Because the physical education teacher was first cleaned up by Shana, Luo Yuan informed the school and warned him again.

  Therefore, the physical education classes in the back are all well-behaved, and honestly follow the requirements of physical education classes.

  But the most basic physical fitness in PE class is still running.

  Running is still no problem for most students, but some individuals with poor physical fitness suffer very much.

  Yoshida Kazumi is such a girl with poor physical fitness.

  If it wasn't because the physical education teacher wanted to punish Shana, but instead made Yoshida Kazumi almost faint, and then Luo Yuan came to a hero to save Mei, it might be a little more troublesome to attack her.

  "Whoa..." Yoshida Kazumi was obviously far behind again this time, running sweaty and out of breath.

  "Idiot, don't run, just walk slowly."

  Although Luo Yuan has been paddling in the running team, most of them have surpassed Yoshida Kazumi by one lap. Looking at Yoshida Kazumi's appearance, he was naturally distressed, and he pretended to be unable to run to accompany her.

  It's easy for Luo Yuan to say that he wants to improve her physique, but he hasn't found a chance to let her get in touch with his world.

  "Oh..." Hearing Luo Yuan's concerned voice, even Yoshida Kazumi, who wanted to persevere, obediently stopped reluctantly and walked slowly like a walk.

  As she walked, she blushed and looked at Luo Yuan. She was very happy. After all, the two had confirmed that they were lovers.

  Luo Yuan felt quite dangerous. Now it's better than at home, where he can use his avatar to avoid Shana's eyes and ears, but not now.

  Sure enough, Luo Yuan's obvious walk with Yoshida Kazumi was obvious to many people, and Shana Hirai, who had been running at the front of the team, also saw it.

  Hirai Yuan is not bad, she is obedient and sensible, and she has always been very satisfied with her relationship with Luo Yuan.

  Shana was different. She looked at Luo Yuan very closely. Seeing that Luo Yuan and Yoshida Kazumi were getting close, she immediately accelerated and ran around to Luo Yuan and them, looking at Luo Yuan suspiciously.

  Luo Yuan had to walk very seriously, feeling that he was not far from being exposed.

  "call out--"

  A crisp and sharp whistle sounded, and the warm-up exercise started in the physical education class ended, and then it was time for today's sports competition.

  Since the teacher gave the students full autonomy, everyone discussed today's competition project, so everyone made suggestions.

  Considering that baseball needs a lot of equipment, basketball is too noisy, football takes up too much space, and now that it has entered the rainy season, the air is sultry, so I finally decided to choose the simplest dodgeball.

  This kind of exercise like the elementary school game is simple, but it is also very interesting, so everyone is very interested.

  According to the requirements, the students were divided into groups, and they faced each other in pairs. However, Luo Yuan and Yoshida were in one group, while Shana and Hirai was in another group.

  Luo Yuan felt more and more that this was going to be a tragedy, but fortunately they didn't start confrontation directly, because they were divided into five groups in total.

  And Luo Yuan and Yoshida Kazumi's group is relatively advanced, so they will compete with other groups first.

  In this kind of competition, when sports elites are usually in the limelight, often a few outstanding moves will make the girls scream.

  Although Luo Yuan didn't have a strong sense of winning or losing in this kind of game, considering that Yoshida Kazumi was in the team, he naturally couldn't let his sister lose too ugly.

  So Luo Yuan took Yoshida Kazumi to avoid the opponent's attack inadvertently, and then took advantage of the situation to counterattack and eliminated the opponent one by one.

  Fortunately, there are quite a few people left in my team, so the two of them don't seem too abrupt.

  Yoshida Kazumi had a good time, because she found that the other party could never hit her, and Luo Yuan would always dodge the other party's attack with her at critical moments.

  This makes Kazumi Yoshida, who is weak in sports, very confident and full of fighting spirit.

  Soon it was their group's turn to fight Shana's group.

  Luo Yuan naturally couldn't eliminate Shana and he couldn't lose too obviously, because Shana was very strong and hated the act of letting go of water.

  Soon both sides eliminated the extra people, and only Luo Yuan and Yoshida Kazumi played against Shana and Hirai on the field.

  "Come on, student Luo Yuan!"

  "Come on, Shana!"

  The onlookers cheered on both sides.

  Luo Yuan looked at this embarrassing match, and there would be problems with how he played next, but he sensed the dark clouds that were accumulating in the sky and immediately thought of a solution.


  Suddenly, a torrential rain poured down from the sky.

  "Wow, it's raining."

  "heavy rain……"

  The competition was naturally interrupted, and the students went back indoors to take shelter from the rain.

  And because the rainstorm came fast and violently, and the playground was still muddy, everyone was wet and dirty.

  Fortunately, some female classmates suggested that the club activity room can take a shower, but it only needs the approval of the physical education teacher.

  The physical education teacher is now very afraid of some people in this class and naturally agrees very simply.

  Everyone ran to the activity room one after another, but the shower room was not divided between men and women, so it was natural for the girls to bathe first.

  The girls dared to say anything when they were laughing and laughing together.

  "Although he just said to kiss, I still don't think it's so simple to let him kiss."

  "I know what you mean. If you let him succeed, you will gain an inch in the future."

  The two girls were talking about such a topic that is not suitable for children. The voice was quite loud, and almost all the girls in the bath could hear it.

  And coincidentally, Yoshida Kazumi, Shana and Hirai Yumori who were in the same row of showers also heard it.

  The three girls blushed in unison.

  Hirai edge is better, she just handed over her first kiss yesterday, Luo Yuan hasn't had time to do anything to her.

  Yoshida Kazumi and Shana agreed with what the girl said. Isn't Luo Yuan just trying to make an inch towards them.

  Especially Shana, her face flushed with shame, that bastard made her drink milk too much, so shame...

  "Hey... Yoshida-san."

  Suddenly, Ogata-san, who was very familiar with Yoshida Kazumi, leaned over to her and asked with a funny smile.

  "Have you kissed classmate Luo Yuan?"

  "What, what?"

  Yoshida Kazumi, who was distracted, suddenly blushed.

  "Hee can't hide it from me!"

  What, what?

  Even though the voices of the two girls were not loud, Shana could hear them clearly with her sensitive five senses.

  "Make it clear, what's going on, how can you and Luo Yuan..."

  Shana suddenly couldn't care less about being ashamed, and rushed to Yoshida Kazumi's side to ask questions naked and imposing.

  "Luo Yuan, you're done..." Hirai Margin, who was watching this scene, said silently in his heart.


  There was a sudden loud noise, and the door to the shower room opened wide. Shana had already put on her high school uniform and walked towards Luo Yuan angrily.


  At the same time, a giant seal formed by an amber flame enveloped the entire main city of Misaki City, and a female voice sounded inside the seal.


Chapter 96 Hurry up and protect me!

  "Who is this?"

  Shana's fire didn't have time to send Luo Yuan, she felt the change outside, and she suddenly exploded with anger.

  "Is the Red World Apostle here again? Luo Yuan." Hirai Yuan also ran out after Shana.

  "What's the matter?" In addition to the three of them, there was one other person in the activity room who could move, that was Yuji Sakai, and he immediately yelled when he felt that he was surrounded by the blockade.

  "Go out and have a look and you'll know."

  Luo Yuan heaved a sigh of relief. He came just in time, although he knew that this day would come sooner or later, so he also let Shana boil the frog in warm water for so long.

  Make Shana jealous every day, at least she has some immunity to this kind of thing, but she still broke out.

  The appearance of Ferris immediately diverted her attention, and when this is over, it must have ended much better.

  Several people quickly followed Luo Yuan to the rooftop, and they all took a breath when they saw the scene in front of them.

  A giant tornado raged in front of the sky in a mess. The target of the tornado was very clear, that is, it came in the direction where they were.

  "This, is this a disciple? Or what?"

  Although Sakai Yuji usually has a longing for Luo Yuan's world, but now the close contact still makes him feel terrified, how can it be so terrifying, and his voice is trembling.

  Luo Yuan is very calm, he naturally knows that this is the free method of "Cai Piao" Fei Lei Si, the devil of the red world, "Kara Bran" is a tornado formed by the airflow spurted from her shoulder ornaments, and her pair of shoulder ornaments is also a certain one. A special treasure.

  Compared with the original plot, her arrival was much earlier, and she also knew that the seal was opened ahead of time. In addition, there was a torrential rain outside caused by Luo Yuan, so there was no activity outside. Her damage was just damaging some roads.

  "Felice, you..."

  At this moment, another figure flew from the sky, and this beautiful woman in a maid costume was Will Amina.

  "Will Emina!"

  Shana was surprised when she saw Will Amina who suddenly appeared. She didn't expect to meet someone she hadn't seen for more than two years here. The deepest feelings in her life were Luo Yuan and Will Amina. .

  Will Emina took care of her since she was a child. Although she did not show much affection, she almost regarded her as a mother after so many years of getting along.

  Hearing the familiar girl exclaimed, Will Emina noticed a few people on the rooftop. Shana seemed to have grown a lot since she left, and the person beside her...

  Will Emina felt her breathing stagnate, Luo Yuan was looking at her with a playful smile, turning a blind eye to the tornado that swept in.

  "Stop Felice, they're not your Johns!"

  She saw that Felice's tornado was still raging, while Felice's body was still hidden in the tornado. No matter what, she definitely didn't want her friends to provoke that guy.

  Originally, she and Fei Lei Si came to Neon and were rushing this way, and the closer she got to Misaki City, the more she felt that something was wrong.

  And when they just arrived in Misaki City today, Ferris suddenly turned into a tornado, and she quickly followed and saw her two most important people.

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