Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 116 Arriving at the Headquarters

The transformation of "Wu Jian" will be a big project. Although Wang Cheng has made a decision in his heart, he is not in a hurry to start immediately.

"Senior Haisha said that if I understand most of the first three volumes of "The True Solution to the Universe" within three years, I can continue to redeem the first five volumes, but it has only been nine months..." Wang Cheng thought in his heart Feeling a little nervous, he understood that the reason why he could understand all three volumes of "The True Solution to the Universe" so quickly was because he had been studying the Cosmic Chaos Monument, which was almost the same as the "True Solution to the Universe"!

If he had not comprehended the "Cosmic Chaos Monument" before, Wang Cheng estimated that it would have taken him at least twice as long to understand the first three volumes of "The True Solution to the Universe"!

Although it was not Wang Cheng's original intention to seize the Cosmic Chaos Monument by chance, and he really did not do it on purpose, in the end it was still him who did it, so of course he felt a little guilty at the moment.

"There is no rush to redeem the first five volumes. I'd better study the time and space secrets that can make up for my basic skills first!" Wang Cheng thought, and he made a decision in his heart.

. . .

Time flies, and another year has passed quickly. At this time, Wang Cheng finally redeemed the first five volumes of "The True Solution to the Universe".

Although Wang Cheng redeemed the first five volumes of "The True Solution to the Universe" a full year later than he understood the first three volumes, this still attracted inquiries from King Sea Shark.

However, Wang Cheng has nothing to worry about at this time. With his talent, it can only be said that it is normal to understand the first three volumes of "The True Explanation of the Universe" in one year and nine months.

Of course, Wang Cheng felt that it was normal, but King Sea Shark found it very unbelievable. The "True Solution to the Universe" is actually not a secret book for geniuses at all. It is actually a secret book for a few immortal kings and even venerables. Something to study.

Sea Shark King certainly knows that Wang Cheng's talent is extraordinary. After all, he has experienced it deeply in the past few years!

But even so, King Haisha still felt that it would be difficult for Wang Cheng to understand most of the three volumes of "The True Solution to the Universe" in three years. But who would have thought that Wang Cheng could do it in only one year and nine months? .

Sea Shark King understood that he still underestimated Wang Cheng's talent.


The first five volumes of "True Explanation of the Universe" consumed all the points Wang Cheng earned from crossing the universe-level primitive Tongtian Mountain, but Wang Cheng felt that he had earned a lot of money.

Previously, Wang Cheng understood the laws of time and space through three channels - the secret book "Dance of Time and Space", the secret book "Chasing Stars in the Rain", and the Cosmic Chaos Monument!

Now, this "True Understanding of the Universe" has completely replaced "Dance of Time and Space" and "Chasing Stars in the Flowing Rain". It is very difficult to understand this thing, but once you understand it, the explanation of the laws of space and time is so clear.

Through this "True Explanation of the Universe" and combined with the Chaos Monument of the Universe to understand, Wang Cheng only felt that the speed of his understanding of the laws of time and space had reached a new level. Wang Cheng just wanted to say, it's great!


However, no matter how wonderful Wang Cheng's enlightenment was, it would eventually end.

After he exchanged the first five volumes of "True Explanation of the Universe", more than a year passed quickly. At this time, more than three years had passed since Wang Cheng boarded the ship on the Horned Dragon Star.

After three years of traveling, the spacecraft finally arrived at the headquarters of Virtual Universe Company.


Leaving the dark universe, at this time, the spacecraft was still tens of billions of kilometers away from the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company, but Wang Cheng stood near the porthole of the spacecraft and could clearly see the headquarters.

Without him, the headquarters would be too big!

It was an extremely vast continent. Above the continent, stars and planets were orbiting in special trajectories. However, stars that usually seemed extremely large seemed to be tiny in front of this continent. A sesame seed.

"This is the headquarters continent of our Virtual Universe Company. Its diameter is about ten light years!" The voice of King Sea Shark sounded beside Wang Cheng.

"It's so big!" Wang Cheng sighed with emotion.

The entire solar system, including the outer meteorite belt, etc., is only one light-year in diameter. If only the orbits of the major planets are counted, its diameter is much less than one light-year!

And this continent is ten light years in size.

The area of ​​this continent is comparable to countless living planets.

"It's very big, but this is the first time you've seen it, so you feel shocked. Once you see it more times, it feels very ordinary!" King Sea Shark said, and he continued:

"When the spaceship enters the headquarters later, my mission will be completed. If you have anything in the future, you can find me in the virtual universe!"

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Senior Haisha!" Wang Cheng didn't say much. There were some things that just need to be kept in mind. Saying more would be redundant.

"Haha, work hard, I'm waiting for the day when your fame will be heard throughout the universe!" Sea Shark King laughed, and then he disappeared next to Wang Cheng.

"Famous throughout the universe?"

Wang Cheng didn't say anything. When King Sea Shark said this, it seemed that he had great confidence in him. After all, if you want to make your reputation resounding throughout the universe, that is not something ordinary people can do, even King Sea Shark himself. , and it is far from reaching that level.

"But I will definitely do it!" Wang Cheng looked at the huge continent outside and said silently in his heart.

. . .

The spaceship moved forward rapidly, and after passing through countless strange places, it finally entered the entrance to the continent where the Virtual Universe Company headquarters was located.

The entrance passage is extremely long and narrow, and the spacecraft continues to slow down in this passage until it stops.

At this time, the Sea Shark King did not appear again, and Wang Cheng left the spacecraft under the leadership of Shamir, and soon came to a corridor made of alloy. At this time, in front of this corridor , more than a dozen uniformed Virtual Universe Company staff are waiting.

"Your Highness Wang Cheng, we are waiting here on His Majesty's orders. Please come with me!" the leader said after a slight salute.

"Your Highness, we can no longer accompany you to move forward!" Samir also said.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He knew that he would stay in the original universe for thirty years. If he wanted to see Samir again, it would have to happen in the original secret realm!

Moreover, the time flow rate in the initial universe is more than three times slower than that in the original universe. The initial universe was thirty years old, while the original universe was already nearly a hundred years old!

But this is nothing. Wang Cheng doesn’t care much about the outside world. A hundred years have passed by in a blink of an eye!


Shamir left, and Wang Cheng was led by more than a dozen virtual universe staff members into a large oval hall.

The environment of this hall is very beautiful, and when Wang Cheng arrived, most of the people who entered the top 1,000 in the genius battle were already waiting here.

"Brother Wang, here!"

At this time, Luo Feng, who had also just arrived here, waved to Wang Cheng.


Wang Cheng smiled and walked over without hesitation.


PS: Third update, please support!

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