Although Shana is only the first day of school, she has dominated the entire class in terms of cultural level.

  Luo Yuan has been acting as a qualified audience during this period, silently admiring Shana's outstanding performance.

  And because of the presence of Luo Yuan, the most concerned audience, the girl who had clearly lost her temper after criticizing the first two teachers, continued to show the wealth of knowledge she accumulated in the next two classes, and mercilessly dismissed these teachers. They were hit hard.

  Genius, Shana is indeed a genius!

  Luo Yuan admired in his heart that Shana was studying in Tiandao Palace in addition to training, and basically she studied by herself, so she could be regarded as self-taught in cultural classes.

  It's just that no one is perfect, she is quite good in combat and knowledge, but one thing is not very good, that is, the mastery of the free method.

  On the one hand, it was Luo Yuan's connivance, and on the other hand, it was because Shana found it troublesome, and the enemies she encountered before were too weak, so Shana only mastered some of the most basic free methods of using the power of existence.

  But Luo Yuan is not worried, because in this city, she will encounter many apostles of the red world who cannot be crushed by Zhana and the huge power of existence alone.

  The arrogant Shana is also proud. After suffering losses, she will naturally pay attention to this aspect.

  Soon the morning class was over, and the lunch break bell rang, and the students rushed to escape from this place where the domineering Shana controlled the right to speak.

  After a while, there were only four people left in the classroom.

  The casual Shana, the qualified audience Luo Yuan, and the Sakai Yuji who knew Luo Yuan and their identities, and Hirai Yuan who wanted to ask Luo Yuan for an answer.

  "Let's go, eat!" Luo Yuan didn't care about their eyes, got up and rubbed Shana's head, and walked outside.

  Shana pouted and kept up obediently.

  In fact, Shana's criticism of the teachers in the morning caused the lack of energy of many teachers, which attracted the attention of the school.

  But Luo Yuan greeted the administrator of this school before he came, and don't care about the two of them.

  When he incarnated to do these things in advance, he used the official background, and it was like playing against the administrator of an ordinary high school in the district.

  And he specially told him not to take special care, just like an ordinary student, this is also to see Shana's performance.

  It turns out that he did it right, and he appreciated the other side of Shana. Otherwise, it would be a pity that she had worked so hard in Tiandao Palace for so many years without a stage for her to show.

  The two walked out of the classroom to the stairs all the way up, and soon came to the rooftop.

  School rooftops, especially those in neon anime, what a wonderful place.

  When he had dinner with the school festival on the rooftop, the beautiful scene of playing games by the way seemed to be vivid in his mind.

  Good memories came to mind, Luo Yuan subconsciously glanced at the cute and sweet girl beside him.

  Well, Shana is already 14 years old. Although she is still as petite as when she became his Fire Mist Warrior in Tiandao Palace two years ago, it is legal to do some shameful things, so you don't have to worry about the police.

  And he knew that as long as he made up his mind now and coaxed Shana well, it would be easy to take away her first kiss or even the first experience.

  But he doesn't. He is no longer satisfied with this kind of life, and wants to try more ways to love.

  Now he just wants to wait for Shana to take the initiative to confess, take the initiative to send the first kiss or even the first experience.

  He is such a bad taste, and the more he likes, the more he wants to go to great lengths, so that it tastes more delicious.

  "Hey, are you hungry?" Luo Yuan and Shana found a convenient place to sit while enjoying the scenery, placed a row to eat and handed her a pineapple bun.

  "Humph!" Shana grabbed the bread and ate it with a whimper, complaining while eating: "School is not fun at all, it's just guys who are not qualified to fish in troubled waters."

  "Heh..." Luo Yuan pinched her bulging face amusingly.

  "You think everyone is as good as you, it's enough to teach this knowledge at the level of these teachers."

  Human abilities cannot be generalized.

  After all, Shana is a "sublime person" with "the body of a king", and the capacity expanded in time and space is enough to accommodate the most powerful demon god Alastair in the red world, and it is destined to be extraordinary.

  It would not be an exaggeration to say that she is a one-of-a-kind genius.

  "Ah..." Shana tilted her head and opened her mouth to bite at the fingers pinching her cheek, but Luo Yuan deftly avoided it. After failing several times in a row, she immediately stretched out a hand to hammer him in annoyance.

  "No road race, no road race, no road race!"

  Thank you very much for your support [Miss Scarlett].

  Specially added one more for the big guy.

Chapter 44 Hirai Margin's Memories

  oh oh you sweet guy.

  Luo Yuan showed a happy expression as he picked up a piece of sushi and fed it to Shana.

  "Open your mouth, ah..."

  The girl glared at him, but still blushed and accepted his feeding.

  This kind of eating can be regarded as the daily life between the two of them. When only the two of them are there, the intimacy between the two is very natural.

  And Luo Yuan is also very happy to do these things, and it is also a great pleasure to appreciate the way the girl he likes eats.

  When the two were enjoying only being with each other, there were obvious footsteps coming from the stairs below.

  Soon, a girl with long straight black hair appeared in front of the two of them. It was Maru Hirai.

  Luo Yuan knew it was her for a long time, and there was no surprise about it. He knew that Hirai Yuan had some doubts and wanted to know from him. He just wanted to see how she planned to speak.

  "Luo, classmate Luo Yuan..." Hirai Yuan was out of breath. She must have summoned a lot of courage to come to Luo Yuan, and it was difficult for her to climb so many stairs in one breath.

  Shana was a little unhappy immediately, the soft, crispy and sweet pineapple bread in her hand felt a little sour.

  What, he was so active and even caught up.

  Luo Yuan took Shana's performance in his eyes, and laughed secretly in his heart. He didn't expect you to have such a big reaction before the big killer was dispatched.

  However, he pretended not to know about it, and put on a gentle smile to look at Maru Hirai, who saved his life yesterday.

  "Is something wrong? Hirai-san."

  "That..." Hirai Yuan paused, and was a little embarrassed for disturbing their meal, but she still had to make things clear, which was too important to her.

  "'re not an ordinary person, are you?"

  "Yes." Luo Yuan nodded, doing that yesterday had already shown her that he was unusual.

  "What do you want to say?"

  "I seem to have forgotten something very important."

  Hirai Yuan's expression suddenly became very excited. Ever since Luo Yuan took her to her doorstep yesterday, she found out that something was wrong.

  She seemed to have forgotten something, and although she didn't know why she forgot, she just knew that she forgot.

  It was something so important to her that she was filled with sadness and confusion, and she didn't know anything about it.

  "You're not an ordinary person, so you must know what I forgot, right?"

  Her voice was hurried, her big eyes filled with tears, and her expression was very helpless.

  "Can you tell me what I forgot?"

  "You... have you forgotten that you have parents?"

  Luo Yuan probably knew the whole story, and couldn't help but ask.

  "Parents? You, are you saying that I have a parent? I'm not an orphan?"

  Hirai margin was stunned for a moment, and then became more anxious.


  Luo Yuan nodded and understood her performance very well.

  The force of existence is the result of the force of existence.

  In the original plot, Hirai did not disappear after losing the power of existence alone, but the whole family lost the power of existence and disappeared.

  It was not until the finale that Yuji Sakai restored Misaki City and brought their family back to life.

  And now because of Luo Yuan's intervention to save her, but not to save her parents.

  Yesterday, the Phosphorus sent by Fariagni decomposed the human beings inside to absorb the power of existence after the downtown was opened and sealed, and it obviously contained her parents.

  That time period was very special. It was in the evening, office workers just got off work, students just got off school, and even many housewives went out to buy food and daily necessities at this time.

  Obviously, by chance, their whole family was within the envelope of the seal. It was only because of Luo Yuan's acquaintance that she avoided the ending of losing the power of existence and disappearing, but her parents were not spared.

  When Luo Yuan repaired and sealed off the inner space and replaced the humans who had been sucked by the power of existence with torches, the size of the torches gradually decreased according to a certain size.

  In this way, the daily dissolution part can effectively alleviate the distortion caused by the disappearance of a large number of humans at the same time. Her parents may be the torches of the disappearance of the first echelon.

  According to normal circumstances, her parents lost the power of existence and disappeared, so under the influence of the laws of the world, Hirai Yuki's cognition became that she had no parents, so she was an orphan.

  However, due to the shroud of the seal, while the phosphorus decomposed human beings to absorb the power of existence, Hirai Yuan was held by Luo Yuan.

  When the power of existence of human beings within the seal disappears, the world's concept of the existence of people related to it in the present world will be erased.

  However, Luo Yuan would not be affected, and Hirai Yuan, who was hugged by him, also retained part of the impression.

  But after Luo Yuan left, Hirai Yukari's impression of her parents would naturally fade.

  So it caused her to subconsciously remember something like this, but she forgot what it was.

  This is similar to what happened to Shana in Yogi City in the original plot. Shana replaced her existence with the surviving torch of Ogami Junko, and then went to investigate Ukobak with Ogami Junko's boyfriend, Yukio Hamaguchi. The whereabouts of the Red World Apostle.

  During this period, the two had relatively close contact, that is, Shana, who had no gender recognition, held hands with Hamaguchi Yukio in order to comfort him.

  So much so that at the end, Shana dispelled the existence of Dashangquanzi.

  But Yukio Hamaguchi was influenced by Shana and still had some residual memories of this, so that he took the gift that belonged to him to Ogami Junko.

  Although he didn't know why he had this thing in his hand, he still felt that he had lost something important, and the remaining impression in his heart made him burst into tears unconsciously.

  This is the case with Hirai now, but Luo Yuan's strength is so powerful that she is also greatly affected.

  If she didn't figure it out quickly, she would completely forget about it under the subtle influence of the laws of the world.

  "You should know now." Luo Yuan came to her and lightly pointed his finger between her eyebrows, and the power of existence poured into her body.

  This power of existence is different from the existence of Ebony Hirai as a human being. She can become such a power of existence after she is decomposed, so she cannot use her own existence.

  Now that Luo Yuan has given her the power of existence that she can use, then the law of the world cannot erase her concept of existence about her parents, and she finally knows what she has forgotten.

  "Father...Mother...Wow ah ah ah..."

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