The trail of the gold coin left an afterimage, which quickly solidified into a golden chain. One end of the chain was entangled in Zhidian Zhana, and the other end was held by Fariagni in his hand.

  At the same time, he kept shaking the bell, and countless pale flames flew towards Shana.

  "How is my foam chain? Hahaha..."

  Boom boom boom!

  "Damn it!" Shana's weapon was imprisoned, unable to resist the flame bomb, and the aftermath of the sudden explosion made her face ashes and gritted her teeth in anger.

  "Do you think I can't do anything about you if I can't use a weapon?"

  Shana thought that she was just as powerful in melee combat. In the past, without the power of existence, she almost killed the apostle of the red world named Vinay. Now that she has the power of existence, she can definitely kill him at close range.

  And Fariagni seems to have seen through her plan. When Shanahu rushed over, he flew high in the sky, and he was more flexible in the air. Even Shana could jump very high by bouncing, but she did not master the freedom of flying. , couldn't attack him at all.

  Ding - bang bang bang!

  Fariagni seemed to be playing with Shana. While changing positions in the air, the hand bell kept ringing.

  Shana could only be passively disgraced.

  Only now did she regret not mastering those freedom laws, so that she is now in this situation. Fortunately, most of the fire bomb's attacks were blocked by her skirt, and only a small part of the aftermath caused her to be disgraced.

  "Flame, flame..."

  Shana held the Zhi Dian to cover that and sensed the way Luo Yuan taught her to use the power of existence to turn into flames.

  Before, she always found it troublesome, and felt that the enemy could be eliminated by directly adding the power of existence to the weapon, why it was so complicated to turn it into a flame.

  Luo Yuan also pampered her and let her let her own temperament, but, as expected, all the previous moves before encountering a stronger enemy now do not work.

  She tried hard to turn the power of existence into flames, so that at least he wouldn't have to worry about him flying around.

  "You fire fog warrior is nothing more than that." Fariagni sneered, and at the same time he kept shaking the bell in his hand.

  Come on, the plan will be done in no time.

  "Do you know your own shortcomings now?"

  At this moment, a young man appeared in the void beside Shana, it was Luo Yuan.

  When he sent Shana to the mansion, he blocked his own existence. Since he did not consume the power of existence, Fariagni couldn't find him at all.

  "Huh?" Fariagni was startled when he saw Luo Yuan's sudden appearance. He had been very jealous of Luo Yuan before, and it was strange to see that he didn't come here with his Fire Mist Warrior.

  Why did he appear when he was most critical?Faria Goneton felt bad.

  "I can, I can beat him right away!"

  Shana became anxious when she saw Luo Yuan's appearance. This was a tacit understanding between her and him.

  If he can't solve his opponent, Luo Yuan will take action, and once he takes action, it proves that what he said before is big talk, then it can't stop Hirai Yukari from becoming a fire fog warrior.


  As soon as Shana was excited, the power of existence also burst out with her thoughts, and Zhan Dian Zhan was immediately wrapped in a powerful golden flame and easily disconnected the foam chain that was entangled in it.

  At the same time, a pair of huge golden wings appeared behind her, making Shana look more beautiful, noble and holy.

  As Luo Yuan's contractor, she will naturally inherit some of Luo Yuan's fighting thoughts after the contract is completed. Luo Yuan can fly with powerful thoughts, and even teleport his body over a long distance to achieve the effect of teleportation.

  The original plot of Shana's flight is based on inheritance, the flame wings of the flame monster of Alastair, the god of punishment.

  Luo Yuan naturally also used his own thoughts to form golden wings for Shana through a contract. After all, Shana with wings behind her is super beautiful.

  But these are all because Shana thinks it's troublesome and has not mastered it. After all, why do enemies who can be solved with a single knife have to learn these troublesome things?

  Now that she met Fariagni, who could not be easily defeated, Shana had to sharpen her spear and taught Luo Yuan to her early in a short period of time. Demon-like talent.

  "It's late, look outside!"

  Luo Yuan pointed to Misaki City, which was outside the seal.

  At this time, a large number of torches rose in the sky of Misaki City, and it was faintly visible from their height at this time that these torches formed a strange formation, or should be said to be the method of freedom.

  "What is this?" Shana also felt something was wrong.

  "What is it?" Luo Yuan looked at Faliagni with a funny smile, and his mind moved to him in a blink of an eye.


  Fariagni couldn't react at all, so he was kicked out by Luo Yuan, and the rattle in his hand was also taken away by Luo Yuan.

  "Is this your real purpose?" Luo Yuan played with the Noble Phantasm called "Dance" in his hand.

  "Want to 'devour the city' with this free method to accomplish your plan!"

Chapter 50 Special training for two people

  "Devouring the city?" Shana was also surprised. Although she didn't know what the consequences would be, she knew that it was not easy when she heard the name of this Freedom Law.

  "Yes!" Luo Yuan was not worried at all, and explained to Shana patiently.

  "Devouring the city is to use the torch he left behind after swallowing human beings according to the conditions required by the law of freedom, and then decompose them all at the same time, triggering a chain reaction, turning all existences in the entire Misaki City into the power of existence."

  "Pff~ hehe..." Fariagni was punched into the ground by Luo Yuan, and he spit out a large mouthful of blood and laughed like a victor.

  "You found out too late, and soon the whole city will be transformed into the force of existence..."

  "Luo Yuan!" Shana exclaimed suddenly.

  "Heh..." Luo Yuan didn't care about his threat, and with a little force of his palm, he would crush the Noble Phantasm "Dance" that triggered the "devour city" free method.

  "Can you see if your Freedom Law is still in effect?"

  "How is that possible!" Fariagni reluctantly raised his head to look at the outside world, and the torch that was about to be disintegrated all over the city by his free law was stabilized.

  "Devouring the City" clearly failed.

  This is also because Luo Yuan had already touched these torches when Shana was fighting with him. How could he allow someone to hunt under his eyelids? This is a slap in the face.

  call out!

  At this time, Marianu, the phosphorus son of Fariagni, who had been watching the battle, rushed directly to Luo Yuan and tried to stop him.

  "Master, go!"


  Fariagni cried out in despair.

  Luo Yuan held the rushing doll with ease as if it were really a doll.

  He also felt a little weird in his heart, as if he was the villain, listening to the dying words of the strange lovers.

  Get it right, hey, you are the terrorists who destabilize the world.

  "Master..." The doll pinched by Luo Yuan struggled to look back at Fariagni.

  "Don't worry, you are not dead yet!" Luo Yuan grabbed Marianu and walked to Fariagni and squatted down to look at him.

  "Because it wouldn't be me who killed you."

  Luo Yuan threw the doll at Fariagni while deciding their future destiny lightly, and then the two of them shrunk visibly to the naked eye, and then they were locked in a small transparent ball.

  This is the third one.

  Luo Yuan was playing with the ball that Fariagni had been banned from, and felt a little weird in his heart. He felt like he was playing with a pokeball, and then he turned to look at Shana.

  "I can obviously defeat him!" Seeing him looking over, Shana shouted in dissatisfaction.

  "Starting tomorrow, Hirai-san will be handed over to you for training!"

  Luo Yuan made a judgment on the result of her battle today in one sentence.

  Since Shana lost, she must be willing to admit defeat.

  "I, I don't..." Shana blushed suddenly and wanted to go back on it.

  "If you don't train, then I will train?" Luo Yuan interrupted with a playful smile.

  "Don't even think about it!" Shana pouted, but she could only agree angrily.

  "I train and I train."

  She would not let Luo Yuan have the opportunity to have intimate contact with other girls.

  "Okay!" Luo Yuan rubbed her head amusingly, then took her little hand and comforted him.

  "You train her, I'll train you, and you have to master a few of them."

  "Humph!" Shana felt extremely aggrieved, but this time it was her own problem. She wanted to lose her temper, but she didn't know what excuse to make, so she snorted and was secretly angry.

  Then Luo Yuan waved his hand and repaired the damaged part of the seal, and lifted the seal at the same time.

  It was already night now, and the waning moon hung far away in the sky.

  In Misaki City, in a quiet alley, an old gentleman on crutches kept an eye on the top floor of the building when it was sealed off.

  Fengjue is a method of freedom that separates the shrouded space from the present world, and it is impossible for humans to find out. Obviously, this old gentleman is not ordinary.

  As Feng Jue was released, he turned around slowly and continued onwards, like an ordinary person watching the excitement.

  At this time, a passerby happened to pass him by, and as the two distanced themselves, the passerby turned into a faint blue light and disappeared...

  "Hmph, what a lifeless city!"

  Just after Luo Yuan and the others finished cleaning the scene and left, a tall woman with glasses appeared on a high-rise building in Misaki City, overlooking Misaki City.

  "Hahaha, you said the same thing when you were in Europe."

  As the woman finished complaining, what looked like a large hardcover book she was carrying suddenly let out a wanton laughter like a middle-aged uncle.

  "I don't think it's you who is not angry, my lovely goblet Marchionne!"

  "Shut up, stupid Marco."

  This woman named Marchion Lindo seemed to be used to the ridicule of this voice, and she clenched her fists heavily on the book to stop it from continuing to speak.

  "It seems that he fled to this place. I will not let you run away again this time."



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