"Although I promised not to intervene in the special training, I didn't say that I couldn't give up our heroine!"

  Luo Yuan's mouth curled into a smile.

  Although this intervention was a bit unpleasant, it can be said to be a win-win situation.

  Luo Yuan successfully gained Shana's favor, and Shana also strengthened her path to the Fire Mist Warrior, and there were three remaining skeletons with the same goal in the Tiandao Palace, and the people and gods were not disappointed.

  Without Luo Yuan's intervention, the special training began to enter the normal rhythm of beatings and beatings.

  The perpetrator, the skeleton monster Melisium.

  Those who are beaten, prepare the fire fog warrior Shana.

  Finally, today's special training ended ahead of schedule after the little girl was knocked out.

  Melisim continued to walk steadily to the palace where it was located.

  And Will Emina went back to the room to bandage the little girl who was covered in injuries and fell into a coma.

  During this period, Luo Yuan never appeared on the scene to watch.

  When it was almost noon, Will Emina helped Xiao Shana treat her wound and then came to the kitchen to prepare today's lunch.


  Sure enough, as soon as I stepped into the restaurant, I saw a dazzling array of food on the table.

  And that nasty guy is busy serving dishes and soups.

  Seeing Will Amina appear, he greeted her with the smile that made her a little annoying as always.

  As if the person who bullied her in the morning was not him.

  The cold expression on Will Emina's beautiful face became colder.

  She decided to ignore Luo Yuan, and she was not going to eat the very rich and delicious food he prepared, she planned to make it herself.


  Before she could walk to the kitchen, Luo Yuan spoke again.

  "I've also prepared the fast food you bought for you!"

  Luo Yuan casually opened the plate on the side, which was filled with instant food that Willemina bought that could be eaten without any processing.

  Looking at the fast food that is usually barely able to swallow, but not delicious, and then specially cooked by Luoyuan, it looks very appetizing just from the appearance.

  However, Will Emina did not appreciate it and stopped going to the kitchen.

  Apparently this nasty guy just wants to eat his food.

  But Will Amina, who still hates this guy, really doesn't want to see his smiling face, which makes her feel a little irritated.

  So she glared at Luo Yuan and left the restaurant directly.

  Luo Yuan did not continue to retain her. For this beautiful princess maid, who was also very cold, she could not get along with her in a conventional way.

  It’s good to have an opinion about yourself. Having an opinion shows that you are worried about yourself. It’s better than having no emotional fluctuations.

  Of course, it would be better if she accepted the status quo. Under the long-term subtlety, many things will slowly deteriorate.

  This is what Luo Yuan is best at.


  After waiting for a while, Xiao Shana finally woke up. Of course, it was likely that she woke up from hunger.

  Although the pain was unbearable, she still managed to come to the restaurant, and then made the exclamation of breakfast.

  "Come on, I'll be waiting for you to eat!"

  Luo Yuan gave her a gentle smile and helped her to serve the meal.

  "Where's Willemina?"

  Xiao Shana sat on the seat obediently, and asked while taking the rice bowl that Luo Yuan handed over.

  "She just said something, let's eat first!"


  The little girl with a lot of healing bandages on her body didn't think too much under the stimulation of hunger, she nodded and started eating.

  On the other hand, Will Amina left the restaurant and went directly to the deep underground of the palace, where the "God of Punishment" Alastair was located.

  "Lord Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire."

  "I know what you're trying to say!"

  The flaming flames on the "Kana" Noble Phantasm made a thick male voice.

  "Don't care about his actions for the time being. He may act a little bit of himself, but we are not enemies with him."

  Will Amina, who originally asked Alastair whether she could ask Luo Yuan to leave Luoyuan, did not get the answer she wanted, so she could only accept the result.


Chapter 12 Still Can't Bear Shana's Suffering

  "Did you say what to do after you finish your meal?"

  Luo Yuan watched the little girl who was gobbling down quietly, helping her to pick up her favorite dishes from time to time.

  "Hmm~ I'm going to continue reading in the afternoon!"

  The little girl was talking while eating.

  Reading started very early, from the beginning Will Emina taught her to read, and now her word reserve is enough for her to read most books.

  And now, she is basically studying independently. When she encounters something she doesn't understand, she writes it down, and then she checks the materials prepared by Emina by herself.

  If you really can't find it, ask Will Emina again.

  I have to say that she is indeed very talented. Compared with her peers, her life is very simple and boring, but she perseveres.

  This is also the result of the deliberate guidance of the people of Tiandao Palace and the creation of the surrounding atmosphere.

  If a person is exposed to simple or single things from a young age, it is easy to cultivate her concentration, but once a habit is formed, it is not easy to be affected even if there are more things in contact.

  In the original plot, Shana also stayed in the Tiandao Palace since she was a child until the Tiandao Palace was destroyed when she was 12 years old. She also became a fighter of fire and fog. Since then, she has officially started to contact the outside world, constantly wandering around and fighting against the apostles of the Red World. .

  Looking at the little girl's straightforward answer, Luo Yuan also felt a little distressed.

  That's horrible!

  Shana was so miserable as a child!

  There is no delicious food, no fun, most of the time every day is reading, and the rest of the time is all beaten.

  In the anime, I only see her arrogance and cuteness, as well as her sharpness and self-confidence in battle. Even when she goes to school, she is a god-level student in every subject.

  These are what she sacrificed too much in exchange.

  This strengthened Luo Yuan's determination to let Shana get out of such an endless mission.

  "I'm full~ Ouch!"

  The little girl quickly got full under Luo Yuan's attention. Compared with the various fast food that lacked nutrients before, the sumptuous meal prepared by Luo Yuan made her unable to eat enough.

  However, her cry was not because of too much support, but because of the damage to her body caused by the previous battle.

  Although most of the pain was healed by Will Emina, the less serious parts were not resolved, and I don't know if it was to impress her.

  Before, because I was hungry, I didn't pay much attention to it. Now that I am full and the movement range is a bit larger, the residual pain and pain on my body are sensitively reflected.

  "What's wrong? Does it still hurt?"

  Luo Yuan quickly came to her side and asked with concern.

  "No, nothing."

  The little girl flatly denied that, whether it was Will Emina's previous teaching or today's special training, she understood the meaning of being strong.

  The belief that she was unwilling to admit her weakness had begun to germinate in her small heart.

  Luo Yuan knew that this might be the source of Shana's arrogance.

  As for the strength of the little girl, he certainly did not intend to let her endure it like this. With a wave of his hand, a white light appeared on her body.


  The little girl only felt warm and sore all over her body. She moved her body immediately, and felt no discomfort at all.

  "what have you done?"

  "It's just a little healing spell!"

  Facing the little girl's surprised eyes, Luo Yuan explained casually that his ability could easily heal such a small injury.

  Perhaps although Willemina has the means to treat the pain, she can't do such an understatement as Luo Yuan, that's why she chooses Shana's slight pain to get better naturally.


  The little girl nodded, and then her expression became contorted. She didn't know if she should thank her. She shouted out naturally in that atmosphere.

  But now it was face to face and there were only two people, so the little girl's face started to turn red slowly.

  "That...I'm going to study!"

  Under Luo Yuan's interesting gaze, the little girl couldn't shout after all, and planned to slip away as if she changed the subject.

  "Wait a moment!"

  Luo Yuan grabbed the little girl who was about to run away.

  "I still have something for you."


  When Luo Yuan grabbed her little hand, the little girl didn't run away, and she didn't struggle hard. Now that she had established initial trust in Luo Yuan, she just turned her head and looked at him suspiciously.

  "A little something delicious, open your mouth!"

  Luo Yuan noticed that the little girl's attitude towards him had greatly changed, and he felt much happier all of a sudden, he slightly bent his fingers and looked at her.

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