Shana Luoyuan can bear it, because Shana has a different status in his heart. On the one hand, it is his relationship for so many years, and on the other hand, it is also his special love for her.

  The best things are of course to be tasted in a special way, so that both parties can remember them deeply and have unforgettable aftertastes.

  Except for Shana's girls, he couldn't hold back, and when he met someone he liked, he wanted to put his mark on him under the right conditions.

  These days, the two of them will always secretly find an opportunity to be so tired for a while.

  Usually holding hands or something, but today is so late at this time, the night is still and quiet, the breeze from the river bank can be heard in my ears, and the girl's rapid breathing can be clearly heard.

  So Luo Yuan couldn't help it, facing Yoshida Kazumi's big flashing eyes, and approached slowly and firmly.

  "But, but we haven't... um~"

  The girl wanted to say that we haven't decided on a relationship yet, but Luo Yuan decisively blocked her mouth.

  Yoshida Kazumi's unfamiliar kissing skills were quickly defeated by Luo Yuan.

  "Wang Wang Wang!"

  Seemingly aware that the owner's state was not right, the puppy who was forgotten behind his head after being used by Yoshida Kazumi as an excuse to walk the dog couldn't help but bark.

  "Um... huh..."

  The sweet and greasy atmosphere was broken, Yoshida Kazumi was shocked and broke free from Luo Yuan's embrace.

  Luo Yuan glanced at the puppy with some amusement. The dog named "Ekaterina" immediately felt as if it was being watched by some kind of terrifying existence, and could not help but whimpered and tucked its tail behind its owner.

  It was naturally not suitable to continue now, Luo Yuan couldn't help touching her head intimately to comfort her.

  "Go home and rest!"

  "Well..." Yoshida Kazumi calmed down her excitement, looking at Luo Yuan with a bit of shyness in her eyes.

  "Good night, Luo Yuan..."

  "Good night, Yimei!"

  Luo Yuan responded with a gentle smile.

  Heh, the way the girl runs away with the puppy is so cute!

  Well, the relationship between the two is different now.

  Luo Yuan returned home while reminiscing about the girl's taste.


  In the blink of an eye, Luo Yuan took back the "Luo Yuan" who supervised Shana's familiarity with the Free Law, and Shana also completed today's training.

  The cute girl took back the Zhidian cover and looked at Luo Yuan quietly.

  Lian Nancy didn't watch it tonight. After she got used to the life here, she immersed herself in her own world and studied the freedom method all day long.

  Although she can be regarded as the child of destiny in this world, and uses the power of existence to grasp all kinds of free methods, but it also takes a certain amount of time to master.

  She naturally doesn't have to worry about the consumption of the power of existence. Every day, Luo Yuan will pay her a large amount of the power of existence on time.

  Avoiding the danger of running around and being hunted down, and being protected by such a powerful presence as Luo Yuan, although she was initially dissatisfied with Luo Yuan's use of coercive means to let her come here, but after getting along for a few days, she still got a general understanding of Luo Yuan's character.

  He's not brutal and bloodthirsty, on the contrary, he's very gentle, so it's okay to stay here for the time being.

  "What's the matter?" Luo Yuan looked at Shana staring at him cutely, with some grievances in his eyes, but he asked knowingly.

  Wasn't it caused by his deliberate indifference these days?

  The two of them were already so intimate, and Luo Yuan usually looked at her with burning eyes, which made her both ashamed and happy.

  And once the two are alone, this guy can't wait to hold her all the time, full of pampering feelings.

  Although she is arrogant, as long as he takes the initiative, she is actually very cooperative with her objections.

  It's just, it's just that this bastard seems to be a different person these days.

  There are only two of them, but he doesn't move. Do I still need to take the initiative?

  Shana felt aggrieved, but she didn't say it!

  "It's okay!" Shana pouted in a very bad tone.

  "It's okay, then take a bath and rest!"

  Luo Yuan's tone was gentle and doting, but his actions were well-behaved.

  "Humph!" Shana felt angry for no reason, and angrily walked up to him and stomped on him.

  "stupid stupid stupid!"

  Hiss~ hold on!

  Luo Yuan took a deep breath. On the one hand, he had to hold back the pain, and on the other hand, he had to hold back the urge to hold the lovely Shana in his arms.

  He couldn't give up halfway. He asked himself that there were no flaws in his usual relationship, so Shana couldn't find an excuse to be jealous.

  Then she can't make trouble unreasonably. This coquettish little temper is actually a hint that she wants Luo Yuan's intimacy.

  Luo Yuan naturally understands, but he just wants to make Shana unable to bear it. He wants to see what step she can do after Shana, who is used to the intimacy of the two, lacks his initiative.

  He is so mean!

Chapter 73 Let's Play Water on the Weekend

  "Good morning, little Nancy!"

  When Luo Yuan came out with breakfast, he saw the lovely Loli came to the table slowly, and couldn't help but smiled and said hello.

  "Please don't shout so intimately!" The cute loli didn't appreciate it, and gave him a fierce look.

  Although it's right to live together, Lian Nancy still has her own principles.

  And even if she knew something about Luo Yuan's character, she was still very wary of him. After all, this pervert seemed to be particularly fond of smaller girls.

  Shana is the proof!

  "Okay, little Nancy!" Luo Yuan didn't like her at all, and it was not fun to tease this genius free teacher every morning.

  The loli girl glared angrily.

  After a while, the two of them also returned to the room, and Luo Yuan healed Hirai Margin as usual.

  With the increase of training time, Hirai Yuan absorbed more of his blood energy, and his body strength continued to increase. He became more able to adapt to Shana's training, and the scars on his body also decreased day by day.

  "Thank you Luo Yuan!"

  For Luo Yuan's daily healing, the girl blushed in gratitude, and there might be something special growing in her gratitude.

  Luo Yuan watched quietly, not surprised by this.

  They are all adolescent boys and girls, and their daily intimate interactions are prone to good feelings.

  Luo Yuan's meticulous care and gratitude are mixed with it. If it hadn't been for Shana, perhaps Hirai's performance would have been similar to Yoshida Kazumi.

  It's just that she has a lot of energy to become a fire and fog warrior at an early date, so she deliberately avoided certain things.

  Luo Yuan did not plan to catalyze for the time being, anyway, there is still time.

  He looked at Shana subconsciously after healing Hirai Margin's wound normally.


  what's the situation!

  Luo Yuan couldn't help but take a second glance.

  "Humph!" Shana also hummed subconsciously, but seeing her faintly ashamed expression showed that she was very satisfied with Luo Yuan's unexpected expression.

  Well, although Shana is still wearing the main white and dark green sailor uniform of Misaki City today.

  It's just that she replaced the black over-the-knee stockings she usually wears with white ones.


  It makes the already cute Shana even more pure.

  This pokes Luo Yuan's heart even more.

  He likes innocent and cute girls.

  Otherwise, the cross-dressing artifact for Shana would not be a Lolita-style dress with white silk.

  Although the artifact can also be worn everyday, it is better to wear a student uniform when going to study now.

  Although when Shana went to school on the first day, Luo Yuan specifically declared that she was cuter in white silk, but Shana didn't let him get his wish because of her shyness.

  So, what's the situation today?

  Shana actually took the initiative to dress like this, which is obviously hinting something, this should be the biggest compromise she can make!

  Hold on!

  Luo Yuan was not satisfied with this.

  "so cute!"

  He just commented lightly with a smile and continued to go to the kitchen to serve food, leaving Shana pouting again.

  After dinner, they went to school as a trio as usual.

  On the way, I met Yoshida Kazumi again.

  Today's Yoshida Kazumi is more bold and confident, and she is also very calm in the face of Shana's unhappy eyes.

  Just facing Luo Yuan's smile, she couldn't help blushing, obviously thinking of the intimacy between the two last night.

  "It's tricky!"

  Shana was keenly aware of this scene, but Luo Yuan was with her all day, so she couldn't find any evidence, so she could only doubt.

  She remained vigilant all the way, only to find that there was no intimacy between the two.

  As soon as they came to the classroom, they saw that the noisy atmosphere inside was very warm.

  "Thank you, classmate Chi!"

  A girl thanked the monitor Chi Suren excitedly with what looked like a ticket roll.

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