"You bastard!" Seeing that she couldn't impress Luo Yuan with the words she liked to hear, the girl glared at him and cursed.

  "Go away, I don't want you to care!"

  The girl opened his hand while scolding him, intending to walk around him, but found that she couldn't move.

  "What are you doing, let me go!"

  "Luo Yuan, you are courting death!" The flame represented by Alastair was so strong that it seemed to condense into reality, and the appearance of one of the flame monsters could be faintly seen.

  But then hearing Luo Yuan's next words, Alastair's flame immediately quieted down.

  "Alastair, don't you just want to destroy the Red World Apostle who is destabilizing the world?"

  Luo Yuan didn't care about the girl's anger and struggle, but changed the topic and said what he cared about the most.

  "Yes." Alastair saw that things had taken a turn for the better, so he temporarily suppressed his anger and replied in a deep voice.

  "That's why I train Fire Mist Warriors."

  "That's it!" Luo Yuan looked at the girl and said, "Instead of letting you go through these pains and sufferings, it's better for me to bear it."

  "Alastair, how about we have a bet?"

Chapter 25 "Bright Eyes" Shana

  "Oh? What bet?"

  "Give me ten years!" Luo Yuan said loudly.

  "In ten years, I will help you completely solve the problem of the Red World Apostles, and even make them stop eating people from now on."

  He said this naturally with confidence. If the plot develops in the way he expected, he can not only restore his full strength, but also cooperate with the "creation god" sacrificial snake to create a situation of nothingness and completely solve the red world. Question of the apostles.

  If he didn't cooperate with the Serpent Serpent, he recovered his strength and directly transformed into hundreds of incarnations. He didn't need to burn blood energy, and only maintained the strength of the demigod in the early stage.

  As long as they were terrified to kill them, they would definitely rather hide in the red world and continue to kill than dare to come to the world to die.

  "It's just you? It's impossible!" Although Alastair knew that Luo Yuan's strength was damaged at this time, he could still kill the Demon King of the Red World, but he didn't know his full strength.

  And judging from the speed at which his strength has recovered over the past few years, he may not be able to recover in a hundred years. Even if he recovers, how can he kill him in such a big world?

  He wants to do something that he has spent so long without doing in ten years?Could it be that this god of punishment is fake?

  "Whether it can be done is my business!" Luo Yuan showed a subtle smile on his face.

  "It's only ten years anyway, so, do you dare to bet?"

  "How do you want to bet?" Alastair thought for a while, he had waited for hundreds of years, and it didn't matter if he waited another ten years.

  "If I don't do it, then I stay in this world until I do it. Even if I have the opportunity to leave this world during this period, I have to finish things."

  Luo Yuan's tone was solemn, and his divinity appeared on his body at the same time. This was a sacred contract between him as a demigod and another god who held divine authority.

  "What if you did?" Alastair said after a few seconds of silence.

  At the level related to God, this kind of contract signed with divinity must have a strong effect.

  Together with the damage caused by his own divinity and the divinity of the contractor, even his own body will be greatly traumatized, the trauma to the source.

  "If I can do it, then when I need it, you will come to help me with your divine might!"

  Luo Yuan smiled, if things went well, he would definitely win the bet, and with the strength of Alastair God of Punishment plus himself, he would definitely be able to break the barriers of the world and travel to another world.

  "How's it going? Isn't the bet reasonable?"

  "It's a deal!" Alastair doesn't feel that there is any problem. Luo Yuan's agreement has almost nothing to lose to him. Even if Luo Yuan wins, it will take a lot of existence to summon him.

  "Of course, the premise of our bet is that she doesn't make a contract with you. If I don't reach it after ten years, then I won't stop it!"

  Luo Yuan emphasized that this is also the purpose of his bet with Alastair.

  "Luo Yuan..." The girl understood that he did all this for her own sake, and the seeds that had already sprouted his feelings for him immediately burst out of the ground and took root.

  "It's not just for you, it's also for me!" Luo Yuan touched the face of the girl whose big eyes were faintly misty, and his voice was very soft.

  "No problem!" Alastair's thick voice came again, and the flames returned to their original silent state.

  "No, I'm still going to become a Fire Mist Warrior!" The girl was startled when she heard Alastair's words, and then she looked at Luo Yuan with clear eyes, then turned her head and said softly, a little embarrassed, "I , I want to help you..."

  "Do you really want to be a Fire Mist Warrior?" Luo Yuan didn't refuse outright this time, but just had an interesting smile on his face.

  "Yeah!" The girl raised her face and looked directly at him without any hesitation.


  Luo Yuan pointed to the ground not far from the girl, and the power of existence suddenly escaped from his body, and the power of existence appeared in the form of flames on the ground under his control.

  A flame similar to Alastair's, but it was not his red lotus color, but pure gold. The burning flame shone with golden light so that people could hardly open their eyes.

  "I am also the 'Red World Demon King'. If you want to become a fire and fog warrior, you can only be my fire and fog warrior!"

  "You, you..." The girl blushed suddenly, but she didn't know what to say.

  "How is it? Is it inappropriate?" Luo Yuan smiled even brighter.

  "I, I want to be!" The girl gritted her teeth and stepped on the flame.

  The flames were not scorching hot. Under Luo Yuan's control, it seemed as if a warm breath enveloped her, as if in his arms, full of doting and security for her.

  "I also have something to say before becoming a Fire Mist Warrior." The girl did not start the contract immediately, but looked at Alastair and then her eyes fell on Luo Yuan's face.

  "I have always had some doubts about the righteousness of the Fire Mist Warriors fighting against the Red World Apostles in order to maintain the balance of the world. I want to personally verify whether this is the case!"

  Alastair was silent, and Luo Yuan smiled at her.

  The girl pouted at Luo Yuan's smile, and then she continued: "Yes, I'm sorry everyone, I'm a bad boy, no matter how much everyone loves me, how much I like... I like everyone, if I hate it, I will Definitely not going to do it."

  "No, you are always the best in my heart!" Luo Yuan smiled and shook his head.

  "Humph!" The girl snorted and tilted her head, but soon looked at Luo Yuan again, with a solemn expression, and started the contract.

  "Wei, the great 'King of the Red World' - Luo Yuan!

  To your highest and highest respect, please use my body as a container, and let us share the mission of the Fire Mist Warrior until the day when my life ends! "


  At the moment when the contract was completed, the golden flame that enveloped her swelled violently, and then surging into her body as the power of existence.

  As the contract demon king, Luo Yuan must provide her with the greatest power of existence that can be accommodated in the past, present and future in time and space.

  A large amount of the power of existence overflowed from Luo Yuan's body and turned into flames, and then entered the girl's body to become the power of existence.

  "This, this is..." Alastair was supposed to be a party to the contract, but now he has become a witness. Seeing the continuous power of existence pouring into the girl's body, but the girl is still able to accommodate, suddenly exclaimed.

  "...There is such a huge accommodation space, this is obviously a 'noble man' who has the 'body of a king'!"


  As the girl's power of existence reached the limit she could hold, her image finally changed.


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Chapter 26 My Fire Mist Warrior

  The girl's body burst out with dazzling rays of light, the pupils of the night turned into gilded color, and the ink-colored hair was gradually dyed into gold, and little golden brilliance drifted in the hair.

  The image and temperament of her whole person gives people a feeling of sacredness and nobility, but with her extremely cute face, she does not feel incompatible, but complements each other, making her more admirable.

  And just when they signed the contract, outside the palace.

  "Go to hell!" The red world apostle Vinay frantically sent out fire bombs with both hands, but they were all avoided by the transformed Will Emina one by one.

  At the same time, she sensed huge energy fluctuations coming from the direction of Alastair, which was obviously the birth of a powerful fire-mist warrior.

  "The Burning Eye Killer" was finally born?

  "solve quickly!"


  Listening to the words of the crown on her head, Willemina threw out several ribbons very simply.

  Ribbons tracked Vinay and soon wrapped him into a zongzi.

  And he didn't have Luo Yuan's powerful physique, so he could only close his eyes and wait until he was bound.

  Willemina squeezed Vinay hard while wrapping the ribbon, intending to strangle him on the spot.

  "Lord Belupeo, save me~ ah!" "Bang!"

  Unable to resist, Vinay could only shout for help at the golden key around his neck, but then he let out his last scream before he died.

  With a loud bang, Vinay was twisted into a pile of pieces.


  At the same time, a huge water column rose from the pond, as if responding to the energy fluctuations in the Heavenly Dao Palace.

  The water column rose to the sky and fell quickly, forming a torrential rain, which fell to the ground and created a hazy mist.

  "Crack, click...tap, tap!"

  A skeleton appeared in the hazy fog, and as its figure became clear, its image began to change. The body of the skeleton was gradually replaced by a young man with white long hair and a handsome face. He was dressed in a medieval knight costume and walked out slowly. , the footsteps also changed from the mechanical sound of skeletons to the sound of human footsteps.

  At this time, he was the real "Rainbow Wing" Melichim.

  Will Emina has returned to her original appearance. She looked at the person she once admired with a complicated expression, but now she has no love for him, only the emotion that he has silently paid for a woman for hundreds of years. and mercy.

  "Congratulations on finding your true home!"

  "Rainbow Wing" Merichim rarely saw the admiration in Will Emina's eyes, and he immediately understood it, and no longer avoided it, and sincerely blessed her.

  "Thank you! Over there..."

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