"You're welcome!" Chi Suren is also a good-natured boy. With glasses, he looks like a good student.

  And Sakai Yuji next to him saw Luo Yuan and the others entering the classroom, and immediately patted him on the shoulder.

  "Ah... Hey, there are several classmates in the morning!" Chi Sui immediately came over enthusiastically and handed over a few scrolls.

  "My dad got a lot of hospitality coupons from Misaki Water World because of his work, so he planned to share it with everyone to play with."

  "It's the one that just opened a while ago!" Sakai Yuji quickly explained when Luo Yuan and Shana didn't respond.

  Obviously, he also intends to show his love to Luo Yuan in various ways. After all, Luo Yuan has the idea to take him into their magical world.

  Several girls looked at the reception roll handed over by the monitor, and then looked at Luo Yuan at the same time, obviously intending to let him make up his mind.

  Luo Yuan suddenly showed an interesting smile. He naturally knew the plot of this water world very well, so he had already made arrangements.

  The behind-the-scenes capital of Water World can be said to be controlled by the avatar he originally sent. It can be said that it was founded by him, and many facilities inside are naturally different.

  As for now, Luo Yuan felt the gazes of several girls and nodded with a smile.

  "Okay, thank you for the generosity of the class leader!"

  It's good to go to the water with a few girls in the summer, but like the original plot, it's not good for men and women to play horse-riding and war games together.

  "It's rare to relax, let's go play on weekends too!"

  Luo Yuan directly took the reception volume and distributed it to them, and at the same time asked Hirai Margin to take Shana to buy a swimsuit after school in the afternoon.

  Shana didn't say much when she heard that Luo Yuan had promised to go.

  However, Luo Yuan winked at Yoshida Kazumi when he sent her the reception roll. The meaning was obvious. Naturally, he and Yoshida Kazumi went to buy swimsuits, which immediately made her blushing and bowing her head.

  Naturally, it was the four of them when they were eating at noon. Shana was a little bored as if she couldn't find a reason to get angry, while Hirai Yuki ate quietly.

  Yoshida Kazumi was vaccinated by Luo Yuan in advance, so she didn't care about Shana's attitude, blushing with a smile.

  Luo Yuan was eating very seriously, making eye contact with Yoshida Kazumi who was sitting opposite him from time to time.

  Shana sat next to him and couldn't see it, and Hirai Yuan, who was diagonally opposite, was always very well-behaved. Even if he saw Luo Yuan, he would quickly bow his head a little shyly in response to his gentle smile.

  Sakai Yuji and his good friend Chi Suren, who were eating together in the classroom, naturally couldn't get into this circle, and Sakai Yuji got Luo Yuan's advance warning.

  So it was very smart to see that the squad leader didn't have any thoughts.

  During the period, Ogata, who was lively and forthright like a boy, suggested that everyone gather together on the weekend, and Luo Yuan nodded and agreed.

Chapter 74 I Have a Friend

  "Remember to help Shana choose a better swimsuit!"

  After school in the afternoon, Luo Yuan excused himself to go home and cook for them, so he didn't plan to accompany them to buy swimwear.

  Although Shana suspected that he might go to Yoshida Kazumi, she looked around and didn't see the existence of that girl, and Hirai Yuan, who was already in a good relationship, pulled her, so she followed her obediently.

  And Luo Yuan symbolically walked along the way home for a while, and immediately teleported to another block when they couldn't see it. Yoshida Kazumi had come here to wait for him as agreed.

  "Luo Yuan..."

  Even if the relationship was close to the point of kissing, Yoshida Kazumi would still feel shy and blush when she saw him alone, especially what she would do next would make her feel ashamed.

  "Didn't that girl named Ogata pester you?"

  Luo Yuan smiled and asked her naturally as he walked by holding her hand.

  That girl with a boyish personality wasn't the type Luo Yuan liked, but he didn't hate it either.

  It's just that she pestered Yoshida Kazumi to choose a swimsuit with her, so Luo Yuan asked Yoshida Kazumi to find an excuse to get rid of her. After all, his relationship with Yoshida Kazumi should not be exposed too early.

  "Well, I broke up with her on the pretext that I had something to do..."

  Yoshida Kazumi nodded, and her face turned even redder. A girl with a character like her would still be embarrassed if she wanted to lie to others.

  However, high school students are still embarrassed to be seen by others in love, so Yoshida Kazumi is also very smart and did not expose her relationship with Luo Yuan to her.

  "Then I'll choose a swimsuit for you, after all, it's for me to see."

  Luo Yuan dragged her into a swimsuit shop far away from where Shana and the others were.


  In another swimsuit shop, Hirai Margin and Shana were choosing the right swimsuit.

  "Well... how about this?" Hirai Margin pointed to a smaller set of white lace trims on the top and two-piece swimsuits with skirts underneath.

  "Too, too shameful!" Shana blushed and shouted shyly.


  "Well, boys like girls who dress sexy the most, especially boys who like you. Dressing boldly will make him take the initiative a lot."

  Hirai Yuan covered her hands and whispered in Shana's ear.

  "Hi, what do you like..."

  The scene of Luo Yuan rushing towards her with red eyes and drooling drooling appeared in Shana's mind for the first time, and then she shook her head to throw these bad things away.

  Luo Yuan has been deliberately not being intimate with himself these days. Is it because he dresses like this that he will take the initiative?

  Hmph, don't wear it to him, you have hinted that the bastard still ignores it, making yourself angry.

  Shana's mind went back and forth between two thoughts, and her face began to slowly turn red. She wanted to refuse, but she didn't know what to say when she opened her mouth.

  Hirai Yuan naturally knew the relationship between Luo Yuan and Shana for a long time. It was obvious that the two of them liked each other very much, so they had to make trouble.

  Thanks to Shana's serious daily training and Luo Yuan's care, she decided to help Shana.

  "Then one set of this, and another set of this cute one-piece, right?"



  "This, this is enough!" Yoshida Kazumi grabbed a one-piece conservative plain swimsuit, and seemed to be talking to herself and Luo Yuan beside her.

  "Well... this set can be worn outside." Luo Yuan didn't care about the gazes of the shop assistants around him, he was used to buying swimsuits with girls.

  When he was in the crown world, he accompanied several girls to buy all kinds of swimsuits in turn.

  "This set, when it's just the two of us, show me how to wear it!" Luo Yuan picked up a three-point lace-up swimsuit with a size just right for Yoshida Kazumi, with a very high degree of exposure.

  "Wow... this, this... Luo Yuan..." Yoshida Kazumi was startled when she saw the bold swimsuit Luo Yuan handed over, blushing and hesitating.

  "Go and try to see if it fits!" Luo Yuan urged him and Yoshida Kazumi's chosen swimsuits into her arms.

  For girls who have an intimate relationship, especially a gentle and introverted girl like Yoshida Kazumi, Luo Yuan appears to be very strong.

  The more this is the case, the more he needs to come out with a positive tone, otherwise she will need ink for a long time.

  "Oh..." Yoshida Kazumi had to answer in a low voice with a blushing face and went to the locker room.

  Luo Yuan stayed outside quietly, not planning to peek at anything, anyway, there will be time to appreciate it in the future.

  After a while, Yoshida Kazumi came out blushing and nodded to him.

  It seems to fit well.

  Luo Yuan remembered the big one. He knew Yoshida Kazumi had a good figure, but he didn't expect it to be so good. He would be blessed in the future!

  Although he likes Shana's poor breasts the most according to his heart, he also likes Yoshida Kazumi's good figure.

  Immediately, Luo Yuan did not wait for Yoshida Kazumi to refuse, and quickly took her to check out the bill and leave.

  Men are decisive when they buy things, and they must be neat and tidy when they choose a target.

  In the crown world, he still remembers the consequences of their aimless shopping with their real names.

  "That..." Shana, who had already bought a swimsuit, was walking home with Hirai Yuan, and Shana blushed and hesitated.


  "Ah? What's the matter, Shana!" Hirai Margin also carried a bag, which naturally contained the swimsuit she had chosen.

  "That's right, that..." Shana blushed and looked around, as if embarrassed, and was trying her best to speak.

  "If a boy is usually very close to a girl, but suddenly it's not like this later, what will happen?"

  Shana's voice was as thin as a mosquito, and if it weren't for the current Hirai Margin or an ordinary person, she would definitely not be able to hear what she was saying.

  "You mean...you and Luo Yuan?"

  A smile appeared in Hirai Yuan's eyes, and it was rare to see that the confident and proud Shana appeared on weekdays, showing this nervous and shy look, and couldn't help but guess.

  "It's not, it's not, don't talk nonsense!" Shana's long hair jumped suddenly, her face quickly turned red, and she retorted loudly in embarrassment.

  "Yes, it happened to a friend of mine."

  "When you say friend, you mean yourself!"

  Yuan Hirai rolled her eyes in her heart, but she didn't say it. She couldn't help thinking for a while and said, "Is it because your friend refused the boy to do something more intimate, so the boy was angry."

  Mardi Hirai had read a lot of love novels by young men and women before, and she had some experience with it. Before she encountered the great changes in her family, she also had a good impression of other boys.

  "Is that so..." Shana suddenly showed a thoughtful look.

Chapter 75 I Don't Dare Next Time (Force)

  "I'm home?"

  Seeing that Shana and Heijing Yuan came home together, Luo Yuan also put the freshly cooked food on the table and looked at them with a gentle smile.

  "Wash your hands and prepare to eat!"

  Compared with the two girls who needed to try for a long time to make up their minds to buy swimwear, Luo Yuan decided to help Yoshida Kazumi make a decision once he saw the right one.

  Just in time to part with Kazumi Yoshida just before they go home, and he teleports back to prepare dinner, perfect!

  Originally, Luo Yuan was going to come over to look at what swimsuits they bought, and then let him see Shana in that special swimsuit. Seeing that he didn't ask at all, he pouted. Happy.

  This bastard is just mad at me!

  But Luo Yuan didn't do anything wrong, and she didn't have any trouble in front of Hirai Margin.

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