Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 115 The True Solution to the Universe

Wang Cheng and King Sea Shark quickly exited the Tongtian Mountain plane, and after exiting, Wang Cheng also quickly received an email reminder from Virtual Universe Company.

100 million points, arrived!


A moment later, on the spaceship heading to the headquarters of Virtual Universe Company, King Sea Shark looked at Wang Cheng with some emotion. He said: "One hundred million points, this is undoubtedly a huge number. You can use them to practice for a period of time. It can be said that It’s more than enough!”

"Next, I will continue to trouble Senior Haisha to give me guidance!" Wang Cheng said.

"Don't worry, I have already asked my teacher!" Sea Shark King did not hesitate and said directly:

"My teacher, Lord Darkness, has also watched your battles. My teacher recommended a total of twenty-one secrets to you..."

Wang Cheng was slightly startled when he heard King Sea Shark say that his teacher was Lord Darkness. However, when King Sea Shark began to talk about the names of those secret books, Wang Cheng temporarily put aside his surprise. Press it down and remember it seriously at the same time.

"If you redeem these secrets, you will need about 50,000 points in total!" Sea Shark King said:

"Coupled with the space cheats I recommended to you before, you can use up the 100,000 activation points you need to become a member of the original secret realm!"

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"As for your 100 million points..." After the Sea Shark King thought for a moment, he continued:

"There is a secret book called "The True Explanation of the Universe". You can try to redeem the first three volumes first. If you can understand most of these three volumes within the three years when we go to the company headquarters, you can continue to redeem the first five volumes. , if you feel that "The True Solution to the Universe" is difficult, just redeem the first six volumes of "The Origin of Time and Space"!"

""The True Solution to the Universe"?"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He had seen the "Origin of Time and Space" cheat book before when he was looking through cheat books on time and space.

"The Source of Time and Space" ranks at the forefront of many cheat books, and I think it should be the best among them.

But Wang Cheng didn't see this "True Solution to the Universe".

Of course, according to the suggestion of Lord Ming An, the level of this "True Solution to the Universe" is probably higher than "The Source of Time and Space", otherwise Lord Ming An would not regard it as Wang Cheng's first choice.

"I remind you, don't be brave. If you force yourself to comprehend, you will only delay yourself!" Sea Shark King reminded.

"Senior Haisha, don't worry, I understand!" Wang Cheng immediately nodded in agreement.

Wang Cheng is not that stupid. For the sake of face, he will definitely not be able to do such a thing!

. . .

After chatting with King Sea Shark, Wang Cheng logged into the virtual universe again and came to the original secret area of ​​Yuxiang Mountain.

After clicking on the time and space cheats again, Wang Cheng then searched for "The True Solution to the Universe"!

Soon, lines of text appeared on the virtual screen in front of Wang Cheng.

"Twelve volumes in total?" Wang Cheng looked at the number of secret books, and then he looked at the price.

"The True Solution to the Universe" Volume 1 - 10,000 Points

The first two volumes of "True Explanation of the Universe" - 100,000 points

The first three volumes of "True Explanation of the Universe" - 1 million points

The first four sides of "The True Solution to the Universe" - 10 million points

The first five volumes of "True Explanation of the Universe" - 100 million points


The first ten volumes of "The True Solution to the Universe" - Ten Trillions of Points

The first eleven volumes of "True Explanation of the Universe"——? ? ?

The first twelve volumes of "True Explanation of the Universe"——? ? ?

. . .

"The first five volumes require 100 million points. Starting from the eleventh volume, I can't even see the value!" Wang Cheng took a breath. Whether this secret book is strong or not is another matter. It is really expensive!

Wang Cheng looked at the purchase rules again. If he buys the first three volumes of this secret book first, then when he buys the first five volumes later, he can pay less points than he spent on the first three volumes.

"Fortunately, this will give you enough points!"

Wang Cheng nodded secretly in his heart, and without hesitation, he spent 100,000 points to redeem the first three volumes of "The True Solution to the Universe".


In the virtual universe, it is very convenient to redeem secret books. Not long after Wang Cheng placed the order, staff from the virtual universe company delivered three large books that were as tall as a person to Wang Cheng's manor.

"This is really not small..."

Wang Cheng stood on the grass outside the manor. He bent down and opened the first page of the first volume of "The True Solution to the Universe".

"Let me see what's magical about this secret book..." Wang Cheng touched his chin and read it seriously.

The entire first volume of "The True Explanation of the Universe" does not have a single word. It only contains special symbols or strokes one after another. Looking at these symbols and strokes one by one, nothing strange can be seen.

But when Wang Cheng connected them and looked at them, he quickly discovered a special charm.

This was a feeling of being accomplished in one go. Gradually, Wang Cheng saw some clues, and at this moment, Wang Cheng seemed to have discovered something, and his face changed slightly.

"This feeling... is the Cosmic Chaos Monument?" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, and at the same time he continued to read the book "The True Solution to the Universe"!

After a long time...

"It's true!" Wang Cheng nodded silently in his heart. He has watched the Cosmic Chaos Monument for more than ten years and is quite familiar with the Cosmic Chaos Monument. In Wang Cheng's view, this "True Solution to the Universe" is a super doubled and upgraded version of the Cosmic Chaos Monument. !

Both analyze the laws of time and space, but "True Explanation of the Universe" analyzes it in a more mysterious and profound way.

This method is similar to the Cosmic Chaos Monument, but it is superior to the Cosmic Chaos Monument!

It is indeed more difficult to understand time and space through this method, but its interpretation of the essence of time and space is undoubtedly more comprehensive and thorough.

"This "True Explanation of the Universe" also contains many secret methods for applying the laws of time and space, and these secret methods are... wonderful!"

Wang Cheng was completely immersed in it without even realizing it.

He stood on the grass in the manor, flipping through page after page of the three volumes of "True Explanation of the Universe" he had received!

Wang Cheng was so fascinated that the servants in the manor did not dare to disturb him. In the blink of an eye, a full nine months passed.

At this time, Wang Cheng turned over the last page of the third volume of "True Explanation of the Universe". There was already nothing behind it, which finally made him wake up.

"The secret technique of time and space, this is the secret technique of time and space!"

At this time, countless thoughts flashed through Wang Cheng's mind. Before today, he had always felt that the secret technique "Wu Jian" he had spent a lot of effort to create was already very good, but now, Wang Cheng just wanted to say... .Rubbish!

In fact, the first three volumes of "True Explanation of the Universe" are not very high in terms of laws. All the contents described in the three volumes are just the entire basis of time and space!

However, the same law, under different application methods, plays absolutely different roles.

The secrets of time and space contained in this "True Explanation of the Universe" all take the law to its extreme, and Wang Cheng was amazed by all the methods.

"Wujiang must undergo a transformation, a big transformation!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart.

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