"Hmph, I'll talk to you later." Luo Yuan ignored her angry words, and he was also full of anger in his heart now.

  He deliberately didn't show up in advance to make Shana suffer a bit. She was too arrogant, arrogant and proud at the same time, and also very self-willed.

  Obviously you can not be hurt, but you have to use this kind of self-mutilation-like behavior to hurt yourself.

  He originally reserved life-saving cards for them, but the life-saving cards would only be triggered when their lives were at risk.

  Just like in the Tiandao Palace, she was attacked by the aftermath of Merichim's Rainbow Sky Sword, which triggered the protective shield to spare her.

  The seven energy long swords that Marchon Lindo released just now are a special freedom method, which can form a powerful formation to imprison the opponent and then explode to cause strong damage.

  And Shana gave up resistance again, obviously knowing that he must be by her side, so she deliberately got angry and didn't avoid it.

  Although this attack would activate her life-saving shield, Luo Yuan still showed her figure directly.

  He was very angry, not only angry with Shana, but also angry with the guy on the opposite side who killed him.

  "The peers still do so much. Is it bullying my Shana for being too young?"

  Luo Yuan turned his head expressionlessly, and then grabbed the long sword in the air with his hand.

  "You have a big deal!"


  The strong explosion directly blew a big hole on the roof, making the sound of shattering the building and collapsing, and the shock wave rushed to the direction of Marjorindo at the same time.

  "This is……"

  Marjoram Linduo quickly rose into the sky to escape the shock wave.

  "Could it be..." Another suspicious voice came from the body of the monster she transformed into.

  Luo Yuan just returned their attack, and did not add his own attack, even so, it scared them.

  Is the big move so good?What kind of monster is this guy?

  However, they immediately thought of a certain possibility, that is, Shana did not reveal the contract demon king from beginning to end.

  So this young man who seems to be very close to her is...

  "That's impossible!" Marchionne suddenly shouted.

  "How could the Demon King of the Red World manifest his true body in a contract state?"

  Luo Yuan sneered without answering, and the next moment he appeared directly above her head.

  "Be careful..." Maximus hurriedly reminded.

  But there was no time for them to respond.

  Boom boom boom!

  The monster beast slammed into the ground directly, and it wasn't over yet. After transforming, she collided with floors one after another, and collapsed along with a large area around her.

  "Damn it!"

  Imprisoned by a powerful force, she couldn't even struggle, not to mention that she planned to take the opportunity to disperse Luo Yuan's attention.


  With a dull explosion sound, the monster directly penetrated the high-rise building, half of the building collapsed, and a large pit with a radius of more than ten meters appeared in the ground.


  As the smoke dissipated, Ma Qiong Linduo at the bottom of the pit had been beaten out of her original shape, and she had a tall figure and was struggling weakly by Luo Yuan's neck.

  "Please be merciful, Your Excellency!"

  The hardcover book that had turned gray not far away from them made an eager voice, and this time he rarely used the frivolous voice that he had before.

  "Heh..." Luo Yuan looked at the artifact that Maxias manifested on the ground, and then looked at Marjoram Lindo, who had been strangled by his neck and lost his fighting power, and threw her violently to the ground.

  "Cough cough cough..."

  The woman who was thrown to the ground by Luo Yuan ignored the embarrassed image at this time, coughing and retching while panting violently.

  Luo Yuan approached step by step, and when Ma Qiong Linduo saw Luo Yuan's eyes flashing a few traces of horror.

  How long has it been since you experienced such a powerless situation?It seems that the last time I met Gin was before my contract.

  "Get me out of Misaki City now!"

  Luo Yuan leaned over slightly and looked coldly at Ma Qiong Linduo, who was a little shrunken. If it weren't for her compassion, she would never have let her go so easily.

  Then Luo Yuan stood up and glanced at the hardcover book indifferently: "Take care of your contractor!"

  On the roof, Shana had already sat up. She was covered in scars, and many places were stained red with blood.

  But she didn't move, she knew that the guy went to help her out of his anger, and his face was still cold while his heart was sweet.


  Especially when she saw that guy walking back, she immediately turned her head to the side and ignored him aggrieved.

  "Does it hurt?"

  Luo Yuan squatted in front of her and looked at the scars on her body and felt very distressed, even if it was her own willfulness that caused it to become like this, but he couldn't stop blaming her, and when he gently brushed her hand, the wound immediately recovered as before, even broken. clothes are also new.

  Shana, who was originally stubborn and endured the pain, couldn't help it when she heard his gentle voice. Tears in her eyes quickly overflowed from her eyes. At the same time, she stretched out her hands to hammer him hard. This time, she used her strength, super hard.

  "You go away, I don't want you to care, we have nothing to do with it anyway~ woo woo..."

  Shana had never done this in front of him. The first time she saw her cry was when she started training in Tiandao Palace.

  Later, she learned to be strong, no matter how painful the training was, she couldn't hold back her tears.

  It's been a long time since I saw it again, and it's obviously because of myself.

  Seeing her clenching her fists while tearing and hammering him, and saying what she had deliberately provoked her before, she was amused at the same time with some pity.

  It doesn't matter who confesses first, don't wait until Kazumi Yoshida's side is settled before your backyard catches fire.

  The hand that had just healed Shana's wound suddenly squeezed her tightly, hugging the girl's petite body, breathing in the unique sweet scent of her body.

  Luo Yuan met the girl's hand that stopped because of her sudden move, and the big tearful eyes that looked at him, and leaned slightly and pursed her pink lips.



  ps is awesome, the automatic update doesn’t update, it can’t be deleted, it’s updated after changing it to 1000 words, and now it’s changed back

Chapter 57 We Are That Kind of Relationship

  Shana's eyes widened sharply, clenching her teeth sharply while beating him.


  Even though Luo Yuan is a demigod, his body defense is terrifyingly strong, but he still has pain, and his sensitivity is far superior to that of his peers.

  But even if Luo Yuan felt the pain, he still didn't let go of her. The tongue in his mouth quickly found the same kind, and then fiercely entangled and slaughtered.

  Feeling the familiar aura she liked and the novel experience, Shana's resistance became weaker and weaker, and her eyes gradually became blurred.

  The taste of girls is sweet, especially Shana, who likes sweets.

  After an unknown amount of time, Luo Yuan let go of the panting girl.

  "Who says it doesn't matter, we are that kind of relationship!"

  "Huhu..." Shana retorted loudly while glaring at him angrily while breathing violently.

  "It's not like you are the kind of... uh~"

  Luo Yuan once again proved the relationship between the two with practical actions.

  This time, Shana couldn't object, and she was so weak that she leaned in his arms lazily and got angry.

  "If we have something to say, let's go back and talk."

  Luo Yuan gently kissed the tears from the corner of her eyes, and quickly repaired the sealed space without waiting for her objection. Once the seal was lifted, he hugged her and teleported to his home.

  Back in her room, Luo Yuan tried his best to calm her down after saying countless sweet words.

  In the end, although the wound on the body was healed, the girl who was still a little tired was coaxed to sleep, and Luo Yuan wiped off the sweat that didn't exist and took it to the door to leave.

  "The plan can't keep up with the changes!" Luo Yuan walked out of Shana's room and smiled helplessly.

  But he did not regret it. Although he disrupted the plan and made it more difficult for him to contact other girls in the future, it was also more interesting!

  And not to mention that she successfully took Shana's first kiss, even if she was as arrogant as her, her reaction to the intimacy of the person she liked was no different from that of other girls.

  That is to say, it will be more troublesome in the aftermath, to say a lot of nice words to coax, and to suffer some coquettish beatings.

  Of course, for him with a thick skin and a strong body, this is not a problem!

  "You fought just now?"

  As soon as Luo Yuan walked to the hall, Alastair, the "town house mascot", immediately asked.

  In this state he maintained, although he could not directly know who the other party was, he could still sense the powerful energy fluctuations in the city.

  "Well, that's true!"

  Luo Yuan didn't need to hide it from him, he just sat down on the sofa and gave him a brief account of the battle.

  "The 'Ravaged Minion' Marcosias and his Fire Mist Warrior' eulogy reciter 'Marjorine Doh?'" Alastair repeated the name of the group.

  "They are still a bit famous in the red world, and they are also considered to be relatively powerful existences among the fire and fog warriors. Although everyone has some conflicts, it is good to be able to let go."

  As one of the three devil gods in the red world, Alastair is more interested in the overall situation. As long as everyone has the same goal, they are all comrades-in-arms.

  Seeing that he meant to say good things to them, Luo Yuan smiled indifferently.

  "If Shana wasn't really fine, she wouldn't be able to forgive her easily."

  Luo Yuan sensed it again. Although Ma Qiong Linduo left Misaki City with her partner, she was not too far away, and was watching and waiting in a nearby city.

  It is self-evident who she is waiting for. Since Lian Nanxi has come to Misaki City, she will definitely cut her beard, and naturally it will not be her turn.

  "As long as she's smarter in the future and doesn't provoke me again, she won't be able to make trouble with this poor woman."

  Hearing Luo Yuan say that, Alastair didn't say anything else. He and Luo Yuan just had a gambling contract.

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