"It's really interesting!" Luo Yuan felt that this free method might be of great use in the future.

  The policemen who soon received the alarm came here one after another, watching the warehouses full of people from all over the world suddenly busy.

  At this time, Luo Yuan and Shana, as well as the figure Alastair brought by Luo Yuan, were at an intersection.

  There was a sign above the intersection that said that there were still 15 kilometers to the next city, and Luo Yuan looked at the word Misaki on it, and couldn't help showing a meaningful smile.

  "Come on, let's go to the next city."


Chapter 37 Our story officially begins

  On the top floor of a building in Misaki City, it was very empty. There was only a polyhedral glass altar, which was placed in the shape of a building with props like building blocks, and there were tiny torches that flickered.

  This is exactly the Noble Phantasm "glass altar" made by the "creative god" sacrificial snake to observe the city "big shackles" he built, which can observe the flow of human activities and the power of existence in a specific area.

  At this moment, standing beside the "glass altar" stood a handsome man in white clothes and white trousers with a wide long white belt wrapped around him. The lack of wind on the belt automatically made the man look dreamy.

  This is the Red World Demon Lord Fariagni, who has the real name of the Red World "Hunter".

  "My Mariano..." Fariagni embraced a doll about [-] to [-] centimeters in size, as petite as a doll, and his tone was so gentle that it seemed that he was not dealing with a "phosphorus" he made, but a real lover in general.

  "Go ahead, continue our plan, soon, soon we can be together forever without restrictions."

  "Yes, Master!" The doll named Marian, or "Phosphorus" responded with a childish voice, and then she disappeared with a whistle.

  It was almost evening, and it was the time for students to leave school and ordinary people to leave work. Misaki City was only a small city with a radius of more than ten miles, but it was still a prosperous place.

  There are also many restaurants and cafes in the downtown area. It is located on a commercial street, and the crowds are surging, making it a lively scene.

  Luo Yuan was taking Shana to stop and go on the street at this time. This was the custom between them. Every time he went to a place, he would take the girl to eat the local food first.

  Although they just came to Misaki City today, they have been shopping for a long time, and Shana is almost full.

  "Hey, open your mouth." Luo Yuan picked up a takoyaki, also known as octopus balls. The main ingredients were octopus, takoyaki powder, bonito flakes, seaweed, etc. The skin and flesh were very tender. Luo Yuan bought one at will. After eating, he picked one up and fed it to the girl beside him.

  "Don't just eat sweets."

  "Long-winded!" Shana, who was holding two ice cream cones and took a sip, muttered a little dissatisfied, but she still opened her mouth obediently and took the takoyaki fed by Luo Yuan.

  Alastair had been kept at home by Luo Yuan, and it was inconvenient and uncomfortable to carry him with him when the two were on a sweet date.

  The address here has been arranged in advance by his incarnation. After all, he plans to stay in this city for a long time.

  Although the two didn't wear fancy clothes, Luo Yuan was wearing a formal dress, and Shana was wearing a dress. The man was noble and the woman was cute. Such a combination could be regarded as standing out among the crowd.

  Passersby looked back frequently, some were attracted by the appearance of the girl, and some were fascinated by Luo Yuan's temperament.

  But both of them have the ability to ignore the gazes of others, and stay in the world between the two of them, wandering leisurely.

  Suddenly Luo Yuan paused in his footsteps, looking at the pair of students and men and women who waved goodbye in front of him, an interesting smile appeared on his face.

  The two looked like classmates, both fifteen or sixteen-year-old teenagers. The girl had black, long and straight hair, and a pigtail was tied on the left and right sides of her face, making her, who looked pretty good, look a little more playful and cute.

  The boys are ordinary, with the appearance of a good old man that the general anime male protagonists have.

  "Has the twist of fate begun?"

  Luo Yuan looked at the two, and his smile became more and more interesting.

  The girl naturally reappears from the original plot from the first episode and then to the final finale. The heroine who runs through the entire anime is not the heroine-Hirai Yukari, also known as Hirai Yukari.

  (Because it is more in line with the author's system, so...)

  The boy is the male protagonist in the original anime - Sakai Yuji.

  As for now...

  Luo Yuan looked at the sweet and lovely girl beside him.

  You should continue to be your ordinary old man. Of course, there may be another identity, that is, the Mistis who carries my Noble Phantasm of "Zero Hour Mistress".


  As if under the influence of unknown energy, the billboards on the street made noises caused by poor contact.

  "The law of liberty?"

  The girl who ate half of the cones in her hands was startled.


  As if in response to her guess, a pale white flame suddenly rose from the ground, sketching a strange totem that could not be written or patterned on the ground.

  The flames spread rapidly to form a space with a radius of tens of meters. In the space filled with light white brilliance, both humans and moving objects were in a static state.

  This is the law of freedom that can separate a part of the space from the world causally - sealing.

  "Well... I'll leave it to you here!" Luo Yuan grabbed half of Shana's unfinished ice cream and stuffed it into his mouth, and after assigning a task, he teleported away.

  "Stupid, stupid... ahhh."

  Shana watched Luo Yuan grab half of the ice cream she had eaten and stomped her feet with a blushing face. Then she put the half of the ice cream in her other hand into her mouth, urging the power of existence, and her image changed at the same time. Zhi Dian Zhana also appeared in his hands.

  "Damn guy, if you didn't show up, how could my ice cream be taken away, you pay for my ice cream..."

  After completing her transformation, Shanajiao drank a few vertical jumps and ran towards the direction that appeared when the seal was enveloped, suspected of being the apostle of the Red World.

  Luo Yuan teleported and appeared directly in front of Hirai Yuji. Not far away, Sakai Yuji, who was stunned by the sudden change, had yet to react.

  "Do I want a hero to save the beauty?" Luo Yuan didn't care about causing the ground to shake. The Crimson Demon King Fariagni in the distance created a phosphorus that absorbs the power of existence, but looked at him with interest. Still girl.

  "I want to break Shana's fate, and I'll save you by the way."

  With a bang, Luo Yuan and Hirai Yuan disappeared.

  "Huh?" Fariagni, who watched the flow of the power of existence in this area through the glass altar from a distance, always felt that something was wrong, but he was quickly attracted by the moving human being in the seal.

  "What's going on? What's going on? What the hell is this?" Sakai Yuji was stunned for a few seconds when he was enveloped in the space by the seal. When he was affected by the vibration of the ground, he realized that he was not far away when he came back to his senses. Slowly came an enlarged version of a baby-like guy, and a terrifying flesh ball composed of countless human heads floating around him.

  "Although the amount is not much, it is enough, I want to start eating!!!"

Chapter 38 The special bad taste

  "Eat, eat, eat!"

  The monster in the shape of a meat ball let out cruel laughter, and countless heads spoke first.


  The giant baby monster also opened its huge mouth with intertwined teeth, and the people in the seal suddenly turned into pale white flames and were sucked into his mouth.

  "Ah ah ah... Huh?" Sakai Yuji was scared by this terrifying scene and kept retreating, but as the suction came from the giant mouth, a golden mask appeared on his body to protect him.

  "Hey, what is this?"

  Attracted by the mutation on his body, the two monsters suddenly stopped absorbing the power of existence, but they did not wait for them to continue to observe.


  A flash of knife light flashed, and the giant baby suddenly began to crack from the middle of the head, and the power of existence continued to flow from the wound into fire.


  With the screams, the giant baby suddenly fell to the ground while struggling to dissipate.

  "Who is it?" The multi-headed meatball monster made a frightened voice.


  Another flash of knife light flashed, and the meat ball was split in half with a scream, and the power of existence overflowing from the wound burned into flames and disappeared.

  "Damn it! A mere phoenix..." After two consecutive knives to kill the enemy, Shana also understood that these two were just phoenixes made by the apostles of the Red World.

  But it was these two hateful phosphorous that ruined her shopping mood and made her angry.

  On the other hand, Luo Yuan took Hirai Margin out of the seal, and by sensing the breath on her body, she directly sent her to the door of Hirai's house near Xiangze Town.

  "You, who are you? You, how do you..."

  Hirai Yuki returned to normal as soon as she left Fengjue, and she was still in the downtown area a moment ago, why did she return to the door in a blink of an eye, and, who is this boy holding her...

  Looking at the girl who was shivering and stammered by the weird incident, Luo Yuan didn't plan to tease her any more, he took a step back and said with a playful smile: "I saved your life, Think about how to repay me!"

  "You, what did you say..." Hirai Yuan heard Luo Yuan's inexplicable words, and was about to say something when he suddenly saw the man in front of him suddenly disappear out of thin air.



  "Hey, you..." Shana, who had just killed the two phosphorous seeds, turned around and saw the golden light mask emerging from Yuji Sakai.

  She is very familiar with this mask. When she was hit by the shock wave that Melichim ran away from, she was unharmed under the protection of this mask.

  This is Luo Yuan's ability, how could it be on this person, no, this person can walk freely in the blockade, it should be similar to the original Tianmu, it is used as a container for holding treasures, Mistis.

  While Sakai Yuji was paying attention to the mask that appeared on the surface of his body, he was suddenly attracted by the girl who appeared in front of him.

  "This girl..."

  In front of this girl with blond hair and golden eyes shining with golden light, she looks full of noble and holy temperament, but she has a lovely face, which suddenly made his heart beat uncontrollably.

  "Huh?" Suddenly Shana's eyes narrowed, and she was holding another knife in both hands, and cut off a hand that appeared suddenly under the terrified gaze of the person in front of her.

  "Ah ah……"

  "Do you actually want to take away the things in Mystis?"

  Although I don't know what Noble Phantasm this Mistis is holding, but it is obviously related to Luo Yuan, so naturally these Phosphorus will not be able to succeed.

  It turned out that there was a woman looking like Phosphorus just now trying to snatch the contents of Sakai Yuji's body, but before it touched the mask on Sakai Yuji's surface, its arm was cut off.

  "Damn, it turned out to be a fire fog warrior, and another tool for chasing and killing!"

  The woman whose arm was cut off covered the severed arm that was constantly overflowing with the power of existence, and looked at Shana with gnashing teeth.

  "Yes, so what?"

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