Luo Yuan didn't pay attention to the other party's question, but explained to Shana casually.

  "Snatch the Zhan Dian Zhan Na?" Shana was instantly furious. The Z Z Dian Zhan was not just a weapon, it was also a token of love given to her by Luo Yuan, so how could it be taken away by others.

  "Don't even think about it!"

  "'Thousand Change' Xiu Denan, and 'Airan' brother and sister, right?"

  Luo Yuan then looked at each other with a calm smile.

  Xiu Denan, who stood in front of the two boys and girls when Luo Yuan appeared, was very imposing at first glance, and he had a good impression of him when he watched this anime in his previous life.

  As for the "Ai Ran" brother and sister, the young man had a handsome face, while the girl's appearance was a little weird.

  Tilia has that kind of doll face, but she looks too doll-like, so she looks very weird, neither beautiful nor cute, so Luo Yuan doesn't like this kind of girl.

  On the contrary, the relationship between this pair of brothers and sisters is very strange, reminding him of his first love Sakura Man's real name, and it should be not far to meet her again.

  Now that these two have come to fight against themselves, they must be prepared to pay the price.

  "Who are you? How have you never met?"

  Xiu Denan was very puzzled when he heard Luo Yuan say their names, but he didn't know this guy.

  "Just call me Luo Yuan!"

  Luo Yuan smiled lightly at Xiu Denan, and at the same time instructed Shana not to directly attack the sword of the "Airan" siblings.

  "Xu Denan, let me try your 'Thousand Changes'!"


  As Luo Yuan's teleportation approached, a violent punch hit Xiu Denan, who could not react in time, and the fist intent contained in it tore the road along the way. The huge ravine made him stand on both sides of Xiu Denan's body before. The "Ai Ran" brothers and sisters who escaped far away were horrified.

  And Luo Yuan quickly rushed towards the place where Xiu Denan fell after the punch. As for the "Ai Ran" siblings, it is naturally left to Shana to solve.

  There was no time for them to arrange the "Cradle Garden" to resurrect them infinitely, and Shana knew in advance the role of the great sword "Vampire - Brotesaoger" that could reflect attacks.

  Therefore, with Shana's artifact and several highly lethal freestyle methods she has mastered, there is absolutely no problem with dealing with this pair of brothers and sisters.

  "go to hell!"

  Shana watched Luo Yuan directly take away the most powerful Demon King of the Red World, and knew that he planned to hand over the siblings to her to deal with, so she also tacitly held the blessing of the flame transformed by the power of existence into gold. The hall of the flame of the Great Sword, Zhana, slashed towards Surat.


  Suddenly, a huge flame bomb exploded directly in the area where Surat was located, as if a bomb exploded.

Chapter 86 Transforming into a Golden Ape

  "Ah... brother!"

  Tilia immediately covered her face and screamed, and then she quickly took out a music box. The golden light on it circulated for a while, and a human-shaped light and shadow appeared beside her. The light and shadow quickly materialized, which was just blown up by Shana's attack. Surat with no bones left.

  "Sure enough, you can rely on this Noble Phantasm to be resurrected!" Shana was not surprised, Luo Yuan told her that the two brothers and sisters' Noble Phantasm was special, especially this music box.

  It’s just that the resurrection of the music box needs to consume a lot of power of existence. The original plot Delia also entered the free style in the entire Misaki City and then used the music box as the main method of freedom. The consumption of the power of existence is naturally the entire Misaki City. Humans .

  Now that she has not been able to set up a "cradle garden", the music box's resurrection ability will naturally consume Tilia, the holder's own power of existence.

  The resulting number of resurrections is bound to be limited.

  Shana clearly knew this, so as soon as she saw Surat's resurrection, she flew forward, and the golden flame wings behind her brought her to approach quickly, as if an angel had descended.

  "It's amazing! Tilia, Zhi Dianzhan is really amazing!"

  The resurrected Surat quickly ran to his sister to complain with a look of grievance.

  "Brother, use this sword quickly!" Tilia was very sober, knowing that it was not the time to be sticky with her brother, she quickly took out the sword called "Vampire - Brotesaoger", and then She looked at Shana again.

  "How dare you ignore us, then I will kill this fire fog warrior, she must be very important to you, right?"

  "Hmph, do you think I'll be fooled?"

  Seeing that Surat was holding a giant sword in both hands and was about to fight against her, Shana's mouth curled into a smile. At the moment of collision with Surat, she immediately closed the temple, and then He swooped around Surat's side and punched him with an uppercut.

  Surat, who thought he would fight with his own weapon, couldn't match Shana's reaction ability at all. As Shana hooked sideways, his jawbone shattered at the same time.

  "Crack!" "Ah..."

  Surat, whose jaw was beaten to a pulp, suddenly threw away the great sword in his hand and rolled on the ground with his head in his arms.


  Shana quickly took out the hall to cover the slash, and Surat dissipated again.

  " actually killed your brother again!"

  Tilly screamed and took a few steps back, but as the music box in her hand brilliance turned again, another light and shadow appeared beside her.

  "Tilia, it hurts so much!"

  Surat, who was resurrected again, looked at Shana who was not far away with a look of fear finally in his eyes, as if ordinary people faced an executioner and did not dare to come forward again but just ran to Tilia for comfort in grievance.

  "You, you actually, actually..."

  As Shana approached step by step, Tilia also stepped back with a look of horror and Surat.

  Although she is the Demon King of the Crimson World, she can tell from her body shape and outfit that she is not a close-combat style.

  Although Shana is also a sweet and lovely dress, but it is only to satisfy Luo Yuan's preferences, her skirt has been attached with divinity by Luo Yuan, and her defense is very strong.

  Tilia's way of fighting was originally her powerful Freedom Law, but that kind of powerful Freedom Law requires time to prepare.

  Now I plan to spend a few days secretly entering the freestyle in Misaki City in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom Law, so that the entire Misaki City will become the power source of the Freedom Law, and then I can start the "cradle garden", which will not only spawn a large number of The huge flower-like phoenix that can stretch out countless tentacles to attack is driven by her as a thug, and can also revive them infinitely.

  This method has always been unfavorable in previous battles, but this time, she was hit at the door before she had time to prepare, making her unable to exert her due combat effectiveness at all.

  "Brother, let's go!"

  Seeing Shana's murderous approach, the "Ai Ran" brothers and sisters resolutely persuaded them, and Tilia pulled Surat to the sky and evaded between high-rise buildings.

  Her music box has been resurrected twice, Surat has consumed too much power of existence, and there is no point in continuing. Now she can only count on Xiu Denan to defeat the Red World Demon King to save the game.

  "Don't run!"

  Shana didn't expect that the opponent's attack methods were so poor this time. The one named Tilia just sent Surat's attack and started to run away. He didn't even want the sword, and immediately chased after him.

  Huh, I thought it was awesome!

  So the two groups of people here are running around in Fengjue as you chase after me.


  And just as Luo Yuan rushed into the building where "Thousand Changes" Xiu Denan was smashed into, a huge roar also sounded from inside the building.

  The powerful sound waves rumbled around, the surrounding buildings began to collapse, and the buildings above the hole smashed by Xiu Denan also continued to fall down, causing smoke and dust to rise.

  "What the hell are you?"

  Along with the roar, a huge monster with a length of [-] meters and a height of tens of meters quickly broke through the building and fell not far from Luo Yuan, looking at him with a solemn expression.

  "You'll find out later!"

  Luo Yuan sold out mysteriously. He looked at Xiu Denan's image at this time with a strange look on his face.

  Xiu Denan's appearance at this time is like a synthetic beast. The upper body is like a tiger with unusually sturdy limbs, but it has more clumps of hair and horns, and the part below the knee is the eagle's sharp claws, and bat wings and snake tails grow behind him. , just like the demon image recorded in ancient documents.

  "Is this your ability to change?

  "You'll know when you try!" "Boom!"

  Xiu Denan didn't say much nonsense, the sharp claws quickly protruded and grabbed towards Luo Yuan, and suddenly there seemed to be hit by a cannonball, and a deep pit appeared.

  As a general of one of the most powerful forces in the Red World Apostles, he has always liked to challenge the strong. It can be said that he is also a fighting maniac. Now there is such an obviously powerful existence as Luo Yuan, which makes him also Some blood boils.

  "Huh? It's quite quick to hide!"

  The giant eagle-like claws he transformed are not only extremely sharp, but also surprisingly powerful. Grabbing these high-strength concrete pavements is like ordinary people grasping soft tofu.

  "Are you just hiding?"

  After several consecutive grabs, he failed, and Xiu Denan couldn't help but feel a little restless.

  "This is your thousand changes? I really overestimate you!"

  Luo Yuan observed Xiu Denan after his transformation for a while, and found that his change was not helpful to his ever-changing changes, but it gave him a little reference.

  I will give you a transformation too!

  Suddenly, with Luo Yuan as the center, a large amount of existence power poured out and ignited a flame, and a golden ape roared up to the sky in the flame.


Chapter 87 The script has been completed

  Generally speaking, the use of the power of existence by the red world apostles or the fire fog warriors is based on the free style as a link, consuming the power of existence to display the free method.

  Doing so can maximize the power of existence to its due effect, and it can also cause the greatest damage to the target.

  Luo Yuan is different. Although he has mastered a lot of freedom, he seldom uses it in combat, such as banning him only occasionally.

  Like other free law used for attack, it is not as quick as his direct attack.

  Now this kind of golden ape, which is purely manifested by the power of existence, contains his own fighting thoughts, just like the energy fist he condensed with energy before, and the manifestation of his divine will.

  It's just that the power of existence is consumed this time, and the golden ape like an incarnation condensed in this way is naturally powerful, and the power of existence is consumed very quickly.

  But he just wanted to waste it like this, just like the blockade covering the whole city, there was no need to open such a big blockade, and he did so in order to consume the existing power of existence as soon as possible.


  The golden ape with a height of hundreds of meters roared, and the violent shock wave directly rolled the surrounding ground, and the building collapsed. There were wounds everywhere and blood was flying.

  "What kind of monster is this!"

  Obviously his image at this time is a monster, but he feels that the guy who suddenly appeared on the opposite side is a monster.

  dong dong!dong dong!

  After the golden ape roared, he took a dull and heavy step, stepped on the broken ground and came to Xiu Denan, directly grabbing his snake tail with one hand and waving it left and right like a bear child beating a doll.

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