The more you think about it, the more jealous, the more you think about it, the more angry you become!

  On the surface, she still maintains the look of eating seriously, but her little feet under the table kicked the greedy bastard fiercely.

  Luo Yuan had to have a spiritual dialogue with Shana while eating.

  "What's the matter, my little darling! Did anyone make you angry again?"

  Geez, once there are only two people or he talks to intimate girls in this way, he will say everything.

  Anyway, his face doesn't feel numb at all.

  He didn't think it was numb, but the girls couldn't stand it. Although they actually wanted him to continue saying not to stop, the actual performance was naturally arrogant, especially Shana, the famous arrogant girl.

  "Shut up, shut up!" Shana was kicking him with all her heart, but when she heard the sweet words, she shuddered, and hurriedly retracted her little feet, and a few blushes appeared on her lovely face, and at the same time, she hurriedly interrupted him.

  "You, don't call me, I'm super angry now, why don't you know why I'm angry?"

  Shana lost her temper in her heart before finally breaking free from the warm atmosphere created by this bastard, and the more Shana spoke, the more vigorous and imposing she became.

  "What's the matter with you and that girl? You bastard bastard bastard, I don't want to care about you anymore."

  Shana roared loudly in her heart, and took a big bite of pineapple bread.

  With a very hard "ah woo" sound, the other people who were paying attention to her, intentionally or unintentionally, suspected that she was not eating bread, but biting some chewy meat.

  Well, maybe Shana also took the bread as the hand or some other part of some scumbag.

  Hirai Yuki and Lian Nanxi guessed something and secretly scolded Luo Yuan for what they deserved, while Will Amina and Ferris were inexplicable.

  Well, even if you already know, I will showdown.

  As for Luo Yuan's showdown, he chose to acquiesce. Now the development momentum with a few girls has been very good. When he found out, he found that there would be such a day sooner or later.

  He won't admit anything wrong, since he has chosen what he likes, he will have all of them.

  Then there will inevitably be some resistance. He is not worried about external resistance. The trouble is Shana's internal resistance.

  However, he is confident to handle it well, if it's a big deal to eat them all and let them realize that they can't eat alone, then they will acquiesce to each other's existence.

  Shana didn't hear Luo Yuan's response, she didn't justify or admit her mistake, she was even more furious, and Little Foot continued to teach him a lesson.

  "Hey~ I will endure it!" Luo Yuan comforted himself silently in his heart. If he wanted to eat more meat, he would have to be beaten more. Anyway, with his demigod body, he wouldn't be hurt.

  After the meal was over, Shana also vented a lot of anger. In the end, because she couldn't find the opportunity to continue to teach him, and she was not in the mood to train, she simply reminisced with Will Emina.

  So the task of training Hirai margin naturally fell on Luo Yuan.

  He also had to remain serious, as several people upstairs were watching what was going on in the yard.

  Lin Nancy is still mainly researching the new law of freedom to solve John's problem.

  Ferris watched silently by the window, she just had to wait patiently for John to come back now, so she was full of hope for the future and behaved very quietly.

  Shana and Will Emina Shana are together, telling each other what happened in the past two years.

  But from time to time, the two of them fixed their eyes on someone below.

  "Luo Yuan, is that maid sister named Will Emina also with you..."

  On the surface, Hirai Yuki was listening to Luo Yuan's guidance to master the free method, but in his heart he was comforted by Luo Yuan's gentleness.


  Hearing Hirai Yuki's questioning, Luo Yuan hesitated and didn't know how to explain it, and he was a little bit overwhelmed by being jealous all of them.

  "I heard that Shana was raised by Will Amina?"

  Hirai Yuan is also a little dissatisfied, she and Shana are relatively close, and naturally she knows Shana's life experience.

  "How can you do this!"

  "Xiaoyuan, let's go on a date next time we find a chance."

  Because Hirai Margin quickly matured after going through the great changes in her family, and her relationship with Luo Yuan belongs to a latecomer, naturally she can't be as confident as Shana, but after all, she is also a girl, and Luo Yuan can only coax her patiently.

  "Humph!" I hummed in my heart, and the girl who was soothed by Luo Yuan blushed and continued to practice the free method.

  The two of them behaved in an orderly manner, and the people above were also very satisfied. Although Shana was still very angry with Luo Yuan, at least her anger had disappeared a lot.

  Soon it was late at night and the training came to an end.

  They also each went back to their rooms to rest.

  When Luo Yuan and Heijing Yuan returned to the room, he took advantage of the blind spot above and kissed the girl for a while, as expected of a scumbag.

  When the happy and shy girl was sent back to the room, Luo Yuan appeared in Shana's room again in a blink of an eye.

  But he was soon expelled.

  Not to mention that Will Amina is at home today, even if she is not Shana, she will not allow Luo Yuan to sleep with her again, let alone do something shameful to her every day.

  So as soon as she appeared, she was beaten and kicked by Shana to vent her anger, and even Shana finally took out the hall to cover it, and Luo Yuan just teleported back to his room.

  There is no way, if he dares to do too much in Shana's situation, there will definitely be bad consequences. If he still wants her to drink milk, the milk container will be destroyed.

  However, Luo Yuan was not depressed. He looked at Will Emina, who was specially arranged to be in the next room, and disappeared at the same time.


  py recommends the collapsing harem text of the big guy

  "My daughter can't be a paramecia! 》

Chapter 102 Just My Maid

  "Very attentive!"

  The white crown "Tiamat" on Will Emina's head couldn't help but sigh when she looked at her room.

  The interior is arranged according to the residence that Will Amina mentioned when she was a princess when she was with Luo Yuan before.

  Although her bedroom in Tiandao Palace is relatively simple, it also bears the imprint of the past.

  Now Luo Yuan naturally presented all of these.

  I have to say that Luo Yuan is still very good in this respect, in addition to being distracted.

  He will remember the preferences of the girls he cares about, meet their requirements, and spoil them with all kinds of tenderness.

  And with his strength, he can also give them a full sense of security.

  Although Will Emina left them for more than two years, she has always been under the protection of Luo Yuan.

  Every time she thinks of this, she feels very happy and content in her heart.

  After more than two years, she finally completely forgot the past, and now she can face him calmly, because she has only him in her heart.

  Now that he has reunited again, his doting on himself has not changed, except for the wayward behavior of a child who insists on protecting him during the day. Well, that kind of behavior makes her laugh now, but she is also gentle in her heart. .

  He is too powerful, in every way, he has always taken care of himself, and he has never taken care of him.

  This time, just stay with him obediently. No matter where he goes, he has said that he will not be allowed to leave again.

  Just looking at the warm layout of the bedroom made Will Emina think a lot, and it took a while before she was ready to take a good bath and sleep.

  I haven't gotten along well with him yet, and I don't know what he has done in the past two years.

  And when Shana talks to herself about her experience in the past two years, she always misses something, as if everything related to him is vague?

  Forget it, anyway, there will be time to slowly understand in the future.

  Willemina put aside the handbag with storage function, and prepared to take out a change of underwear to take a shower.

  "Who?" She suddenly felt that there was another person in the room, and when she turned around subconsciously, she saw the guy she was thinking of looking at her with a smile on her face, and her Sanwu face couldn't help but turn red.

  "Why did you come in? I, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. If you have anything, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

  "What do you mean tomorrow?" Luo Yuan's smile gradually became dangerous, and he approached Will Amina step by step.

  "How dare you not come to me for so long, I'm very angry now."

  Treating Shana Luo Yuan is to spoil her too much, so that Shana is very willful and arrogant, but this is also the cuteness of Shana, so Luo Yuan is very indulgent to her.

  After all, letting Shana do something very shameful, that kind of feeling is extraordinarily fulfilling.

  Especially, the scene where Shana is arrogant and biting the straw to drink milk with her cutest side.


  On the other hand, Will Emina is different. She is mature in thought, independent in character, plus her three-none character.

  Luo Yuan likes her serious appearance very much, and likes to bully her very much.

  "You, you... I, I..."

  Under Luo Yuan's very oppressive momentum, Will Emina, who knew that she was wrong, stuttered and kept retreating. At the same time, Luo Yuan's fiery eyes seemed to eat her up, which made her panic. His face was red and his ears were red, and he was at a loss.


  With a soft sound, Will Emina had no way to retreat, her back was against the wall and was slammed by Luo Yuan.

  "..." Willemina's contract demon "Tiamat" was about to speak.

  "Humph!" Luo Yuan quickly grabbed the white crown on Will Amina's head and threw it to the dressing table.

  "Be honest with me, or don't blame me for being rude."

  Once Luo Yuan got serious, the Crimson Demon King "Tiamat" could only admit it.

  Luo Yuan still felt that it was not enough, and immediately set up a small ban to seal Tiamat, so as not to disturb her and Will Amina's sweet night.

  When he entered this room, he had already covered the room with a barrier, so no matter what happened inside, it looked quiet from the outside.

  As for the "John" and "Tyrant 1" in the "Zero Hourly Mystery" in his body, they were sealed by him using the ban and the free method. It is the same as death. Naturally, there is no need to worry about the behavior of getting close to close people. will be watched by others.

  "Luo, Luo" Seeing that "Tiamat" was being suppressed by Luo Yuan, Will Amina faintly noticed what was going to happen next, and she couldn't help but panic.

  Although he knew that such a day would come sooner or later, why was Luo Yuan in such a hurry, he wasn't ready to say it yet.

  "Hmph, you've been away from me for so long and made me miss you for so long, so..."

  Luo Yuan smiled lightly and approached Will Amina, looking at her burgundy pupils full of shyness, he loved her more and more, no longer hesitated, and slammed her pink lips.

  " have to compensate me."

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