Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 149 The unexpected person


Wang Cheng's words silenced the five of them for a while. The man in black armor in front of them was obviously much stronger than them. What else could they say?

Although they are from Ganwu Universe Country, is this useful?

The person in front of me is covered in black armor, and his aura is also completely obscured. This is obviously to hide his identity... A person who hides his identity will definitely not have the slightest fear of them in this situation. of!

In fact, Wang Cheng's situation is even worse. He will leave Ganwu Universe Country after finishing this job. At this time, he really doesn't have any pressure to offend Ganwu Universe Country!

In the entire Ganwu Universe Kingdom, the only person Wang Cheng fears is the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom.

And the majestic leader of Ganwu Kingdom cannot take action just for such a trivial matter, otherwise where would he put his face?

Even if he were the leader of Wu Kingdom, he would be helpless when Wang Cheng was about to run away. There were too many places for Wang Cheng to go in this huge universe.

Moreover, even the Lord of the Universe does not have the ability to find someone from countless light years away!


Looking at the five people who were silent, Wang Cheng smiled lightly, and then he walked through the five people.


Wang Cheng waved his hand and directly took out the spacecraft that the five people called "Dark Star". At this time, No. 1 had completely taken over control of the entire spacecraft.

"See you later!" Wang Cheng said, and the cabin door of the spacecraft was already opened. However, just when Wang Cheng was about to board the ship, suddenly, a voice came from the sky.

"Senior, please wait a moment!"

The sudden sound made Wang Cheng stop subconsciously. He looked up and saw a figure with wings on its back flying towards here at high speed.

Compared to the five immortals, the strength of this figure was not worth mentioning. She was only the ninth level Domain Lord. However, Wang Cheng still stopped.

After a moment, the figure landed.

"Qian Wu Secret Realm, Jiang Mingyue, I have met the senior!" The figure bowed slightly.

"Your Highness, why are you down?"

Seeing this figure, the expressions of the other five immortals changed one after another. During this mission, in addition to capturing the immortal god Gus and recovering the "Dark Star", they also had a more important task, which was to protect them. The rising star in the secret realm of dry witchcraft before you is "Jiang Mingyue"!

Originally, they were not nervous about the new star staying in the spaceship, but now Jiang Mingyue not only left the spacecraft, but also took the initiative to approach that terrifyingly powerful but unknown being... This naturally made them suddenly Got nervous.

"Don't worry, five generals. I believe this senior will not hurt me!" Jiang Mingyue turned around and said.

"Why do you think so?" Wang Cheng looked at the familiar figure in front of him. Not only did he not show any intention of revealing his identity, but he also slightly raised his aura, putting huge pressure on Jiang Mingyue in an instant.

"I admire your senior's strength!" Jiang Mingyue also felt the rapidly increasing pressure. She quickly said: "Senior just showed mercy to the five generals. I think senior should be a friend of our Ganwu Universe Country. , not an enemy, since we are friends, then I naturally have nothing to fear!"

"Good analysis!" Wang Cheng took back his breath and asked, "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"I want to talk to senior alone!" Jiang Mingyue said directly.

"You are very courageous!" Wang Cheng looked at Jiang Mingyue with some surprise. He then raised his head and glanced at the five nervous immortals. The next moment, Wang Cheng pointed at Jiang Mingyue and said at the same time:

"I promise you,'s just you!"


Jiang Mingyue nodded slightly.


A moment later, Wang Cheng took Jiang Mingyue into the "Dark Star".

In a rather luxurious room, Wang Cheng sat down first, and Jiang Mingyue quickly sat down at his signal.

Wang Cheng didn't say anything. He looked at Jiang Mingyue, who was already at the ninth level of Domain Lord level, and was thinking in his heart.

Meeting Jiang Mingyue here was indeed something Wang Cheng didn't expect.

The last time Wang Cheng and Jiang Mingyue met in the virtual universe was when his clone had just left the original universe. Thirty years had passed since the original universe, and a hundred years had passed within the original universe.

Although the Ganwu Secret Realm is far inferior to the four major secret realms of Virtual Universe Company, its resources are enough to make ordinary life envious, especially those who stand out among them.

And Jiang Mingyue... After she joined the Qianwu Secret Realm, her talent seemed to explode. Not only did she quickly master the law of time, but she also made rapid progress.

As a rising star in the Qianwu Secret Realm, it didn't take long for Jiang Mingyue to gain the same status as the prince of the Qianwu Universe Kingdom. Naturally, he was also called "Your Highness". This honor was extremely rare in the Qianwu Secret Realm!

However, the last time Wang Cheng saw Jiang Mingyue in the virtual universe, she was still at the universe level, and she was still practicing in seclusion in the secret realm of Qianwu. Unexpectedly, she would break through to the realm master in the blink of an eye.

An ordinary genius should have accumulated at the cosmic level for at least a thousand years. It is indeed strange that Jiang Mingyue broke through so quickly, but she should have her own plan...


Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, and soon Jiang Mingyue said directly: "Senior, I won't follow you around in circles. This 'Dark Star' is my mission target. I hope you can hand it over to me?" "

"Leave it to you?" Wang Cheng smiled lightly.

Normally speaking, based on the friendship between the two of them, this mere spaceship is nothing, but the problem is that Wang Cheng is now a "mysterious strong man". He has no friendship with Jiang Mingyue, and he wants to make an empty promise. This spaceship?

That's a dream!

"Senior, of course I don't want this spaceship in vain!" Jiang Mingyue said directly:

"However, senior, you purchased the spaceship through underground channels, presumably out of helplessness. As long as you agree to hand over this 'Dark Star' to me, I will help you purchase such a spaceship from regular channels. When the time comes, the spaceship will The style, performance, and level are all at your discretion, senior..."

"It sounds good, but why should I believe you?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Senior can give the treasures for purchasing the spaceship to those generals, and they will go back to help you purchase the spaceship, while I will stay with you as a hostage..." Jiang Mingyue said her plan, but Soon, Wang Cheng interrupted her.

"Your plan sounds good, but it actually has big loopholes. What should I do if those guys go back and find people to beat me up? The Ganwu Universe Country is a behemoth, and I can't afford to offend it!" Wang Cheng He said calmly.

"So I am the hostage of seniors!" Jiang Mingyue said.

"No, you can't be a hostage, you...are not qualified!" Wang Cheng said without mercy.

"I wonder if I am qualified to be the disciple of Lord Ganwu?" Jiang Mingyue suddenly asked.

"You?" Wang Cheng looked at Jiang Mingyue in surprise.

"The king has already met me. He intends to accept me as his disciple, but not many people know it yet!" Jiang Mingyue said without hesitation: "I can reveal this news to several generals later. I believe them You won’t mess around!”

"Is there any evidence?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Of course!" Jiang Mingyue nodded without hesitation.


PS: The fourth update is over. The update time has been a bit unstable in the past few days. Please bear with me. I will recover in two days and the update should be stable soon.

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