"An F-class spaceship?"

Wang Cheng stopped and was slightly startled.

The source of goods in underground channels is most likely not clean. Wang Cheng has long been mentally prepared for this, but he is not planning to use this spaceship in Qianwu Universe. He plans to leave immediately after buying the spaceship. He is from Ganwu Universe, so the origin of the spacecraft has little to do with him.

But who would have thought that while this transaction was still going on, the mistress would come!

Yes, it’s the Lord of Suffering!

Otherwise, how could other F-class spacecraft come here at this time?

Wang Cheng turned his head and glanced at the figure who had just traded with him. At this time, the man was still admiring the "Feihong Stone Furnace" he had just received, and did not notice the coming trouble at all.

But this is not surprising. The spacecraft did not approach openly. He used "stealth" technology to approach quietly. If it weren't for a super detector like Wang Cheng No. 1, he would not have been able to detect it.


Complex thoughts flashed through Wang Cheng's mind. Soon, Wang Cheng made a decision. He asked No. 1 to take over the entire spaceship. At the same time, he waved his hand and directly brought the spaceship into the world ring. .

No matter what, he has already paid the money, so this spaceship is naturally his. This is a matter of course. No one can take this spaceship away easily.

. . .

And just when Wang Cheng was putting away the F-class spacecraft, on the other side, outside this desolate planet, in the spacecraft that was approaching quietly——

A figure with two wings on its back is standing looking at everything on the distant planet through a virtual projection.

And around this figure, there are nine immortal gods with different auras who are also watching what is happening in the projection.

"Generals, this is my first mission. I must make sure there are no accidents next!" The figure with wings on his back turned around and said:

"We have been looking for the immortal god 'Gus' for a long time before we finally found him. The first priority for our goal this time is to catch him. We must not let him escape!"

"Your Highness, as you will see later, Gus is very courageous, but his strength is only average. He doesn't need help from others. I can easily take him down by myself!" An immortal born with two horns. The god laughed.


Hearing the words of the two-horned immortal god, the figure frowned slightly, but she didn't say anything in the end.

Although these immortal gods are temporarily at her disposal, they are immortal after all and cannot obey her... Moreover, it will not be her who will fight later, so she can't say anything.

"As for the other person, we didn't find any information about him!" the figure said:

"But the generals have also seen that my other mission target, the Dark Star, has fallen into his hands, so I hope that the generals can help me get that spaceship back!"

"This person came here secretly to trade F-class spaceships. I guess he's not a difficult person to deal with. Don't worry, Your Highness, it's all on us!" The immortal gods spoke one after another. Soon, a minute passed. By that time, the spacecraft had completely entered the orbit of the desolate planet.

The next moment, nine streams of light appeared above the planet without warning.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Nine explosions resounded throughout the planet in an instant, and almost at the same time, figures appeared above Wang Cheng and another trader.


At this moment, the figure who had just been admiring the "Phenom Stone Furnace" raised his head in disbelief.

"Hahaha, Gus, you are so brave, let me see where you are going now?" A loud laugh came, and at this moment, the immortal named "Gus" did not hesitate at all, He turned into a rainbow light and flew high into the sky quickly.

But unfortunately, as soon as he took off, four figures instantly surrounded him.

Endless flames, surging water waves, terrifying thunder...

Under the wanton display of immortal divine power, a war started directly on this planet, and in an instant, the sky was shattered.

However, Wang Cheng stood still from beginning to end without making too many moves.

call! call! call! call! call!

At this time, five other immortals appeared and surrounded Wang Cheng tightly.

"Nine immortals, are you from the Qianwu Universe Kingdom?" Wang Cheng looked at a few people and asked in a calm tone.

"That's right!" One of the immortals, who was wrapped in green all over his body, nodded lightly and said: "This matter has nothing to do with you. No matter who you are, hand over the 'Dark Star' and we will let you go!"

"I spent the money, and you just asked me to hand it over. Isn't it a little too overbearing?" Wang Cheng asked.


The five people sneered one after another, and the aura on their bodies began to increase, and they looked like they would take action if they disagreed.

"I understand!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly.

"As long as you understand..."

One of the immortals was about to say something, but the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.


A black stream of light passed by.

The violent force hit the immortal's chest without any deviation, and the irresistible violent force came. In an instant, the immortal turned into a "light" and flew out with a roar.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Almost instantly, the same four attacks appeared, and the remaining four immortals were blasted away in the same way in an instant.

Of the five immortals, three were directly blasted out of the planet due to angle problems, while the remaining two were sent thousands of kilometers underground.

However, after Wang Cheng blew them away respectively, he didn't do anything else. He reappeared on the spot and quietly waited for the five people to return.


After a while——

The five immortals returned one after another from five directions. They looked at Wang Cheng as if they had seen a ghost.

He killed five of them in an instant. This strength is at least at the level of a high-level feudal lord!

Such a strong man has nothing to do to trade a mere F4-class spaceship through such a shady channel?

In fact, Wang Cheng has just used the first stage of the Titan Transformation, and his foundation has increased a hundred times. This is already the foundation of a high-level feudal prince. Wang Cheng's understanding of the law is very close to the feudal king.

Therefore, the power he had just exerted was naturally powerful, and defeating these five ordinary immortals was only a matter of chance.

Of course, Wang Cheng only shot a few people away and did not actually kill them, otherwise these people would not be able to fly back now!


"Five of you, can we talk carefully now?" Wang Cheng looked at the five of them and asked lightly.

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