Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1000: Trending into the abyss

Cleston is also a character who has seen the market, but this time he was really scared.

The performance of heavy armor is still second, the key is quantity!

As he said later in a hearing at the Freemasonry: "I just grasped three points: 1 this equipment has the ability to cause serious damage to legendary magic armor. 2. Mass production weapons. 3. Ability to transmit. "

These three points alone are enough to pose a huge threat, whether it is the highest standard of the Holy Armored Legion of the Upper Church, or the highest standard legendary armored regiment of the powerful, once the opportunity is focused, the cluster is transferred to the appropriate Location, come on a few waves of fire, that scene, hum ...

Therefore, as soon as so many heavy reloaded mechas appeared, Creston's first recognition was that this force is absolutely capable of breaking the wrist with any force in the world.

Incidentally, if such a force had to occupy the Holden area. Freemasonry should not be a resistance on the front lines. The interests of that area are not worth doing.

Of course, such a beggar-like pattern would inevitably be ridiculed and mocked.

But at this moment, the other side showed that the front and the back of the power are completely two concepts. Although they are now ridiculed, they will not be seen too clearly. After all, the strength of the opponent is there, except for the opponent. Believe Soon there will be a counterpart.

More importantly, there is little loss of living power. The site is lost, it can be said to tighten the palm, clenched into a fist, can throw a powerful punch at any time, no one can despise.

But if too much combat power is lost ... it's almost like a child holding gold in downtown.

This reason is not difficult to understand, the rare thing is that Creston immediately wanted to understand, and tried to make Cecil plan to give up completely.

And Cecil's determination and execution are also excellent.

However, what Cecil most agreed with the big brothers was not the decisive treatment of the "strong man's broken wrist", but the successful play of the "seemingly shrinking" drama in a very short time, completing the transition from light to dark. .

Freemasonry is still in the Holden area, and it still has a very good power. If Freemasonry intends to compete head-on with an unknown enemy, this power will be a qualified help. It can provide guidance, safe station, instant feedback of enemy situation, basic material support, evacuation channel protection and so on.

This also means that the Masonic Holden branch appears to have completely withdrawn from the area, but the losses to the headquarters are very limited.

However, Freemasonry is not popular, and Creston still loses the post of inspector general.

Did not feel surprised about this, but instead gave a sigh of relief.

The post of ‘Inspector General’ was in place. He has been sitting for more than 4 years, and his performance has been mediocre in the past year, which is in jeopardy.

But some of the duties in the meeting were like climbing a mountain. It was not easy to get up and down. It was only a handful of his predecessors who stepped down safely anyway.

This time he lost his job for some reason, but in fact his performance was not bad. It was just that Freemasonry has always been unpopular. Therefore, while losing his job, he was compensated at the same time. That kind of clean water government, even if Enron turned around, he believes that if he can do something more quietly behind his back, he can achieve peace of mind, which is equivalent to making two years of good money.

Is Cecil. His Holden sub-minister position is currently very hot. The headquarters seems to be generous, without any job, let him continue to take credit, in fact, he is not relentless and roasted on the fire.

For this reason, Cecil did not scold his mother behind him. After all, he even handed over the capital of the Holden area (the latent system), but he still refused to give up, and it was too vicious.

Actually this is a lot of stuffiness.

For the Masonic headquarters, under the background of serious internal hilltopism, Cecil sold Holton's house completely and cleanly, although it did a good job, but it did not have the intention of dumping the pot.

Because Holden is not an iron plate, but this one headed by Cecil has the strongest strength and good means, so in general Hold stays.

However, with a series of manpower losses, Cecil's strength and prestige have fallen a lot, and he is facing the problem of greatly reduced dominance. Selling his family clean this time is equal to losing his own money. Don't make others good.

This means that the latent system can be used, but it is only theoretical, in fact, how to know the specific after dealing with it.

Playing this kind of tricks that seem to be full of flowers, but in fact hidden, but also want to make the headquarters laugh, are people really blind?

So Cecil failed to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Of course, there are more complicated factors, such as the two legendary powerhouses Apocia and Eddington, but they are both signed by Cecil. This relationship, the headquarters staff will also weigh in how much to make a decision to prevent Cecil from anxious to explode.

In fact, there are some misunderstandings here. Eddington, Apocia, and Cecil are not as familiar as everyone in the Freemason headquarters thought.

The reason why there is no lion's big opening in terms of quick response to summons and price is mainly because the two strong men have their own timeliness.

The specific reason is actually very simple. Creston represents the headquarters of Freemasonry. Any legendary strongman who takes orders through this line will inevitably consider such a question: Is my order equivalent to being a substitute for Freemasonry? cannon fodder?

And Cecil represents the area, the level itself is one level lower, and it is still a remote area. After taking the order, it is natural to think: How big can the poor country be?

Think of Eddington and Apocia, who do n’t have a god-level platform, and they will naturally make money for stability.

It is the same today. After the Magic Crystal Mine left the battle, the two sighed in sorrow, and then stopped the loss in time, saying that they continued to blend in. According to the contract, they took some disposable magic supplies for the consumption fee and quickly flashed people, and It is the car that has already been advanced before the specific settlement is completed.

This series of situations makes C Kane secretly concerned interesting.

In his memory, there are not many cases of high-level or strong individuals in the society who are generally so sharp and shrewd.

It's like those celebrities who have gradually become detached from the masses after becoming famous and are no longer grounded.

After all, in any social group, the higher the status, the more serious the tendency toward politicization.

While C Kane was interested, he also naturally warned that the over-ripe world has fallen into the black hole of the end of the road in terms of power throughput, but the great maturity of various technologies has made up for it to a certain extent. Its shortcomings cannot be overlooked. It can even be said that the old Yin beeps all over the place, with the straightforwardness of the brain and the other people who may not be able to play, maybe he loses a dog by accident, so he is more greeted.

C Kane's interest in this world is growing, and the behavior of the Firearms fleet soon begins to have a more delicate style that belongs to him.

As the Freemason forces withdrew from the Holden area in an all-round way, C Caine also demanded that his own forces quickly change from light to dark.

Therefore, when the church and even the peep of the gods were cast into Qiuzhai and the Demon Quarry Mine, nothing valuable was seen.

If you change to Marvel 199999, in the face of such a situation, even if it is still SHIELD, it will not leave too much manpower for long-term observation. After all, manpower is also a waste.

In this world, where there is no shortage of old beeping sounds, the environment seems to be standing still, but the undercurrent surging world has actually caused more vigilance and attention.

In this way, the Holden area quickly formed a peculiar colosseum and storm eye. There were many secretly concerned bigwigs or powerful forces, but none of them showed muscles but waited in vain. , Waiting for the performer to take the stage.

The situation of high-level games is such a situation, people at the bottom are not aware of it, so like the self-leveling of water, the vacant position of Freemasonry quickly becomes fat in the eyes of some individuals or forces. It started to show up, but it was busy.

Zhao Wenrui was awakened against such a background.

He acted rashly, it is impossible to sleep for a whole winter.

After all, hibernation is relatively low consumption, not zero consumption, and he did not make relevant preparations in advance.

So after only 40 days of sleep, he was thinner than Huang Hua and was awakened by hunger.

However, this time there was no erosion of the divine power to digest, nor did I set a hibernation time through self-psychological suggestion in advance, so the wear and tear situation was relatively limited, and there was no hunger to lose phase, and there was no embarrassment to eat immediately.

But these are not the key points. The key point is that wine can't relieve worry, and can't accumulate motivation to sleep.

In exchange for a long sleep, it was only emotional calm.

Think a little bit about the things related to spiritual practice. Zhao Wenrui was bored and bored, and was totally uninterested.

He pushed open the rock of the hole, and the cold wind mixed with snowflakes rushed face to face, blowing pain on his face, and it was like cutting meat with a small blade.

"I'm afraid it's minus 40 degrees, it's really a cold winter!" Zhao Wenrui slandered in the heart, huddled and began to trek.

There was no food in his stomach, and the cold wind quickly made him taste what is Tongxinliang and his heart twitched when frozen.

But the druid's powerful vitality is enough to save his life, it is nothing more than suffering.

And these painful, winter scenes with the desolation and bleakness are more and more prone to self-pity. Zhao Wenrui recalled his experience, and he couldn't help but feel sad and almost wept.

Compared to this starvation, the endless solitude is the real pain. This mournful, nowhere to vent, it is difficult to resolve, only backlog, this is the real reason for his emotional out of control.

He was originally on the way to Hejian City, and it is still in this direction. Even if there are some villages along the way, he is too lazy to enter. After going through the Qiuzhai and Mojing mines, he has no positive expectations for people in this world. Now he only wants to enjoy some civilized conveniences through trading, such as clothing, food, housing and transportation, and at the same time, try to deal with people as little as possible.

When he arrived at Hejian City, the sunset had already gone down and the bridge gate of Hejian City was about to close.

The guards who guarded the city saw Zhao Wenrui alone, disgraced, and suddenly bullied, reaching out: "One silver coin for the city entrance fee."

This has risen more than ten times!

Zhao Wenrui, who was already in a bad mood, suddenly got angry, took a long breath before he could bear the pressure, and found a silver coin and handed it to the other party.

When he ransacked the Mojing Mine, it was considered to have robbed a rich man and saved his own poor, and there was no shortage of gold and silver in his hands.

Then, what he gave was quite happy, but the guards did not stop because of this, because Zhao Wenrui's expressionless face made him feel uncomfortable. In addition to fraudulent money, he also wanted to see Zhao Wenrui's whispering pleading.

So the guard threw a covert and jokingly said: "Not enough, it has risen, just when you paid the money, it has passed the gate of the gate of the city, delaying us to close the gate of the city, there is no 1 gold, you are at the door tonight It's freezing outside. "

Zhao Wenrui's eyes instantly became obscure, and the momentum was released (spiritual force field), which suddenly gave the guards a thrilling feeling facing the giant Warcraft, and subconsciously took two steps back.

After all, Zhao Wenrui still suppressed his anger and turned away, because such a person, such a thing, caused a series of continuous wars, not worth it.

The result was that the guard was killed. He felt that Zhao Wenrui was stunned and took two steps back. He chuckled and looked down at his colleague.

Although Zhao Wenrui probably reached out well, he did not dare to challenge the Hejiancheng official. He suddenly felt confident and yelled: "Stop! I now suspect that you are a spy, and my intentions are wrong, I ..."

The last half of the sentence could not be finished. Zhao Wenrui's stomach was completely blown up, and he suddenly turned around and raised his hand. Youying Vine was like a thorny bush in full bloom, directly piercing the body of the guard's limbs.

In the light of the swaying torch, the expression on Zhao Wenrui's face showed unprecedented fierceness. He stepped forward and gritted his teeth at the guard who was constantly bleeding in his mouth: "If you can die today, I TM Your grandson! "

During the speech, small silk vines emerged from the shadow vines and entangled in all directions. These vines with sharp fine thorns are like wire saws. Every time they are pulled, they will have a saw meat effect, especially a drill. After entering the flesh, the ultimate pain was born.

The innumerable silk vines act simultaneously, and the effect is more terrible than punishment.

In order to extend the pain to the greatest extent, Zhao Wenrui did not hesitate to use a high-level healing technique for the guards.

The guards collapsed directly within 2 seconds and issued a painful scream that was not human-like.

But this does not satisfy Zhao Wenrui. For him, the evil fire is full of vents now and must be released!

The other guards who were not far away were naturally shocked at this moment. For at least seven years, nothing happened in front of the gate of the Hejian city that dared to provoke the city guards in this way, or even the powerful people behind them.

Is precisely this reason, so that their reaction is a bit slow.

But Zhao Wenrui is not slow. On the contrary, after he launches an attack, the fast ones can bring afterimages.

The guards hadn't pulled out their weapons or screamed, and Zhao Wenrui was killed.

And for the guards, what they can see is the big paw that almost fills the entire field of vision!

It is a huge claw belonging to a fierce earth dragon. It is strong, powerful and deformed, like a sharp sickle head with a few handles inlaid on a wooden pile.

Armor, flesh, bones ... nothing can block the deformed claws with the magic light of the iron gray shadow!

Mars, rags, blood, and minced meat were blasted in the piercing cutting sound. Several guards were like water-filled and internally pressured water sacs were completely cut, and the blood spattered through a strange The eruption effect is very abnormal and extremely tragic.

However, their death is just the beginning of this killing.

Soon, near the city gate, on the city tower, on the city road, the city guards became the targets of Zhao Wenrui's vent.

The most terrifying thing is that even if this kind of emotional out-of-control madness vents, Zhao Wenrui still maintains a calmness. This is where his special talent ‘God Me’ comes into play.

He prepared the tactics almost the first time. Instead of using space-like spells to trigger the magic alarm in the city gate area, but after blessing the grace of the cat, he killed by pure high-speed raid.

Moreover, he almost rushed to the gate building, killing the guard officer who could release the magical help signal, and bound the alarm with the shadow vine so that it could not ring.

Then came a hurricane-like slaughter, and all the people wearing city guards in the nearby area failed to escape the disaster.

Under the state of full spell blessing, there is no one on the scene who is the enemy of the shadow template druid of the hero template. Zhao Wenrui acts as a death-dead.

When the masters of the City Guard arrived with their men and women, except for a few trembling and almost mentally disturbed passersby in the Qiaomen District, the rest were **** corpses, none of which were intact, most of them It is cut into many pieces, even if it is connected, it is also a layer of skin or simply rely on clothing armor.

The abnormal splashing of blood has exacerbated the tragic effect of crushing corpses with claws. The area of ​​the tower where the death is most concentrated looks like a devil's prison room dedicated to killing souls. Even the long-term battles are seen. Nausea.

The only thing that did n’t die was the guard ~ ~ At the moment, I was enjoying the last procedure, the pain of the torture, the rich barbecue flavor and the scream of sternness, finally let some supporting city guards no longer be able to endure Vomit on the spot.

The head of the City Guard is naturally green with anger. In order to restore the information, not only have all witnesses been captured and repeatedly interrogated, but also a large price for soul interrogation through the church.

A large part of the city guards who died were believers. These souls will go to the **** kingdom of their gods after their deaths, which is the object of soul interrogation.

So, the general course of things, it didn't take long to check it out. The city guards hated their teeth and bleed to the gums. The guard's family failed to survive the night and was tied to a wooden post and burned alive. Many city guards were asked to line up to observe the sentence.

Such a fierce behavior is mainly because the order has been issued. It has been repeatedly pointed out that it is an extraordinary period now, and the City Guards must abide by discipline and do not engage in trouble.

However, there were still guards who took three orders and five orders, resulting in such a huge loss. The officers of the City Guard were punished from top to bottom. It was strange that the guards who caused the incident could be better.

Of course, the lord of Hejiancheng did not intend to forgive the perpetrators.

And the murderer did not go far. In the dark of the lamp, Zhao Wenrui was hiding in the river city ...

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