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"Ghouls? Skeletons? Necromancers?!"

Fang Hao, who was far away in Tarot City, discovered the changes in the town immediately!

Fang Hao also learned from the old tree that the Penglai Empire army had returned in defeat.

"Interesting, it seems that my identity is also a fictitious necromancer, right? We will know which is true and which is false after testing it!"

Fang Hao raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but his eyes were extremely cold:

"Youri, block the entire town and don't let him escape!"


"What's going on? Why is the whole town blocked?!"

The necromancer Saruman's withered eyes suddenly flashed with surprise. Under the reconnaissance magic he secretly arranged, he could see that the whole town was almost instantly surrounded by densely packed zombies!

Not only that.

The zombie tombs hidden near the town were still continuously transporting zombies.

"How could it be possible... How could it be so fast!"

Saruman could not help but frown deeply.

The speed at which the other party mobilized the army to besiege the city was too unbelievable!

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

At this time, outside the town, the roars of countless zombies could be heard.

"It’s interesting. However, if you enter my territory, you must be prepared to collect corpses!"

""Eternal Night Imprisonment!"

Saruman's eyes were ablaze with dark fire, and he suddenly took out a magic crystal from his arms!

In the whole town, Saruman had already secretly built a magic circle.

At this time, with the magic crystal in hand, the sky and the ground above the whole town suddenly flashed with dark purple dark magic light.

This"Eternal Night Imprisonment" is the unique imprisonment magic of the lich. Once it is formed, the movements of the people inside will be restricted, and they will not be able to fly in the air.

And they will be eroded by the death energy. Before it is exhausted, they will not be able to escape from this imprisoned space.

With the drive of Saruman's magic, a group of people who entered A circular magic circle composed entirely of dark purple magic energy, nearly a thousand meters in diameter

, suddenly appeared.

The sky above the magic circle suddenly became pitch dark, like a dark glass cover.

This space was blocked so that outsiders could not enter and people inside could not leave. Almost at the same time when the confined space was formed, an invisible and huge pressure began to come from all directions.

All the zombies sank and then crawled directly on the ground.

Not only that.


Above the town, Saruman's gloomy and hoarse incantation was resounding again:

"Hahahaha!! No one can stop my undead magic!"

"In the name of the Lord of the Underworld, with the glory of darkness, rose from hell, please wither under our curse! Break! Destroy it all, destroy the glory of all warriors, castles, and kings. And use the sad withering to comfort the loneliness of the eternal night!"

With the sound of the spell.

An extremely surging magical power began to erupt from Saruman's withered body.

He held a magic crystal in his left hand, and every time he waved the staff in his right hand, the air around him seemed to become as sticky as water, and dark ripples appeared one after another.

Death and withering!

Countless dead air masses in the sky, representing death and the withering of all things, fell to the ground like meteorites, dragging long tails of black smoke.

"The killing of"death and decay" began silently.

The plants on the ground withered quickly, and the earth began to crack and crack, with shocking dry cracks.

All the covered zombies didn't even have time to react.

As long as they were hit by these dead air groups, even if they just rubbed their weapons and armor, the smell of decay and decay would quickly spread along the weapons or armor to their whole bodies.

Under the erosion of this dead air, the weapons and armor seemed to have experienced ten thousand years of time, and all rotted into debris.

The flesh and blood of the zombies were also all turned into dry bones that broke at the touch under the erosion of death, leaving nothing behind. In just a short moment, the courtyard area quietly turned into a dead place.

All life withered, and more than 2,000 zombies turned into dry bones and ashes!

Whether it was the iron barrel zombie or the armored zombie, they could not resist the erosion of this dead air!

"Is this the forbidden spell of the dead that caused the army of Penglai Empire to be defeated? It is much stronger than Blake's Death and Decay!"

Fang Hao, who was far away in Tarot City, frowned deeply when he saw this.

Even zombies can't resist this forbidden spell magic that is corroded by death.

""Yori, it's your turn!"

Yori was the Sun God zombie humanoid intelligence that Fang Hao had just cultivated.

Fang Hao quickly set his sights on the Sun God zombie army that Yori had quickly organized!


Yaori bowed respectfully, with a cruel and sinister look in his eyes:


After the order was given, a total of 2,000 sun god zombies immediately raised the sun god staffs in their hands!

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