There were two other people looking at them in surprise, one was naturally Yuji Sakai, who didn't fall asleep at all last night.

  He was both excited and nervous to be exposed to a new and terrifying new world, and at the same time, the powerful sense of strength brought by his body.

  I didn't expect to see the two people who let him enter the new world today, and I was very excited.

  And the other is Hirai Yuki. She stared at Luo Yuan, not only the weird scene Luo Yuan took her through, but she also had very important things to ask him.

  There was confusion and loss on her face, because she felt like she lost something very important yesterday, but she didn't know what it was, maybe it had something to do with Luo Yuan.

  "My name is Shana!"

  Shana stood in front of the stage without taking the group of people into her eyes and glanced around coldly. She briefly introduced herself in a pleasant voice and stopped talking.

  Wow!The male classmates below muttered to themselves, it seems that it is really not easy to approach.

  Luo Yuan laughed secretly at Shana's performance. Although she was emotionally perfect, she was only in front of her own people.

  She has always been too lazy to deal with these people, so she gave her an inaccessible temperament like a beautiful iceberg girl, which Luo Yuan was naturally very satisfied with.

  "Hello everyone, my name is Luo Yuan, I'm Shana's brother!"

  Luo Yuan stood in front of the stage and glanced around the stage with confidence and a gentle smile. His eyes were not aggressive, but very friendly.

  He focused on Yuji Shimo Sakai, Margin Hirai and Kazumi Yoshida.

  The fate of Sakai Yuji and Hei Yuan had been changed by him yesterday. At this time, the two of them looked at Luo Yuan in a special way, but Sakai Yuji was a little scared.

  And Hirai Yuyuan is a bit strange, the big eyes are full of urgency and doubts.

  As soon as he thought about it, he had a vague guess, but he didn't pay much attention to it for the time being, and his focus was on Yoshida Kazumi.

  Yoshida Kazumi is a beautiful girl with white hair accessories and short shoulder-length brown hair. She has a beautiful appearance, a good figure and outstanding temperament.

  It can be said that a large part of the reason he came to school was for her. The female No. [-] in the original plot, although quiet and introverted, was very brave in terms of emotions.

  In the face of Shana, a powerful rival in love, she is not afraid at all, and dares to pursue her own happiness.

  Of course, in the end, if she loses, this is not the harem, and she is not the heroine.

  If I want Shana to compromise and confess to myself, it will fall on her.

  From the plot point of view, Yoshida Kazumi has not yet developed a favorable impression of Sakai Yuji. What she likes is not the kind of handsome boy, but the gentle personality.

Chapter 42 The highlight moment of Shana sauce

  So in the original plot, the male protagonist just helped her as a supporting role and made her like it.

  Luo Yuan's position at this time is the gentle brother style.

  Although his appearance is not very handsome, but the bearing developed through years of experience, coupled with the reason of practice, naturally brings him a special charm, which is very attractive.

  Yoshida Kazumi couldn't bear the gaze of Shang Luo Yuan, and immediately blushed and lowered her head. That panicked look was so cute.

  As for why he claimed to be Shana's brother, this was also discussed in advance by them.

  If the relationship between him and Shana is positioned as a stranger, it will definitely not work, neither of them agree.

  If it is positioned as a childhood sweetheart or a sweetheart, although Shana is very happy in her heart, she will definitely be strongly opposed to it on the surface.

  So the relationship between the two at school was a brother-sister relationship, and Shana didn't think there was any problem, so she agreed.

  Poor her, she didn't know that this bastard Luo Yuan dug a hole for her.

  It was very difficult for Shana to take the initiative to admit that she was his girlfriend in front of everyone, but now he has set a layer of shackles on Shana, a brother-sister relationship.

  Although the two of them don't care about this relationship, they are different in the eyes of outsiders. On the surface, brothers and sisters are also brothers and sisters.

  When she became acquainted with these people, and under the strange eyes of outsiders, Shana's level of courage to confess that he needed soared, and her shame level exploded.

  Really looking forward to that day!

  Every time Luo Yuan thought of that scene, he felt the pleasure of being pinned to Gongyin three times in a row.

  "Our brothers and sisters are new arrivals, so please take care of our classmates."

  Scanning the entire classroom, there is nothing special to pay attention to. As for the supporting actors Sato Keisaku and Tanaka Eita in the original plot, he was directly ignored by him, Luo Yuan continued to add.

  "It turned out to be brothers and sisters!"

  "The surnames are different, aren't they brothers and sisters?"

  "Wow, it's really big brother."


  As soon as Luo Yuan finished speaking, a lot of whispers came from below. I heard that the two of them were brothers and sisters. Some boys were happy for this, and some girls were secretly happy.

  "Cough, quiet, you two should sit in the last row, and I hope you will adapt to the new school life as soon as possible."

  The teacher coughed twice to control the noisy classroom discipline and then said.

  Luo Yuan and Shana walked to the back row one after the other. In the picture, Luo Yuan smiled and nodded to Yoshida Kazumi who was looking at him, making the introverted girl blushed again.

  Shana, who thought it was nothing to study at the school, suddenly felt that there were many dangers. The curious eyes of these girls looking at Luo Yuan made her feel inexplicably uncomfortable. As for the eyes that fell on her, she ignored them.

  "Okay, classmates, let's start class now!"

  Following the teacher's words, everyone opened their books and began to study at the teacher's pace.

  Luo Yuan also pretended to open the book, this was an English class, he opened the book and looked at Shana, who was a little depressed, with great interest, looking forward to the appearance of a famous scene.

  Next is the highlight moment of our heroine, Shana-chan.

  Originally, Shana was a little reluctant to come to school. The reason why she was willing to come was also Luo Yuan's request. For so many years, the two of them were together wherever they went, and she was used to it.

  Anyway, as long as she's with him, she'll be happy no matter what she does.

  But now she was a little unhappy. The seats in front of her were all girls. She noticed that there was a long straight black girl looking back at Luo Yuan frequently.

  She knew that Luo Yuan liked black and long straight hair the most, and she had such long hair.

  So, what does this girl mean?

  Shana looked at Luo Yuan with unhappy eyes, and found that he was looking at her with a funny look, and she was even more unhappy, and she didn't even bother to open the book prepared for her.

  On the podium, the teacher also paid attention to the movements of the new classmates while lecturing. Well, this classmate named Luo Yuan is a little bit inattentive. Maybe it's because he hasn't adapted yet. It's okay.

  He looked at another classmate named Shana, eh?Why didn't the book open?What's the meaning?

  The teacher frowned and decided to endure it, perhaps this classmate was still looking for textbooks.

  But after waiting for almost half a class, the female classmate still didn't seem to be studying at all. The teacher finally couldn't bear it anymore. He felt that his authority was being challenged.

  "Classmate Shana!" The teacher suppressed his anger, but his tone was a little harsh. He didn't want to go too far with the new classmates.

  "Why haven't I seen you open your textbooks and take notes for so long?"

  "..." The students who were taking notes seriously turned around.

  "Come on!" The wicked smile in Luo Yuan's eyes became stronger and stronger.

  Shana stared blankly ahead with her hands on her face. She was sulking, and hearing the teacher's questioning made her even more angry.

  Luo Yuan has never spoken to me in such a tone, what are you?

  "You guy."

  Shana's tone was cold, and she couldn't feel the slightest pressure under the eyes of the whole class. At this time, she was full of majesty, as if it was not herself who did the wrong thing, but the guy named "teacher" opposite.

  "What?" Being called by the students, the teacher's expression became stiff. At the same time, the momentum that Shana had cultivated in many years of fighting and killing made him feel very weak.

  "That fill-in-the-blank question is all about nonsense."

  "Ah?" Being pointed out by Shana's stern tone, the teacher felt a little guilty.

  "It's not a guessing puzzle. If you want to be empty, you should be empty in the place where the context can be inferred!"

  The teacher was stunned, and was so oppressed by Shana that she didn't know how to refute.

  Afterwards, Shana calmly spoke a lot of English, her pronunciation and grammar were impeccable, and the students on the sidelines showed a stern look.

  Although Japanese-style English always feels a little off-putting, Shana has been taught by Will Emina since she was a child, so there is not much of an accent problem. With the blessing of Ning Gongyin, Luo Yuan listened with a look beside her. Enjoy, while secretly recording this scene, this may be Shana's dark history in the future.

  "And your explanation is also very poor, and you can't tell the point." Shana continued to criticize the teacher who seemed to be about to collapse.

  "So, if you want to teach me, you'd better fill it up and come back!"

  The last repair made the teacher unable to maintain the dignity he pretended to be, and ran out of the classroom screaming and screaming, faceless to face Shana's contemptuous eyes again.

  "Oh..." The whole class was stunned, looking at Shana with admiration.

  "Humph!" Shana looked at Luo Yuan without caring about the gazes around her. In addition to her love for herself as always, there was a hint of admiration in his eyes, and she snorted and turned her head away.

Chapter 43: Not Selling Swords Is Uncomfortable (Plus One More)

  During recess, the atmosphere in the class was very solemn. Many boys and girls had planned to get to know each other with the new siblings during the break, but now they are discouraged.

  Hirai Yuan watched Luo Yuan want to talk and stop talking, as if he wanted to ask him something, but under the cold breath of "don't come near me" exuded by Shana beside Luo Yuan, she still resisted touching them. idea.

  And Sakai Yuji, who was sitting at her seat, saw that her eyes always fell on Luo Yuan, and she felt a little sad.

  Sakai Yuji actually has a good impression of Hirai Yuji, but yesterday she heard her ask her good friend Chi Suren if she has a girlfriend, which shows that she has a good impression of Chi Suren.

  Today, she is always staring at the new male classmate. Although the male classmate looks very unique and should be more attractive to some female classmates, is it not good for you to do so.

  The young men and women who have just entered puberty are at the time of the surge of hormones. As long as there is a little communication between men and women, and if they are not too bad, it is generally easy to have a good impression of each other.

  And with the further contact between the two parties, the goodwill may evolve into a liking, and a lover relationship can basically be established.

  So Sakai Yuji felt very uncomfortable, especially when he felt that his body was getting stronger and stronger, followed by an increase in self-confidence, and he felt that he would be favored by many excellent girls in the future.

  But facing Luo Yuan, he had no confidence. He was clear about the scene yesterday, and he was not a person in their world at all.

  Soon it was time for class again, but the next few classes became the home of this new classmate, Shana.

  Every teacher has paid a heavy price for their unqualified majors. In front of this beautiful girl who seems to be all-knowing, they can't even maintain the basic basic professional quality.

  Under the girl's sharp and precise criticism, every teacher who tried to defeat her from their own professional field ended up in a collapse and left the field.

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