"You, you..." Lian Nanxi's slightly red face immediately turned red, and she stammered and didn't know what to say.

  It seems that it really means that, this bastard, Lian Nanxi sobbed in her heart, what should I do now.

  "So...don't leave, okay?"

  Luo Yuan looked at Lian Nanxi, whose face was flushed and nervous, and he also had some guesses in his heart. It seemed that the sincerity and sincerity for so many days were not ineffective, so his tone became softer.

  "...You big pervert of lolicon!"

  Lian Nanxi held back for a while before finally blushing and saying such a sentence, then glared at him and ran back to the room quickly, without saying anything about whether to leave or not.

  The corner of Luo Yuan's mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile.

  "Okay, let's train here today!" Shana controlled the power of existence that turned into a flame and gradually subsided, and then said to Hirai Margin next to her.

  "In order to easily test the strength of the flame's combat power, next time you still have to find an open place to start the sealing exercise."

  "Well, thank you Shana!"

  Hirai Yuan nodded seriously.

  Then the two girls walked back to the room together.

  "It's been hard work, hard work..." Luo Yuan leaned forward like a dog's leg and flattered him.

  "Humph!" Shana looked at him very angry, she could eat a lot of vinegar today.

  "I, I'm going to bed first!" Hirai Yuan glanced at Luo Yuan resentfully, but obediently walked back to his room first.

  She understands Yoshida Kazumi quite a bit now. Before, she only had vague feelings for Luo Yuan, so she could bear Luo Yuan being close to other girls.

  And with what Luo Yuan did for her today to bring the relationship closer, she felt sour when she saw him get close to other girls now.

  And judging from Hirai's understanding of Luo Yuan, he would not let anyone go, including the lovely girl named Lian Nanxi.

  This sweet guy!

  She found that she didn't have much opinion on this, because she had read a lot of novels in this area before, and there were many situations like this in the Neon Kingdom. It seems that a good man can date more girls, where is it? All have.

  The key is that Luo Yuan is not only excellent, he is not a human, nor is he a human.

  Therefore, she felt that no matter what, she would be with him in the future, who told her to like him too...

Chapter 94 Wandering Between Life and Death

  "Should we leave here?" Shana said seriously when he came to his room with Luo Yuan.

  "Aren't we going to clean up the Apostles of the Red World who have destroyed the stability of the world? And the agreement between you and Alastair!"

  Shana felt more and more that it was wrong to stay here. She was jealous almost every day because of the girls around Luo Yuan.

  So she had to let Luo Yuan and her leave, even if there was one more Hirai margin.

  Why are you here again?

  Luo Yuan was very speechless. In fact, as long as he stayed here, he could successfully complete the agreement with Alastair and liberate Shana from the fate of the Fire Mist Warrior.

  It's just that his strength has not yet recovered and it is not easy to showdown. The main reason is that the God of Punishment has been paying attention. It would be troublesome to let him know in advance.

  So he can only use the dragging tactics.

  "In a few days, Hirai Yuan has just become a fire fog warrior, and he is not familiar with all the abilities. When she masters it, we will continue to go out to destroy the Red World Apostle."

  "Humph!" Shana pouted and was unhappy, but if she had some time, it would be alright.

  "Okay, it's so late, it's time for us to go to bed."

  Luo Yuan was going to take Shana to bed while she was still struggling.

  "I-I want to take a shower!" Shana suddenly glared at him with a blushing face.

  Then she ran into the bathroom, closing the door and saying fiercely, "Don't come in!"

  I see you are implying that I must come in.

  "Well, take a shower!" Luo Yuan nodded and said perfunctorily, as long as Shana starts to take a bath, he can run in, euphemistically called saving water, anyway, taking a bath together is not one or two times.

  During this period of time, the two slept together every night. Although the last step had not been broken, he had taken up all the other advantages.

  That is to say, because Shana is special in his heart, he didn't go against her wishes too much, just doing things like scratching his head.

  After closing the door, Shana quickly took off the white stockings of the high school student uniform, as well as the white cutie and fat times, and put them in the basket.

  In fact, her body is clean even if she doesn't take a bath, she can use flames to clean her body, and the artifact equipment Luo Yuan made for her also has the effect of cleaning her body.

  It's just that sleeping in a bubble bath after exercising every day makes her feel more comfortable. Although she is a fire and fog warrior, she is also a girl, and girls prefer to take a bath.

  The mansion they live in is very large, and each room has its own large bathroom. The rushing hot water is poured into the oversized bathtub continuously, and several heads of water will soon fill the bathtub.


  Shana sat in the bathtub and stretched her body. Then she grabbed the bubble bath salt with a smile and threw it into the water as if she were playing. After a while, a layer of bubbles appeared on the water.


  Shana was having fun playing with bubbles, when she suddenly felt something beside her feet, she kicked with her little foot, and suddenly a head appeared on the water, wasn't it Luo Yuan or who?


  "~Change, pervert!"

  Shana immediately blushed and scolded him while kicking him with her small feet.

  "Get out~ uh!"

  She was kissed by Luo Yuan before she could finish speaking, and the water in the bathroom was loud for a while.

  When they took a bath and Luo Yuan helped Shana dry her hair and went to bed, Shana was still angry.

  "Big metamorphosis!"

  Shana beat his chest with a small fist, as if to avenge what Luo Yuan had done just now.

  "Going to bed, mua!" Luo Yuan grabbed her little hand and took the girl into his arms, then kissed her forehead.

  "It's unpalatable!"

  Shana blushed and muttered, and bit Luo Yuan fiercely.

  "Then eat less next time." Luo Yuan sniffed the girl's sweet taste with a satisfied face.

  "Big metamorphosis!"


  The next day, Shana and Hirai started training early as usual. They are now training combat skills in the morning, and training in the free method of existence in the evening.

  Luo Yuan is preparing breakfast for a few people in the kitchen. The girls in the family are all people who want to eat, but he is also used to cooking for the people he likes.

  "Bring it!"

  Suddenly, Lian Nanxi, who was wearing a lovely pink dress, ran in and spread out her hands to him, as if she was going to give me money.

  "Bring what?"

  Luo Yuan looked puzzled. He was loading the pineapple buns in the oven one by one. The pineapple buns that had just come out of the oven were fragrant, and Luo Yuan picked one up for her.

  "Is it this one?"

  "It's not ~ huhu ~ yes ~ uh... it's the power of existence!"

  Lian Nanxi took the pineapple bread, the freshly baked bread was still a little hot, she hurriedly blew it, then took a bite and said vaguely.

  "Didn't you say you collected enough last night?"

  Luo Yuan then stopped what he was doing and looked at her with a playful expression.

  "No, no!"

  Lian Nanxi blushed suddenly. Since she wants to stay, she naturally has to give herself an excuse. It's a good excuse to collect the power of existence.

  "Alright alright!"

  Luo Yuan didn't dismantle her excuse, as long as she can stay and give some power of existence, it doesn't matter.

  "But I'll give it to you when I get back in the afternoon, okay?"

  Originally, he only gave her the extra power of existence every night, because there would be various battles during the day, and at night, all the power of existence would be restored after a while.

  "Humph!" Lian Nanxi stopped talking for a while, and walked out of the kitchen while nibbling on the bread.

  In fact, what she said was just a statement, indicating that she really didn't leave.

  It's just that she was naturally embarrassed to say it, so she had to express it in this way.

  Obviously Luo Yuan also understood, so it was business as usual.

  The three of them went to school after an increasingly eccentric breakfast.

  Luo Yuan, who had just left the house, looked at the sky, the weather was gloomy and it seemed that it was going to rain today.

  And through the feedback of the divine will entrusted to Will Amina, at their speed, he should be coming to Misaki City today.

  On the way, I still met Yoshida Kazumi, and Shana naturally intervened between the two, and was very guarded against her.

  It's a pity that Shana's attention was all on Yoshida Kazumi's side, and she didn't notice Luo Yuan who was walking to the side of Heirai margin, and his hand was secretly clasped below with Heirai margin.

  Since Luo Yuan's free-spirited law acting on Hirai Yuki only canceled her parents' cognition, her existence relative to others is still the same as before she became a Fire Mist Warrior.

  Hirai Yuan blushed and looked into the distance, feeling that the palms of her hands were sweaty. She was holding a large bento box in one hand, and Luo Yuan was holding the other hand, and she was nervous to death.

  "Why is this guy so courageous, something will happen if Shana finds out!"

  Luo Yuan acted very calm, and stalked other girls in front of Shana.

  The feeling of walking between life and death is really exciting!

Chapter 95 Luo Yuan, you are finished

  The last class this morning is physical education again.

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