The little girl listened carefully to the teachings of the beautiful woman who raised her, with a calm and firm expression that was never in line with her age.

  "Since this goal has been chosen..."

  Willemina continued.

  "Then I hope you can work hard and persevere. This may become your future mission. We also have very high expectations for you."

  "I will not disappoint you, Will Amina!"

  The little girl said loudly when she heard this.

  Will Emina looked at Luo Yuan who was walking in the distance while still paying attention to here, nodded to the little girl and stepped aside to stop talking.

  "Crack, click..."

  As Will Emina stepped back, the skeleton Melisim, who was standing still, took steady steps, and the bones all over his body made a rhythmic bone friction sound with its movements.

  "bring it on!"

  The little girl let out a coquettish cry.

  Then he was slapped by the skeleton monster...

  "It hurts, it hurts!"

  The little girl fell a few meters away from the skeleton and felt a burning pain where she was hit.

  Even if you have already prepared, even if you have made up your mind.

  But when this moment came, she still felt fear and pain.

  She was only a child after all.

  But no one took pity on her, Will Emina's expression was indifferent as always, and Melisim, whom she called Xiaobai, was walking towards her with mechanical steps again.

  "I, I can do it!"

  As if remembering that she had just made a rhetoric, the little girl rubbed the place where she was hit and felt severe pain, and struggled to get up.

  "Pay attention to the direction of the air flow caused by the attack, and pay attention to the body part targeted by the killing intent..."

  The little girl muttered to herself what she should do while trying to turn it into action.

  But...she is still too weak after all. Even if she concentrates her attention, she can vaguely detect the opponent's attack trajectory, but she can't keep up with her actions.


  She was hit again and flew out.

  Luo Yuan frowned slightly as he watched this scene from afar.

  Too simplistic and rude.

  By fighting against the strong and learning how to fight from constant beatings, this seems to be a training subject for killers.

  No wonder it is called "the scorching killer".

  If it is an ordinary person, the killer trained according to this training method is powerful, but it is also extremely short-lived.

  This is fundamentally squeezing one's own life potential.

  Obviously it is a magical world, but it still uses such a primitive and backward training method to cultivate "scorching eyes".

  And in the original anime, Shana also used this method when training the male protagonist.

  It's really in the same line!

  Although I used a similar method to train Kazami Yuka and the others, it was also based on their solid accumulation.

  They had that kind of strength, but they lacked the corresponding methods to use them, so Luo Yuan used beating-style special training to force them to discover their potential.

  Even if they don't accumulate enough strength, they are also monsters, and they are not comparable in this aspect compared to the weak bodies of humans.


  At this moment, the cry of the little girl interrupted Luo Yuan's thoughts.

  Sure enough, because he was still a child, under such strong pressure and pain, he finally showed what he should have done.

  Xiao Shana began to cry under the continuous beatings, trying to hope that the other party could stop the special training.

  But obviously, the skeleton monster who chased after the little girl all the way didn't show any mercy.

  And Will Emina, who was silently watching, was deeply distressed by what happened to the little girl at this time, but she was still very rationally controlling the thought that she could hardly help but stop it.

  Now that you have chosen this path, you must be prepared to suffer and suffer.

  Because "Fire and Mist Warrior" was never for pleasure!

  "Wow ah ah... Will Emina!"

  The little girl was knocked to the ground again, this time she simply lay on the ground crying and calling for someone similar to her mother who had raised her for many years.

  But Willemina was unmoved by what happened to her at this time.

  "Ugh...I, I don't want to train anymore!"

  Seeing that there was no response to the call for help, the little girl started to lose her temper and make trouble unreasonably.

  But this is no child's play. On the real battlefield, the enemy will not let you go because you refuse to fight.

  The skeleton monster Melisim walked in front of the little girl, pinched her bone fist, and slammed the little girl on the ground with a violent fist.


  Although I know that this is the painful transformation process that Shana must go through if she wants to become stronger.

  But the difference between what I heard and what I saw with my own eyes is still very obvious.

  He couldn't watch the little girl being chased and beaten by someone who already liked Shana, and he felt that this training method was really anti-magic.

  So when the skeleton monster was going to make up for the little girl who had almost no resistance, Luo Yuan directly intervened.

  Seeing that Luo Yuan grabbed his bone fist, Melisim's other bone claw also squeezed into a fist and slammed towards Luo Yuan.


  Luo Yuan had a mocking smile on his face, and if Melisim held back his big move, he would feel apprehensive. Except for the Dragon God, he had never seen anyone who could melee him.

  Casually grabbing the bone fist from Melisim with the other hand, Luo Yuan wondered if he wanted to teach this skeleton monster who always shot at him a profound lesson.

  "Let go!"

  At this moment, Will Emina directly waved her hand, and the white ribbon that was strengthened like steel flew out, heading straight for Luo Yuan.

  Then Luo Yuan freed up a hand to easily grab it, and at the same time Luo Yuan pulled it violently, and Will Emina reproduced the scene of that day.

  "Please don't interfere in the affairs of our Tiandao Palace at will!"

  Will Emina struggled violently for a few times and found that it had no effect, and her indifferent face could not help but show a few traces of anger.

Chapter 11 It's a win-win situation

  "Is the matter of your Tiandao Palace training people in such an inhuman way?"

  Luo Yuan looked at Will Amina, who was struggling in his arms.

  "No need for an outsider like you to intervene!"

  Seemingly stimulated by Luo Yuan's statement, Will Emina shouted angrily at him.

  "You said it doesn't count!"

  Seeing that it was rare to see other expressions on the face of the beautiful maid who had always had a cold expression, Luo Yuan said slowly with a playful smile.

  "Since this is up to her, she must follow her own wishes."

  Then Luo Yuan and Will Emina all looked down at the tearful little girl lying on the ground.

  Perhaps it was because of Melisim's good control with force and skill that even though the little girl was beaten many times, she didn't vomit blood, and it was basically a trauma.

  The little girl who could barely move heard the three people's discussions, and couldn't help but raised her face.

  The skeleton monster can't see the expression, it is trying hard to break free from Luo Yuan's restraint.

  Will Emina still looked at her expressionlessly, but her burgundy pupils were filled with distress and expectation.

  And Luo Yuan smiled and looked at her expectantly. I don't know if she was expecting her to seek Luo Yuan's help to escape this mission, or she was expecting her to stand up and face all this bravely, so as to grow into him The arrogant and stubborn Shana in my heart...

  Even Alastair rarely said anything about the conflict between Luo Yuan and the three.

  Maybe he is also waiting, waiting for the little girl to choose her future, whether to choose to escape or take it.

  All this is her own choice.

  Once selected, there is no reason for others to interfere.

  The little girl finally stood up staggeringly, her two little hands wiped away the tears on her face indiscriminately, and her dirty little face suddenly turned into a little cat.

  "I, I can, I want to be a fire fog warrior!"

  "very good!"

  Luo Yuan's smile became brighter, perhaps he also subconsciously liked the Shana in his memory.

  Now that the little girl has determined the path she is going to take, Luo Yuan is relieved and no longer intends to intervene.

  With a wave of his hand, the skeleton monster Melisim was thrown out by him.

  At the same time, he took a step back and gently released Will Emina from his arms.

  "Sorry, I won't intervene in special training again!"

  Then Luo Yuan squatted down slightly and carefully helped the little girl wipe her face.

  Maybe it was Luo Yuan's caring behavior that made the little girl aware of it. She didn't struggle to resist, and was very obedient and allowed Luo Yuan to wipe her face.

  "come on!"

  Luo Yuan finally touched her head and gave a word of encouragement, and then left without looking back.

  "Thank you!"

  Thinking of the little girl's voice behind him made Luo Yuan pause, and then continued to walk towards the palace.

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