
  ps: It’s really uncomfortable not to save the manuscript. The closer the transitional content to the plot is, the harder it is to write.

Chapter 14 Birthday Battle

  oh oh you sweet guy.

  Luo Yuan suddenly showed a happy expression.

  "Thank you for hospitality!"


  Little Loli pursed her lips and snorted. She was already a bit arrogant, but she brought this point to the fullest under Luo Yuan's coddling.

  Every day, Luo Yuan will find various ways to tease her, and then you can enjoy it, Shana shouts out the signature roadless race with Ning Gong Yin.

  The nail palace virus has spread to Luo Yuan's body, but he still enjoys it.

  Although Xiao Shana's voice was not fully developed at this time, she already had a bit of that flavor when she shouted out her signature language.

  Little Loli also knew about Luo Yuan's special hobby, but she was arrogant and couldn't satisfy him at will, so she could only make arrogant shouts under this reluctance.

  After a while, Will Emina also came to the restaurant. She basically hadn't been in the kitchen for the past two years because of Luo Yuan.

  There was so little reluctance from the beginning, but it became accustomed to it later.

  It's just that her attitude towards Luo Yuan was always a little detached, as if something was struggling in her heart.

  Luo Yuan also knew the reason, so he was not in a hurry.

  After the three of them silently finished a meal, Will Amina was about to leave, and Xiao Shana suddenly blinked at Luo Yuan.

  Luo Yuan nodded knowingly and snapped his fingers.


  Suddenly the restaurant was plunged into darkness.

  "what happened?"

  Will Emina suddenly looked inexplicable.

  At this moment, colorful light balls lit up in the restaurant, and Luo Yuan had already taken out a large plate from the kitchen.

  On a plate was a cream cake with candles that shone with colorful lights.

  The atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became romantic and beautiful.

  "This is?" Will Amina was stunned.

  "A special holiday! Will Emina!"

  Little Loli looked at her excitedly.

  The Tiandao Palace has its own way of recording dates, which is a trapezoidal vertical calendar called the Caesar calendar.

  In addition, Xiao Shana also engraved the corresponding correction table.

  Of course, all she's engraved are the big days that need special treatment.

  And today is a very important day that Will Emina told her.

  So she specially conspired with Luo Yuan, and Luo Yuan also made some preparations for this.

  Will Emina's already very cold face quickly flushed.

  "By the way, what is the important day today?"

  Xiao Shana thought she would surprise Will Emina, who had been raising her, but she didn't remember what important day today was because she didn't say it.


  Will Emina was created by the atmosphere, and it was rare to reveal her true feelings. She looked at Xiao Shana with some reminiscence in her eyes.

  "...the day we met."

  "Huh?" Xiao Shana was stunned.

  "Today...is it the day you picked me up?"

  "No, today is your birthday!" Luo Yuan interjected in a timely manner, with a very serious tone.

  Although for Shana, today was her most miserable day many years ago, but it can also be said to be her luckiest day.

  She did not die in the war, but met Will Amina, and she was raised by her in the Heavenly Dao Palace from then on.

  "Yes, today is your birthday." Will Amina glanced at Luo Yuan, knowing that he didn't want her to feel sad about such a day, so she immediately said affirmatively.

  "Wow!" Little Lolita immediately put aside those thoughts and cried out happily.

  "So, on your birthday, make a wish, blow out candles, and eat cake!"

  Luo Yuan vaguely remembered that the original plot had such an important day related to Shana and Will Amina, so he probably guessed this aspect.

  So the birthday cake was also prepared, because this day of the year was also equivalent to the day when Shana got a new life.

  Immediately, Luo Yuan took the lead in singing the Happy Birthday song, and Will Emina also applauded.

  Although Xiao Shana lived such a life for the first time, she also knew what to do. She closed her eyes slightly and silently made a wish in her heart.


  Then she opened her eyes and blew out the candle with a sharp breath.

  "What wish did you make?"

  Luo Yuan asked with a smile, and at the same time, his eyes began to flash with wicked light.

  "Hee~ I won't tell you!" Xiao Shana smiled at him, and then tilted her head to the side like a little arrogant.

  "If you don't say anything..." Luo Yuan raised his hand slightly, and the candles on the cake disappeared in a blink of his mind, and then he pressed his hand hard on the back of her head.

  "Then let's eat cake~ Haha!"


  Xiao Shana's little head was originally next to the cake. With Luo Yuan's force, her whole little face was buried in the cream cake.

  When she pulled out her little head, her whole face was covered with cream, and only two big black eyes were left.

  "You big bastard!"

  Immediately, she couldn't care about anything else, she grabbed a large piece of cream like she had no teacher and wanted to throw it at Luo Yuan.

  Luo Yuan had already dodged aside, and at the same time winked at her quickly, motioning to drag Will Amina into the water.

  "Huh?" Xiao Shana was very keenly aware of Luo Yuan's intentions, and immediately showed a prank smile.


  The cream cake she threw precisely smeared the blank face of Will Amina.

  "Hee hee~ Will Emina invites you to eat cake!"

  "Uh..." Will Emina, who has always been serious about things, would have expected that the two of them would play such a prank, and she didn't have time to react at all.

  "And drinks!" Luo Yuan took out a few more bottles of juice, and he moved his hands and feet in them. As soon as the lid was opened, the juice would spew out, which was similar to opening champagne.

  "Bang ~ bah!"

  Luo Yuan was a non-locking attack, and Xiao Shana and Will Emina were sprayed wet immediately.

  "Wow wow~ Damn!"

  Xiao Shana has completely entered the combat state, and quickly picked up the juice from the table and opened it to fight Luo Yuan.

  It's just that both of them will subconsciously include Will Emina in their combat goals.

  "Oh~" Affected by this atmosphere, Willemina reached out to the drink on the table with trembling hands.

  "The battle begins!"

  With the white crown on the head, Tiamat's short four words were issued.

  "Crack!" With a sound, Will Emina opened the juice, and Luo Yuan and Xiao Shana were immediately hit by the squirted juice.

  "Wow~" "Haha!"

  The battle finally escalated again thanks to the addition of Will Emina.

  Three people used cake in one hand and juice in the other as a weapon, and staged a big birthday battle in the spacious restaurant.

  Today is destined to be a special day, and it is destined to be a happy day...

Chapter 15 The upcoming plot

  Xiao Shana has only fought with Melisim, and she is still excited to participate in her birthday event.

  When the event was over, she was taken to rest early by Will Amina.

  The energy in Luo Yuan's body ran at will, and the restaurant suddenly became clean and tidy.

  Walking leisurely in the palace, it is still sunny outside, and the sun is far in the middle of the sky. Because it is protected by the special formation surrounding the Tiandao Palace, it does not feel hot.

  Walking out of the hall, Will Emina stood quietly by the artificial lake from a distance, not knowing whether she was looking at the scenery or wanted to calm down some emotions.

  In the past two years, Luo Yuan has not teased her too much. Most of the time, he gets along normally, and it is effective for her to strengthen his goodwill towards each other just right.

  Willemina slowly got to know him a lot, from the hatred at the beginning to the familiarity at the back, she is not sure if she has other thoughts.

  After all, there are no other men in Tiandao Palace.

  A skeleton, a flame, these two males are inhuman.

  Based on Will Emina's years of experience, she has never gotten along with men like this.

  Luo Yuan has grown up so far, and he is no longer the abandoned house in his previous life, and the bearing and temperament he has developed over the years is also charming, so it is impossible for Will Amina to treat him as an ordinary person.

  Moreover, Luo Yuan's thoughts about her are also very clear to her, and the two previous hugs by him naturally made her thoughts complicated.

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