day.

  The battle with the Dragon God almost exhausted him. He had to fight again when he came to this world. In the end, he had to get up and reach a consensus with the order management god of this world. Otherwise, he would not be chased by the two gods of this world. All right.

  Now that his state is too bad, he can't help the pursuit of the two gods. Although the probability of this happening in this world is extremely small, it cannot be ruled out.

  He also knew that there was another sacrificial snake called "God of Creation", who was still trapped in a "permanent trap" in the gap between the present world and the red world, and he was still in a pitiful state of being unable to protect himself.

  He is obviously just a salted fish who just wants to talk to the girls he likes and then play games.

  But in order to protect what he cherished, he had to go through a life-and-death struggle.

  Fortunately, there is no threat to life in this world for the time being. The strongest god has already welcomed his arrival. Now we just need to feel at ease and restore our strength...

  Luo Yuan's thoughts were wandering for an unknown time, and suddenly he felt that there was an extra person in front of him, and the air was still filled with the fresh body fragrance unique to a girl.

  He opened his eyes lazily, and saw Will Emina, who was dressed as a maid with a cold and reluctant expression, standing in front of him.

  "Dinner is ready, please dine with me!"

  Seeing Luo Yuan wake up, Will Emina said in a flat tone, and then ignored Luo Yuan and walked towards the palace on her own.

  It seems that she was instructed by Alastair and knew that Luo Yuan was not an enemy. As for whether she told her her true identity, it was unclear.

  Seeing this beautiful maid, although she was reluctant, she still acquiesced to the fact that she was temporarily living, and even prepared a dinner for herself.

  "That's really hard work!"

  Luo Yuan quickly jumped up and followed Will Amina's pace with a funny smile.


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Chapter 8 Cooking is my forte

  "what is this?"

  In the restaurant of Tiandao Palace, there are currently only three people here, Shana, Will Emina, and Luo Yuan who temporarily lived in Tiandao Palace.

  Luo Yuan sat across from the two of them, looking at the single dinner in front of him with black lines all over his head.

  Although Luo Yuan, who has watched the anime, knew that Will Emina was a princess of the kingdom before, in order to help fulfill the last order of the previous generation "Bright Eyes", she came to Tiandao Palace and put on a maid outfit to take care of the possible follow-up "Bright Eyes". ".

  As for her cooking skills, Luo Yuan knew that it was very appalling, and she didn't know why she had not improved at all in hundreds of years.

  But looking at the large plate in front of him, he couldn't distinguish the raw materials, and Luo Yuan still felt that it was too much.

  This is the legendary dark cuisine, right?

  Ordinary people are afraid of diarrhea if they eat it.

  This is the way of hospitality of the dignified Tiandao Palace?


  Will Emina naturally couldn't hear Luo Yuan's complaints, but she answered his questions very seriously.

  Judging from her plain expression, it seemed that she had no problem with cooking such a dish that might eat dead people.


  The little girl on the side finally couldn't help laughing when she saw the ugly expression on Luo Yuan's face, but then she covered her mouth with her little hand.

  Just looking at her eyes was full of smiles, and her shoulders trembled involuntarily.

  "Cough...I don't seem to be very hungry yet!"

  Luo Yuan, who wanted to taste the food cooked by the beauty from another world, had failed and had to give up his plan to torture himself.

  This is obviously Will Amina's revenge for Luo Yuan's previous actions.

  Although she still maintained her expressionless face, Luo Yuan noticed a trace of schadenfreude from the depths of her burgundy eyes.

  "Wait for me! Sooner or later I'll come back with revenge!"

  Luo Yuan didn't look on the surface, but in his heart he had written down the account for her in a small book.


  Will Emina didn't say anything extra about Luo Yuan's refusal to eat the food she prepared. After responding lightly, she ate the same thing as the little girl next to her, but it was obviously similar to Luo Yuan's. different food.

  Even if they didn't eat, Luo Yuan didn't leave, seeing that although they weren't the food that was deliberately spoiled on their plates, they weren't much better, and they were all easy-to-process fast food.

  Poor Shana, that's how the pair of A's came to be, right?

  For such an unreliable maid who was transferred from a princess, Luo Yuan could only sigh secretly for Xiao Shana.

  At the same time, Luo Yuan was somewhat complacent.

  "Isn't this an opportunity to send a door to your favor!"

  A meal ends quickly in this quirky atmosphere.

  Xiao Shana is very sensible, and she is not picky about unpalatable meals. She eats herself happily.

  Perhaps because of what Will Amina said to her, her eyes at Luo Yuan almost disappeared, but the perverted cognition was still retained.

  After all, the current little Shana is just an ordinary human being, although she has some understanding and habits of the living environment and the people around her.

  But under the very indecent image of Luo Yuan falling from the sky, she still left a very deep impression in her young mind.

  Of course, it's negative!

  However, Luo Yuan was not worried. He believed that he would soon be able to change his image in her heart. Even if the perverted impression could not be erased, at least it could be faded.

  After dinner, it is night time to rest. It is already night time, but the Tiandao Palace is still in the state of the sun shining in the sky, so everyone's rest room is in the basement.

  Will Emina still arranged a separate room for Luo Yuan. Although it is not luxurious, it is still equipped with basic things.

  Because in the hundreds of years before that, between the previous generation "Yanfa Burning Eye" and Shana, the Heavenly Dao Palace also cultivated many preparatory "Yan Fa Burning Eyes".

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