She had heard the information from her comrades-in-arms in the outside world. In a place called Misaki City in this country, there was a fire and fog warrior with blond golden eyes and a Zhana, and her contracted demon king.

  The most terrifying thing is the Demon King of the Red World. He doesn't know why he can manifest the power of existence without gnawing on human beings.

  But one thing is for sure, he is very violent!

  The Red World Apostles who entered Misaki City were easily eliminated by him, while the Fire Mist Warriors were driven out of Misaki City.

  She knew who the "violent" Crimson Demon King was.

  "Really strong man..."

  Willemina murmured, her voice faintly inaudible, thinking of that guy, she remembered his domineering declaration when they parted.

  "Never part again..."

  She looked at the exquisite handbag in her hand, which stored all the daily necessities she usually used, ranging from washing powder and toilet paper to all kinds of furniture and household appliances.


  You've been following me, haven't you?I know, that time when I fell into the trap of the Red Devil King "Bad Blade" Shabrak, but he was safe and sound. Apart from the clothes you gave me, why did Shabrak, who was chasing me, suddenly disappear?

  and so……

  "We've never been apart at all..."


  The cool breeze on the Jinnamcheon embankment at night is a good place for walks and trysts.

  "Luo Yuan Luo Yuan!"

  Yoshida Kazumi in a pink dress shook Luo Yuan slightly dissatisfied, really, she was still in a daze when she was dating.

  "Ahaha...I was thinking about something just now, what's the matter, Yimei?"

  Luo Yuan leaned slightly against the girl's forehead and changed the subject with a chuckle.

  He already knew that Will Amina had arrived in Neon Country with "Cai Piao" Felice, and he believed that they would meet in the next two days.

  Of course, Felice came for the "zero-hour fan" in her body, and of course John, he was not worried, he was not Sakai Yuji.

  "Why didn't you come to class today?"

  Yoshida Kazumi pouted and looked a little coquettish, like a girl who was coquettish with her boyfriend.

  The two were already very familiar with each other, so she was not so restrained in front of Luo Yuan, and she spoke a lot more casually, like a normal boyfriend and girlfriend getting along with each other.

  "I have something to do today, I must go tomorrow!"

  Luo Yuan casually held the girl's hand but moved erratically.

  "No, no!"

  Yoshida Kazumi blushed and struggled hard.

  "Hey~ why can't you?"

  Luo Yuan had no choice but to wrap his hands up around her waist to prevent her from moving, both of them were dressed very coolly, and the girl in his arms was still restless, which made him angry.

  Every time the two of them date, they hug and kiss. Shana has improved a bit, and Yoshida Kazumi has to catch up with the progress.

  Well, a bowl of water needs to be level, and you can't favor one over another, even in that respect.

  "Ugh... you, me, what is our relationship now?"

  Obviously feeling the strangeness of Luo Yuan's body, Yoshida Kazumi struggled but did not break free, turned her head blushingly and said like a mosquito.

  Are you still struggling with this?

  Luo Yuan was very funny, he had to confirm the relationship even though he was so close.

  "Of course we are in a relationship, isn't Yimei my girlfriend?"

  Luo Yuan pretended to be surprised, and at the same time looked at the shy girl playfully.

  "Or is it that Yimei is willing to kiss a boy who is not a lover?"

  "Cai, I won't want to!"

  Yoshida Kazumi, who just wanted Luo Yuan to admit the relationship between the two, immediately became happy when he heard the first half of Luo Yuan's sentence, and immediately retorted in embarrassment when he heard the second half of the sentence.

  As a young girl who just fell in love, she naturally couldn't hide from her familiar classmates.

  And classmate Ogata, who is familiar with her, secretly asked her if she was dating classmate Luo Yuan. Although she refuted it, it was obvious.

  There is only one thing, she has not been confirmed by Luo Yuan if she and Luo Yuan are lovers, so she has to ask today.

  And when Luo Yuan answered affirmatively, she was also overjoyed, her face was flushed, her struggle was much less, and she leaned in his arms obediently.

  "Then can we..."

  Luo Yuan leaned down and kissed her forehead, eyebrows and lips again.


  Yoshida Kazumi obediently closed her eyes. Since she is confirmed to be her boyfriend, these intimate behaviors are natural.

  Although it's almost the same as what happened before.

  However, when he felt that Luo Yuan began to behave unruly again, Yoshida Kazumi suddenly woke up, and now he was on the river bank.

  "I-I'm going back, it's been a long time since I came out."

  Yoshida Kazumi violently pushed Luo Yuan away, looking around with a blushing face, as if to see if anyone was found.

  "Well, see you tomorrow!"

  Luo Yuan has never done anything too much. It is indeed the wrong place. It seems that one day he will have to find a good opportunity...

  When Yoshida Kazumi was sent home, Luo Yuan supervised the avatar of Shana Heirai's training and walked two steps into the room, and when he came out again, he was already the body.

  Now that Hirai Yuan has become a fire and fog warrior, he must be familiar with the various applications of the power of existence, the most basic of which are flame and flight.

  And Shana has naturally taken over the training in this regard. She now feels more and more that Luo Yuan has problems with those girls, so she tries to reduce Luo Yuan's contact with them as much as possible.


  When Luo Yuan walked out of the room again, Lian Nanxi, who seemed to see through everything, couldn't help but glanced at him with contempt.

Chapter 93 The Pervert of Lolicon

  "What's wrong with me?" Luo Yuan yelled that he was wronged, and I would endure when you called me perverted or something, because I was really interested in you, but I didn't admit it when I suddenly called me a scumbag.

  "Humph!" Lian Nanxi sneered, do you really think that she looks as cute as she looks deceived?I didn't fall asleep after living for so many years.

  When Luo Yuan and that Hirai Yuan came back today, although there was nothing unusual about the two of them, when he saw Hirai Yuan looking at the bastard intentionally or unintentionally, his eyes were similar to when Shana looked at him.

  And the relationship between the cute girl named Yoshida Kazumi that I saw last time I went to the water world is not simple.

  Now she's reacting, why did five of them win the lottery in a group, this bastard.

  And to myself...

  Just how do you feel about him?Don't you want to resurrect the painter's painting?Isn't the power of existence collected in order to accomplish this for hundreds of years?

  The power of existence is long enough now, and there is a lot more, but the painting has not been restored for a long time, and he still accepts the power of his existence every day.

  These days here should be the most comfortable days in this world, even when I got along with that human painter, I was not so comfortable.

  You don't have to hide your identity, you don't have to worry about safety, this bastard is quite powerful, even a powerful Red World Demon King like "Thousand Changes" Xiu Denan can't beat him.

  What the hell is this bastard?How can it be so special.

  But what does this bastard mean to him? He seems to know himself very well. Lian Nanxi wants to try it.

  "That...I might have to go."

  "What?" Luo Yuan was admiring the cute little loli's thoughtful appearance, but he didn't react when he heard what she said.

  "I said I'm leaving!" Lian Nanxi glared at her angrily, and she was still in a daze for this guy, and she still looked at herself in a daze, the pervert of Lolicon.

  "I have collected enough power of existence."

  "No!" Only then did Luo Yuan hear what she said and refused very decisively.

  "Didn't I help you resurrect Hirai's parents? The promise has been fulfilled."

  Lian Nanxi roared, she was afraid of disturbing the two girls who were training over there. Fortunately, both Hirai Yuan and Shana were practicing flame mastery, so they were very concentrated and had no time to pay attention to them.

  To say that she started to test Luo Yuan's attitude towards herself, now she is really a little angry. This bastard said that he would be free after completing the agreement, but now he regrets it.

  Men are big hooves!

  "I didn't say I'll let you go after you're done!"

  Luo Yuan has no self-consciousness to say nothing, just an expression like I'm shameless.

  "You bastard!" Lian Nanxi clenched her small fists. She was really angry and wanted to rush over and beat him.

  "Anyway, you have nowhere to go. There are so many Red World Apostles and Fire Mist Warriors outside. Isn't it good for you to stay here? It's still safe."

  Luo Yuan's expression became more serious, as if he was really thinking about her.

  "Who said I had nowhere to go..." Lian Nanxi snorted, she thought about it, as if she really had nowhere to go, but she couldn't lose her momentum at this time.

  "Just, even if I don't have a place to go, it's better than being imprisoned here and losing my freedom!"

  Speaking of this, she couldn't help blushing because Luo Yuan never imprisoned her at all.

  She has always been free here, and Luo Yuan has never restricted her in the slightest.

  Only then did she realize that this bastard never seemed to have done anything bad to her.

  Even if he used a threatening tone to frighten her, he did everything for her good, and he used the power of existence he gave her to make the Resurrection Freedom Method.

  The more she thought about it, the more she felt a little lack of confidence, what the hell is going on, uu...

  "Okay, okay!" Luo Yuan didn't pick out the words in her words, he looked at Shana subconsciously, um, still concentrating.

  So Luo Yuan looked at Lian Nanxi's big eyes very seriously, and only two people could hear the voice clearly.

  "Actually...I can't bear you to leave!"


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