And based on his observations over the years, although Luo Yuan can be regarded as a person in his own camp, but he is haunted by a lot of fog, doing things as he wants without being restrained, of course, he also has this strength.

  So as long as it doesn't involve issues of principle, there's no need to interfere too much with him.

  "I am back……"

  After a while, Hirai Yuan came home from school and greeted him directly.

  "That's right, I'll cook for you right away." Luo Yuan saw that it was almost time, so he got up directly.

  "Me, I'll come too!"

  Hirai Yuan followed Luo Yuan to the kitchen to help. She had also eaten Luo Yuan's cooking and knew that he was good at cooking, so she could only help with chores or something.

  "Don't be so polite." Luo Yuan couldn't help rubbing her head with a gentle smile.

  "Just treat it as if it were your own home."

  "Thank you, thank you, Luo Yuan." Hirai Yuan blushed at his intimate gesture, and whispered a little shyly.

  "I still want to help..."

  "Alright then." Luo Yuan couldn't discourage her, so he took out some dishes for her from the refrigerator.

  "Then choose these dishes!"


  It seems that he can do something, Hirai is very happy, and the pain of the disappearance of his parents seems to have weakened a little.

  The two quickly made dinner together, Luo Yuan asked Hirai Margin to call Shana for dinner, and he brought the food to the table.

  After a while, the two came to the restaurant together, but Shana walked slowly behind.

  As soon as Luo Yuan saw her, his eyes lit up, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously brought an admiring smile.

  Although Shana's student uniform was repaired by her own abilities, she is now wearing the custom-made artifact costume Luo Yuan gave her, the Lolita dress.

  Pure white Lolita knee-length dress, knee-high white socks, and small white leather shoes, pure white color matched with super cute Shana, how to look good.

  And she was willing to change to this specially to satisfy his preferences at this time, and the relationship between the two was a step closer today, Shana's face was red at this time, and she felt a little shy.

  "Look at what!"

  It's been two years since she dressed like this, she's used to it, and Luo Yuan has watched it countless times, but I don't know why now when he looks at himself again, that kind of vision makes Shana extremely shy, so he can only pretend Make a fierce look.

  Luo Yuan subconsciously looked at Maru Hirai, she seemed to have her eyes on the dining table intentionally or not, so he leaned down slightly and leaned into Shana's ear: "I just think my Shana is very good-looking now, and I like it very much."

  Alas!Hearing this, Shana's already blushing face suddenly turned even redder, making Luo Yuan really want to take a bite.

  "Humph!" Shana glared at him coquettishly, and at the same time stepped on his foot coquettishly, and then sat down on the dining table with a humming.

  Heh~ I can't stand this cute guy anymore, Luo Yuan feels that his power is about to run wild.


  PS: I wish all book friends and their families a Happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival!

Chapter 58 I will not agree to this request

  The vibe for dinner tonight was homey and a little quirky.

  Hirai Yuan may have noticed the ambiguous relationship between Luo Yuan and Shana. Although they claimed to be brothers and sisters, they probably understood the truth in the past two days, so she basically immersed herself in eating.

  And Shana didn't dare to look at him because of the intimate behavior she had with Luo Yuan in the afternoon, but her big eyes always glanced at him inadvertently.

  But every time she looked in the past, she could meet Luo Yuan's smiling eyes, so she could only give him a coquettish look, then lowered her head to eat or turned to the other side.

  So much so that the two girls blushed throughout the meal.

  Luo Yuan naturally had no worries, and admired the embarrassment of the two girls very calmly. Of course, the main focus was on Shana.

  He also found a little feeling of being in love at this time, and naturally his attention was basically focused on Shana.

  Therefore, Luo Yuan still did not forget his original intention.

  Well, his original intention was to have so many sweet loves in every world.

  This scumbag!

  I don't know what it will be like when he can get all the girls together one day.

  I'm afraid this Shura field will be quite interesting...

  After eating, I rested for a while, and then entered the daily time when Shana beat Hirai Margin.

  Well, in fact, Shana used this training method to let her learn to dodge and attack, so that she could grow into a qualified fire and fog warrior faster.

  Luo Yuan's cultivation method takes time. Anyway, he has already used the blood of a demigod to strengthen Hirai's body. With the foundation and Shana's special training, she is willing to endure hardships herself. I believe it will not take long for her to be completely reborn. .

  Luo Yuan had to wait until Shana had finished training Hirai Margin, and he would have to give Shana a familiarity with the Free Law. She had just mastered the Free Fire and Golden Wings, and she still needed Luo Yuan to supervise a lot.

  And after losing two battles in a row, Shana really started to pay attention to this aspect.

  During this period, Luo Yuan boredly observed the three "Poké Balls" that he had banned. Well, it should be said that John was banned, "Tyrant 1" and the three free laws of Fariagni's master and servant. Bubble Ball.

  The cost of keeping these three alive every day of the Power of Existence is a lot of money.

  Moreover, these three can be regarded as living bodies, they cannot be put into the inner space, and it is not convenient to carry them around, so Luo Yuan sealed them and threw them directly into the "Zero Hour Mizi".

  And the "zero-hour fan" was put into his body by him, er, of course, not the kind that was swallowed into the stomach.

  Luo Yuan used the power of existence to simulate Mistis, who stored the Noble Phantasm, and opened up a small space in his body, which was specially used to store the "zero-hour fan".

  In this way, it is convenient to restore the power of one's own existence to the maximum value of the day at zero o'clock, and it can also replenish the power of existence required by the three blocked "Poké Balls" at any time.

  "Let's be here today."

  In the backyard, Shana completed today's special training for Hirai Margin. Compared with the dullness at the beginning, she can now do some basic maneuvers and counterattacks.

  After all, she was not trained on the basis of an ordinary person. With Luo Yuan's blood being strengthened all the time, and when Shana trained her, it also stimulated her potential and accelerated her absorption of energy.

  "Performed well!"

  Luo Yuan also came to them and healed the bruises and scars on her body.

  "Thank you, thank you!"

  Yuan Hirai bowed to the two of them to thank them.

  "I said don't be so outspoken... uh..."

  Luo Yuan was about to rub her head and said not to see her, but then he saw Shana's glaring eyes and couldn't help withdrawing his hand embarrassedly.

  "Cough cough, go take a hot bath and have a good rest."

  "Humph!" Shana stopped Luo Yuan's intimacy with her girl with a murderous look, and then turned her head away with a snort.

  "Well...then, then I'll go to rest." Hirai Yuan said with a red face and ran back to the room quickly.

  Seeing Hirai Margin leaving, Luo Yuan walked up to Shana and said without changing his color: "Let's start training too!"

  "Did you want to touch her just now?" Shana pouted and glared at him dissatisfied.

  Geez, this big vinegar jar!

  "No way!" Luo Yuan suddenly exclaimed injustice.

  "Just to make her not always so polite."

  "Humph! You are not allowed to be so casual to other girls in the future." Shana couldn't help but hammer him "severely".

  Damn, this strong possessiveness actually matches what I have.

  How will you flirt with your sister in the future?

  This Hirai edge at home can be seen but not eaten.

  He seems to have made a bad move!

  "Then I'll just treat you casually from now on?" Luo Yuan couldn't help but grabbed the little hand she was "massaging" on his body, and an ambiguous smile appeared on his face.

  "That doesn't work either!" Shana blushed and let him hold her hand, but she refused decisively when she heard him say such a thing.

  Shana is an arrogant and beautiful girl, not arrogant or uncomfortable.

  How could he be as docile as an ordinary girl?Even though she was so acquiescent in her heart, on the surface she had to show an arrogant attitude.

  "Then what's our relationship now?" Luo Yuan wanted to tease her even though he had already made up his mind.

  "You..." Shana suddenly became angry, and she was about to get angry when she frowned.

  "Okay, okay!" Luo Yuan quickly stopped, wasn't this shooting himself in the foot, he immediately hugged Shana and jumped to the roof.

  "Also!" Shana broke free from her arms as if she had just remembered something, and glared at him blushing.

  " the future, without my permission, you are not allowed to kiss or kiss me casually!"

  "Is that so?" Luo Yuan looked serious, and at the same time leaned over slightly and kissed her pink lips.

  "stupid stupid stupid!"

  Shana suddenly punched and kicked at him in exasperation.

  "Okay, okay, let's train!" Luo Yuan hurriedly hugged her to comfort her, ignoring her request just now.

  I have to pretend to be a gentleman in front of you, and if you don’t allow me to kiss and hug you casually, then I can’t live, I’m a lecher!

  In the previous world, there was basically no love for meat. After coming to this world for so many years, I haven't tasted the taste of meat yet.

  Although in his own ability as long as he wants to eat meat, that is just enough.

  But Luo Yuan still has high requirements for himself. What he pursues is a game with emotional resonance, not simply to vent that desire.

  So, now I can bear it if I don't let myself eat meat, but it would be too much if I don't let myself smell it.

  Absolutely not!

Chapter 59 Matching men and women, getting twice the result with half the effort

  "Humph!" Shana snorted and didn't say any more. She was actually just expressing her attitude. She also knew that once the bastard became strong, she would definitely have nothing to do with him.

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