
  The already pitted ground was smashed into giant pits.

  At this time, Xiu Denan was not the most powerful. The strongest time was when he was in the imperial life, when he awakened his full posture and used the spear Noble Phantasm "Shen Tie Ruyi". In the original plot, he was only in the This state was used in the finale, but at that time he already had the will to die, so he let the "ravaged minions" who had fully awakened to kill him.

  However, Luo Yuan did not use the current body strength, but used the avatar of the power of existence. This avatar is a little stronger than the avatar he derived alone, but it is definitely not better than the body.

  Acting requires a full set of performances. Since he is regarded as the Demon King of the Red World, he must use the means of the Red World Demon to fight.

  And his actions at this time fell in Xiu Denan's eyes to stimulate his potential, trying to kill him in a short time.

  Because a Crimson Demon King cannot continue to open such a big block with his own power of existence, and then maintain such a powerful output.

  Moreover, Luo Yuan is also with the Fire Mist Warrior, so he shouldn't decompose human beings to absorb the power of existence like the ordinary Crimson Demon King.

  In addition, Luo Yuan has dragged him directly to the vicinity of Zhennan River in Misaki City. There are few people here, and it will not cause too much damage to the human world, and it is easy to repair it afterwards.

  This is a Crimson Demon King who is in the same camp as the Fire Mist Warrior. No wonder he is so close to the Fire Mist Warrior.

  "Hold on, when he's exhausted, it's time to fight back!"

  As if being used as a prop to clear the roadblock, Xiu Denan endured the severe pain to cheer himself up, but fortunately, he was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, Luo Yuan used him to smash the ground to open the way and didn't hurt him at all.


  Tilia over there with Surat happened to be chased here by Shana at this time, and she was stunned when she saw the ruins within a few hundred meters that seemed to be washed by missiles.

  She also counted on Xiu Denan to protect them, but looking at the synthetic beast that was destroyed by the golden ape in the distance, she thought about it and let it go...


  Shana, who was chasing and killing her when Tilia was stunned, would not be stunned. Although she saw Luo Yuanku's appearance of the golden ape, she also praised "It's so cool!", but she did not forget her own purpose. With another sharp sword, Surat, who was next to Tilia, died again.

  By the way, why do you always catch someone and cut them down!

  Tilia did not dare to hesitate at this time, and quickly turned around and ran in the other direction, and Surat was resurrected again, but this was also his last time, because the power of existence in the music box had been exhausted, and now There is no way to supplement the power of existence.


  "elder brother……"

  Hearing Surat's terrified voice, Tilia didn't know how to comfort her. She remembered the fire and fog warriors they had brutally killed. Before their death, their psychology should be similar to now.

  At this moment, the huge seal suddenly trembled. This was a trend that was about to collapse. It was obvious that the power of the caster of the seal could not keep up.


  Tilia, who was running around, felt this scene and laughed heartily. Once the ban was lifted, their chances of escaping would greatly increase.

  Because without the ban, they will return to the present world. When there are so many human beings, the fire and fog warriors who hunted them will definitely cast their arms and dare not go after them with all their strength. Otherwise, the people killed in the present world will not be able to recover, and the world will be distorted. will be more serious.

  And even if the Fire Mist Warrior opens the seal, she will make her run away.

  "When we run away, I will definitely come back and kill you all..."

  "good chance!"

  At the same time as Feng Jue trembled, Luo Yuan's golden ape was also released, and Xiu Denan was thrown out at the same time. As soon as he turned around, he was about to fight back against Luo Yuan, and suddenly he was stunned.

  "This, this is..."

  Luo Yuan had just exhausted the power of existence in his body to the bottom line, and the tremor of Fengjue was affected by this. At the same time, he had to release the manifestation of the golden ape, otherwise his existence would also be rejected by the world.

  At this moment, the time just crossed zero, and there was a sound of "bang", as if a large amount of fuel was injected into the flame that was about to go out, and the flame suddenly flourished.

  Luo Yuan also "unintentionally" leaked the breath of "Zero Hour Mizi", and Xiu Denan also sensed it at the same time, and even the breath of "Tyrant 1" that they had been looking for at the masquerade party.

  "I found it, and it's here..."

  Seeing that Luo Yuan's power of existence was restored at this time, Xiu Denan was not depressed, but his expression was ecstatic.

  He didn't plan to attack Luo Yuan anymore, but changed his body into a water snake and got into Zhennanchuan and quickly disappeared. As for the "Ai Ran" brothers and sisters, he was helpless.


  Luo Yuan looked at Xiu Denan who was far away and let out a sigh of relief.

  The script is written, the director is in place, and the actors are left!

Chapter 88 Let's make a contract!

  "Xu Denan! Brother... uh..."

  Just as Luo Yuan stabilized the seal and Xiu Denan also fled, Tilia, who was running around, noticed that they were abandoned by Xiu Denan.

  And Shana also took advantage of her stunned look, holding the hall to cover that was a golden flame sword. The original target was Surat, who was aiming at it as always. At this critical moment of life and death, Tilia decisively blocked him. suffered the blow in front of him.

  "Zhidian covers that, my Zhidian covers that..."

  Perhaps he noticed something, Surat didn't pay attention to his sister at the last moment, but rushed to Shana, and also looked at Zhi Dian Zhana in her hand, which was his only obsession.

  "elder brother……"

  As Tilia who "loves him", everything she does is for her brother. After being hit by Shana's big move, she has no reason to do anything, but she ignores the gold that keeps dissipating from her chest. The yellow light spots, with nostalgic eyes, reached out and seemed to want to grab something.


  Shana showed no mercy, and faced Surat who came to die with a straightforward oblique slash.


  Surat maintained a forward-forward posture and froze in the air, and as the wound erupted, he turned into a spot of light and completely dissipated.

  This time there will be no "music box" to bring him back to life.

  Because at the same time he disappeared, Tilia also watched his back turn into a spot of light.

  And the music box she was holding in the other hand lost its support and fell from the air until it fell into a big hand.

  Luo Yuan also sighed a little while looking at the Noble Phantasm "Music Box" in his hand, lamenting the peculiar relationship between this pair of brothers and sisters, and also lamenting the specialness of this Noble Phantasm.

  But what he sighed most was Shana's decisiveness. She deserves to be my first heroine, she's ruthless enough!

  "What are you doing?"

  Shana had just solved the enemy, and when she saw Luo Yuan's appearance, she still wanted to take credit for him. She had completed the task perfectly this time, but she was horrified by Luo Yuan's strange eyes.

  "Oh~ nothing, my Shana is amazing!"

  Luo Yuan shook his head and smiled. He came to Shana and took her into his arms. He kissed her on the forehead fondly, and he also forgot the subtle thoughts.

  Just a pair of brothers and sisters who deserved their sins...


  When Shana heard Luo Yuan's compliment, she subconsciously hummed and took on a proud and arrogant attitude as always, but the corners of her mouth twitched unconsciously, obviously very useful to his words.

  "Come on, go home!"

  Luo Yuan held Shana while facing the sky, and the damaged area in the seal was quickly repaired. Fortunately, it was midnight, and there were no people on the road or in the commercial area, and he later moved the main battlefield to the river. , so most of it is building and ground damage.

  If those humans were killed inadvertently in the battle, then they would definitely turn into the power of existence, and even if the seal was repaired, they could only be set as torches.

  Although Luo Yuan wouldn't feel ashamed about it, it was best to avoid it. After all, he wasn't a murderer.

  On the way back, there is no need to teleport to hurry. The two are flying slowly in the air, holding a cute girl in their arms, the fragrance is lingering, and the eyes of the two are fixed on each other. This atmosphere makes them feel a kind of romance in their hearts. Feeling, Luo Yuan couldn't help licking his lips.

  "Maybe a little bit more tonight..."

  "Huh?" Luo Yuan suddenly looked at a residential building some distance away from home, where a teenager was watching them.

  Because Yuji Sakai is half-human and half-Mistis, he used to seal off the entire city of Misaki City. Ordinary humans naturally fell into a state of stagnation, but he was not affected.

  He kept looking at the railing at home, but he didn't dare to approach. After all, that kind of battle with his ability would only add to the chaos.

  Maybe find a chance to let him experience it next time?After all, this little brother is still very good at things. Luo Yuan didn't pay any attention to him when he thought about it, and went home with Shana directly.

  "Why, why haven't you slept yet?"

  Obviously, neither Hirai Yuan nor Lian Nanxi slept, and Sakai Yuji, who had nothing to do with them, was paying attention to this big battle. How could the two girls who were close to them stay out of it.

  Shana thought they had already slept, so she let Luo Yuan hold her without any scruples, but when she got home, she met the strange eyes of the two girls, and immediately jumped out of Luo Yuan's arms shyly, her face flushed red. .

  "Do you really think they don't know when we slept together during this time?"

  Luo Yuan was amused, but he also knew that he had to think carefully about Shana at this time.

  "Okay, the matter is settled satisfactorily, I'll talk about it tomorrow, go to sleep!"

  Hearing Luo Yuan's words, Hirai Yuan naturally returned to the room very obediently. She was just worried about whether the two of them would be okay. Since it was okay, she would be at ease.


  Lian Nanxi muttered to herself as she went back to her room. It was obvious that she knew the relationship between Luo Yuan and Shana.

  "It's all your fault!"

  Seeing that no outsiders were present, Shana immediately jumped into his arms and beat him hard.

  The poor "God of Punishment" Alastair rarely needed him because of Luo Yuan, so he had almost no sense of existence, and Luo Yuan also said that it would be hard to explain him tomorrow.

  "Let's go to bed too!"

  Luo Yuan always remembered his existence, so he leaned over and whispered in Shana's ear, and then the skilled princess hugged her back to the room.

  No outsiders saw Shana and didn't object. She blushed and let him hold her, comforting herself: "It's been like that anyway..."


  In the room, after a suffocating deep kiss, Luo Yuan raised his head slightly and looked at Shana, who was still dressed in Lolita and was extremely sweet and lovely.

  The girl with her big eyes and her soft heart suddenly blushed, as if she was about to burn up. Shana, who was full of shame, threw Luo Yuan down and bit his ear and face fiercely.

  "Perverted, perverted, perverted!"


  At breakfast the next day, the shame that Shana felt when she sat down at the dining table after training Hirai Maru still didn't go away.

  Especially when Luo Yuan prepared the pineapple bread for her and breakfast milk at the same time, she blushed inexplicably when she saw the breakfast milk Shana.

  So Luo Yuan was kicked dozens of times by Bai Si's little feet during his breakfast.

  "I'm not going to school today!"

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