Chapter 48 Shana sauce swelled

  "Why, I promised people."

  "No why!"

  "Are you still unreasonable?" Luo Yuan couldn't help staring at her.

  "I don't want to reason with you!" Shana also glared at him.

  Since Shana was in his arms, Luo Yuan leaned over slightly, while Shana raised her head.

  The two were so close that the tips of their noses almost touched each other.

  Smelling the fresh body fragrance unique to the girl in his arms, looking at her innocent and lovely face, and being watched by her beautiful big eyes, Luo Yuan almost wanted to kiss him like this.

  Hold back!

  Luo Yuan suppressed his love and strong possessiveness towards her from the bottom of his heart.

  There must be principles, and it is agreed that Shana will take the initiative.

  With the two of them in this posture, Shana's lovely face gradually flushed. She knew what was going on, but she wouldn't back down now.

  "Multiple fire and fog warriors are also more conducive to fulfilling our agreement."

  Luo Yuan was talking nonsense with his eyes open. He had just told Alastair that their agreement had nothing to do with this dime.

  "Humph!" Shana turned her head blushing, she knew what the agreement was about, and it wasn't for her, but she just didn't allow other girls around him.

  "I don't need anyone else's help!"

  "Really?" Luo Yuan made a look of disbelief.

  "I think you can't even beat today's Fariagni."

  "Who, who said that?"

  "He is the Demon King of the Red World!"

  "So what?" Shana suddenly felt offended, and she couldn't help but look sharp.

  "Even if he is the Demon King of the Crimson World, I will kill it for you!"


  Our heroine Shana-chan swelled!

  The previous two years were basically the apostles of the Red World, and Shana crushed them with a divine weapon and a huge power of existence.

  He didn't realize the hardships of many other fire and fog warriors who needed to go through a big battle to kill one or two Apostles of the Red World.

  And yesterday and today, she fought with Fariagni's Phosphorus, and she was also instantly killed by her.

  So Shana unconsciously took a contempt for Fariagni.

  Phosphorus is so vulnerable, which shows that the master of Phosphorus is not very powerful!

  So she was destined to experience the first Waterloo of her combat career.

  "Then, in order to prevent him from continuing to make trouble, let's go and get rid of him after dinner?" Luo Yuan suddenly showed a scheming smile.

  "Go and go!" The big words have already been said, Shana will naturally not back down, and she is indeed quite confident at this time.

  So they both reached a tacit understanding during dinner at night, Shana didn't embarrass Hirai, and Luo Yuan didn't mention making her a Fire Mist Warrior for the time being.

  After dinner, the two planned to go out. Luo Yuan looked at Hirai Margin, who was following, and flicked her finger.

  "Open your mouth!"

  Hirai margin opened her mouth obediently, and she swallowed a drop of blood, and suddenly felt her whole body start to heat up and swell.

  This is the huge amount of life energy that begins to work within her.

  Compared to when Shana was five or six years old, her endurance could only be digested slowly, and although Hirai Margin was also a girl, at least the digestion speed would be much faster.

  "I'll help you strengthen your physical fitness now. Take a good night's rest and try to digest more."

  "I see." The girl who was a little dazed by the impact of the huge energy immediately replied and walked back to the room slowly.

  Shana pouted but didn't say anything.

  Anyway, it's just to strengthen the body and there is no contract, at most it's a comfort to her.

  "Let's go, I won't shoot later."

  "Hey, I don't want your help!"

  "Then you have to be careful."

  "No road race, no road race, no road race!"


  The top floor of a building in Misaki City is very empty, and there is only one Noble Phantasm "glass altar" used to observe the existence and flow of people in Misaki City.

  At this time, "Hunter" Fariagni looked at the torch that remained after he devoured the power of human existence according to a certain established law.

  "There's still the Crimson World Demon King, it seems that our plan needs to be advanced, Marianne."

  Fariagni, holding the doll in his arms, seemed to be talking to himself and talking to her.

  "Please be careful with the master, I don't want the master to have an accident because of me." The doll in his arms said worriedly.

  "No problem, Mariano." Fariagni looked at the glass altar with confidence.

  "Just need to gather a little more energy to start working on making you a real being!"

  "You have no chance!"

  At this moment, a dignified and pleasant voice suddenly sounded in the building.

  Fariagni and Marianu, the phosphorus child in his arms, turned around.

  By the window sill stood the beautiful girl with blond hair and golden eyes in a very cute dress.

  She was holding the Noble Phantasm, Zhan Dian, and a little golden light was flying around her.

  "Haha!" Fariagni looked at Shana and smiled contemptuously, but at the same time he glanced around subconsciously, and there was no other person.

  "It's your little one. I didn't look for you, yet you dare to come and die? Where's your contract demon king? Why didn't you come to help you."

  "Humph!" Shana snorted coldly, not at all provoked by his words.

  "It's enough for me to deal with you alone!"

  "That's rude." Fariagni still smiled with his supposed elegance.

  "I see that you are reluctant to use flames? As your contractor, you are really unqualified at this point!"

  "shut up!"

  Shana suddenly became angry.

  No one can speak ill of Luo Yuan except her.

  call out!

  "Master, please leave first, I will deal with her!"

  Seeing that Shana was about to make a move, the doll in Fariagni's arms suddenly jumped out.

  "No, Mariano!" Fariagni casually floated to her side and hugged her into his arms, while rubbing her cheek affectionately, he whispered softly, "You can't deal with her for the time being, why don't you? Let me come."

  Immediately, without waiting for Phosphorus to object, he gave Shana a gentlemanly smile.

  "It can't be used here, please come to the rooftop with me."

  After he finished speaking, he carried the doll and flew up to the roof of the building.

  "Don't try to run!"

  Shana also followed to the fast passage and ran up to the roof after a few dodges, and the roof was already enveloped by the seal formed by the pale white flames.

  "This is our scene, oh hehe!" Fariagni smiled calmly, and at the same time he took out a delicate and transparent rattle in his hand and shook it gently.

  "Jingle bell~"

  As the bell rang, pieces of flames burned around Shana and surrounded her. At the same time, beautiful dolls with dull expressions came out of the flames. These were the army of phosphorus he made.

  "Next, please take part in this dance feast!"

Chapter 49 Shana sauce is deflated


  Looking at these Phosphorus dolls, the contempt in Shana's eyes became more obvious. She snorted and started rushing to the left and right, trying to break the encirclement.

  The phosphorus dolls along the way were not all her enemies, and when Shana slashed left and right, the phosphorus was split into two pieces.

  So Shana picked up the knife and fell, without even blinking her eyes, and her big watery eyes wouldn't dry out.

  "Huh?" Fariagni frowned when he saw this scene. Shana's Noble Phantasm weapon was so powerful that it was simply a phosphorus nemesis.

  "You don't look so good at this dance!"

  In a few breaths, Shana solved the dozens of phosphorous particles present, and she was only slightly panting. She looked at the Red World Demon King with some sarcasm in her tone.

  "Really?" Fariagni smiled schemingly and shook the hand rattle again.

  Jingle Bell--

  At the same time, the phosphorous particles that were broken in two on the ground were wrapped in flames and turned into flame bombs, all of which flew to Shana and exploded.


  "Huh? I..." The expected screams did not appear. When the smoke cleared, Fariagni's eyes were about to pop out when he saw Shana who was safe and sound. Fortunately, he has been a gentleman for many years. Let him not swear.

  "Is this your trap?" Shana maintained her defensive posture with Zhi Dianzhan in her hand. She wasn't worried about his explosion. She had a long skirt on her body for defense.

  At this time, she would think of the guy's doting on her, and she felt sweet at the same time, because he was watching her battle.

  "Then try this one." Fariagni took out something like a gold coin and flicked it.


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