"I won't forget my mission!"

  Seeing the appearance of this young man who should be Xiaobai, the girl explained while still holding Zhi Dian Zhan in both hands to prepare for battle.

  "Come on then! Fire Mist Warrior!"

  Hearing this sentence, Merichim also laughed, as long as the goal is the same, then it is not a betrayal.


  The two swords finally collided.

  When Luo Yuan came to the main hall with the hand-made Noble Phantasm entrusted by Alastair, the two were fighting hard.

  To be precise, the girl should have the advantage of the weapon, and she was only slightly better than Melishim after she got the Zhan Dian Zhana, and she was slightly better than Melissim.

  "Very good, you are qualified in this regard, and the next step is to use the power of existence!"

  Seeing the two people he hated the most come in, Melisheim, who was slightly outdone by the girl, couldn't hold his face, and slammed his weapon to ward off the girl's attack, and then began to drive the free method.

  He and Luo Yuan are not used to seeing each other. Luo Yuan is because Will Emina had a good impression of him at the beginning, so he was not happy to see him, and he was beaten by Luo Yuan a few times, so he was not happy to see Luo Yuan.

  He and Alastair are rivals in love, and the woman he loves loves Alastair, so he and Alastair don't like each other, but he can't beat the god of punishment.

  Men will pay special attention to their self-esteem. In the face of two men who he hates and can't win, even though it is a performance test for girls, he still wants to behave decently.


  As Merichim mobilized the power of existence in his body to drive the Law of Freedom, at the same time, six people exactly like him appeared and surrounded the girl in the center.

  "Just now we competed with our own strength, and you will face the Red World Apostles in the future. They will all use the power of existence to cause all kinds of incredible and magical phenomena."

  "You have to learn to perceive and distinguish and respond!"

  Merichim exposed all his weaknesses as the Crimson Demon King to the girl so that she would be invincible against the Crimson Apostles in the future.

  The girl also listened carefully and felt it with her heart.

  Luo Yuan didn't intervene in this teaching, although he could teach her in the future, but after all, this was also the last teaching for Melichim, who was Shana's teacher.

  Even Alastair remained silent, which was due respect for his silent dedication over the past few hundred years.

  "All right!"

  Merichim finished the explanation quickly, and the avatar of the free law was taken back by him at the same time. At the same time, with the sword in his hand as the center, the colorful rays of light continued to gather, and the remaining power of existence was continuously consumed.

  "Take my strongest move! Rainbow Sky Sword!"

  The girl could only desperately mobilize the power of existence in her body to form a powerful golden light shield on the Zhana Temple.


  The extremely destructive Hongtianjian met Zhidian Zana, who ignored the Law of Freedom, and the collision between the two produced a strong white light.


  As the white light disappeared, the sword in the hands of Rainbow Wing Merichim was turned into pieces, and the girl's weapon also smashed into his body, but there was no loss in his eyes, but a smile like he was about to be relieved. meaning.

  Looking at this scene, Luo Yuan knew in his heart that Merichim had already run out of oil and the lamp had dried up, and the last move could be said to be his death-seeking move.

  His remaining power of existence could not maximize the formidable power of the Rainbow Sky Sword, nor could it break the defense of the girl holding the Zhidian Zana and hurt her.

  He knew it, and so did Luo Yuan and Alastair!

  Perhaps he wanted to compensate by accepting the girl's sword, to make up for the sword he injured in the previous generation's "Brightening Eyes"!

  After all, the girl can also be said to have inherited the legacy of "her".

  Even if it's not "scorching eyes", as long as it has the mission of destroying the Red World Apostle who destroys the balance of the world, it can be regarded as her successor.


  Rainbow Wing Merichim fell to the sky.

  "Xiao Bai..." The girl's tone was trembling, and the hand holding the knife could hardly hold it.

  "Very good." Merichim looked at the girl like this, her tone full of admiration.

  "You're doing great!"

  The wound on his body has begun to overflow a little bit of light, and he is about to disappear completely without the power of existence.

  "Xiao Bai..." Tears began to brew in the girl's eyes. Although she should not cry as a fire fog warrior, she couldn't help but feel sad when the teacher who had taught her for so many years died like this.

  "This is the path he chose by himself, you don't have to blame yourself!"

  Luo Yuan walked to the side of the girl and took her into his arms distressedly.

  "Luo Yuan... woo..." The girl looked at Luo Yuan with wide eyes and finally couldn't help throwing herself into his arms and sobbing.

  "Thank you for taking care of you for so long!" Alastair in the figure finally couldn't help but speak.

  "I'm not for you, I don't need you to thank me!"

  Seeing Luo Yuan coming over, Merichim, who had closed his eyes and waited to die, suddenly opened his eyes with a rare expression of anger.

  The person you love and the person you love thank you?

  No need!

  "Haha!" Luo Yuan laughed when he saw this scene. The two who had been rivals for a lifetime couldn't even protect the person they liked. They were still eating vinegar here, and they couldn't help but say bad words.

  "What a waste!"

  "What?" Merichim's anger has risen to the max, if he couldn't move, maybe he would get up and fight Luo Yuan desperately.

  "Luo Yuan..."

  Even the whimpering girl in her arms stopped crying and looked at him in surprise.

  "I said both of you are trash!" Luo Yuan stroked the girl's hair comfortingly, and taunted him at the same time.

  "You..." Merichim struggled desperately, intending to die to teach this man who dared to insult him a lesson.

  "A Red World Demon King, a Red World Demon God, can't even protect the woman he likes, isn't it trash?" Luo Yuan's tone was still aggressive.

  "..." Ara Stiles, who was about to speak out, fell into silence. For him, between protecting women and protecting the world, he chose the latter...

  "If you're not a waste, you can stop her from seeking death, and you can even beat Alastair and snatch her over!"

  "Haha..." Melisheim stopped struggling and smiled self-deprecatingly.

  "Yeah, I'm just a piece of shit..."

  The resentment in his eyes was gone, and perhaps there was still dissatisfaction with the previous generation "Brightening Eyes", but at this time there was only relief.

  Countless colored rays of light radiated from him, and he soon turned into colorful spots of light.



  The hall began to collapse.

  "Let's go!" Luo Yuan pulled the girl and was about to leave.

  "Luo Yuan!"

  However, the girl had fixed her figure, and after watching for a while, she seemed to understand something and looked at him seriously.

  "What would you do if it were you?"

  "Heh..." Luo Yuan knew what the girl wanted to ask, which reminded him of Dart, the Creator, and the Dragon God.

  "I will only die in front of you!"

  Seeing Luo Yuan's serious expression, the girl's face immediately turned crimson, and she pouted and ran away first.

  "Humph! I don't believe it!"

Chapter 29 Shana Shana Shana!


  While the collapsed Tiandao Palace, it fell into the sea.

  "Will Emina..."

  The girl stood between the two of them, and she couldn't help but feel sad when she saw the place where she lived from childhood to adulthood was destroyed like this.

  "Look at the new era!" Will Amina glanced at Luo Yuan, and then said seriously to the girl.

  She has also lived in Tiandao Palace for so many years, and naturally she also has special feelings for Tiandao Palace.

  And she glanced at Luo Yuan because she had a lot of doubts in her heart.

  Luo Yuan had already told her everything related to the girl just now, but he didn't say a word about the destruction of the Tiandao Palace. With his strength, he could obviously avoid accidents in the Tiandao Palace.

  "Don't worry! I have set up a layer of barrier for the Tiandao Palace, so even if it falls into the sea, the things in it can be preserved!" Luo Yuan touched the girl's head and comforted.

  "When we're done, I'll fish it out and fix it up again, making sure it's the same as before!"

  Luo Yuan has been paying attention to the movements in the Heavenly Dao Palace from beginning to end, and the way of freedom that Vinay's golden key has transformed can't be concealed from him, and he also needs to start a new life by temporarily cutting his own way.

  So he allowed the self-destruction of the Tiandao Palace, but it was only limited to destroying some of the formations and structures, all of which he could easily repair.

  And even at night, the movement of the Tiandao Palace falling is quite huge, especially the waves caused by falling into the sea are no less than a tsunami.

  But the people in the seaside city did not respond. This is because Luo Yuan used the power of God to shield the Tiandao Palace, and the waves aroused by it also quickly calmed down under Luo Yuan's suppression, and did not cause any damage to the surroundings. destroy.

  But even so, Luo Yuan decided to seek compensation from a masquerade ball in the future. Well, he used Xingli Palace as a gift.

  "Really?" The girl's eyes lit up, but she knew that Luo Yuan was very powerful.

  "Of course!"

  "That's it!" The girl stretched out her little finger.

  "It's a deal!" Luo Yuan smiled and made an agreement with her.

  Will Emina looked at the two in front of her. She wanted to ask Luo Yuan, but she knew that if he didn't say it, it would be useless for her to ask.

  "Then, let's part here!"

  Willemina felt that she needed time to be quiet. On the one hand, the Heavenly Dao Palace was destroyed, and on the other hand, Melichim died. Even if she lost her love for him, she still felt a little melancholy.

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