Food has always been the biggest contradiction in the apocalyptic world.

“I’m not targeting you, I’m just expressing emotions: After all, we don’t have much in stock, and you eat eight bags overnight, which has a big impact on us. ”

The young man was serious and explained everything: “By the way, introduce yourself, my name is Fang Tong, a native of Binzhou.” ”

Responding, introducing himself, Zhang Datang felt a deep sense of oppression.

He felt that he was isolated, and the eyes of the mother and daughter looking at him were full of disgust, except for Peony, several people present brought an inexplicable sense of rejection to Zhang Datang.

Why? Just because I ate a little more??

“You don’t need to worry about food.” Zhang Fatang was serious: “How much food I eat from you, I will have nothing left and return it all to you.” ”

“Don’t be like this!” Peony is in a hurry.

“Yes.” Fang Tong sat on the side and continued to add firewood and fire: “We don’t have much food now, if you can get food, that’s great.” ”

“What do you want him to do?”

Peony was angry and glared angrily at Fang Tong: “In addition to the safe camp, only there is food in the monster’s lair, and the safe camp is far from here, do you want him to go to the monster’s lair to find food??” ”

“It’s not impossible.” Fang Tong grinned: “Isn’t he a superpower?” ”

“Don’t go too far!”

“Am I excessive? It was he who ate excessively! Peony, can you not look at outsiders! ”

“I didn’t look at outsiders, it’s you who is wrong, just a few bags of food, you are too petty!”

“Please, it’s been a year since the end began, haven’t you lost that damn innocence? I’m not stingy! I call this talking about things! ”

In the confrontation, Peony and Fang Tong were tense, and the two were rigid in contradiction.

“Peony…” At this time, the middle-aged woman standing on the side finally spoke: “Actually, what Xiao Tong said is also right: We are indeed short of food right now…”

“yes.” The little girl clasped her fingers: “Sister Peony, don’t scold your brother, he is also thinking about us…”

The surrounding air was oppressive, and Peony was even more irritable.

“Fang Tong thinks about you, but have you ever thought about Zhang?”

“He was kind enough to help you and take you to the camp… Act as your bodyguard: But you have repelled it to the edge because of some food…”

Is this really good?

“Okay, stop arguing.”

Noisy, Zhang Datang hated intrigue very much: “I said, I will compensate you for the food, and not a single point will be less.” ”

“Where are you going to find food?”

Peony is very guilty: “The food in the supermarket has long been robbed by others, and the residents’ safe zone is far away from here, where do you find food?” ”

“Monster’s Lair.”

Zhang Datang’s eyes exuded absolute confidence: “You just said that there is food stored in the monster’s lair, since that’s the case, then I’ll go to the monster’s lair to find food.” ”

The air froze for a while, and the scene was terribly silent.

“Are you really going to look for food in the monster’s lair?”

Fang Tong opened his mouth wide.

“Are you crazy?” Peony was puzzled and anxious: “Although there is food in the monster lair, there are many monsters in the monster lair!” There you go, nine dead for life! ”

“Then die!” Zhang Datang was serious: “I’m not afraid of death.” ”

“You !!!”

Peony was speechless, and finally lowered his head helplessly: “I’m sorry.” ”

Zhang Datang was speechless, he looked around and saw everyone’s faces clearly, and saw everyone’s expressions at this time.

Peony’s guilt, Fang Tong’s shock, the indifference of a middle-aged woman, and the fear of a little girl.

“What’s the closest monster lair to here? Where is it? ”

“Slime’s lair, not far away, just in Xiaohe Park.”

“Are you sure you can eat the food there?”

“Absolutely, because these foods were originally produced by the safe camp, but they were stolen by conscious monsters.”

“Okay, there’s one more question.”

Zhang Datang looked up: “I mean probably: Maybe… Does anyone want to come with me? ”


Without any hesitation, Peony spoke.

“Nope!” Fang Tong directly objected: “You can’t go, you are the only one who knows the right path for the security camp, if you die, then Aunt Liu and Xiaolan will be finished!” ”

“Fang Tong! What do you mean! ”

Peony couldn’t help it, full of anger, and finally scolded: “Do you want Zhang Datang to go alone?!” ”

“You shut up!” Fang Tong’s expression was serious: “I mean you stay!” ”

“I’ll go with him!”

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