What kind of person is Fang Tong?

Zhang Datang can’t say clearly, if you follow the first impression, Zhang Datang feels that he is very annoying!

But now…. The opinion has changed, and Zhang Datang’s prejudice has been reduced a little.

Although Fang Tong’s words are very loud, he still has at least some of a man’s righteousness! There are really not many people who can stand up in the last days.

In the apocalyptic world, the law is broken, and people can do anything shameful for food, resources!

Zhang Datang has read many doomsday novels, and when he reads novels, he especially likes the protagonist’s decision to kill and see who is not happy to hack whom.

After all, it’s all the end! What else is that ink for?

Whoever dares to scare you, you will kill whom! The expression is always cold, that is the standard appearance of the protagonist!

In the apocalyptic world, you care about this, you care about that, obviously you have the strength and are still scolded by others, and you don’t kill each other, isn’t that weak?!

But…. Now I’m really at the end of the day! Now I really have the power… Why can’t you be “decisive” like the standard protagonist?

Do you have to pay for eating? Being scolded by the other party or not killing the other party ?? According to the routine of the novel, if you don’t agree with a word, you should kill someone!

Hang yourself so much! Whoever dares to go against himself must die!

This is the standard Long Aotian routine!

“Phew.” Exhale, inhale, Zhang Tang stretched out his hand: “Happy cooperation.” ”

He did not choose to abuse his power, nor did he do it without saying a word.

The contradiction with Fang Tong is completely “trivial.” “The food is indeed eaten by themselves, and I do have an obligation to help them add some food.”

Eating too much, resulting in the lack of peony food, Zhang Tang will not leave directly, nor will he oppress with momentum, he will only silently say: “The food eaten, I will return it to you, a lot.” ”

Being ridiculed by Fang Tong and being ostracized by everyone, Zhang Datang will not go to the monster camp alone indifferently, he will only stretch out his hand and say to Fang Tong: “Happy cooperation.” ”

This is Zhang Datang, a real person.

This kind of person will definitely not live more than three days in the last days, what is the last day? That’s where insidious cunning and humanity is lost!

Case… In that case….

So be it.

At least he can still be called a human …. And not those “monsters” who have the strength and do whatever they want.!

Not to mention… Lao Tzu can be resurrected! Can’t live enough for three days? Tease?

Of course, Zhang Datang will not kill indiscriminately and act as Long Aotian, but he will not be weak and weak, acting as a nest of waste, involving his own absolute interests, Zhang Datang will still kill and decide.

The question of degree.

Zhang Atang will still be ruthless when he should be ruthless, but he will not be like a two hundred and five, and if there is some disagreement between other people’s opinions and his own, he will kill the other party.

That’s a “monster”, not a person.

Real people control the degree and know when to kill and when to be kind.

There will be no brainless kindness, nor flood killing, depending on the degree of the matter to determine the approach.

“Peony, you stay here with your aunt, I’ll go with Fang.”

Zhang Datang was serious: “During this time when we are not there, you should be careful.” ”

“Ready to go.”

Fang Tong hung a blue musket around his waist: “If after a day, we haven’t come back, you guys will leave by yourself, you know?” ”

“Don’t go ..” Peony was a little afraid: “Go to the monster camp, nine dead lives..” Although we have less food, it is always enough to squeeze it… Stop taking risks: Good no good?? ”

“How does that work?!”

Fang Tong was angry: “Our food was all eaten by him, and he must pay for it!” Even if he dies, he will have to pay us! ”

While scaring Zhang Datang, he gambled his life: Set off with Zhang Datang…

Grinning, Zhang Datang didn’t know what to say.

Set off, the two go forward and leave.

There are not many zombies, Zhang Datang’s fist is strong, sweeping all the way, Fang Tong is a musket hanging on his waist, holding a big knife, one knife and one corpse!

“You’re not a psychic?” Zhang Datang was shocked.

“How? Look down on ordinary people? Fang Tong grinned, slashed down with a big knife, and hacked a zombie to death.

“Aren’t you afraid of getting infected?”

Zhang Tang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he originally thought that Fang Tong had special abilities, so he dared to stand up so heroically….

But…”Peng! ”

Suddenly, at this moment, Fang Tong ran to Zhang Datang’s side and stabbed the zombie behind Zhang Datang: “Blind? ”

“I..” Zhang Datang’s fists clenched: “I’m asking you questions, aren’t you afraid of being infected?” ”

Dare to go to the monster’s lair with me without superpowers?

Isn’t this fucking looking for death? Isn’t this playing with your life?!!

“Infected or something…” Fang Tong wiped the red blood on the knife with a cloth: “It’s better than starving to death.” ”

“The place you’re going to is a monster’s lair, and you don’t know the way.”

“Even if I get infected, I have to bring you.”

Fang Tong smiled, a little sad in his smile.

Zhang Datang stood in place and suddenly understood something: “Food: How much is left? ”

“Before you came, we still had twenty-four bags of bread, and after you came, we still have seventeen bags… Seventeen bags of bread…”

Fang Tong grinned: “Who eats enough…”

Leng was in place, Zhang Datang only felt the darkness of the surrounding soul.

Why do peonies say that there is still a lot of food….

Why should she give herself food? Is it because you answered the question yourself? No, it can’t be just because of these.

No one is stupid enough to hand over everything they eat for a couple of questions.?

What exactly is peony for?

“Gollum.” Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Zhang Datang clenched his fists.

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