Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 999: Primary contact

Dusk is exhausted by wind and rain, and night falls, but autumn rain still does not mean to stop, so it is not so slow, sometimes it will be dense for a while, most of the time it is miles, the sound is much heard. Annoying.

Eddington and Apocia are very serious in analyzing the data. Although they can also stand in front of ordinary people, they are actually poor people in the same position.

Because there is no stable entry, there is no own team, a lot of things have to be done by hand, and it may take a long time to recover from a missed event, so after taking an order, it is often more dedicated and prudent than those legendary strongmen who have come. .

The two saw the problem of Qiuzhai and the Mojing Mine almost coincidentally. The available information is too little, most of them are empty. Even if there are some, they are also full of uncertainties such as maybe, it can be said that this way Some of the intelligence is even worse than none, at least without it, it will not be preempted by some cognition, so that the subconscious will follow a certain way of thinking.

After thinking about it, Apocia invited Eddington to meet.

Although Eddington is inferior to him in terms of status, it is because of this that he invites the other party to appear more sincere.

Apocia hopes to have a frank and open talk this time, not to talk to each other.

So after the two met, after a simple greeting, Apocia directly clarified the purpose of the invitation: "I think this single business has a very high probability, so that we are caught in the battle between Freemasonry and a certain evil spirit, so I want to talk to Under your in-depth communication, if it is still speculative, then you may wish to make a decision after a closer look. If we are unable to talk, then I would rather refund the money and leave. "

"Speaking of my heart, I honestly can't afford to lose. If I'm too strenuous, I would rather lose some horse and carriage fare than I can't get out of a pit."

Apocia took out a bottle of stale and two crystal glasses from the wine cabinet beside him. As the slightly viscous amber liquor was poured out, the rich aroma of wine diffused.

"Well, thirty years of Capor aging, it is nostalgic, and today it is really easy to take."

Apocia smiled and said: "We are all falling into the pit, only someone will fall into the rock, no one will reach out and break down, respect and frankness!"

As a result, Eddington of the wine glass touched the glass with Apocia, took a big sip, and enjoyed it in his mouth before swallowing, and sighed: "Whenever it is similar to this, I think, not being a paladin. There are also many benefits, such as tasting the taste of freedom. "

Eddington also knows that his peers know most of them, after all, the circle is so big, but he minds, and others will not take the initiative to mention it for no reason.

So when it's really necessary, in order to show sincerity and express gestures, he doesn't mind joking with his past.

"If it weren't for getting used to this feeling, who would be a lonely ghost?"

"Yes. That's right ..." Eddington's topic changed. "How did you decide that it was the forces of evil spirits who took the Masonic branch this time?"

"The main reason is that even in this kind of poor place, it is difficult to find a target if you want to grab a vote. The only advantage is that the garrison is weak, and only the new evil spirits can use this level of infrastructure and scarce. The population is the dish. "

"Do you think it is possible that Evil God will come down in person?"

Apocia drank a drink and thought for a while, said: "Generally, it is not too bad, it is too bad, and it will be detrimental to the future sermon. But if it is hungry, it may be fishing. Really like that, We are in danger. "

Ettington took another sip and said, "But you are not willing to retreat, so you have to try it yourself anyway, don't you?"

Apocia asked: "What about you?"

"Likewise, there are few high-end tasks, and there is not much room for picking."

"Then let's discuss specific action details?"

"Having this intention ..."

So the two began to discuss the topic ...

At the same time, Creston and Cecil are also drinking small wine, and they also did not call their sisters to accompany them. Before receiving the good news, neither of them will be interested in drinking wine or doing ethics.

"I used a high reward yesterday to recruit a small group of adventurers with good strength to go into the mine and even try my best to provide the equipment. No one has come out of the mine until now."

"Well, this news should have been known by the two legendary strongmen now. I believe this will further encourage them to make the determination to visit the mine and Qiuzhai personally. In theory, as long as this step is taken, we will not be too negligent in terms of success or failure. . "

"I wish." Cecil frowned.

So far, the money lost due to this incident has not been able to complete the pit filling for more than five years.

Of course, Cecil did not know that the magic crystal mine had been mined at this time, otherwise the loss estimate had to be multiplied by at least 5.

Just as Cecil was distressed by the loss of the division, the employed adventure team and his party were experiencing physical pain and headache.

C Kane is holding the child on a rainy day, and is idle and idle. He is testing the technology of the world.

Jiemen was the first to be Kane ?? Zhao discovered it on the asteroid titanium wind star in the SC universe that is about to be destroyed by the sun. As an extraordinary version of the transition device, the realm is even higher than the star gate, and it is the most powerful transition tool known by Kane, which can theoretically be used in the multiverse.

It was created by the **** king Eugen, Kane only mastered part of the technology, but after a long and unremitting research, it is now basically mature.

C Kane is bolder, trying to use mixed energy to drive this creation to reduce the cost of transmission.

The adventure team became an experimental mouse.

Actually succeeded, of course, as far as the group is concerned, it is still a bit lacking in practicality. Of the 7 people, 2 became meat emulsions, and the other 1 did n’t know where it was sent. Maybe it was crushed or smashed. One.

It doesn't matter, C Kane doesn't care about this. What he cares about is that this technology is obviously not yet widely used as a practical technology, and the loss ratio is too high.

As for the 4 lucky ones who completed the crossing, they were surrounded by the elite of the SHIELD Bureau of Dark Marvel 199999 almost for the first time.

Although the two languages ​​are not in communication, the people in the adventure group can at least recognize that SHIELD's elite hands are firearms. With the equipment, the people in the adventure group can basically judge the other party's approximate strength. This is the basis for opening friendship, if surrender is also a friendly interaction.

C Kane doesn't look down on the adventurers' skills, but SHIELD doesn't mind attacking jade with stones from other mountains. The basic price that needs to be paid is to deal with future problems, such as the impact of the microorganisms such as the bacteria carried by the adventure group on the microsphere and even the ecosystem. Once this effect occurs, most of the time it will be much more harmful than carp invasion and crayfish invasion.

The SHIELD is also assisting the UEF to complete the plan to return to the parent star, and is willing to recycle foreign garbage, but does not hope that the hometown will become a real garbage dump.

The main material plane of the universe in the Great Star Realm, Eddington and Apocia studied most of the night, and then went to bed separately, and fell asleep.

The sky cleared the next day, three shots in the day, the two talents stopped and did not hide, and directly drove the magic armor to go out.

The world's magic armor divisions have no obsession with human form armor, but both Eddington and Apocia use human form armor. Mainly because of this old design, the price is very pleasing, and no special training courses are required, and its tactical actions are basically mimicking the behavior of the driver.

Therefore, after the two armor sets were in action, it gave people the feeling of free movement, as if they had life.

Between energy consumption and expensive energy supplements, neither of them used the flight function, but walked to the destination instead. From a distance, it is like two Titans running in the wilderness.

This is naturally a specially selected route. Generally speaking, neither the church nor the dignitaries will stimulate the fragile carefulness of the people with the armor during the battle. Only when the celebration is commemorative or the like Walking the streets, showing wealth, majesty and power.

Moreover, even if the two mechs are allowed to take the shortest route to pass through the city, Eddington and Apocia will not do that. It is too shabby, too many slots make people too lazy to spit,

And the two of them were too lazy to emphasize that the armor that accompanied them for many years has become more practical and powerful after numerous changes of size with their own hands.

Has no words, waiting for the two to come near the mine's main cave population and meet the organic angel who is dressed in a shawl form.

There was no communication between the two sides. Both Eddington and Apocia knew that this situation was encountered. Most of them were enemies and non-friends. Organic angels were even more straightforward and proceeded directly.

‘Sorry! 'As soon as we saw each other, we greeted a large and full-bodied rocket. Three heavy armor volleys fired the effect of the rainstorm pear needle. At least hundreds of missiles flew to Apocia and Aidin in different ways. Dayton's armor.

But the first reaction of the two was: "The other party used conventional power?"

At this time, the two of them discussed the benefits of midnight last night.

Although it was the first time to cooperate, the tacit understanding was not bad.

Eddington directly said "I carry!"

Drove the top of the battle armor, and then directly opened the skill: Howling!

Howling was originally an extraordinary combat skill used by individual soldiers, but when used as a mech, the power level is directly increased several times.

In front of Eddington's Battleblood 'Bloody Golem', the air seemed to wave like water waves, and then shattered like a glass structure, the effect was like shaking the blanket, the blanket became thin glass The board has both flexible fluctuations and hard cracks.

C Kane is surprised, the legendary position in this world is very compelling, it is this kind of ruthless trick to get started, and the space has collapsed!

The biological missiles launched by the reloaded armor naturally can't withstand the mad rubbing of these forces, and basically all of them are rubbed into **** in an instant, and there are few explosions.

But the organic angels did not expect to rely on this wave for merit.

They did something for the opponent, and then took the opportunity to drive away.

For this purpose, they achieved.

Although the heavy armor has the word ‘heavy’, it is flexible and fast, and its explosive power is several times higher than the speed-up efficiency of sports cars such as Bugatti Veyron.

It can be said that no one can control it at all.

But the organic angel does not have a short board in this respect, and can omit a lot of anti-load design.

After opening the distance, the reloaded armor directly fired, high-energy particle guns.

Originally enjoyed the neutron beam cannon, but this basic law of the universe does not support it, but it is high-energy particles, whether it is electric particles or extraordinary energy particles, reaching the relevant attribute index, can be called high-energy particles.

Is now the cheapest extraordinary power to use, the power of the sun is the kind used by the sentinel series.

The three shots fired together, and Eddington, who was watching the six roads, had noticed in advance, directly dragging the huge shield that was originally carried on his back to block it, and also added extraordinary energy to it.

Apocia was quick-witted and used the scroll directly, then expanded from the armor to power, and set a 12-layer energy shield on the top of Eddington.

Battle armor is originally a magic weapon, with the function of magnifying spells. Its essence is nothing more than using the same spell model, but in the process of completion, more energy is inserted.

Of course, magic is precise, and energy is not too good, so there are a series of complicated steps in the process of applying to the armor, but the essence is that.

Twelve energy shields were directly ablated and collapsed.

This means that the high-energy particles are too powerful and have completely destroyed the stability of the energy shield's spell structure.

Then there was Eidington's strong shield.

Apocia looked at the situation badly, and added a super conduction to strengthen the energy dissipation speed of the attacked area.

I saw a huge shield, and it turned into a red glow in the blink of an eye. It seemed to melt into molten iron at any time.

But after all, this wave of shelling was carried!

At the same time, Apocia also completed a counterattack. It is about 60 super magic bullets.

Has a tracking effect, a bit like a rocket, but the sound and light effect is more magical, there is a beautiful trajectory during the flight, and there is a buzzing sound in addition to the explosion sound after the hit.

The heavy armor was blown up badly, like a wax-like red iron rod, with obvious burnt black holes and signs of melting on the edges.

Eddington just planned to make persistent efforts.

‘Oh, uh, uh! ’20 reloaded mechas teleported, blocking in front of the three wounded mechas.

And fire directly ~ ~ Although without preheating preparation, the initial shooting power is not strong, but blessing to high energy is only a matter of a few seconds, that is to say, this type of shelling is possible Continuous exposure like laser, but only damage the barrel.

And when Eddington appeared in the reloaded armor, he directly vomited fragrant scolding his mother, followed by a bright golden red armor light and shadow, which is still a life-saving skill, called the fearless gold body, can provide Super protection for about 3 seconds.

Apocia did not disappoint Eddington, he decisively sacrificed a high-level scroll, opened any door and teleported directly to 2 kilometers away, and then escaped the battlefield completely through the one-time teleportation array pre-arranged there. Smooth.

Creston and Cecil watched the battle through magic birds.

From contact to disengagement, there is no total of 1 minute.

Creston said calmly: "I will call first, and then we will bring the image crystal and report to the badge in person."

In the cool weather, Cecil was sweaty, wiping with a handkerchief continuously, breathing in the air: "Okay, listen to you. But what to do and arrange here?"

"Stop all plans and make plans to give up completely!" Creston said very decisively.

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