"Okay! Let's start!" Luo Yuan hugged her petite body amusingly, at the same time urging his own power to turn into golden flames for her reference.

  Shana also twitched at the skirt on her body. Immediately, the temple cover was taken out. Then she held the cover of the temple and blessed the power of existence.


  Immediately, the samurai sword was enveloped in golden flames.

  "Yes, that's it! Enter a little more power of existence."

  Luo Yuanhuan hugged Shana, leaned over slightly and whispered in her ear to guide her.

  He was also enveloped in golden flames, but the flames were not scorching hot, as if it was just a warm wind surrounding him.

  Shana used the skill obediently, so that the influx of the power of existence only made the flame burn more vigorously, and at the same time stabilized the flame so that it would not collapse.

  It's like adding firewood to a fire. You have to gradually make the fire burn more and more vigorously. If you throw a large pile of firewood directly into the fire, the fire may be extinguished or the flames will run around.

  And she is even more difficult, to ensure that the flame does not go out, but also to grow at the fastest speed.

  Because she is fighting with flames, the stronger the flames, the stronger the destructive power.

  It can make her combat more powerful, can defeat the enemy faster, or defeat the stronger enemy.

  According to the name of the skill she mastered in the original plot, this free method is similar to "Condemnation" or "Red Lotus Great Sword".

  It's just because Shana's contract demon king is not Alastair, but Luo Yuan, so the color of the flame is not the color of red lotus, but the color of pure gold.

  Shana's theoretical knowledge of this self-reliance law has long been familiar to her. She just found it troublesome, so she didn't practice it all the time.

  Now that she has practiced seriously, she has mastered it very quickly, living up to her reputation as a talented and beautiful girl.

  The golden flame that was being blessed in the Zhi Dianzhan grew rapidly, visible to the naked eye, and the scope of the flame was expanding at the same time.

  "Not bad, awesome, come on!"

  Luo Yuan encouraged him without hesitation, but he didn't say anything after a while.

  Shana's talent in this area is too high, and it can be regarded as one point. She can draw inferences from one fact without his prompting.

  So Luo Yuan could do well by looking at her, and her focus was naturally placed elsewhere.

  Holding such a super cute and super-loving beautiful girl in her arms has brought the relationship one step closer.

  The sweet taste of her can still be clearly recollected in the mouth, and Luo Yuan is naturally a little distracted.

  Therefore, if two people who like each other do things together, they may get twice the result with half the effort, or they may get twice the result with half the effort.

  As it is now, Luo Yuan is obviously going to drag Shana-chan's hind legs.

  He looked at Zhidian's gaze covering the flames above, and naturally turned to the girl's face.

  Perfect face, delicate facial features, smooth and moist skin with barely visible pores, big night eyes staring directly at the flame, with a very focused expression.

  It is said that people who do things seriously are the most attractive people, and people who do things seriously have an extremely lovable face, then her charm will be doubled, super doubled.

  So Luo Yuan looked at her with more and more burning eyes, even breathing a little faster than usual.

  Originally, the intimate posture of the two was not suitable for training. Fortunately, they are not ordinary people, and the use of the power of existence like this now does not require fighting or anything.

  It only needs Shana to stand in the same place and concentrate on the stable control of the energy blessing.

  Originally leaning on the arms of the person he liked, surrounded by his unique breath, Shana-chan took a lot of effort to calm down.

  Who knows that this bastard is getting more and more excessive, it's just not continuing to guide, and it will add chaos, and the burning eyes that seem to eat her are getting stronger and stronger.

  Shana felt that her face was getting hotter and hotter, and even her body was getting hotter.

  The golden flame that is clearly transformed by the power of existence is no different from the warm wind to the manipulator!

  In particular, the warm breath spit in her ears, making her more and more unable to control the stability of the flames that covered the hall.

  With the passage of time, the flames on the top of the Zhi Hall not only did not continue to grow, but there was a faint trend of collapsing.

  And with Luo Yuan, the bastard, holding Shana's hand subconsciously tightened.


  Flames burst everywhere.

  Luo Yuan quickly waved his hand to annihilate it. Now that they have not opened the seal, the destructive power will directly affect the world, which is not very good.

  "stupid stupid stupid!"

  Nail Palace three consecutive.

  Shana is a little pissed off. If you want to hug me, you bastard, hug me well, what kind of love is there for no reason.

  "What's up with me?" Luo Yuan cast the blame irresponsibly with an innocent look on his face.

  "You can't be distracted by doing this, you have to work hard!"

  So shameless.

  Shana immediately lifted her leg wearing white silk and small leather shoes and kicked his calf a few times.

  "Go away and don't hold me anymore."

  "Okay, okay!" Luo Yuan had to raise his hand and surrender, leaving a few steps away from her, then sat on the roof and took out a bag of melon seeds while eating and watching.

  Affected by him before, Shana could not concentrate again to calm down.


  The sound of nibbling melon seeds.

  Sunflower seeds are the best sunflower seeds, big and plump. They were cultivated by Feng Jian Youxiang for him, and he saved a lot.

  After eating melon seeds, I thought of that crying little guy again, and now I don't know how they are, so I should be working hard to cultivate.

  I don't know when we will meet again.

  When Luo Yuan thought of this, his expression couldn't help but bring a trace of melancholy.



  This bastard!

  Shana suddenly turned her head and glared at him fiercely.

  "Okay, don't eat, don't eat!"

  Luo Yuan could only put away the seeds and look at Shana quietly.

  After being affected twice in a row, Shana was unable to find her state when she concentrated on controlling the power of existence again.

  Every time the flame spread starts to accelerate, it will collapse, and even the first effect has not been achieved.

  In addition to Luo Yuan's influence, it also had her own wild thoughts.

  Today is so much closer!

  Especially the feeling of being hugged and kissed by him, the ecstatic feeling of only having each other.

  It made her involuntarily hot face, and the flame transformed by the power of existence could not maintain stability.

  "Wow...I don't practice anymore."

  Shana immediately threw the Zhidian cover, turned and threw herself into Luo Yuan's arms in embarrassment, punching and kicking him.

  "It's all your fault, it's all your fault!"

  "What happened to me?"

  "No road race, no road race, no road race!"

Chapter 60 This is the treatment of a good old man

  "Then let's not practice today!" Luo Yuan hugged her amusingly.

  It's really not suitable, the mood of the two is very delicate.

  They have been together for so many years, and then the two of them spent another two years in a two-person world.

  Although Luo Yuan didn't do anything to her during this period, the relationship between the two had already been brewing very well.

  Coupled with the stimulation and catalysis of various events in the past few days, the relationship between the two has directly furthered.

  If they were ordinary people, they would definitely stick together whenever they had time.

  Although their xinxing far exceeds that of ordinary people, they are not too controlling in this regard.

  And it's not a ruthless road, not to mention Luo Yuan is still a sex demon.

  He didn't take the opportunity to eat Shana, he was very self-sufficient.

  "...Hmm!" Shana raised her face slightly and whispered a little shyly.

  In fact, she just deliberately threw herself into his arms in such an angry way, so that she could get tired of being with him.

  She is arrogant and naturally won't show it, so she has to express it in this arrogant and exclusive way.

  "Then... let's kiss now?" Luo Yuan licked his lips, his tone a little fluttering.

  "No!" The arrogant girl refused decisively, but she said no, but she still looked up at him.

  ok ok!

  understand understand!

  Aojiao's words are very particular, you can't listen to what she says.

  Often times it has to be the other way around.

  Don't just want to!No way!

  So Luo Yuan decisively chose the correct answer, leaned over and kissed her lips.


  The kiss naturally lasted a long time...


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