And Luo Yuan showed an interesting smile because he also took a fancy to the opponent's weapon, the Noble Phantasm "Vampire Brotzaog".

  This Noble Phantasm is very interesting. After the holder injects the power of existence, a bloody red pattern will appear on the blade, and then the Noble Phantasm will play a role, which is to reflect weapon damage.

  No matter how much damage the enemy inflicts with the weapon, the damage will be reacted by the Noble Phantasm to him, while the Noble Phantasm holder is unharmed.

  "It just so happens that Maru Hirai is about to become my fire fog warrior, so give her your weapon as a gift!"

  Luo Yuan muttered to himself and decided the punishment for the offender. In addition, he was also very interested in the guardian of the pair of brothers and sisters, General Xiu Denan, one of the three pillars of the "Masquerade Ball", the leading organization of the Red World Apostles. .

  Xiu Denan, the real name of the Red World is "Thousand Changes". In the ancient times, there was still the name of Chi You. Although this Chi You was very watery, it did not affect his status as the top-level Demon King of the Red World.

  Especially his real name of "Thousand Changes".

  You must know that the last stage of Luo Yuan's "Martial God" demigod realm is ever-changing. Once you enter this realm, there will be no rivals in the world.

  "Thousand Changes" Xiu Denan From the original plot, this real name is also very watery, because Xiu Denan only only has a few monster transformation techniques, and the thousand changes are quite exaggerated.

  Just like in the history of the country where he lived in his previous life, an army with only [-] soldiers would be called [-]. This is for self-comfort and to deter the enemy.

  Xiu Denan must be similar.

  And Luo Yuan's ever-changing is truly ever-changing, but not just ever-changing.

  Once you enter this realm, you can achieve that nothing can be changed, which is simply two different concepts from the thousand changes of Xiu Denan.

  However, maybe Xiu Denan's "Thousand Changes" will help him comprehend the next realm.

Chapter 84 The Chaos Is About To Begin

  "Feeling it?"

  On the way home from school, just after parting with Yoshida Kazumi, Shana looked at Luo Yuan with a serious face, and Luo Yuan couldn't help but smile back at her.

  "There are two powerful auras, but the location cannot be determined."

  Shana nodded, she could only sense the aura of two powerful beings among the three, but she couldn't lock it.

  "Thousand Changes" Xiu Denan and "Love Dye Him" ​​Tilia are both the Demon Kings of the Red World. "Love Dye Self" Surat is special. Specifically, it should be transformed by "Love Dye Him" ​​Tilia into something similar Due to the existence of phosphorus, its own strength is not enough to show a strong breath.

  Hirai Yuki, who was on the side, recovered because of the stimulated spirit after the killing, and because of the recuperation in the past few days and the peace of mind that Luo Yuan brought her, and her personal temperament was also condensed, and she looked a bit like Shana when she first debuted. .

  There is still a clear difference between veterans who have been on the battlefield and those who have never been on the battlefield.

  "I'm about to lock their positions. After the lock, we will go and get them." Luo Yuan opened his eyes and lied. In fact, "Thousand Changes" Xiu Denan and "Airan" brothers and sisters stepped into Misaki City. It has fallen under his nose.

  The reason why he didn't take action immediately was because he wanted to wait until evening, preferably close to the early morning.

  Because he had to inadvertently let Xiu Denan discover the Noble Phantasm "Zero Hour Mizuko" in his body, so that the masquerade would come to him as soon as possible, so that he could use it to restore his strength.

  Originally, Lian Nancy's way of storing the power of existence can do this. Although it will be much slower, it is useful. It is just because of the previous play in the water world, which has caused her to have a complicated mind about Luo Yuan recently, so she is deliberately alienated. distance.

  Therefore, Luo Yuan did not force her to help her regain her strength. Instead, it would be better to use masquerade dance. She could also take this opportunity to interact with the "God of Creation" sacrificial snake. After all, he had a relationship with "God of Punishment" Alastair. The bet still depends on Him.

  Because he took out the "zero-hour fan" from Yuji Sakai's body before, both "John" and "Tyrant 1" sent signals to their camps, which led to the masquerade ball and "Cai Piao" Ferris being perceived in advance.

  Now both of them are very close to the Neon Kingdom, but the masquerade party will be slower, because on the one hand, they have to bring the entire Noble Phantasm "Xingli Hall" in the air fortress to carry out a certain plan, and on the other hand, they have not locked Luo Yuan. specific location.

  On the other hand, because of her close relationship with John, Ferris was guided more clearly, and the closer the distance, the more obvious the induction.

  According to the feedback of Luo Yuan's divine will in Will Amina, they are about to set foot in the neon country, and I believe they will come to Misaki City in a few days.

  The chaos that Luo Yuan was looking forward to was coming.

  "Hirai, when the enemy this time is resolved, I will contract you to become a Fire Mist Warrior!"

  Luo Yuan thought of this and said softly to Hirai Yuan on Shana's side.

  "Really, really?" Hirai Yuan was shocked, and then showed a look of surprise.

  Because when she became a Fire Mist Warrior, that is, when she could avenge her parents, this was Luo Yuan's promise to her.

  "Thank you, thank you Luo Yuan!"

  Seeing Luo Yuan nodded affirmatively, Hirai Yuki's eyes quickly filled with tears of joy, and he smiled sweetly at him, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little ambiguous.

  "..." Shana was keenly aware of it, and frowned and squinted at Luo Yuan.

  "Cough cough... let's go home!" Luo Yuan coughed uncomfortably under Shana's lethal and jealous eyes, and then looked forward seriously.

  Shana has become more and more strict with him recently. If it wasn't for Luo Yuan's strength and her arrogance, Luo Yuan felt that her fate might be the same as someone in the idiot's test summoned beast. .

  Even now, Luo Yuan has very little time to steal food outside, and it is only when Shana and Heirai is training every day that he has time to date Yoshida Kazumi by avatar escape.

  So he didn't find a chance to eat Yoshida Kazumi, at most just kiss and hug or something.

  And because Yoshida Kazumi is an ordinary girl, and she is a girl who has just fallen in love.

  So facing the person she likes, even if she wants to hide the relationship between the two parties, her eyes and attention will fall on Luo Yuan from time to time. She is not like Luo Yuan, a scumbag who has rich experience in dealing with these scenes.

  Such an anomaly, as long as a friend who is familiar with her will find it wrong, let alone Shana, who is very concerned about her.

  It's just that Luo Yuan is basically in Shana's sight so that she can't find any evidence, so she can't say anything.

  Moreover, Shana recently felt that the other two girls in the family were looking at Luo Yuan's eyes, which made her feel as if she was soaked in vinegar every day, jealous every day.

  Luo Yuan, this scumbag, big bastard!

  Shana felt that she was no longer Shana with blonde hair and golden eyes, but green hair and blue eyes.

  There is one item in the chemicals that sums her up well - green na (sodium chloride).

  So now she is trying to master all kinds of free methods every day to make herself stronger, while she is still looking for opportunities to let Luo Yuan and her leave Misaki City.

  Even if Hirai Yuan became a fire fog warrior and wanted to follow him, at least he could get rid of Yoshida Kazumi and Lin Nanxi.

  After returning home and having dinner, Lian Nanxi quickly hid in the room, saying that she wanted to study the Freedom Method, perhaps because she was afraid of staying with Luo Yuan.

  Luo Yuan also didn't plan to go to Yoshida Kazumi, but sat on the side very seriously and pretended to sense the breath of the two Crimson Demon Kings, which was actually delaying time.

  "Have a good rest, good night!"

  Today, because Luo Yuan wanted to lock the opponent's position, Shana and Heiyuan trained for a while, and spent all the training time Luoyuan usually gave her to Hirai. When it was nearly zero, Luo Yuan let them Stopping, he also quickly healed Hirai Margin's wound.

  Now Hirai Yuki also has a little confidence and a strong temperament, but facing Luo Yuan, she still looks like a well-behaved, blushing thank you and back to the room.

  "Well, have to be careful too."

  And Shana also walked in front of him with a cold face.

  "Why do this, I didn't do anything?"

  Luo Yuan smiled and leaned over to kiss her cute cheek.


  Shana didn't care about that, she was jealous anyway.

  "Okay, now I will solve all these incoming enemies with my Shana!"

  Luo Yuan rubbed her hair softly and held her in his arms, and then a teleport appeared near Xiu Denan and the three of them.

  At the same time, Luo Yuan pretended to spit out two words.


Chapter 85


  Suddenly, a golden flame appeared between several people, and the flame quickly spread around, and countless totems composed of mysterious runes also appeared on the ground. Cause and effect are broken at the same time.

  Luo Yuancai will not give this pair of "love dye" brothers and sisters time to arrange the powerful "cradle garden" of freedom law.

  In the original plot, Shana was unable to find the siblings, so they set up a powerful law of freedom in Misaki City, shrouding the entire Misaki City urban area under seal.

  And even with the help of the male protagonist and Marjoram Lindo, if it wasn't for the brothers and sisters talking too much, Shana, who was imprisoned and unable to resist, might have gotten it.

  Once Shana receives the lunch box, the "God of Punishment" will be forced to appear, but without sufficient power to exist, Alastair can only return to the red world in despair after killing the brother and sister. , because the Heavenly Dao Palace has been destroyed.

  "Damn, I found out in advance!"

  It seems that the demon king of the red world "love him" Tilia who is breaking into the free style can't help but be shocked when she sees the two people who suddenly appeared and such a huge seal, she can only use such a big seal. This can only be done by the "cradle garden" free method composed of multiple free styles.

  The guy in front of him has such a big blockade. Isn't he worried about the consumption of the power of existence?

  "Where is this guy from?"

  And the tall man in suit "Thousand Changes" Xiu Denan, who played the role of guard behind them, was also shocked. Although he could launch such a big block, he would not do it in general combat. End the battle, then this ban will only drag down the caster.

  This person can do this obviously because he is very confident in his own strength, or he is not worried about the consumption of the power of existence, no matter what kind, this time it seems that the people he is guarding are more fortunate than fortunate.

  Obviously the other party is not good!

  The two Demon Kings of the Red World on the opposite side were already solemn just because Luo Yuan had opened the seal, as if they were facing a great enemy, but there were still people who didn't wink at this time.

  "Look at Tilia, it's the Zhian Temple that covers that, and the one that's there is Zh's Temple that covers that, I want that Zh's Temple to cover that!"

  The boy named "Ai Ran Zi" Surat didn't notice the surrounding atmosphere at all. Seeing that Luo Yuan had already taken out the Zhana, Shana, who had changed his fighting stance, pulled Tilia's hand shake with a look of surprise. Shake to and fro.

  It's as if a child in a shopping mall asks his mother to help him buy a fancy toy.

  "Shut up, brother!" Tilia yelled with an ugly face.

  She planned to use the Noble Phantasm "Music Box" to arrange the powerful "Cradle Garden" that could revive them infinitely before the preparations began, and the other party had already come to her door.

  And it is still such a powerful existence, not to mention that the Zhi Temple covers it, whether they can retreat is a problem.

  Before they came here, they had heard that there were powerful fire and fog warriors here, but she was not worried, because not only did they have the escort of General Xiu Denan, one of the three pillars of the masquerade, but also she could cover the whole city. The powerful and free method "Cradle Garden", the mere fighters of fire and fog can be wiped out by raising their hands.

  But I didn't expect the other party to have such a powerful existence in addition to the Fire Mist Warrior. Could it be...

  "You, you are the Demon King of the Red World? How can you be so close to the Fire Mist Warrior!"

  When Surat heard his sister's reprimand, he immediately shrank his neck and didn't dare to speak. At this time, he felt that there was a big problem, and even his sister, who had always been confident, became nervous.

  When Shana was carried by Luo Yuan and came here, she switched her fighting stance, but before she had time to leave his arms, she only reacted when she heard the exclamation of the girl on the opposite side, and immediately gave Luo Yuan an embarrassed look and then Stand aside and look at each other vigilantly.

  "What are you guys doing here?"

  "Sure enough, I'm still here to snatch the Zhan Palace!"

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