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"What the hell is going on?

Saruman's eyes flickered.

"Boom boom boom——"

Just as the golden light outside the house suddenly lit up, the entire Eternal Night Imprisonment Array and the Death and Decay Forbidden Spell began to show signs of collapse!

Saruman felt that the magic energy was lost!

The magic energy of the magic storage crystal was inexplicably lost, the effect of the Eternal Night Imprisonment faded, and the corrosion of the Death and Decay also began to slow down.

"Are they zombies holding magic wands? No! Why would they steal my magic energy?"

Saruman was completely dumbfounded.

Facing the crazy loss of energy from the magic crystal in his hand, he could only look helpless.

"Haha, it seems that the number is not enough! Transfer the Sun God Zombie Army from the White Deer Forest to me!"

Fang Hao sneered twice, raised his hand, and waved it forward gently.

Then, a Death God Zombie Army appeared.


All the Grim Reaper zombies spat out bones from their mouths at the same time.

The bones were thrown randomly, and the moment they hit the ground, zombie tombstones suddenly appeared.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

A roar like the hungry ghosts of hell suddenly sounded from under the zombie tombstones.

The Sun God zombies lined up in a square formation and quickly broke out from under the zombie tombstones.

Another two thousand Sun God zombies joined in!

"Bang bang bang——"

The dazzling golden light dispelled all the darkness imprisoned by the eternal night, and drove away all the dead air in the death and decay.


Saruman was completely mad!

The two forbidden spells that he had spent countless efforts to set up were broken just like that!

"Attack! Kill them for me!"

Saruman waved his staff angrily, pointing at the group of legions.

Countless ghouls, skeleton soldiers and zombies attacked the zombie army outside the town.

""All troops charge!"

Fang Hao gave an order, and the assembled army also rushed into the town.

Dozens, dozens, hundreds.

In the blink of an eye, the zombies gathered from streams into rivers, and finally formed a wave. From all directions, they rushed towards the undead army in the town.

The majestic momentum, the deafening roar, the murderous aura, even the sky was covered with a layer of dark clouds.

Wherever the zombie army's swords go, even the gods will be afraid.


Saruman was shocked by this scene. The momentum of the zombie army was like an invisible hammer hitting his chest. He staggered and took a few steps back. He barely managed to stand still by supporting himself with his staff.

"How is it possible? What a terrifying momentum, what strict discipline! How did this necromancer organize these undead creatures into such a formation!"

One after another extremely shocking thoughts flashed through Saruman's mind, and the feeling of fear hit his lich body.

In contrast.

His own undead creatures were completely independent of each other, running and roaring in a scattered and messy manner. Those who didn't know would think they were a group of deserters!

Fang Hao raised a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth. This army completely belonged to him.

As long as he gave an order, they would be fearless and rush forward to tear any enemy into pieces.


Fang Hao looked at him straight in the eye for the first time and said coldly:

"I want to see which are more powerful, your zombies or my Fang Hao's zombies are more domineering!"

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

As if sensing their master's will to fight, all the zombies roared at the same time, shaking the dark clouds in the sky.

The first to attack were not the armored zombies and the barrel zombie army in the front, but the catapult zombies hiding in the back and moving a little slower.

The 500 catapult zombies immediately adjusted the muzzles of their gun mounts and aimed at the target.

The gun barrel bent, and under the powerful recoil

, huge rocks were thrown out with a"whoosh". A full 500 boulders, like 500 rockets, pierced through the space at an extremely high speed, crossed several kilometers in an arc, and fell into the sea of corpse skeletons with incredible accuracy.

""Boom boom boom!"

The boulder exploded, and the rubble and shock waves spread all around. Within a radius of 100 meters, the dense undead creatures, whether zombies or skeletons, were all slaughtered.

Only a few zombies that were not fatally injured, missing legs and hands, and had strong vitality fell to the ground, whimpering non-stop.

This wave of attacks slaughtered thousands of enemies.

It seemed that even the offensive of the entire sea of the dead was stagnant.

Saruman was so shocked that his whole body trembled.

How could it be possible? There are actually zombies who can use catapults?!

Almost at the same time, the vanguard of the zombie corpse tide.

It has also collided with the army of the dead.

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