"I understand!" Melisheim knew what she was trying to say, and that's what he meant by his continued existence for hundreds of years.

  Nodding his head, Merichim walked directly into the palace. Let him use his last life to verify whether "Bright Eyes" is qualified.

  "That's what I'm here for, and I'm sure you are too!"

  "No, I wasn't..." Will Emina murmured as she looked at Merichim's back, and then remembered Luo Yuan's smile, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

  "...not now..."

  Palace dark room.

  "Baga, hentai, Wu..." The girl who transformed herself was so shy when she saw how she was dressed at this time, and Sanlian was about to blurt out the scolding, but when she saw Luo Yuan's happy smile, she immediately reacted. It was to reward him, and he immediately changed his mind and said in embarrassment: "How can I fight like this!"

  It turned out that at the same time as she completed the absorption of the power of existence, the light samurai clothes that Luo Yuan made for her suddenly turned into a light yellow, color Lolita knee-length dress, and the lotus leaf skirt was dotted with mystery. The gilt pattern, the knee-high white stockings on the legs, and the small golden leather shoes on the feet.

  It made her noble and awe-inspiring at the same time pure and cute, but such a dress made her feel very ashamed. It was obviously a dress that Luo Yuan changed for himself according to his preferences.

  Because Luo Yuan didn't need to use her as a container, like other Crimson Demon Kings, his body was sleeping in the Fire Mist Warrior's body, leaving only a part of his consciousness as an artifact to communicate with him.

  So he transformed the clothes that he had specially made for the girl into this look. Of course, this is also a divine weapon.

  It also has the high defense and storage functions of the Alastair Night Kasa.

  "It looks so good!" Luo Yuan leaned over and whispered in her ear.

  "Don't worry that it will affect your fight, it will fit your movements very naturally, and even if you jump up, you don't have to worry about missing anything."

  In other words, this skirt is completely an anti-gravity skirt, and Luo Yuan has considered this very carefully.

  Seeing that the girl was still unhappy, Luo Yuan muttered in his heart, you probably haven't seen the elf spirit costume in the dating world. It's good-looking and doesn't affect the battle. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely show you the experience.

  But Luo Yuan continued to explain in the girl's ear: "Let's try it on first, let's change it if it doesn't fit."

  The girl blushed and was about to keep losing her temper.

  "Tianmu one, this is the master I chose for you!"

  Luo Yuan immediately diverted the girl's attention with a guilty conscience.

  And Tianmu paid attention to the girl when she became a fighter of fire and fog. At this time, when he heard Luo Yuan's order, he immediately held Zhi Dian Zhana in both hands and walked towards the girl with sonorous footsteps.


  "Come on!" Luo Yuan rubbed her head, and ran away before she could continue to get angry.

  He was not worried that the girl would fail. In the original plot, a girl with poor physical skills could gain the approval of Tianmu. Now that she has completed her body training, it is naturally no problem.


  The Zhi Dianzhe, who was holding Tianmu at this time, had already been hacked. The girl had no intention of continuing to trouble Luo Yuan, and her anger immediately aimed at the warrior in front of her. Grasping Tianmu Yi's hands, he directly broke Tianmu Yi's body with one hand.

  Tianmu's own martial strength is not strong, because it is a Mistis and Zhana, it can ignore the law of freedom, so that the red world apostles talk about it, but it is restrained by the strong martial arts.

  Following the girl's two swift punches, she directly snatched the samurai sword and crippled it at the same time.

  "You are a strong man! The Zhan Dianzhe is yours!"

  One of the meanings of Tianmu's existence is to choose a master who is worthy of his weapon. Now that the master has appeared, he has completed his mission.


  At this moment, a powerful energy wave came from the direction outside the hall, and it was the Red World Demon King "Rainbow Wing" Merichim.

  Then a powerful fighting intent quickly approached here. Obviously, he wanted to test whether the girl who had become a fire fog warrior was qualified.

  "Go! Let him see the power of my Fire Mist Warrior!"

Chapter 27 Ordinary People Can't Satisfy


  However, the girl did not go to fight immediately, but ran to Luo Yuan and stomped on him before running out to express her shame.

  Luo Yuan just looked at her coquettishly with a doting and helpless smile.

  Boom, boom!

  At this moment, the palace began to shake violently, and there was a faint cracking sound from the ground.

  It turned out that at the same time when Will Amina killed the Red World Apostle Vinay, his remaining power of existence was absorbed by the key, which inspired the Red World Demon King's military adviser, Belupeolu, who had been in the masquerade party, preset in advance. the law of freedom.

  As Belupeo, who is in charge of the Xingli Hall, one of the two top-level Noble Phantasms created by the original Crimson World Demon King, "The Pavilion of Marrow", naturally he also has some understanding of the key structure of the Tiandao Palace.

  And the characteristic key made by the free method directly caused the resonance of the key structure of the Tiandao Palace, which made the Tiandao Palace begin to self-destruct.

  "Luo Yuan, Alastair..." The girl felt the change before she ran far, and turned back suddenly.

  "Don't worry, I'm here!"

  "Okay!" With Luo Yuan's assurance, the girl who trusted him abruptly accelerated to the place where the fighting spirit came from.

  Luo Yuan looked at the girl's back, full of pride and distress at the same time.

  Shana is indeed Shana!Ordinary people can't afford it!

  In the original plot, because he is a "sublime person" with a "king's body", he can be used as the container of Alastair, the god of punishment.

  And the power of existence that she can accommodate is enough to rival the Demon King of the Red World.

  In the original plot, her strength is indeed the same, and in the end, she has grown to the point where she can compete with the top red world devil.

  Even the body of Yuji Sakai, who is controlled by the snake of the Crimson Demon God's sacrificial ceremony and possesses the strength of the Crimson Demon King, can only be on par with her.

  And now with Luo Yuan's influence, the power of existence that it can accommodate is only a lot more, but it needs him to provide it.

  Therefore, the power of existence that Luo Yuan can have has been reduced to the same level as when he first came to this world.

  It's really hard to save some money, and it's back to a few years ago.

  If the ordinary Red World Demon King contracts with her, I am afraid that the power of existence in his body will not meet the demand of Shana's own power of existence.

  Therefore, when the Red World Demon King chooses the Fire Mist Warrior, the Fire Mist Warrior is also choosing the Contract Demon King.

  Only a contractor at the Demon God level can supplement the power of existence she needs without pressure.

  Even Luo Yuan immediately fell into a weak state after replenishing the strength of existence that the girl needed.

  Fortunately, this is only a one-off. Even if she consumes the power of existence in the future, under the influence of the contract, she can recover by resting like her physical strength.

  And even if Luo Yuan has lost so much power of existence, the divinity he has recovered in the past few years has not been affected, but his overall strength has been reduced a lot.

  "Are you OK?"

  A concerned voice came from the flame where Alastair was. He was keenly aware of Luo Yuan's weakness, but whether it was his tone or the throbbing flame, Luo Yuan felt that he was gloating.

  "It's alright!" Luo Yuan ignored the shaking ground and the gravel falling from the top of the hall, and replied calmly, but he was secretly scolding the God of Punishment for being so rude.

  That's right, everyone's life forms are almost at the same level, and they have a very common language. Once they are familiar with them, they will not be so outlandish.

  And Alastair might want to see more of Luo Yuan's deflation.

  Let you snatch the contract man I cultivated!

  "Okay, Alastair!" Luo Yuan looked at the throbbing flames in front of him, and suddenly showed a wicked smile.

  "This place is about to collapse, and you should be there to witness the supervision of our bet, right?"

  "Yes!" Alastair then remembered that without the contractor, he could only continue to stay on the "Kana" Noble Phantasm.

  This is embarrassing, the house is going to collapse.

  "It seems that you can only stay here for the time being!" Luo Yuan held back a smile.

  "For the convenience of carrying, do you mind if I adjust this Noble Phantasm a little to accommodate your existence?"

  "..." Alastair instinctively felt that Luo Yuan had bad intentions. This was revenge for his gloating just now, but there was nothing else he could do now.

  "...you please!"

  "Okay!" Luo Yuan said what he did, and directly stretched out his hand to stabilize the effectiveness of the Noble Phantasm with the power of existence, and at the same time used his own divine power to change the shape of the "Kana" Noble Phantasm.

  Soon, the disc-shaped Noble Phantasm turned into a small flame monster. This is the image of Alastair's body, but now it looks like a mini figure.

  Alastair suppressed the flames to a minimum and hid in the figure. The eyes of the two monsters in the figure were pulsing with two lights, which was the window he used to observe and communicate.

  "How is it? Is my craft okay?" Luo Yuan didn't forget to tease at this time, let you laugh at me first!

  "Cough cough... Let's go, I don't know how their battle turned out!" Alastair generously expressed that he did not have the same knowledge as Luo Yuan, and decisively changed the topic.

  "The result is already doomed!" Luo Yuan smiled proudly.

  Merichim is already at the end of the line, and Shana has obtained powerful weapons and a lot of power of existence, as well as divine equipment that endows her with divinity. If she can still lose, it will not be Shana.

  "You didn't become 'Bright Eyes'?"

  Just as the girl rushed into a certain hall, the oncoming "Rainbow Wing" Merichim saw the girl's image at this time.

  Blonde golden pupils, not scorching eyes!

  Suddenly he asked angrily, feeling betrayed by someone he was very optimistic about.

  He maintained his obsession in his lifetime and came to the Tiandao Palace for hundreds of years, just to fulfill the legacy of the previous generation "Brightening Eyes".

  Unexpectedly, the girl who had the most hope of inheriting the "Brightening Eyes", the girl they had high hopes for, betrayed them!

  How does this make him not angry?

  He was running out of time, and the remaining power of existence was used to maintain this state. Whether he verified the strength of the girl or not, he was not far from completely dissipating.

  "Ah! This...that..." The girl also felt guilty for a while, blushing and not knowing how to explain.

  He clearly agreed to make a contract with Alastair, who made that guy not allowed? Although he is also a Fire Mist Warrior now, it is very different from what they expected!

  "very good!"

  Seeing that the girl faltered and couldn't say why, Merichim yanked out her long sword and aimed it at the girl.

  "Since you chose this image, it means that you think it can be better than 'Inflammation and Burning Eyes', then let me verify it!"

Chapter 28 You are both trash

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