The armor on the samurai was incomplete, many parts were missing, and the samurai's face with a ghost mask had an eye in the eye socket replaced by a light blue flashing light.

  The samurai had no other weapons and equipment, but held a samurai sword in his hand.

  He took mechanical steps, like a robot without spirituality, and kept repeating the word "strong" in his mouth.

  And even if he walks in a crowded place, the people around him turn a blind eye to him, busy with their own affairs, as if this person does not exist...

  On the other side, Luo Yuan took Will Emina's hand and just came out of the restaurant.

  He didn't care whether Will Amina was going to contact people from the outside world or send and receive letters or anything.

  When she came back, it was almost noon. During this time, he had been paying attention to a Crimson Demon King, a Crimson Apostle, and... a knife...

  The Apostle of the Red World seems to be proficient in exploration. Luo Yuan feels that he can infect others through his special freedom method, and let himself search for the target he wants from the perspective of others.

  This point is similar to his own divine consciousness, but the apostle of the Red World is too weak. Faced with such a huge amount of information, he can only slowly screen out the information that is useful to him.

  Unlike Luo Yuan's consciousness, he only needs to filter the information he finds in an instant to get what he wants, and other information is blocked, which does not cause much pressure on his spirit at all.

  In addition to the Red World Apostle, the other Red World Demon King shuttled around the city to sense, and he would find himself soon after seeing this posture.

  Luo Yuan looked at the direction of Tiandao Palace and was not in a hurry. If Shana didn't develop in the direction he expected, he would really have a headache how to let these two guys discover Tiandao Palace.

  When Will Amina came back to him, he took her to eat, um, hamburgers.

  Because he especially wanted to see her three mouthfuls of a pig, oh, no... it was a neat appearance of three mouthfuls of a hamburger, just like the only time she ate out in the original anime.

  Unfortunately, when she was eating with Luo Yuan, she behaved normally, eating in small bites, and there was no scene that Luo Yuan expected.

  And after eating, he took the hand of the maid and sister to go shopping, and still made enough headshots.

  Luo Yuan was dressed in a Western-style dress, and with his unique temperament, he looked like a top aristocrat at first glance.

  The beautiful lady beside him who was holding his hand was dressed as a maid.

  The whole scene is a bit like a certain noble young master is traveling with a maid who serves him, and the relationship between the two is still unclear.

  Luo Yuan didn't care about other people's eyes, and calmly led Will Emina to stroll on the street, and even bought some delicious food for her.

  On the other hand, Will Emina had a shy look on her face, but with her years of experience, she naturally ignored the gazes around her.

  "The Law of Freedom!"

  Just when the two stopped in front of a squid grill stall to eat more, Tiamat, the crown on Willemina's head, reminded aloud.

  "Well, it's just that the breath is still weak."

  While Willemina responded to Tiamat, she stared at Luo Yuan with big eyes. She believed that with Luo Yuan's strength, she must have known it long ago.

  It's just why he doesn't care, this is obviously aimed at them or the Heavenly Dao Palace.

  "Just an ordinary Crimson Demon King, don't worry!"

  Aware of her gaze, Luo Yuan couldn't help but smile at her, and while explaining casually, he took out a tissue and gently wiped off the oil stains on the corners of her mouth from the snacks she had just eaten.

  "Oh..." Will Amina was confused by his intimacy and natural action, and the expression that was originally indifferent was more of a cute feeling.

  After Luo Yuan wiped the corner of her mouth, she also smiled charmingly when she saw her appearance, and touched her face casually, then held her hand and continued to wander.

  "..." The Crimson Demon King "Dream Crown Belt" Tiamat watched the whole scene. She was unable to complain and protested silently to the Crimson Demon King's action of feeding dog food.

  Huh... hum!

  With a burst of energy fluctuations around them, a copper-green flame shrouded the hundreds of meters around them due to the influence of the Seal of Freedom.

  "...Good face, Fire Mist Warrior, eh? It turned out to be two!"

  A male voice that sounded gloomy and gloomy also sounded at the same time.

  In the void, a humanoid existence with a green hat with red tassel and a green cloak surrounded by a circle suddenly appeared.

  As soon as he appeared, he looked at the two with an arrogant attitude, and he was a little surprised because the actual situation exceeded his expectations.

  "It's the Demon King of the Crimson World, Organ is ordered by Qianzheng!" Will Emina's expression suddenly became solemn when she saw this thing, and subconsciously called out the name of the Demon King of the Crimson World, and at the same time she also looked at Luo Yuan.

  "That's right!" Tiamat, the white crown on her head, also responded.

  Luo Yuan looked at the sudden appearance of the Demon King of the Crimson World with indifference. It can be said that this is what was brought here by him.

  In recent years, the Tiandao Palace has not been hovering here, but hovering over the Neon Kingdom, mainly because Shana was born in this country.

  So it's also equivalent to letting her grow up in her hometown.

  The members of the masquerade party are naturally looking for the existence of the Tiandao Palace in the Neon Kingdom, but they were killed by Luo Yuan mercilessly as soon as they appeared nearby.

  On the one hand, Shana has not grown to a certain extent, and is not suitable to become a fire and fog warrior.

  On the other hand, it is also through this that the Masquerade will maintain its attention to the country, so that it can be used when he needs it.

  In the original plot, this kind of thing was done by Will Amina, the fire and fog warrior known as "Ten Thousand Skillful Hands".

  And now, of course, let him solve it in advance.

  Looking at the red world demon king in green color in front of him, Luo Yuan wanted to complain in his last life.

  How many unforgettable past events have happened to you that made you choose this color in desperation?

  Even the color of the flame that produces the seal is copper green!

  He complained inwardly, but he remained calm on the surface, and he still had to drag the time. If there was no movement from the Tiandao Palace, he would have to think of other ways.

  "I said!" Luo Yuan maintained an innocent look, pulled Will Emina behind him, and looked at the Demon King of the Green World.

  "My lord, are you mistaken? We are just an ordinary couple, we went shopping today, not some fire and fog warriors!"

Chapter 21 The Heavenly Dao Palace Appears


  Qian Zheng made Orgon let out a gloomy laugh, as if he was amused by Luo Yuan's defense.

  "You who can move freely in my ban, do you want to say that you are an ordinary person?"

  Without waiting for Luo Yuan to speak again, he said very quickly: "Is it still not changing? Could it be that they are two rookies who just contracted and can't even use energy? It's really boring, I thought it was amazing. Enemy, presumably the previous compatriots were defeated by the two of you together?"

  Organ felt pity for his kind who died before, did he want to bully the few with the many?Then your plan has failed, and you have forgotten the special freedom law of my Qianzheng Ling.

  "Let's settle you as soon as possible!" Organ looked at the two of them with contempt. He pointed forward with a part that looked like a hand wrapped in white gloves.

  "First of all Hogier's army, go!"

  With a wave of his hand, a pale blue and pale existence power flashed in Fengjue, and then dozens of people who looked like medieval Western soldiers appeared with guns around Luo Yuan and surrounded them.

  These soldiers were dull-looking like mechanical puppets, but none of them were weaker than real soldiers who had been through a lot of battles.

  "Next is La Haier's army, go!"

  He waved his hand again, and dozens of dull-faced Western knights appeared in Fengjue, holding giant swords, and besieged them again.

  "Since you don't change, I don't have to play four cards, it's enough to solve you!"

  "It's the Free Law [Legion] of Organ of the Thousand Expeditions!"

  After Organ released a group of soldiers, he looked condescendingly at the two in the field as if they were winning. Seeing this, Will Emina didn't know whether Luo Yuan knew about the Red World Demon King, so she quickly explained to him.

  Luo Yuan didn't care, he had the feeling of watching the performance of the Leaping Clown. He thought he was an amazing demon king, but he turned out to be a weak summoner.

  His so-called freedom method [Legion] is to disperse the power of his own existence on the carrier, and he wants to use this to dominate the few. Although the number is large, the quality is seriously reduced.

  The same is true of his own incarnation, consuming his own divinity to form powerful "Luo Yuan", but the so-called "Legion" of Organ is different from his incarnation, as if he was playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong.

  "It's just a little boy, don't worry about it!"

  After seeing Will Amina's explanation, he was going to start. Luo Yuan smiled and comforted her softly. His consciousness has been sensing the movements of the Tiandao Palace.


  At this moment, a powerful energy fluctuation came from the direction of Tiandao Palace in his perception, and it was faintly visible that there were seven colors of light brewing in it.

  "Here!" Luo Yuan's mouth curled into a smile.

  And at this time in the Heavenly Dao Palace.


  A skeleton was holding up its claws and screaming with extreme sorrow. It was the most desperate thing in his life.


  Not far from the skeleton, a cute girl with hip-length night hair and a light samurai uniform was looking at the white bone in astonishment and uttered a sad cry that she had never heard before.

  She was also holding two jelly bottles with half a bottle of ketchup in her hand. At this time, ketchup was constantly pouring out of the mouth of the bottle with the girl's panic and subconscious force.

  He was sad, the girl could feel it.

  I just used ketchup to prank Xiaobai. As long as he was stunned for a few moments, he could seize the opportunity to defeat Xiaobai.

  Why does Xiaobai who was sprayed with ketchup react so much?

  Obviously, when he used this trick to deal with Luo Yuan before, at most he just held himself in his arms and tickled him with feigned anger as punishment.

  Why is there such a big difference between people?

  Well, Xiaobai shouldn't be considered a human being!

  What should we do now?Things seem to be getting serious!

  Will Emina, Luo Yuan!where are you?Come home!

  The girl shouted at the skeleton trying to wake him up, and hoped in her heart that the two closest to her would go home soon.

  And when the girl hit the skeleton with ketchup, the skeleton named Melisium didn't show the usual fighting instincts.

  He was stunned and touched the sticky ketchup that looked like blood. He subconsciously remembered a scene from hundreds of years ago.

  His enemy is also his favorite woman, the previous generation "Bright Eyes" Matilda Saint Milu, that cheerful and free woman, who would rather be defeated by her own sword, and then go to the strong side of her own camp. Enemy fights.

  In the end, she lost her strength and triggered the forbidden technique "Shattering the Sky", which made Alastair, the god of punishment, descend, and she also gave her life as a sacrifice.

  "It's... blood, it's her blood!"

  The eye socket without eyes recognized the ketchup stained on the white bone claws, and subconsciously thought it was the blood of the woman she loved the most.

  Immediately, boundless regret and pain filled his body, and the little remaining power of existence began to riot.

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