And now Luo Yuan naturally doesn't want her to continue to be a fire and fog warrior who only knows how to fight against the apostles of the Red World. He did this to improve her emotions from all aspects.

  Otherwise, the weak and scumbag apostle of the red world who made trouble this time, he can find it out with a scan of his divine sense, why should he take so much trouble.

  "It's all normal school, nothing special." Da Shang Zhunzi was very cooperative, and after thinking hard, he blushed and whispered: "Ah, that, Yukio and I went to the Castle Park to play."

  "City Site Park?" Shana quickly grasped the familiar key words. She glanced at Luo Yuan. When she was watching the news in the apartment, the person who disappeared ten years ago appeared in that place.

  "Who is that Yukio?"

  "Ah, that, he's the boyfriend I just dated!"

  "Remember to bring him out tomorrow, it's about your safety, please remember." Luo Yuan finally answered, then dragged Shana and disappeared directly in front of her eyes.

  Inside a luxury hotel in Yosaki City.

  "Why don't you tell her directly, she is dead!"

  As soon as Shana returned to their temporary residence, she immediately complained to Luo Yuan.

  Since he didn't plan to stay permanently in Yogi City, Luo Yuan just found a place to stay temporarily.

  "Some people are more appropriate not to tell her the truth."

  While Luo Yuan explained to Shana, he took out a monster-like figure, Alastair.

  Because of Luo Yuan's existence, Alastair almost became a real mascot figure.

  Since he had an agreement with Luo Yuan, he rarely spoke, silently watching their actions, with a very low sense of presence.

  If this hotel was not a temporary place to look for, he would also be left in the room by Luo Yuan. When he returned home at night, Luo Yuan would communicate with him.

  Alastair is also very patient. After all, he stayed in the same place in the Tiandao Palace for hundreds of years.

  He also has no objection to the series of things Luo Yuan arranged for Shana. In fact, he is also a layman when it comes to emotional matters.

  He and the predecessor "Yanfa Giaoyan" basically just turned from a colleague to a specious lover, and they waited until the last predecessor "Yanfa Giaoyan" to confess to him.

  So, Alastair is actually quite miserable.

  The night passed quickly.

  The next day Luo Yuan and Shana waited outside the school. Before class, Da Shang Zhunzi pulled a handsome looking boy and ran over out of breath.

  "Did you go to the city site park these days? Did you encounter anything special? In particular, did she behave abnormally."

  Shana asked directly when she saw the two appear.

  "Ah, oh yes. At that time, Zhunzi went to the toilet for a long time and didn't come back. Then I found her staring at the pool in a daze." Hamaguchi Yukio tried to think back.

  "Also, during this time I also met a guy who was dressed weird and asked to take a picture of me, and also made an appointment to see you this Saturday."

  "Please, you must save Zunzi." The boy said to Luo Yuan and the two very excited after explaining.

  It seems that he should have heard what Da Shang Zhunzi said, and also believed in Luo Yuan and their identities.

  Luo Yuan and Shana looked at each other and didn't know what to say, Da Shang Zhunzi was already dead.

  Her death involves the most fundamental law of the world, and even Luo Yuan cannot solve it now. His ability can temporarily resist this law, but it cannot be reversed.


  Luo Yuan remembered the end of the original plot, the hero can restore the human beings who have absorbed the power of existence through a special freedom method.

  Thinking of this, Luo Yuan no longer intends to continue to let Shana play the crime-solving game like wasting time here.

  "Don't worry, she's safe!"

  Luo Yuan comforted him and took Shana to disappear directly. For the sake of letting herself see that Shana was different, maybe she could be resurrected in the future.

Chapter 36 The Next City: Misaki

  Castle Ruins Park is in the center of a relatively remote town belonging to Yogi City.

  The park covers an extremely wide area and has a beautiful environment. The roads are all paved with cobblestones. The time is in early April, and the park is also full of green vegetation.

  "Why didn't you ask clearly? I suspect that there is something wrong with the guy who filmed him. I should come here tomorrow to see if it is the Red World Apostle who is pretending to be!"

  As soon as the city site park appeared, Shana couldn't stop complaining, she had already found out the possible results, but this guy brought her here at this time.

  "No need to check, that Red World Apostle is here!"

  Luo Yuan rubbed her head and said.

  Speaking of this, he felt a little emotional. Due to the restrictions of the rules of the world in this world, most of these Red World Demon Kings or Red World Demon Gods cannot appear in this world, and they can only make the Fire Mist Warriors their agents.

  Therefore, the strength of their body cannot be fully exerted. If they want to find the Apostle of the Red World, they can only sense the distortion of the world caused by the devouring of human beings.

  And even if you come to the place where the Red World Apostle is, you can only vaguely sense its existence. If the opponent's strength is too weak and the sense of existence is too low, then you can only find it on the torch left after being eaten by Shana like Shana. clue.

  Luo Yuan would not be able to stay in this world if he had not transformed his own divine power into the power of existence, and even if he stayed in this world, he would continue to consume the power of existence.

  Fortunately, he can absorb the power of existence free in the void for replenishment, and he can barely make a small surplus, so he can slowly recover his strength.

  And as he came to the city site park, his divine sense sensed the existence of the weak apostle of the red world at will.


  "Let's go!" Luo Yuan took the doubtful girl to the mobile vending machine near the park square and bought her a bottle of pure sweet juice.

  "Humph!" Shana pouted and took a sip, not surprised that he knew his habits.

  "Where is the Red World Apostle?"

  "This is a reward for you to fight soon." Luo Yuan smiled and took her to a remote part of the park. There is an isolation area pulled up by barbed wire, and there is a "material stacking area, and idlers are not allowed to enter." 's notice.

  "Hey, it's in there!"

  "Then what are you waiting for." Shana drank the juice in one gulp, licked her lips, and jumped over the barbed wire two or three meters high with a single jump.

  As soon as she jumped into the quarantine area, she keenly felt that there was a weak fluctuation of existence in a warehouse that had not been used for a long time.


  As the golden light flashed, Shana switched her fighting stance, her long jet-black hair was covered with gold, a little golden light drifted away, and her ink-colored eyes became gilded. Then, decisively rushed into the warehouse.

  Clap!Directly broke the door violently, and there were no other sundries in the dark warehouse. It seemed that the apostle of the Red World regarded it as a den.


  As the copper-colored flames rose, the entire warehouse was shrouded in seal, and in the eyes of outsiders, the warehouse also became non-existent.

  "Who dares to disturb my master..."

  In the dark red space, a man wearing a hat and a vest came out quickly. It was obvious that this man was the puppet "Phosphorus" of the Red World Apostle.

  "Phosphorus" is a servant made by the apostles of the Red World with the power of existence, which can not only help the master to fight but also help the master absorb the power of human existence.

  The strength of the phosphorus also depends on the size of the master's ability.


  Before the puppet man Phinzi could say more, Shana cut him in half with a decisive knife.

  "Fire and fog warrior! So beautiful!"

  At this time, a monster with the appearance of countless huge soap bubbles slowly emerged from the shadow of the warehouse.

  Because of the influence of the present world on the red world, the apostles or demon kings of the red world will choose to take the form of human beings when they come to the present world.

  And this red world apostle can't even appear in human form, which shows that he is weak.

  "What is this?" Shana just realized something was wrong.

  As the monster-like apostle of the Red World walked out, a large number of soap bubbles appeared in the air, and it was these soap bubbles that were faulty.

  There are various photos of men in the soap bubbles, and the men in the photos are of different styles, from various regions and countries.

  What's even weirder is that in addition to the photos inside these soap bubbles, there is a puppet the size of the photo behind the photo.

  "This is a human..." Shana felt the breath of life coming from it, and immediately understood that this apostle of the Red World had reduced the human being and put it into the soap bubble.

  This is obviously the law of freedom unique to this red world apostle.

  "Hey hey... It's great, isn't it? These are all mine, and they are all "playing with" Uncle Ukobak, and what the future will look like in the future."

  The monster apostle wrapped in soap bubbles let out hoarse laughter.

  "Ukobak?" Shana frowned, she had never heard of such a Red World apostle.

  "A low-level apostle of the red world!"

  Luo Yuan slowly walked into the warehouse shrouded in seal. Although seal can separate the shrouded area and the cause and effect of the world, so that humans cannot detect it, there is no limit to those who can use the power of existence.

  "who are you?"

  The Red World Apostle named Ukobak found out that another enemy had entered the block, and immediately became alert.

  "You don't deserve to know!"

  Luo Yuan said casually, and at the same time he grasped it easily, the apostle of the red world emerged from the countless soap bubbles, and a distorted dark red flame monster looked extremely ugly.

  "You, are you... the Demon King of the Crimson World?" Ukobak suddenly shouted in horror, still a very powerful Demon King of the Crimson World.

  "Big, lord, spare your life!"

  Sensing the enormous power of existence in his body, the weak Apostle of the Red World immediately did not face the arrogance of the Fire Mist Warrior.

  The Fire Mist Warrior will throw a rat at his soap bubbles, worrying that the disappearance of too many humans will exacerbate the distortion of the world, but this "Red World Demon King" who can appear at will is obviously not afraid, because the Red World Demon King wants to continue to appear under normal circumstances. Cannibalism supplements the power of existence.

  "It's disgusting!"

  Luo Yuan couldn't even see it, so he directly pinched the apostle to death.

  "This guy is too weak and has no practical significance. These humans were imprisoned by it with the bubble freedom method. It is obviously intended to make him into a perfect human being.

  That Hamaguchi Yukio is the target he values, and the big shot is just bad luck. "

  "Oh!" Shana turned into and killed only one phoenix, but she didn't have any objection, this monster was really disgusting.

  "What now?"

  "Call the police!" Luo Yuan smiled slightly, the people in the soap bubbles had not been sucked out of the power of existence, they were still living people.

  When he crushed Ukobak to death just now, this Red World Apostle still had some remaining power, and the information contained in it contained this kind of free law that shrinks and preserves human beings without dying.

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