Luo Yuan followed Will Amina to leave Tiandao Palace and came to the ground. He had come out a few times before, and it was only when he came out before that he let the avatar stay here to do some chores.

  They came directly to the remote part of the seaside city, because according to the agreement of the fire and fog warriors, ordinary people were not allowed to know about the existence of the Red World and its related existence.

  On the one hand, the ban is to avoid causing damage to the real world, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent humans from realizing this unconventional existence beyond their cognition.

  "Where are you going to buy something?"

  Willemina was not caught up in her signature large backpack, but carried a small white handbag that matched her maid outfit perfectly.

  This handbag has its own space inside, about the size of a room of about a hundred square meters, which was given to her by Luo Yuan.

  In the original plot of this world, only Shana has Alastair's night hat, which can be used to store a large number of items.

  In addition, most of the Red Devils do not have the corresponding ability to store items.

  The Crimson Demon King "Dream Crown Belt" Tiamat, whom Willemina contracted, did not have any such props either.

  So much so that wherever she goes, she is carrying a large backpack swaggering through the market, and the rate of turning back and avoiding passersby is extremely high.

  Although Luo Yuan comes with a huge inner space, it is obviously impossible for them to use it.

  But he can make his own small space to store items.

  This is due to the power of the space domain mastered by his own demigod realm, and he has inherited most of the magical knowledge of the creator of the magical world.

  Just relying on Wen Jielin's magical attainments, she has been able to create a magical medium for storing items, not to mention that this aspect far exceeds her Luo Yuan.

  So he took the time to make such a handbag with storage function for Will Amina over the years, and the umbrella left for the four girls in the previous world also has such a storage function.

  Because opening requires energy, Luo Yuan specially adjusted the transformation, so that Will Emina only needs to consume the power of existence to open and access items.

  "What do you think?" Seeing Will Emina asking knowingly, Luo Yuan pushed her against the wall with a wall dong, and looked at her big twinkling eyes with a funny expression.

  In the past few years, learning the Freedom Law with Will Emina is on the one hand to prepare for the future Shana, on the other hand, it is also to increase the opportunity to contact her openly and honestly in this way.

  The female teacher of Neon Country has always been the profession that makes people smile involuntarily.

  Although Will Amina is not a neon person, Luo Yuan's purpose is not pure at all, and Will Amina has some complicated thoughts about him.

  So even if nothing really happened between the two, the relationship is already very close, usually holding hands and occasionally hugging.

  It's just that there are often light bulbs in Tiandao Palace, because Luo Yuan's unspeakable thoughts, in front of Shana, he is very natural and serious to Will Emina.

  And in front of Will Emina, he also maintained the appearance of pampering Shana as a child.

  Once alone with one of them, he showed his demonic fangs.

  In the Tiandao Palace, he was still a little restrained. After all, there was a skeleton monster that appeared and disappeared, and Alastair was silently paying attention. Although he could detect them and take precautions in advance, it was always not refreshing in this environment.

  So when Will Amina leaves Tiandao Palace, he will also choose to come out with him.

  Will Emina was slammed on the wall by Luo Yuan, and was watched by his scorching eyes. She barely maintained her calm on the surface, but she was very flustered in her heart.

  "Watch your words and deeds!"

  Just when the atmosphere between the two began to become ambiguous, the cold voice of the white crown on Will Amina's head broke the atmosphere.

  "Shut up, Tiamat!"

  Luo Yuan was very angry. When he came outside, the most important thing to pay attention to was the light bulb standing directly on his head.

  As for the vessel formed in the Fire Mist Warrior's body using the special free method of contract to carry the Red World Demon King, his body fell into a deep sleep, leaving only a trace of consciousness to condense the artifact to guide the Contractor, Luo Yuan is actually the Red World Demon King. Very upset.

  If it weren't for the fact that Tiamat was also a woman, he would have been furious.

  Judging from Will Emina's strength, Tiamat's actual strength is at most on the same level as Melisim.

Chapter 19 The battle is about to begin

  But her fighting power is definitely not as good as Melisim's. After all, Melisim's ultimate move "Rainbow Sword" is famous all over the world, and it is a threat to Luo Yuan.

  After years of getting along with each other and communicating with Alastair, the God of Punishment, Luo Yuan also knew that in terms of his current reserves of power, he was probably similar to the red world devil like Melisim in his heyday. Of course, His actual combat power is stronger.

  Therefore, he is not afraid of the body of Tiamat, the Demon King of the Red World, "Dream Crown Belt", not to mention that the body is in a sleeping state with only a trace of consciousness condensing the crown of the divine artifact.

  But because of Will Amina's face, he couldn't do anything to Tiamat, he just stretched out his hand and flicked the belt.

  "It seems that I have to hide you in advance next time!"

  "..." Tiamat stopped talking wisely.

  "What do you want?" Will Amina was a little embarrassed as she grabbed Luo Yuan's hand to flick her crown.

  "Think!" Luo Yuan responded decisively, smiling playfully.

  Will Emina's expression always looked a little indifferent, a bit like his sister-in-law, and he didn't have any scruples in speaking when the two were getting along.

  Of course, this is to ignore the existence of Tiamat, and he can do it anyway with his face.

  "Shameless!" Will Emina glared at him with a blushing face.

  After getting acquainted with this guy, she naturally understood the secondary meaning of words that she would normally find normal.

  She grew up in the medieval dogma of the royal family's aristocratic education, where is Luo Yuan's opponent, she has never been treated like this, and with the long-term relationship, she also feels that she is a little in love.

  In Tiandao Palace, because of a certain skeleton monster, she also felt a little uncomfortable, but when she left Tiandao Palace, she felt that she was a brand new self.

  "Okay, don't you have something to do? Do something first?"

  Luo Yuan stopped teasing her, and the hand she grabbed turned around and held her in a random turn, clasping her together.

  "Are you going too?" Will Emina shook her hand and found that she couldn't break free, so she let him hold her, and asked blushing.

  "I'll wait for you here!" Luo Yuan shook his head. He didn't intend to have too much contact with the people in the outside world, because he might become an enemy of them in the future, because if he wanted to help Shana complete her mission, he had to do it if he couldn't. Bad guy once.


  Luo Yuan's heart suddenly moved, and he felt that there were several Red World apostles with the power of existence on the outer edge of the seaside city.

  "It's finally going to start!"


  The seaside city is surrounded by mountains. At this time, a man riding a motorcycle with a strange shape, who looks like a man, is looking at the city.

  He was wearing a jumpsuit and a full-face safety helmet. The safety helmet drew a pair of big eyes with long eyebrows on the eyes, which was extremely uncomfortable to look at. The lower edge of his face was also cut into a strange zigzag shape. .

  "According to the known clues, it is here, so the Tiandao Palace should be near here? Huh?"

  The man muttered to himself, he is the apostle of the Red World who is a sleuth of the masquerade, and this time it is he who has come to this city with his sensitivity to information, and he intuitively has a great harvest here.

  Suddenly he felt a burst of energy fluctuations behind him, and when he looked back, he found that with the energy fluctuations, a green straw hat with red tassels appeared out of thin air, and his body was wrapped in a green cloak into a humanoid thing. existence appears.

  "Qian, Lord Qian Zhengling, why are you here?" The strangely dressed man immediately exclaimed at this even stranger thing.

  "Liuyan, this is the order of the masquerade master, Belupeolu. Many of our compatriots have disappeared here inexplicably. Among them, there are many powerful beings, but they have never appeared again."

  The Crimson Demon King named Qian Zhengling said to the Crimson Apostle whose name was Liuyan, who was now named Vinay, with a somewhat arrogant attitude.

  "There must be a powerful fire and fog warrior who is our enemy. What have you found here?"

  "The result of my investigation is the same! Lord Qian Zheng!" Wei Nai replied respectfully.

  "The existence of the mutilation of our compatriots must be in this city, and through him we must be able to figure out where our goal is!"

  "No matter who he is, we have to get rid of him!"

  "Yes, Lord Qian Zhengling!" Vinay immediately stood at attention with a serious expression.

  With another wave of energy fluctuations, the Demon King of the Red World named Qian Zhengling disappeared out of thin air.

  "Lord Belupiolu, please rest assured, 'Liuyan' Vinai will soon find the Heavenly Dao Palace and help you solve this big trouble!"

  This oddly dressed man had a palpable frenzy on his unrecognizable face, holding a golden key in both hands.

  As a scout hunter at the Masquerade, he has always regarded their Alliance strategist Belupeo as the goddess in his heart.

  This time, he also came here with the golden key that was awarded to him as a "medal" by his goddess of counselor, to help his goddess solve the enemies of the masquerade.

  The most famous of the enemies is naturally the "Brightening Eyes" from the Tiandao Palace, so as long as you can find the Tiandao Palace and even destroy the enemies inside, this is a great achievement.

  At that time, Lord Belupeo will definitely treat him differently, maybe, maybe he will still fall in love with him because of it.

  Thinking of this, the man felt that it was no longer a hard thing to kill so many fire and fog warriors for so long.

  It was almost noon, and Shana thought about it for a long time and didn't know how to seize the opportunity to defeat Xiaobai. She tried to attack her before it was useless.

  While thinking in distress, the girl turned on the microwave to heat the food that Reluoyuan made for her.

  It was a sweet and sour cake with many ingredients, and she liked it very much. She always liked sweets.


  With the sound of the microwave oven, the food is finished heating.

  "Hey, why is the taste so bland!" The girl was also a little dissatisfied with the food that tasted far from her usual taste.

  That guy was so perfunctory to me today, and when he comes back, he must say a few words to him.

  "By the way, try this!" The girl complained to someone while thinking about how to make the food more palatable.

  After all, I was used to eating delicious food, and it was a little hard to swallow food that was of a much lower quality. She looked around with her big smart eyes and found the ketchup on the table, and her eyes suddenly lit up.


  The girl ate the ketchup-smeared pancake, and as expected, it tasted much better.

  While she was eating with big gulps, she watched the ketchup in a trance, and she couldn't help thinking of what Luo Yuan said in the morning.

  "Divert attention and seize the opportunity..."

  The girl stared blankly at the little face of ketchup and couldn't help showing a smug smile.

Chapter 20 Green World Demon King Organ



  At some point in the streets of the city, a sturdy warrior dressed in the ancient warrior armor of the Neon Kingdom appeared.

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