A little bit of light was constantly spilling out of his heart. This was because he was the Noble Phantasm container, Mystis, which would completely dissipate after losing the Noble Phantasm.

  However, Luo Yuan had long expected that although he could kill people who had nothing to do with him, he would never avenge those who were kind to him.

  Sakai Yuji helped him attract and receive the "zero-hour fan", and he naturally wouldn't let him die in vain.

  The divine will that he had escaped into the "Zero Hour Mizi" before was to snatch the "Zero Hour Mizi" and also to protect Sakai Yuji, so Sakai Yuji did not completely become Mystis.

  As the most original energy of the world, the power of existence involves the rules of the world's operation, but as long as you master this energy, you can use it to do many magical things.

  Luo Yuan's will can resist the rules of the world, but it cannot be reversed, so when he enters the "zero-hour fan", it also protects him from being completely instrumentalized.

  Looking at Sakai Yuji, who was gradually weakening, Luo Yuan immediately pointed at the hole in his heart, and a large amount of existence power filled the gap and quickly bridged it.

  At the same time, Luo Yuan flicked his finger again, and a drop of divine blood entered Yuji Sakai's mouth. Under his interference, Yuji Sakai became half a Mystis and half a powerful human.

  This makes him no different from humans, and at the same time he has the characteristics of some of the apostles of the red world, which can drive the power of existence.

  It's just that the energy contained in his divine blood is used to resist the influence of being transformed into Mystis, so the effect on him is greatly reduced.

  But even so, he can live for more than a hundred years without any problems, and at the same time, he can easily win a championship or something by participating in physical competitions with his physical fitness.

  "Okay, no need to howl, you're all right."

  When Yuji Sakai's body was completely resolved, he released his imprisonment.

  He couldn't use this method to solve the previous Dashang Quanzi. After all, the Dashang Quanzi had lost its own existence and could only be resurrected by relying on the special freedom method allowed by the rules of this world.

  As for those who can do this, Luo Yuan knows that he will appear in this city soon.

  "Ah this..." Sakai Yuji felt that he was able to move freely and at the same time he could not help groping himself up and down in a panic, and was surprised when he found that there was no problem.

  Shana has never cared about those who are not close to her, and looked at Yuji Sakai's poor performance with contempt from beginning to end.

  Luo Yuan was very happy about Shana's actions. Holding Shana's little hand, he patiently gave Sakai Yuji a little knowledge about the Red World Demon King, the Fire Mist Warrior, and the troubled Red World Apostle.

  "As for the strengthening of your body, it can be considered compensation."

  Luo Yuan patted Sakai Yuji on the shoulder, as if I was very optimistic about you.

  It seems to be okay to take the male protagonist of the original plot as a dog-leg brother.

  Immediately, Luo Yuan directly drove the power of existence to repair the damaged space in the seal.

  He doesn't have to worry about the consumption of the power of existence now that he has the artifact in his hand, and he does things more freely, and directly uses his power of existence to repair the damaged things.

  The people who were quickly eaten by the phosphorus became torch figures, and as the ban was lifted, the area where they were located returned to the bustling appearance.

  "That, that, thank you!"

  Feeling that his state is very good, and at the same time he has come into contact with a new world, Sakai Yuji didn't feel that he had lost anything, and thanked Luo Yuan gratefully.

  Luo Yuan waved his hand indifferently and took Shana back to their residence in Misaki City.

  This is a mansion with British style. In fact, in the original plot, Hecate created the "virtual container" Konoe Shina lived in Misaki City.

  Since he has the conditions, Luo Yuan naturally wants to live in the most luxurious place, which is all arranged by his avatar in advance.

  Although the exterior looks quite British architectural style, the interior is very modern and decorated, which is somewhat similar to the Tiandao Palace.

  Not to mention the rest, at least there are a lot of rooms.

  Seems like something amazing has been revealed...

  "Alastair!" When the two returned home, they first greeted Alastair, the god of punishment, the mascot in the hall.

  "Well, how is today?"

  Alastair's figure made a strong voice, and he was used to Luo Yuan's behavior of throwing him at home, but he would routinely ask them about their daily movements.

  Then Luo Yuan asked Shana to give him a brief report. As for the "zero-hour fan", she specifically asked her not to talk about it.

  Although Shana was always arrogant and self-willed in front of him, she was very obedient in this regard.

  "Go and rest for a while, I'll cook something delicious for you tonight!"

  Luo Yuan rubbed her hair with a doting face.

  The mansion is very spacious, but Shana can be considered to be from a wealthy family. After all, she grew up in Tiandao Palace and is very used to such a residence.

  "Slightly..." Sticking out her tongue mischievously at Luo Yuan, she ran back to the cute and sweet room that Luo Yuan had set up for her.

  When it was only the two of them, there was no one else to control, and Luo Yuan was spoiled in all kinds of ways, so Shana could enjoy this kind of life calmly.

  In the evening, I made a delicious meal as usual to reward Shana for her outstanding performance during the day.

  After dinner, they played games with her for a while, during which the two were naturally tired of being together. Shana was very used to and liked Luo Yuan's hugs, but she was still arrogant and refused to admit it.

  This is the reason why there are no competitors. Shana is not panic at all, but she doesn't know that Luo Yuan has silently arranged her.

  Because the two of them are going to study tomorrow, that is, the second class of the first grade of Misaki High School where Sakai Yuji is.

  As for Fariagni, the Demon King of the Red World, he didn't take it to heart at all, and he was kept for the time being just to provide Shana with experience.

  "Reading? Reading is so boring, why do you still want to read!"

  Hearing Luo Yuan's arrangement, the girl leaning in his arms couldn't help raising her head and staring at him. As a scholar, she didn't think it was necessary to go to school.

  "Just go experience it, let's go together."

  Luo Yuan had to comfort her.

  If he wants to wait for the rabbit in Misaki City, he must find something to do, read books, fall in love, isn't it beautiful?

  "Humph!" Shana snorted and stopped talking. Since it's two people together, they can do whatever they want.

  Seeing that it was nearly zero the next day, Luo Yuan coaxed Shana to sleep, and he himself returned to the room to block Alastair's induction.


  As soon as [-]:[-] of the next day arrived, Luo Yuan felt that the power of existence in his body quickly recovered.

Chapter 41 Shana's Reverse Raiders Begin

  Luo Yuan clearly felt that there was some kind of magical law contained in the "Zero Hour Mizi", which was one of the fundamental laws for the formation of this world, which directly anchored the maximum value of the power that existed in his body when he got the "Zero Hour Mizi". .

  And as the time reaches zero the next day, affected by it, Luo Yuan's power of existence is directly restored to the maximum level of yesterday.

  His ability to absorb the power of existence free in the void relies on his own divine sense sensing ability, and as his strength recovers, the faster he absorbs it.

  And this kind of law directly resonates with the world itself, and instantly restores a lot of power of existence.

  In the original plot, it was described that the "Zero Hour Mistress" obtained the power of existence by correcting the distortion of the world. Obviously, this kind of law is at work.

  It's absolutely impossible to make such a "zero-hour fan" based on the strength of John and Felice alone. Obviously, they only got this law by chance.

  Therefore, "zero-hour fans" can't be found and cannot be mass-produced, so that they have attracted many covets and eventually fell into their own hands. It can only be said that they are unlucky.

  As for the prohibition set by the Red World Demon King Felice, it can be said that it has little effect on the existence of Luo Yuan and "Tyrant 1". When Luo Yuan gets the "Zero Mizi", it can be easily cracked by closing the inside and outside. .

  In fact, Luo Yuan has considered whether to use the "Zero Hour Mizi" to restore the power of this function card bug.

  But after thinking about it, he gave up this idea temporarily, because he couldn't store the power of existence additionally yet.

  The power of existence leaves the body's containment and quickly returns to the void, which is not much faster than when he directly absorbs it from the void.

  Therefore, he can only wait patiently for the opportunity. Anyway, he has a "zero-hour fan" and is destined to be the center of attention of the major forces in the future.

  And the person who can quickly restore his strength, or the Demon King of the Red World will come soon...

  The next morning, Luo Yuan and Shana changed into the student uniforms of Misaki City High School. The two of them will be enrolled in Class [-] and [-] of Senior High School today as transfer students.

  Looking at Shana who took off her cute Lolita dress and put on a student uniform, Luo Yuan also felt that there was something special.

  "Idiot, what are you looking at!"

  Shana blushed at Luo Yuan's stare, and couldn't help but shouted in embarrassment.

  "Of course it's to see my cutest Shana."

  Luo Yuan praised with undisguised love.

  "Hey, let's go!"

  Although she was very happy in her heart, she still maintained her usual arrogance and took Luo Yuan away.

  "Did you forget something?" Luo Yuan looked at her with a playful smile.

  "What?" Shana turned her head, feeling like a cute elementary school girl.

  "Daily greetings!"

  Shana immediately understood, and couldn't help but glared at him with a blushing face, and then she took a deep breath obediently.

  "No road race, no road race, no road race!"

  oh oh you sweet guy.

  In April, with the cherry blossoms in full bloom, the two entered the municipal Misaki High School, namely Misaki High School.

  Even though the two were dressed as students, they still gained enough attention among these ordinary high school students.

  "Jingle Bell--"

  As the class bell rang, the first and second classes of high school suddenly became quiet, and the students had prepared their books for this class in advance.

  Since it was only a few days after the new semester of high school, everyone was not very familiar with each other, so the behavior of whispering and chatting had not started rampant, and they behaved very obediently.

  "Classmates, two new students will be transferred to our class today, Luo Yuan and Shana, everyone is welcome!"

  A teacher who looked like a middle-aged man walked to the podium and announced loudly.

  "Clap clap clap!"

  Immediately, the students applauded enthusiastically and looked at the two at the door at the same time.

  "Yeah..." "Wow!"

  Shana's expression was cold, while Luo Yuan's expression was gentle.

  The boys all focused on Shana, this new female classmate is so petite, but so cute.

  The girls were also attracted by Luo Yuan's unique temperament, and at the same time were infected by his gentle smile, and naturally brought a little favor.

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