"I... um..."

  Will Emina was pushed against the wall by Luo Yuan, and their bodies were tightly pressed against each other. Her slender hands supported Luo Yuan's body slightly, trying to push him away, but she was weak, and she didn't wait for her to speak. When she ordered something, Luo Yuan kissed her lips.

  Then her tongue was also entangled by this powerful man.

  Her limbs and bones were filled with a wonderful experience she had never had before. After living for hundreds of years, she finally experienced the feeling of being owned.

  The beautiful and mature maid, like a ripe peach, exudes an intoxicating fragrance and sweet taste.


  I don't know how long it took, but the beautiful maid who was only kissing for the first time was bullied so much by Luo Yuan that she couldn't breathe.

  But before she could make a move, Luo Yuan, a princess, picked him up and ran directly to the big bed over there.

  "Huh...Wait...Luo, Luo Yuan..."

  "When I said goodbye, we never parted again." Luo Yuan looked at the nervous and frightened beautiful maid in her arms, comforted her gently and firmly, and kissed her on the forehead indulgently at the same time.

  "Will you leave everything to me?"

  "But...I...I haven't showered yet..."

  Will Emina heard Luo Yuan's comfort and the love for her in his eyes. She was shy and didn't know how to refuse, so she had to make a random excuse.

  Luo Yuan was amused and ignored her words directly.

  Whether it was the maid outfit he gave her that could automatically clean her body, the flame of the Crimson Demon King also had this effect, so her body was naturally free of dirt.

  "You can only be my maid in the future!"

  There was no obstacle between the two of them during the wave, Luo Yuan stared at those beautiful eyes with affection.


  Perhaps knowing that it was inevitable, Will Amina looked into Luo Yuan's eyes, and finally nodded indiscernibly.

  For a long time, the figures merged into one...

Chapter 103 What's the matter with you?

  "Bastard bastard bastard!"

  In Shana's room, the cute girl was beating and venting her anger at a pillow, imagining that the pillow was some bastard.

  Since she got used to someone's arms, she couldn't sleep without his sweet words every night.

  In addition, she is still sulking now, so she is even less sleepy.

  "Let you go, you go, men are bastards!"

  While pounding on the pillow, Shana said a "wise saying" that seems to be understood automatically by women.

  "I'll never ignore you again!"

  The girl just vented her dissatisfaction in the room and didn't sleep well all night.

  And Will Emina in another room was also tossed by someone and didn't sleep well all night.

  "Go to sleep again, and I'll cook something delicious for you."

  After another morning exercise in the morning, Luo Yuan kissed Will Amina before getting dressed and getting up.


  Will Emina looked very shy, her face was still flushed, and the hair on her forehead was a little wet, and she felt very tired. once.

  Covering her seductive body with a thin blanket, Luo Yuancai lifted the ban on "Tiamat" next to the dresser.

  "Excuse me, Tiamat, good morning!"

  Luo Yuan also shamelessly greeted the consciousness of the Red World Demon King.

  "Mixed feelings!"

  Tiamat sensed the situation in the room, and the usual indifferent tone was so sullen that it was rare.

  Obviously, the Fire Mist Warrior who has been contracted with her for hundreds of years has been eaten by the "Red World Demon King" in front of him.

  And looking at Will Amina's exhausted appearance, it was even more miserable than losing her power of existence.

  How long have you been holding back...

  It didn't take long to hold back, after all, Luo Yuan also ate half of Shana.

  It's just that he has been in this world for all these years, and it was only last night that he had a real intimacy with Will Emina.

  So much so that he demanded a little too much.

  After liberating Tiamat, Luo Yuancai returned to his room refreshed. Of course, he should not push the door and go out directly, otherwise there may be danger.

  But he felt a little weird when he saw Tiamat just now.

  "Tiamat", as the Demon King of the Red World, fell asleep in the body of the contracted fire and mist warrior Willemina in the form of a contract.

  So they can be considered as one.

  So, when I play games with Will Amina, do I have sex with one person or two people...cough.

  Luo Yuan returned to his room and quickly sorted out his mood. His high-spirited appearance also became a little depressed, and the scent that belonged to Will Emina was also eliminated by him.


  As Luo Yuan pushed the door out, another door next to his room also opened. Shana was wearing a high school uniform, her expression was haggard, and her eyes were red. She opened the door and didn't do anything, just ruthless. stared at him.

  Alas, Luo Yuan felt both headaches and distressed seeing her like this.

  Why is it so difficult to open a harem in this world!

  But this is also what he asked for. Shana has a strong personality, and he is too indulgent, which makes her even more aggressive.

  Luo Yuan quickly walked over and picked up Shana and closed the door.

  "Go away, don't want you to hug me, bastard bastard bastard!"

  This time, Shana was really angry. She struggled very hard. Her two little hands beat him hard. At the same time, mist quickly appeared in her eyes, and her tears fell down.

  Fortunately, he blocked the room from the outside with his spiritual sense in time, so only the two of them could hear it.

  Luo Yuan naturally didn't let go of her, instead he hugged her tighter, letting her sit in his arms and lean over to kiss her tears.

  "Good, don't cry."

  However, his gentle behavior made Shana more and more angry, because she couldn't use her small fist in his arms.

  Shana hugged his head with an "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kitty."

  "I'll kill you, you filthy bastard!"

  In this case, according to Luo Yuan's past experience, he naturally hugged the girl and slapped it honestly.

  But after all, he hasn't made a breakthrough with Shana, so naturally he can't use that method in this situation.

  So Luo Yuan could only fix the girl's petite body and leaned over to kiss her lips.


  Shana was angry, and when he was hugged and kissed, she bit him fiercely, but Luo Yuan's body was too strong, and with Luo Yuan's patience to comfort Shana, she naturally softened, and this time it took a long time... …

  Hirai Yuan got up early and wanted to find Shana for training, but she found that Shana, who should have gotten up early, didn't show up today.

  When she was going to go to Shana's room to call the door, the voice of that shy guy sounded in her heart.

  Luo Yuan couldn't separate his body now, and it was not suitable for him to act as a separate avatar, so he coaxed her away.

  "Humph! Spoiler!"

  After being comforted by Luo Yuan, Hirai Margin didn't know what happened, so he ran to make breakfast obediently with a blushing face and pouting.

  Although she is not as good at cooking as Luo Yuan, most of the girls in the Neon country are influenced by the culture of Yamato Nadeko, so there is no problem in cooking, at least better than Will Amina, a maid who has been working for hundreds of years The big sister who is also bad at cooking is much better.

  When Hirai Margin, who felt like a housewife, made breakfast very seriously, the rest of the family also got up and went to the restaurant one after another.

  In fact, Fei Lei Si and Lian Nancy are dispensable for food. After all, their lives are special, as long as they have the power to exist, they can maintain their existence.

  This is somewhat similar to Luo Yuan, but Luo Yuan's eating is used to maintain human habits, so that it is easier to maintain human nature.

  The other three girls are all fire and fog warriors, so they need to eat like humans.

  When a few people came to the restaurant, they were stunned when they saw that Hirai was preparing breakfast, and their eyes turned to Luo Yuan who had just come out of the room.

  Will Emina blushed naturally because she thought of what happened last night, and at the same time she was a little puzzled, didn't this guy get up early?

  "Ahaha... I overslept, it's hard work, Xiao Yuan."

  Luo Yuan came out of his room and made a random excuse.

  "Ah...it's okay, I'm happy to prepare breakfast for you too!" Although he was jealous, Hirai Yuki was still very sensible.

  "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

  Hearing Hirai Margin's surprised voice, the other few people discovered the specialness of some people today.

  Why are Shana and Will Amina's faces so red?

  Why is the way Will Amina and Luo Yuan walk a little weird?

  Seeing each other overnight, what happened to them!

Chapter 104 This is too shameless

  "It's okay, it's just a knock when I woke up!"

  Luo Yuan could only explain with a dry smile, and at the same time he waved at the girls who looked strange.

  "Come and eat, it's time to go to school."

  Of course he knew what was going on, Will Amina blushed because she had the closest relationship with him.

  Even if Luo Yuan helped her heal her wounds, the transition from a girl to a woman would naturally make her a little uncomfortable, which was reflected in her pace.

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