And the little girl who had a sense of trust in him also opened her mouth subconsciously.

  Luo Yuan took the opportunity to flick, and a drop of blood entered her mouth.

  At the same time, Luo Yuan casually placed a spot between her eyebrows, and a beam of energy containing some information entered her mind.

  He was going to hang up for her.

  Although Luo Yuan's state at this time was not very good, the energy contained in his blood was still very strong.

  In the state of Xiao Shana at this time, it must not be absorbed immediately, and it may take a few years.

  Moreover, the information he penetrated between her eyebrows is also the cultivation method of her own King Sanzhong.

  When she has absorbed the energy contained in her blood, she will still be able to complete her body refinement.

  But it can only go to this extent, and this cannot be changed by quantity.

  The key lies in Luo Yuan himself. If it is his peak state, the energy contained in a drop of blood can be absorbed by ordinary people and become the strongest human being at the level of a king.

  In the previous world, the reason why a lot of blood was used on Suwako was because most of it was used to wash away her soul, which had been stained with vicissitudes and depression for a long time before.

  Moreover, Suwako is also a very powerful god, so he also needs a sufficient amount of energy to offset those unfavorable things.

  Body Refinement is basically enough for Shana. After all, once she becomes a Fire and Mist Warrior, she mainly relies on the free method and weapons to cover the battle.

  Now let her absorb and change her physique, it's just to make her suffer less.

  "What are you doing? It's so hot!"

  When Luo Yuan's blood was eaten by her, it began to work, slowly changing her body.

  The little girl immediately felt that her body was different, and at the same time, some more information came out of her brain.

  But she didn't feel uncomfortable, on the contrary, she also keenly felt that her body was constantly getting stronger.

  "This is our secret, you must keep it secret!"

  Luo Yuan looked at her with a smile and said seriously.

  "Okay, I get it now!"

  The little girl already felt her head dizzy, and after agreeing to Luo Yuan's words in a daze, she plunged into his arms and fell asleep.

Chapter 13 No Road Race No Road Race No Road Race

  "What did you do to her?"

  A beautiful maid dressed as a maid looked at Luo Yuan with a hint of anger on her pretty face.

  "Suspicious behavior!"

  The white crown on her head, Tiamat, also spit out a few words.

  "Guess it?"

  Luo Yuan looked at the face of the princess maid with a very playful smile. He liked to use various methods to make other expressions on her indifferent face.

  Mingming is also a person with rich inner feelings, but she has become a cold and unsmiling woman in the heavy past.

  If Shana is pitiful, Will Emina is even more pitiful!

  She is obviously a princess of the kingdom, and her status is respected, but because the kingdom was destroyed and her family was destroyed, she became a fighter of fire and fog.

  It's just that although she has become a fire fog warrior because of hatred, she has no goal of revenge.

  The enemy has long been reduced to ashes in the fire of war.

  But having lost her life goals, she lives a turbulent life, and her future is full of confusion.

  Fortunately, she met a group of good friends and girlfriends, and even had special feelings for the enemy.

  But her life is destined to be full of misery. Her best friend, who was a "blazing crusader", was killed in the war, and she was destined to have no results with the enemy she had a good impression of.

  Fortunately, she also has comrades in the fire and fog warrior camp.

  Finally, in his long career as a fire and fog warrior, he was no longer confused, and by chance, he picked up a little girl in swaddling.

  So she came to Tiandao Palace and put on a maid costume to raise the little girl herself.

  It is in the little girl's relationship with her that she gradually developed a relationship with her relatives, which also gave her sustenance.

  It's just that after taking care of Shana in the original plot, she is still alone. In the end, in order to take care of her friend's child, she continues to live her maid's life as if there is no end.

  Even if she doesn't complain, the side she shows makes people feel emotional.

  Therefore, Luo Yuan's affection for her is not only admiration, but also pity, so that he always wants to bully her, and wants to break her indifference.


  Seeing Luo Yuan's attitude, Will Amina was instantly furious, her slender hands clenched tightly into fists, and the power of existence began to emerge around her.

  "Okay, I'm afraid of you!"

  Luo Yuan was very speechless. He had to be brave even though he couldn't beat him. He made himself look like a bad guy, so he had to raise his hands in a gesture of surrender.

  "I just use my ability to make her suffer less. Time will test all this. You should feel that this energy is positive."

  "..." Seeing that Luo Yuan was actually subdued, Will Amina was a little uncomfortable. In her impression, even though it was only two days, this guy's strong character had already been revealed.

  So soft now?

  It seems that he is really doing it for the good of the child, or...

  She unconsciously remembered that she was taken into his arms twice by him, and the admiring look in his eyes at that time.

  "I hope you didn't lie to me! Otherwise..."

  Will Emina was a little confused and didn't want to continue talking to Luo Yuan. She put down those cruel words and turned around to continue to see the little girl sleeping in the room.

  "Mixed feelings!"

  The crown band on her head spoke softly on her behalf as she walked back to express her feelings at this time.

  Willemina was expressionless and said nothing.

  Luo Yuan watched Will Amina leave quietly, then turned his head and walked towards where Alastair was.

  Since I came here, I naturally have to have more contact with the giants of this world and become familiar with them.

  And Alastair's theocracy can allow Luo Yuan to reflect on himself and comprehend a lot of things.

  While he was hanging on Shana, the God of Punishment did not make any movement.

  Obviously he knew that what Luo Yuan did was good for the little girl.

  As for why he, as the God of Punishment, does not have such means as Luo Yuan, perhaps his life form is fundamentally different from that of human beings.

  In the form of a flame monster on his body, it is obviously different from humans. If Luo Yuan does this, he may transform the little girl into a monster, and it is even more likely that she will die directly.

  That's why He chose to use human's own training methods to train Shana, which completely failed to reflect the brute force of Him as a god.

  In any case, the power of this ontology of existence is still the goal that one needs to learn.

  Luo Yuan walked into the dark room while thinking.

  "Can Alastair have a chat?"

  "Of course!"

  There is no sun and moon in the Tiandao Palace, and two years pass by at the click of a finger...

  "Luo Yuan, Luo Yuan!"

  A young and sweet voice rushed into the restaurant of Tiandao Palace.

  Along with the shouting, Xiao Shana, who had grown into a seven- or eight-year-old loli, appeared in the restaurant.

  "What are you eating today?"

  "Of course it's your favorite food!"

  Luo Yuan brought out a plate of pineapple buns, put it on the table, and rubbed the little Loli's head.

  After staying in Tiandao Palace for two years, everyone got used to it, and because of Luo Yuan's special care, the little girl not only made great progress in training, but also did not suffer in life.

  Therefore, Xiao Shana has completely lost her guard against Luo Yuan, and regards him as a very close person, and she is not polite to talk to him.

  In fact, he doesn't pay much attention to diet. Luo Yuan has always been inclined to cook Chinese dishes since he cooked by himself, so even the tastes of people from Tiandao Palace have been skewed by him, and so is Xiao Shana.

  But there is always one food that is essential at every meal, and that is pineapple bread.

  "how are you today?"

  After Luo Yuan rubbed her little head, he grabbed the dull hair on her head with his hands.

  "Have you beaten the skeleton monster all over the place looking for teeth?"

  "That's Xiaobai!"

  Little Loli glared at him and then explained.

  "I still can't beat Xiaobai, but I've hit him a few times today."

  "It's amazing, I'll definitely beat it next time!"

  Luo Yuan encouraged her in a perfunctory tone, while continuing to play with the dull hair on her head.


  At first, Little Loli allowed Luo Yuan to rub her head affectionately, and she also got used to him from scratching the dull hair on her head from the beginning.

  And she knows why this guy is always so reluctant to grab her stupid hair.

  But she couldn't let Luo Yuan get his wish easily, and she couldn't help but open Luo Yuan's hand.


  How could Luo Yuan give up if he didn't achieve his goal, he smiled and continued to stretch out his hand as if he was eager to try.

  Little Loli knew there was nothing she could do, and suddenly took a deep breath.

  "Finally, it's coming again!" Luo Yuan smiled even more brightly, and at the same time his hand continued to move forward.

  "No road race, no road race, no road race!"

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